One definition of stability in regard to aircraft is:
The quality of an aircraft in flight which causes it to return to a condition of equilibrium when meeting a disturbance.[1]
There were efforts to make aircraft more stable in the air, and so this is a technological category for patents and publications.
Lawrence Hargrave made a useful finding that box kites were more stable than flat kites in the wind, and this led to the development of biplanes.
Some inventors focused on designing self-correcting systems, in which a tilt in one direction would predictably cause a compensatory corrective force.
Maxim, 1909, Artificial and Natural Flight, p. 92:
A ship at sea has only to be steered in a horizontal direction; the water in which it is floated assures its stability in a vertical direction; but when a flying machine is once launched in the air, it has to be steered in two directions—that is, the vertical and the horizontal. Moreover, it is constantly encountering air currents that are moving with a much higher velocity than any water currents that have ever to be encountered. It is, therefore, evident that, as far as vertical steering is concerned, it should be automatic.
(He recommends the gyroscope as the only acceptable means for accomplishing this type of stability.)
Stability versus control
Stability is closely related to the issue of how the pilot can control the aircraft (navigation or piloting), as the pilot may be able to accomplish through directed control the object of restoring the aircraft to a stable course. According to aviation historian Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith, the European engineers of the first decade in the twentieth century were wedded to the "inherent stability" model, while the Wright Brothers had chosen to develop control systems.[2]
Crouch, 1981, p. 36, writes on the same subject:
Most experimenters chose simply to ignore the possibility of active pilot control in roll. Following the lead of French experimenter Alphonse Pénaud, they sought to perfect a mechanism that would guarantee absolute inherent lateral stability. This would mean that a flaying machine would proceed on a straight and level course, with the pilot intervening only when changing direction or altitude. Thus, a simple mechanism such as building dihedral into the wings, which would provide some measure of stability in roll, was substituted for an active control system. The rudder alone would be used to swing the aircraft around in a slow, flat turn, perhaps assisted by some device that could increase air resistance on the pivoting wing.
A number of factors explain this emphasis on automatic stability. Many students of the atmosphere were so convinced that upper-air gusts and currents shifted so rapidly as to defeat human reflexes. They believed that a mechanism that could "sense" these changes and automatically maintain the craft on an even keel was required. [...]
Just as important, however, is the fact that few experimenters really sought to develop a finished aircraft, complete with adequate controls. Most felt that the first task was to demonstrate a simple straight-line flight with a man on board. Once this had been accomplished, they argued, full attention could be given to control.
Automatic stability of the Airplane
Throughout our data we find specifically “automatic airplane stability”, achieved by way of several fairly distinct and quantifiable modalities. Though it is highly unlikely that any innovation oriented towards stability would be designed to involve undue burden on the aviator, we may want to subcategorize this further.
We have extensive publications on issues of automatic stability, on false claims thereto, on "dangers" thereof, on relations between "automatic" and other.
Patent FR-1912-455480 is a case of interest emphasizing innovations in control which are applicable whether "automatic" or "optional".
In contrast, at least semantically, Patent FR-1911-434663, along with its addition, gives us an example of stability which is not only "automatic" but "required", or "imperative".
Patent FR-1910-424474 and its addition give us an instance in which automatic airplane stability, achieved via control wind resistance, is conjointly manifest with speed regulation, or "cruise control".
Patent US-1908-927605 has the properties of automatic stability and also allows for direct adjustment by the pilot.
Distinct and fundamental principles upon which stability is based, automatically or otherwise
Over time, drawing from received patent data, we notice 3-4 semi-distinct principles through which airplane stability achieved. These all corresponding tech areas. Any perusal of pendulum or gyroscope results, for instance, will show a prevalence of stability and-or the clearly related equilibrium.
- pendulum
- gyroscope
- aerodynamics, Sam Leonard Walkden being an inventor with an emphasis on this field, and its applicability to stability and automatic stability, as reflected both in his patents and in his publications ; Walkden's Patent GB-1915-9370 takes this aerodynamics focus, tangent to incidence, and builds upon it, still focused on automatic stability, and bringing in the capacities of the gyroscope.
- wing warping
- propellers; this is rare, in terms of cross-reference with stability
- incidence
Particular cases
- Patent FR-1906-364747 achieves automatic stability via a combination of the effects of aerodynamics and the pendulum.
- Patent FR-1909-400762, of Édouard Dulière, uses the weight of the pilot in the assurance of stability.
- Patent GB-1910-6051, Sam Leonard Walkden, uses specifically wind-driven "fans" in the furtherance of automatic stability.
- The above-mentioned principles are not mutually exclusive in terms of their applicability to airplane stability. Patent FR-1910-433152 of Louis Marmonier makes use of both the pendulum and the gyroscope. It also has to do with incidence-related control of the elements of automatic stability.
- Patent FR-1910-416049 of Hector-Georges Villeneuve achieves automatic stability of the airplane via the overall aerodynamics of its design, with particular focus on its “gouvernail-équilibreur”.
- Patent FR-1910-419471 of Wilhelm Heine maintains stability and equilibrium by way of a telescopic apparatus connected via cables to various aerodynamic and other components, the tubes constituting the telescopic apparatus behaving responsively, with a pendulum also being involved.
- Patent FR-1910-423459 gives automatic stability in a manner integrated with all surfaces and apparatus of control and steering.
- Patent FR-1911-431914 features aircraft stability, and likely automatic stability, by way of aerodynamics, that is, stability achieved by way of mobile ailerons governed ultimately by a pendulum.
- Patent FR-1911-433494 takes the gyration of air currents created in the interests of propulsion, and uses this force or energy in the interests of stability and sustentation.
- Patent FR-1911-437060 of Benoît-Fortuné Martel dit Baillaud very cleanly emphasizes the pendulum, with a perfect pendulum constituting the patents sole diagram.
- Patent FR-1911-428887 is an exceedingly odd vehicle, and needs further study, also uses air currents created in the interests of propulsion, condensing this air, and maximizes its effects, towards various ends including those of stability, which would be automatic.
- Patent GB-1912-483, of William Jacob Wilson, achieves automatic stability, applicable both to HTA and LTA, via the pendulum.
- Patent FR-1912-444465 apparently has to do with using the aerodynamics of the overall fuselage design to attain automatic stability, in all of its applications, stability during flight, the avoidance of falls, and the prevention of violent landings.
- Patent FR-1912-449431 is a case in which inertia is specifically and titularly emphasized as the means employed in the interests of stability.
- Patent FR-1914-469662 of Pierre-Ambjorn Sparre features a pendulum, or even a fairly simple weight, which hangs beneath the aircraft, and thus achieves stability.
- Patent BE-1914-266877 is stability achieved by way of a vertical-axis propellers situated above the pilot, with a clear emphasis on the stability being specifically “réglable”, as opposed to “automatique”.
- The work of Attila Pédery and Desiderius Varsányi and Aladar Zoltán, descending from a purported Patent HU-1913-Pédery-Varsányi-Zoltán, and fleshed out in Patent FR-1914-469080 and Patent GB-1914-4306, consists in automatic stability activated via the buoyancy or upward thrust of a liquid. This stabilizer is positively connected to the lift and stability planes of the aircraft. This principle is treated as an advance over related attempts focused on the pendulum and the gyroscope.
- Patent FR-1914-469719 provides for automatic stability and also allows for stability-oriented control by hand.
- Patent GB-1916-104346 of Carl Alfred Johansson involves a frame, “pivotally mounted on the machine”, that is, distinct from the frame of or within the aircraft itself, this additional frame aiding in the furtherance of automatic stability.
Patent reports
This wiki has 5 patents in category "Stability". Other techtypes related to Stability: AT 63b, Ballast, Ballonet, Carène, CH 96g, CPC B64C17/00, CPC B64C17/02, CPC B64C17/06, CPC B64C5/00, CPC B64C5/02, CPC B64D27/023, CPC F42B10/06, CPC F42B10/12, CPC F42B10/26, CPC F42B10/30, Cybernetics, Empennage, Fighter airplane, Keel, Pratt truss, Quille, Springs, Tail fin, USPC 244/177, USPC 244/179, USPC 244/3.1, USPC 244/3.12, USPC 244/3.21, USPC 244/3.23, USPC 244/3.24, USPC 244/3.26, USPC 244/3.27, USPC 244/3.28, USPC 244/3.29, USPC 244/3.3, USPC 244/76, USPC 244/80, USPC 244/91, USPC 244/92, USPC 244/93, Winglets
Patents in category Stability
- Patent US-1909-1000697 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Paul Schmitt, Filing date: 1909-09-22)
- Patent US-1911-1000711 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: William D. Burk, Filing date: 1911-05-13)
- Patent FR-1911-433465.14701 (English title: Mechanism to assure equilibrium and direction for aeroplanes, Inventors: Guido Castagneris, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-433465 • Patent IT-1911-06-13 Guido Castagneris, Filing date: 1911-08-22)
- Patent FR-1913-465942 (English title: Use of fluid pressure in sustentation, propulsion, and stabilization of apparatus, Inventors: Lin-Marius Mannent, Filing date: 1913-10-03)
- Patent FR-1917-511346 (English title: Dirigible with divided nacelle close to the balloon, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Filing date: 1917-06-28)
Publications referring to Stability
- Lelasseux and Marque, 1909, L'aéroplane pour tous, suivi d'une note de M. P. Painlevé sur les deux écoles d'aviation (Simple title: The airplane for everyone. Followed by the two flying schools, by Mr. Painlevé)
- Lelasseux and Marque, 1910, L'aéroplane pour tous (in Russian) (Simple title: The airplane for everyone. The two flying schools, by Mr. Painlevé.)
- Kennedy, 1909, Flying Machines (Simple title: Flying Machines)
- Cayley, 1843, Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed (Simple title: Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Crocé-Spinelli, 1869, Stabilité des appareils destinés à se mouvoir dans l'air (Simple title: Stability of devices intended to move in the air, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Brown, 1873, The aeroplane (Simple title: The aeroplane, Journal: Annual Report of the Aëronautical Society of Great Britain)
- Louvrié, 1878, Stabilité absolue de l'oiseau dans l'air. Conditions de cette stabilité (Simple title: Absolute stability of the bird in the air. Conditions of this stability, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Du Hauvel d' Audreville, 1878, Étude de l'équilibre et de la stabilité d'un cerf-volant du poids total de cent kilogrammes (Simple title: Study of the balance and stability of a kite with a total weight of 100 kilograms, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Louvrié, 1880, Stabilité absolue de l'oiseau dans l'air. Vol Ramé (Simple title: Absolute stability of the bird in the air. Rame flight, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Pillet, 1885, Equilibre du cerf-volant (Simple title: Balance of the kite, Journal: Comptes Rendus de l'Afas, Congrés de Grenoble)
- Hervé, 1886, Sur les ascensions maritimes appliquées à la météorologie (Simple title: On maritime meteorological ascensions, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Hervé, 1886, Sur les ascensions maritimes appliquées à la météorologie (Simple title: On maritime meteorological ascensions, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication 2011, 1893, Conference sur l'aérostation et le navire aérien dirigeable (à gaz combinés) de L. A. Boisset (Simple title: Lecture on Aerostation and L. A. Boisset's (Combined Gas) Airship)
- Publication 2011, 1893, Conference sur l'aérostation et le navire aérien dirigeable (à gaz combinés) de L. A. Boisset (Simple title: Lecture on Aerostation and L. A. Boisset's (Combined Gas) Airship)
- Chase, 1894, The coming railroad. The Chase-Kirchner aerodromic system of transportation (Simple title: The Chase-Kirchner aerodromic system of transportation)
- Kress, 1896, Die Stabilität von Drachenfliegern (Simple title: The stability of hang gliders, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Kress, 1896, Ueber die Stabilität des Drachenfliegers in ruhiger und bewegter Luft (Simple title: About the stability of the Drachenflieger in calm and moving air, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Marvin, 1897, The Mechanics and Equilibrium of Kites (Simple title: The Mechanics and Equilibrium of Kites)
- Tatin et Richet, 1897, Expériences faites avec un aéroplane mû par la vapeur (Simple title: Experiments made with an airplane propelled by steam, Journal: Rev. Ind.)
- Tatin and Richet, 1897, Expériences faites avec un aéroplane mû par la vapeur (1) (Simple title: Experiments with a steam powered airplane (1), Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Ahlborn, 1897, Der Schwebflug und die Fallbewegung ebener Tafeln in der Luft, Stabilität der Flugapparate (Simple title: The hover flight and the falling motion of plane boards in the air. About the stability of the flying machines. Special copy from volume XV of the 'Treatises in the field of science.')
- Johnson, 1897, How to Advance the Science of Aeronautics (Simple title: How to Advance the Science of Aeronautics, Journal: Aeronautical Journal)
- Lobiner, 1899, Stabilität und Nutzleistung der Luftschiffmotoren. Doppelmotor eines Schaubenluftschiffes; Ringball; Doppelball (Simple title: Stability and efficiency of the airship engines. Double engine of a Schaub airship; Ringball; double ball, Journal: Kriegstechn. Zeitschr.)
- Die Königlich Preußische Luftschiffer-Abteilung, Berlin 1884-1901 (Simple title: Royal Prussian Airship-Division, Berlin¸ 1884–1901)
- Publication 99, 1902, Aerial versus wheel machines (Simple title: Aerial versus wheel machines, Journal: Aer. World)
- Surcouf, 1902, L'aéronautique maritime (Simple title: Maritime aeronautics (balance, static stabilizers, hydraulic compensators, deflection, principles, lamellar paragliders, lamellar deflector, suspension and nacelle, slowing and stopping devices, control devices), Journal: Mém. C. R. Trav. Soc. Ing. Civ. France)
- W. E., 1902, A simple aerial machine (Simple title: A simple aerial machine, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 63, 1902, Laws and conditions governing practical airships (Simple title: Laws and conditions governing practical airships, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 62, 1902, Irish's aerial machines--Alexander 1-2 (Simple title: Irish's aerial machines--Alexander 1-2, Journal: Aer. World)
- G. B., 1903, Santos-Dumont et l'équilibre vertical des ballons (Simple title: Santos-Dumont and the vertical balance of balloons, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 469, 1903, The Airship Ezekiel (Simple title: The Airship Ezekiel, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 2706, 1903, Octave Chanute in Wien (Simple title: Octave Chanute in Wien, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 11465, 1904, La stabilità del dirigibili (Simple title: The stability of the airships, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Williams and Bryan, 1904, The longitudinal stability of aeroplane gliders (Simple title: The longitudinal stability of aeroplane gliders, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Torres, 1905, Sur la stabilité longitudinale des ballons dirigeables (Simple title: On the longitudinal stability of airships, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Galletti, 1906, La stabilità degli aeroplani secondo il Bryan ed il Cap. Ferber (part 1) (Simple title: The stability of the airplanes according to Bryan and Cap. Ferber (part 1), Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Galletti, 1906, La stabilità degli aeroplani secondo il Bryan ed il Cap. Ferber (part 2) (Simple title: The stability of the airplanes according to Bryan and Cap. Ferber (part 2), Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Seux, 1906, Sulla stabilità degli aeroplani (Simple title: On the stability of airplanes, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Seux, 1906, Sur la stabilité des aéroplanes et la construction rationelle des plans sustentateurs (Simple title: On the stability of airplanes and the rational construction of lift planes, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Bois, 1906, Les cerfs-volants et leurs applications militaires (Simple title: Kites and their military applications)
- Espitallier, 1906, Le dirigeable Lebaudy en 1905 (Simple title: The airship Lebaudy in 1905, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Juteau, 1907, La stabilité (Simple title: Stability, Journal: La Rev. Aviat.)
- Leyat, 1907, Équilibre and stabilité des aéroplanes (2) (Simple title: Balance and stability of airplanes, Journal: La Rév. Aviat.)
- Leyat, 1907, Équilibre and stabilité des aéroplanes (1) (Simple title: Balance and stability of airplanes, Journal: La Rév. Aviat.)
- Publication 5083, 1907, Longitudinal stability (Simple title: Longitudinal stability, Journal: Knowl. & Illus. Scient. News)
- Publication 7693, 1907, Longitudinal stability. G. H. Bryan (Simple title: Longitudinal stability. G. H. Bryan, Journal: Knowl. Illus. Scient. News)
- Publication 7241, 1907, Lateral stability. Hele-Shaw (Simple title: Lateral stability. Hele-Shaw, Journal: Knowl. Illus. Scient. News)
- Publication 9746, 1907, Pigeon Vole.' Sur la stabilité des aéroplanes (Simple title: Pigeon Fly. ' On the stability of airplanes, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Seux, 1907, La stabilité des aéroplanes et la construction rationelle des plans sustentateurs (Simple title: The stability of airplanes and the rational construction of lift planes, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Turnbull, 1907, Researches on the forms and stability of aeroplanes (Simple title: Researches on the forms and stability of aeroplanes, Journal: Physical Review)
- Voisin, Voisin, Ferber, and Joliot, 1907, La stabilité par réflexes (Simple title: Reflex stability, Journal: La Rev. Aviat.)
- Publication 160, 1907, Aeromobiles soon to be on the market (Simple title: Aeromobiles soon to be on the market, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Clouth, 1907, Das zweite französische Militärluftschiff 'Patrie' (Simple title: The second French military airship, 'Patrie', Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bell, 1908, On the gyroscopic action of propellers (Simple title: On the gyroscopic action of propellers, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Hersey, 1908, Experiences In the sky (Simple title: Experiences In the sky, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Kromer, 1908, Nochmals der Kreisel im Dienste der Stabilitätserhaltung (Simple title: Again the gyroscope in the service of stability maintenance, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Lanchester, 1908, Laws of flight. 1. Theory of sustentation. 2. Theory of stability (Simple title: Laws of flight. 1. Theory of sustentation. 2. Theory of stability, Journal: Eng. Mech. World Sci.)
- Ludlow, 1908, The latest Ludlow aeroplane (Simple title: The latest Ludlow aeroplane, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Mallock, 1908, Flying machines and their stability (Simple title: Flying machines and their stability, Journal: Nature)
- Quignasse, 1908, La stabilité d'un aéroplane (Simple title: The stability of an airplane, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Wenham, 1908, Stability of aëroplane support for flying machines (Simple title: Stability of aëroplane support for flying machines, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Zwick, 1908, Die Stabilität von Flugapparaten (Simple title: The stability of aircraft, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 2229, 1908, British Army airship reconstructed (Simple title: British Army airship reconstructed, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Selfridge, 1908, A device for raising and depressing an aerodrome or aeroplane while keeping the machine on an even keel (Simple title: A device for raising and depressing an aerodrome or aeroplane while keeping the machine on an even keel, Journal: Bulletins of the Aerial Experiment Association)
- Selfridge, 1908, A device for raising and depressing an aerodrome or aeroplane while keeping the machine on an even keel (Simple title: A device for raising and depressing an aerodrome or aeroplane while keeping the machine on an even keel, Journal: Bulletins of the Aerial Experiment Association)
- Wrights, 1908, The Wright Brothers' aeroplane (Simple title: The Wright Brothers' aeroplane, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Eckener, 1908, Stabilität und Steuerbarkeit in der Vertikalebene bei Motorluftschiffen (Simple title: Stability and controllability in the vertical plane in engine airships, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- André, 1908, De la stabilité des aéroplanes pour les monoplanes (Simple title: Airplane stability for monoplanes, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Balston, 1908, Stable progression and the wedge shape (Simple title: Stable progression and the wedge shape, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Lorin, 1909, Parachute et anti-capotage (Simple title: Parachute and anti-rollover, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Publication 717, 1909, A propos de la stabilité des aéroplanes (Simple title: About the stability of airplanes, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 9408, 1909, Ormeggio e stabilità di un dirigibile con forti venti (Simple title: Mooring and stability of an airship with strong winds, Journal: Riv. Techn. Aer. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Kindelán, 1909, Globos Dirigibles (Simple title: Dirigible Balloons)
- Soreau, 1909, État actuel et avenir de l'aviation (Simple title: Current state and future of aviation)
- Bertin, 1909, Stabilité transversale des aéroplanes (Simple title: Transverse stability of airplanes, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Marmonnier, 1909, Un stabilisateur automatique pour aeroplanes. Le Pendule à gyroscope Marmoinnier (Simple title: An automatic stabilizer for airplanes. The Marmoinnier pendulum with gyroscope, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication B2p1272e16, 1909, A new plea for automatic stability. A reply to some criticisms (Simple title: A new plea for automatic stability. A reply to some criticisms, Journal: Aero)
- Publication B2p1272e15, 1909, Inventions for obtaining perfect automatic stability (Simple title: Inventions for obtaining perfect automatic stability, Journal: Aero)
- Sorenson, 1909, Gliding from a hot air balloon (Simple title: Gliding from a hot air balloon, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Cantelou, 1909, Études sur l'aviation (Simple title: Study on aviation)
- The Aero, 1909, Saul Experimental Flying Machine (Simple title: The Saul Experimental Flying Machine, Journal: The Aero)
- The Aero, 1909, Gunton-Howard Gravity Balance (Simple title: The Gunton-Howard Gravity Balance)
- Wright and Wright, 1909, Como hemos conquistado el aire (Simple title: How we have conquered the air, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Revista de Locomoción Aérea, 1909, Aeroplano de G. Brunet (Simple title: G. Brunet's airplane, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Brunet y Viadera, 1910, Curso de Aviación (Simple title: Course of aviation)
- Fox, 1910, Stability (Simple title: Stability, Journal: Aero)
- Clarke, 1910, Stability of the Clarke glider (Simple title: Stability of the Clarke glider, Journal: Flight)
- Krarup, 1910, Studies in aviation theory and practice (Simple title: Studies in aviation theory and practice, Journal: The Automobile)
- Melin, 1910, Suggested improvement in aeroplanes. Velocity and stability (Simple title: Suggested improvement in aeroplanes. Velocity and stability, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication B2p1264e03, 1910, Natural stability v. quickness of control (Simple title: Natural stability v. quickness of control, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p1272e08, 1910, Automatic stability in aeroplanes (Simple title: Automatic stability in aeroplanes, Journal: Engineering)
- Stephens, 1910, A new control (Simple title: A new control, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Walkden, 1910, Propellers as stabilizers in flyers (Simple title: Propellers as stabilizers in flyers, Journal: Flight)
- Vaniman, 1910, The voyage of the America (Simple title: The voyage of the America, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Publication B2p1049e15, 1910, Pendulum stability (Simple title: Pendulum stability, Journal: Flight)
- Mees, 1910, Flugmaschine (Simple title: Flying machine with spinning stabilizer and vertical-propeller steering, System Mees, for about 400 kg load, Journal: Automobil-Rundschau)
- Publication B2p1264e13, 1910, The stability of aeroplanes. II (Simple title: The stability of aeroplanes. II, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Armengaud, 1910, Stabilité des aéroplanes (Simple title: Aeroplane stability, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Heitman, 1910, Lilienthal (Simple title: Lilienthal, Journal: Aircraft)
- Young, 1910, Banking (Simple title: Banking, Journal: Aircraft)
- Armengaud jeune, 1910, Estudio de las causas de los accidentes de aeroplanos (Simple title: Study of the causes of airplane accidents, and means which are proposed to avoid them, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Cox, 1911, A stable tail-less model (Simple title: A stable tail-less model, Journal: Aero)
- Fullerton and Bryan, 1911, Stability and aviation (Simple title: Stability and aviation, Journal: Aër. Journ)
- Advisory Committee, 1910, Technical Report of the Advisory Committee for the year 1910-1911 (Simple title: Technical Report of the Advisory Committee for the year 1910-1911)
- Hubbard, Ledeboer, and Turner, 1911, the Aeroplane (Simple title: The Aeroplane)
- Le Maitre, 1911, Natural Stability (Simple title: Natural Stability)
- Shuman, 1911, Automatic stability in aeroplanes (Simple title: Automatic stability in aeroplanes, Journal: Yale Scientific Monthly)
- Thurston, 1911, The stability of aeroplanes. An investigation of the air pressure on aeroplane surfaces (Simple title: The stability of aeroplanes. An investigation of the air pressure on aeroplane surfaces, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Woodhouse, 1911, The evolution of aviation in 1911 (Simple title: The evolution of aviation in 1911, Journal: Aero Club of America Bulletin)
- Walkden, 1911, Propellers as disturbers of stability (Simple title: Propellers as disturbers of stability, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Evnevich, 1911, New construction of sustaining surfaces, monoplane-tandem and automatic stabilization (Simple title: New construction of sustaining surfaces, monoplane-tandem and automatic stabilization)
- Chwoles, 1911, Automatic stability (Simple title: Automatic stability)
- Bothezat, 1911, Problems ustoichivosti aeroplana (Simple title: Problems of aeroplane stability, Journal: Takhnika Vozdukhoplavaniia)
- Ruzer, 1911, Doutre's automatic stabilizator (Simple title: Doutre's automatic stabilizator, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Bouchard-Praceiq, 1911, La stabilisation des aéroplanes (Simple title: Airplane stabilization, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Allary fils, 1911, La question de stabilité (Simple title: The question of stability, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Lamothe, 1911, Stabilité (Simple title: Stability, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Cadaval, 1911, Navegação Aérea (Simple title: Aerial Navigation)
- Reber, 1912, An outline of the theory of ballooning (Simple title: An outline of the theory of ballooning, Journal: Journ. Frankl. Inst.)
- Addison, 1912, Natural stability (Simple title: Natural stability, Journal: Flight)
- Fuchs, 1912, Der Rotationsmotor und die Stabilität (Simple title: The rotary motor and stability, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Elpel, 1912, Die Schräglagenstabilisierung (Simple title: The incline stabilization, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Walkden, 1912, Aeroplanes in Gusts (Simple title: Aeroplanes in Gusts)
- Elpel, 1912, Steuerung und Stabilisierung von Drachenfliegern (Simple title: Control and stabilization of hang gliders, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Hall, 1912, Flexible wings and stability (Simple title: Flexible wings and stability, Journal: Flight)
- Katzmayr, 1912, Der Rotationsmotor und die Stabilität (Simple title: The rotary motor and stability, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Merrill, 1912, The concentration of weight in a flying machine and its effect on stability (Simple title: The concentration of weight in a flying machine and its effect on stability, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Ovington, 1912, Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes (Simple title: Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Prentice, 1912, Stability in model aeroplanes (Simple title: Stability in model aeroplanes, Journal: Fly)
- Publication B2p1272e13, 1912, Automatic v. inherent stability (Simple title: Automatic v. inherent stability, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p1272e10, 1912, Automatic stability, method of obtaining, invented by Mr. Cody (Simple title: Automatic stability, method of obtaining, invented by Mr. Cody, Journal: Aero)
- Publication B2p1264e02, 1912, Natural stability (Simple title: Natural stability, Journal: Aero)
- Sellers, 1912, Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes (Simple title: Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Spratt, 1912, An analysis of flight (Simple title: An analysis of flight, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Von Muffling, 1912, The effects of gyroscopic action. Gyroscopy enemy of stability (Simple title: The effects of gyroscopic action. Gyroscopy enemy of stability, Journal: Fly)
- Wright, 1912, Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes (Simple title: Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Sommer, 1912, Un stabilisateur de sûreté pour les avions (Simple title: A safety stabilizer for airplanes, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Servais and Orban, 1912, Le stabilisateur de sûreté (Simple title: The safety stabilizer, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Clarke, 1912, Gyrostatic vibration with two-bladed and four-bladed propellers (Simple title: Gyrostatic vibration with two-bladed and four-bladed propellers, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Mirguet, 1912, Sur la stabilité des aéroplanes (Simple title: On aircraft stability, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Clarke, 1912, Automatic Stability (Simple title: Automatic Stability with special reference to the Clarke-Johnson Gyroscopic Control, Journal: Flight)
- Bramwell, 1912, Aeronautical research at the National Physical Laboratory (Simple title: Aeronautical research at the National Physical Laboratory, Journal: Aër. Journ)
- Ovington, 1912, "Gyroscopic force" an overworked press-agent (Simple title: "Gyroscopic force" an overworked press-agent, Journal: Fly)
- Berriman, 1913, Some thoughts on stability and control (Simple title: Some thoughts on stability and control, Journal: Flight)
- Beach, 1913, The Etrich monoplanes. Description of several of the latest aeroplanes of the Austrian pioneer (Simple title: The Etrich monoplanes, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Merrill, 1913, Effect of distribution of weight on stability (Simple title: Effect of distribution of weight on stability, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Phipps, 1913, Inherent stability and how it is achieved in the Fokker monoplane (Simple title: Inherent stability and how it is achieved in the Fokker monoplane, Journal: Aircraft)
- Publication B2p0484e22, 1913, Solving the stability problem: the Fokker (Simple title: Solving the stability problem: the Fokker, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Publication B2p1277e08, 1913, Stability or skill (Simple title: Stability or skill, Journal: Flying)
- Publication B2p1275e21, 1913, An attempt to obtain a greater measure of longitudinal stability in a model (Simple title: An attempt to obtain a greater measure of longitudinal stability in a model, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p1263e20, 1913, Discussion on stability. With special reference to Mr. O'Gorman's and Mr. Dunne's papers presented on 29th January, 1913 (Simple title: Discussion on stability. With special reference to Mr. O'Gorman's and Mr. Dunne's papers presented on 29th January, 1913, Journal: Aër. Journ)
- Publication B2p1264e07, 1913, Some remarks on stability (Simple title: Some remarks on stability, Journal: Flight)
- Desmons, 1913, Sécurité et autostabilité (Simple title: Safety and autostability, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication B2p1264e12, 1913, Stabilité pendulaire (Simple title: Pendulum stability, Journal: L'Aéro-Mécanique)
- Dodd, 1914, Some notes on the principles of steering and stability in aeroplanes (Simple title: Some notes on the principles of steering and stability in aeroplanes, Journal: Flight)
- Dienstbach, 1914, The Wright automatic stabilizer for aeroplanes. Merits and faults of the patented device; how the actual stabilizer differs from that of the patent (Simple title: The Wright automatic stabilizer for aeroplanes. Merits and faults of the patented device; how the actual stabilizer differs from that of the patent, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Bose, 1914, On the equations of motion of a plane surface through air, with special reference to its stability (Constrained motion of a kite) (Simple title: On the equations of motion of a plane surface through air, with special reference to its stability (Constrained motion of a kite))
- Kauffmann, Paul A. G., 1914, La stabilité longitudinale automatique de forme (Simple title: Automatic longitudinal stability by way of design, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication B2p1264e01, 1914, Early American stability biplanes (Simple title: Early American stability biplanes, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p1263e21, 1914, Discussion on the stability of aeroplanes (Simple title: Discussion on 'The stability of aeroplanes', Journal: Flight)
- Stone, 1914, The Schilowsky gyroscope. Its adaptation for stabilizing ships and aeroplanes (Simple title: The Schilowsky gyroscope. Its adaptation for stabilizing ships and aeroplanes, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Varille, 1914, Les dispositifs stabilisateurs (Simple title: Stabilizing devices, Journal: L'Aérostation)
- Ch. L., 1914, La stabilité automatique des aéroplanes (Simple title: Automatic aircraft stability, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- Still, 1914, Selenium cell for automatic stability (Simple title: Selenium cell for automatic stability, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Sperry, 1915, Stability devices. Résumé of a lecture on stability and the Sperry gyroscopic stabilizer (Simple title: Stability devices. Résumé of a lecture on stability and the Sperry gyroscopic stabilizer, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Hunsaker, 1916, Stability of steering of a dirigible (Simple title: Stability of steering of a dirigible, Journal: Aircraft)
- Hunsaker, 1916, Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes (Simple title: Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Hartcup, 1974 (Simple title: The achievement of the airship)
- Les inspecteurs des finances : 1871-1919, Emmanuel Chadeau, (s.l.) : (s.é.), 1977, XV-112 p. Maîtrise : Histoire contemporaine : Lille 3 : 1977, sous la direction de M. Lévy-Leboyer. Bibliogr. p. VIII-IX (Simple title: The Financial Inspectors : 1871-1919)
- Davenport, 1978, Gyro (Simple title: Gyro!)
- Trimble 1981 (Simple title: George A. Spratt and the American Aeronautical Community, Journal: The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography)
- Chadeau, Emmanuel, 1985, État, Entreprise & Développement Économique : L’Industrie Aéronautique en France (1900-1940) Thèse pour le Doctorat, unpublished version (Simple title: State, Enterprise, and Economic Development: The aeronautic Industry in France (1900-1940), Journal: Doctoral thesis)
- Louis Blériot, industriel français (1872-1936), Sylvie Picchi, Villeneuve d’Ascq : Dactylogramme, 1990, 178 p. DEA : Histoire contemporaine : Lille 3 : 1993, sous la direction de M. Chadeau. Bibliogr. p. 156-178. Index. (Simple title: Louis Blériot, French Industrialist (1872-1936))
Enclosing categories | Simple tech terms |
Subcategories | Gyroscope, Pendulum, Aileron, Keel, Automatic stability |
Keywords | CPC B64C17/00, USPC 244/91, Airfoil |
Start year | |
End year |
- ↑ Aircraft Year Book, 1919, "Nomenclature for Aeronautics", Compiled from Report No. 9 of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, pp. 366–371.
- ↑ Gibbs-Smith, Aviation, 1970, pp. 111–112.