Patent US-1908-927605

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File:1909 - US927605 - Seiler - Fig2.png
Illustration of side view. Quote (emphasis added): "29, 29 represent pairs of balancing fins which are freely pivoted along their upper edges to the upper edges of pairs of inclined planes, 28, 28, formed by certain of the cloths 8, 8, in the particular construction illustrated in the drawing [...] Any transverse currents of air striking the machine on either side will tend to swing the balancing fins 29, 29, toward and from the adjacent inclined planes 28, 28, and thereby modify the effective area of the supporting planes so as to automatically counteract any tipping action which might otherwise result. That is to say, if a cross current strikes the left hand side of the machine, looking at Fig. 3, it will tend to swing the fin on that side up against the adjacent plane 28, as indicated in dotted lines and thereby reduce the effective area of said left hand fin to zero, while the rand hand fin will be forced out in the position shown in dotted lines and brought into effective position where it will be acted on by the current of air passing from the left to right so as to lift the right hand side of the machine and thereby overcome any tipping action. If the action is not entirely automatic, or if the operator desires to vary the supporting action of the planes to correspond to any shifting of the center of gravity of the machine, the fins can be positively controlled by the operator seizing either one of the tillers, 32, 32."

Description: Thick cylinder shape, frame composed of “a large number of individual box kites”; “balancing fins” (not called ailerons but perhaps comparable) automatically absorb cross-currents for stability but can also be adjusted directly by the operator.

This patent is the first in a substantial family:

Patents which are supplementary to this one

Inventor location (imputed by HistPat): Union Hill, NJ , New York county, NY

FIPS location (imputed by HistPat): 36061


  • Short's DB
  • PTO 244 -- this category marks this patent as an aero invention
  • Neilson, 1910

Year filed 1908
Year granted 1909
Office US
Patent number 927605
Inventors John Seiler
Inventor country US
Inventor location
Applicant person John Seiler
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Aeroplane
English title Aeroplane
Tech fields airplane, stability, kite, aileron, piloting, automatic stability
Filing date August 5, 1908
Full specification filed date
Application number 1908447032
Grant date July 13, 1909
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number 447032
Patent agent A. Parker-Smith
Assigned to
National tech categories USPC 244/13, USPC 244/113, USPC 244/90R
IPCs IPC B64C2700/6295, IPC B64C39/08
CPCs CPC B64C2700/6295, CPC B64C39/00
Family year 1908
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID 47203706
INPADOC family ID 43865077
Number of text pages 3
Number of diagram pages 3
Number of figures 2
Number of claims 11