Carl Georg Rodeck

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Carl Georg Rodeck was an aero inventor, seemingly German, 3, Schröderstifstrasse, Hamburg, Germany, occasionally residing in Belgium. He did some work on amusements, as well, possibly aero-connected, aside from his decent bulk of per se aero.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Carl Georg Rodeck

  • Patent DE-1892-69848 (English title: Kite/Captive-ballon, Filing date: 1892-05-07)
  • Patent DE-1897-101348 (English title: Device for the reduction of unplanned wind-caused movement of balloons, Filing date: 1897-07-24)
  • Patent DE-1907-210003 (English title: Gusset area for aircraft, likely having to do with steel and frame construction, Filing date: 1907-07-03)
  • Patent FR-1909-394100 (English title: Balloon kite, flight achieved through a combination of LTA and non-LTA methods and principles, Filing date: 1908-09-10)
  • Patent GB-1909-19536 (English title: An Improved Balloon-aeroplane, Filing date: 1908-09-17)
  • Patent IT-1909-105146 (English title: Kite balloon, Filing date: 1909-09-21)
  • Patent HU-1909-49808 (English title: Balloon dragon, Filing date: 1909-09-21)

Publications by or about Carl Georg Rodeck


Names Carl Georg Rodeck
Birth date
Death date
Countries FR, GB, DE, ES
Locations 3, Schröderstifstrasse, Hamburg, Germany
Occupations Engineer
Tech areas Construction, Fuselage, Frame, LTA, Balloons, Kite, Hybrid, Parachute
Wikidata id