Patent GB-1909-8531

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This Espacenet data here features an original document which incorporates filing date material on Patent GB-1909-14031 and Patent GB-1909-18138 as well, incidentally, not as earlier patents but as subsequent material fully articulated within this original document. This has to do with provisional specifications building towards complete specifications and so forth.

This document contains the diagrams and so forth pertinent to Patent GB-1909-14031 and Patent GB-1909-18138, and these are all consolidated in the interests of one “Complete Specification”, for that matter, with this Patent GB-1909-8531 having the filing date and otherwise the content to which the greater patent family refers.


Patent family descending from Patent GB-1909-8531

Year filed 1909
Year granted 1910
Office GB
Patent number 8531
Inventors Sam Leonard Walkden
Inventor country GB
Inventor location
Applicant person Sam Leonard Walkden
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Improvements in Aeroplanes and the like
English title Improvements in Aeroplanes and the like, that is, having to do with automatic stability
Tech fields Airplane, Gliders, Design, Frame, Subsystem, Stability, Propellers, Aerodynamics, automatic stability
Filing date 1909/04/08
Full specification filed date 1909/10/08
Application number 190908531D
Grant date 1910/04/07
Granted? Yes
Publication date 1910/04/07
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number
Patent agent Abel & Imray
Assigned to
National tech categories
IPCs IPC B64C1/00, IPC B64C17/00
CPCs CPC B64C17/00
Family year 1909
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
INPADOC family ID 23580618
Number of text pages 11
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 4
Number of claims 14