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Ideas about safely landing a balloon described by Joseph Mac Sweeny in a paper on Aerostation read before the Cuverian Society of Cork, 1 November 1837; reprinted in Mac Sweeny, 1844, Essay on Aerial Navigation, p. 40:

The car strikes the ground, rebounds, and there is danger of breaking loose to dash against trees. When the grapnel takes hold, a small grapnel should be also employed. This can be thrown from the car. The small grapnel may be made so that barbed spikes should sink in the sod. At one end of the shank, there is an iron ball, and a ring for the rope at the other end. From the ball the spikes protrude. There are hooks at the sides of the shank. When near the ground, barbed irons at the end of poles, should be sunk in the sod to prevent rebounding. The car may have barbed feet. Screws at the end of poles, can be sunk in the sod.

Succinct 1910 description of the related issues involved in landing an airplane:

ATTERRISSAGE. — Action de prendre terre. Les aéroplanes sont ordinairement munis de chariots à deux roues et garnis de ressorts qui amortissent les chocs produits par un atterrissage trop brusque.
«La question de l'atterrissage est secondaire lorsque les surfaces de l'aéroplane permettent un planement suffisamment parfait pour que l'angle de [la?] descente soit faible.» (L. Ventou-Duclaux.)[1]


Patents in category landing


Enclosing categories Simple tech terms
Keywords CPC B64C25/22, CPC B64C25/00, USPC 244/103, Mooring
Start year
End year