Henri Liurette

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Henri Liurette was an aero inventor, initially located at “Younkounkoun [Coniaguis] (Guinée française)”.[1] We have him remaining for a time in French Guinea, and later employing patent agent A. Chenault.[2] We later have the inventor himself as located within the Gironde département of France.[3] We have back in “Guinée française”.[4] We have him later still as simply located within “Afrique Occidentale” and having filed with the assistance of French patent agent Armengaud jeune.[5] His latest work, of that which we have on hand, put an emphasis of “incidence”, and actually claimed to make motorless flight possible via conjointing operating and separately controlled wing surfaces, respectively “positive” and “negative” in terms of incidence.[6]

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Henri Liurette


Names Henri Liurette
Birth date
Death date
Countries FR, GN
Locations “Younkounkoun [Coniaguis] (Guinée française)” and later somewhere within the Gironde département of France, later still back in “Guinée française” and then in simply “Afrique Occidentale”
Occupations Airplane, Propulsion, Landing, Chassis, Construction, Design, Frame, Wheels, Control, Wings, Ascension, Descent, Cables, Construction, Control, Steering, Equilibrium, Incidence
Tech areas
Wikidata id