Léon-Louis Clément

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Léon-Louis Clément was an aero inventor whom we have via French sources as located within Seine; France.[1] He may likely have been situated within Paris. His work puts an emphasis on steel tubing as a construction element. The initial Patent FR-1911-429224 treats the entire aircraft, whereas the additions focus on particularities of the wings. He goes onto mention “duralumin”, as well as steel of high resistance.[2]

We have this inventor specifically as an Engineer and as addressed specifically at 8, rue de Florence, Paris, Seine; France.[3]

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Léon-Louis Clément


Names Léon-Louis Clément
Birth date
Death date
Countries FR
Locations Seine, France
Occupations Engineer
Tech areas Airplane, Metal, Frame, Construction, Design, Wings, Aerodynamics, Subsystem, Longerons, Nervure, Whole, Chassis, Wheels, Landing, Flexibility
Wikidata id