Louis-Charles Bréguet

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Louis Charles Bréguet was an aero inventor, whom we have as an Engine Builder filing from 17, rue du Colonel Moll, Paris.[1] Jacques Bréguet is also involved in Bréguet company developments, also collaborating with Louis as an author.

Our earliest French data locates him within département Nord, France.[2] Somewhat later British data gives Ateliers d'aviation Louis Bréguet the location 17, rue de la République, Douai, département Nord, France.[3]

Much later American data has both Bréguet and Ateliers d'aviation Louis Bréguet located at Vélizy, département Seine-et-Oise, France.[4]

He developed a gyroplane 'based on the principles of' the gyroscope.[5] And exhibited a 'helicopter-airplane' (the same as the gyroplane?) at the 11th Paris Motor Show in 1908.[6]

He founded a company in 1911, later Société des Avions Louis Bréguet, initially with variation called société (anonyme) (des) Ateliers d'aviation Louis Bréguet)?[7] We are tracking phenomena connected to the phenomenon atelier.

He received his pilot's brevet on 19 April 1910. On 23 March 1911 he set a record transporting 11 passengers on one biplane. He was a sergeant during the war and flew reconnaissance missions, including during the battle of the Marne in 1914. He also worked on aircraft construction during the war, and by 1917, 8,500 copies of the Bréguet XIV were in use. [7]

Biplane work in collaboration with Charles Richet is currently being assessed.

Airplanes created by Louis Breguet or Louis Bréguet or Louis-Charles Breguet or Louis-Charles Bréguet:

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Louis Breguet or Louis Bréguet or Louis-Charles Breguet or Louis-Charles Bréguet

Publications by or about Louis Breguet or Louis Bréguet or Louis-Charles Breguet or Louis-Charles Bréguet

Publications referring to Bréguet-Richet



Names Louis Charles Bréguet; Louis Charles Bréguet
Countries FR
Locations Douai, Nord, Paris, Seine, Vélizy, Seine-et-Oise
Occupations airplane maker, engine builder, military officer
Tech areas Airplane, Military, Landing, Piloting, Anchor, Braking, Cardan
Affiliations Société Anonyme des Ateliers d'Aviation Louis Bréguet, Aerial League National, Douai Section
Family name
Birth date 1880-01-01
Death date 1955-05-04
Wikidata id