Louis-Adolphe Hayot

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Louis-Adolphe Hayot was an engineer and a captain in the French army, with address 16, rue de Saint-Quentin, Beauvais, département Oise, France. That's straight north of Paris, near Amiens.

Hayot internationally filed patents dealing with moving parts on wings to increase the stability of an airplane.

British data gives him as an Engineer addressed at 16, rue de Saint-Quentin, Beauvais, département Oise, France.[1]

British data also gives him as a Mechanic, with the same location data.[2]

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Louis-Adolphe Hayot


  • "Du vol à voile et de la forme de l'aile", L'Aérophile Vol. 17, No. 1, 1 January 1909, p. 4–5.
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flyingmachines.ru/Site2/Crafts/Craft29311.htm Форум Bréguet's Aircraft Challenge. One of the machines of Louis Adolphe Hayot. Hayot was obsessed by the subject of automatic stability of aeroplanes, just ...


Names Louis-Adolphe Hayot; Louis Adolphe Hayot
Birth date
Death date
Countries CH, DE, FR, GB, US
Locations Beauvais, département Oise, France
Occupations military officer, engineer, mechanic
Tech areas Stability, Airplane, Motors, Automatic stability
Affiliations French army
Wikidata id