Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya

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Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya (Вѣстникъ Воздухоплаванія, "Aeronautical Herald") is a Russian journal which has continued into modern times.

In Brockett it is abbreviated Вѣстн. Воздухоплав. (The abbreviation guide actually has Вѣстнимъ which seems like a mistake.) (Is there a gap in Brockett at the end of 1910?) The modern spelling is Вестник Воздухоплавания and using this as a query is the only way to find the journal online.

Publication information from the first issue, December 1909.

It looks as though most articles had brief bylines, if any—usually two initials.

At first (the first nine issues, 1909–1910, is how it looks at GPNTB), the publication was known as Biblioteka Vozdukhoplavaniya (Библиотека Воздухоплаванія but indexed under the modern spelling Воздухоплавания).

It seems to fizzle a bit in 1912–3.

Publication details

Publication information from the first issue (see right)

Editors: Б. Н. Воробьевъ, Ф. С. Татариновъ

(The first editor appears to be Борис Никитич Воробьёв (Boris Nikitich Vorobiev; see).


Original title Вѣстникъ Воздухоплаванія
Simple title Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya
Countries RU
Languages ru, fr
Journal Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya
Related to aircraft? 1
Page count
Word count
Wikidata id


  • Brockett (1921), page 1382, entry 17: Viestnik Vozduk hoplavaniia. 1910. S.-Pbg., 1910, v. illus., plates, ports., maps, tables. Semi-monthly, 1910-12; weekly, 1912. Preceded by the Biblioteka Vozdukhoplavanïa (Aeronautical library). (B2p1382e17)

Publications in Biblioteka Vozdukhoplavaniya or Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniy or Вѣстн. Воздухоплав.‎ or Viestnik Vodukhoplavaniia