Karl Ludwig Waldemar Geest

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Geest's Möwe VI

Dr. Karl Ludwig Waldemar Geest was an aero inventor and company founder. He and his firm built monoplanes apparently following a Mowe patent; a monoplane, 1913; and, apparently, a prototype 1-seat fighter, 1916, that appears to have been produced by Aviatik, 1917. We are assuming for now that "Waldemar Geest" in patent data refers to this person.

American patent data has full-name Karl Ludwig Waldemar Geest as “a subject of the king of Prussia”, 5 Schyrenstrasse, Munich, Germany, and with Alois Wolfmüller appearing among witnesses to a patent filed by Geest.[1]

British patent data has him as a “Doctor of Medicine”, 5 Schyrenstrasse, “Munchen” (properly München, anglophone Munich, that is), Germany.[2]

Geest seems to have essentially one extended patent family, with one German patent, and its addition within the German system, the international spread largely reflecting relations analogous to this.

Bio on German wikipedia: Waldemar Geest on German Wikipedia his being born 20 April 1879, in Berlin, deceased 2 March 1944 in Groitzsch, Leipzig district, in Saxony, Germany

Wikimedia Commons says, "Geest built six Möwe (Möwe I-VI) planes between 1910 and 1914." ([1])

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Karl Ludwig Waldemar Geest or K.L.W. Geest or Waldemar Geest


Names Karl Ludwig Waldemar Geest; K.L.W. Geest; Waldemar Geest
Countries DE
Locations Munich
Occupations physician
Tech areas Airplane, Monoplane, Design, Structure, Wings, Airfoil, Camber, birdlike, Aerodynamics, Incidence
Family name
Birth date 1879-04-29
Death date 1944-03-02
Wikidata id Q1551408