The term Lighter than air (LTA) ("plus léger que l'air") refers to the set of technologies associated with balloons and dirigibles. This was the prevailing type of aircraft design, as reflected by successful patents, in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century.
On Wikipedia: Articles "Aerostat", "Balloon (aeronautics)", and "Airship" discuss the operation and history of these vessels.
Articles "Lighter than air" and "Lifting gas" discuss the physical properties and uses of different gasses which are lighter than air.
In the US patent classification system, USPC 244/24 is a top-level category for lighter-than-air aircraft, while USPC 244/96, falling under a different branch of classification (for navigation) deals with (mostly vertical?) control over LTA aircraft.
Berget, 1909, Conquest of the Air, p. 3:
I may state the fundamental principle of aerostation in a very few words.
Archimedes discovered it, and formulated it as follows:
Every body plunged into a fluid is subjected by this fluid to a "pressure" from below to above, which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
Enclosing categories | Simple tech terms |
Subcategories | Balloons, Gas, Hot air |
Keywords | CPC B64B, USPC 244/24, USPC 244/96 |
Start year | |
End year |
This wiki has 2,215 patents in category "LTA". Other techtypes related to LTA: Aéronautique, AT 77d, AU 90.1, Ballast, Ballon-sonde, BE 11e, BE Deuxième Catégorie – C. Transport, Buoyancy, CA 244/24, CA 244/25, CA 244/26, CA 244/27, CA 244/28, CA 244/29, CA 244/30, CA 244/31, CA 244/32, CA 244/4, CH 129a, Compartments, Compression, CPC B64, CPC B64B, CPC B64B1/00, CPC B64B1/02, CPC B64B1/04, CPC B64B1/08, CPC B64B1/14, CPC B64B1/16, CPC B64B1/58, CPC G09F21/10, DE 77h, Descent, Envelope, FR 6.4, GB 4 aërostats, GB 4 with buoyant, Helium, LU Aérostat, Nacelle, NL 62, NL 62.13, NL 62.6, Non-rigid, Rarefaction, RU 62a, RU Group V, Semi-rigid, USPC 244/127, USPC 244/24, USPC 244/25, USPC 244/26, USPC 244/30, USPC 244/33, USPC 244/5, USPC 244/61, USPC 244/96
Patents in category LTA
- Patent US-1825-Genêt (English title: Steam kite, Inventors: Edmond-Charles Genêt)
- Patent US-1842-ph (English title: Steam kite, Inventors: John H. Pennington)
- Patent US-1852-pj (English title: Utility of aerial locomotion, Inventors: Rufus Porter)
- Patent GB-1856-2154 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Jean Lassie)
- Patent GB-1861-1929 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Gustave-Louis-Marie de Ponton d'Amécourt, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1860-49097)
- Patent US-1862-35453 (English title: Improvement in aerial machines, Inventors: Arthur Kinsella)
- Patent GB-1863-2141 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Walter Weldon)
- Patent FR-1863-61042 (English title: machine called steam fuse, oriented to river navigation, ground movement and aerostat navigation, Inventors: Roland de Bussy • Meynard)
- Patent GB-1864-1982 (English title: India-rubber balloons, Inventors: William Clark)
- Patent US-1867-67739 (English title: Aerial Machine, Inventors: J. A. ELSTON, Supplementary to patent: 1867-08-13)
- Patent FR-1867-76947 (English title: flying machine or airship, Inventors: Blanche)
- Patent GB-1868-392 (English title: Improvements in Propulsion and in Aerial Locomotion, and in Apparatus connected therewith, Parts of which are applicable to Projectiles and to Boilers, Inventors: Matthew Piers Watt Boulton)
- Patent GB-1868-1987 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: William Edward Newton)
- Patent US-1869-97100 (English title: Aerial steam car, Inventors: Frederick Marriott)
- Patent US-1869-88324 (English title: Aerial car, Inventors: William Morrow)
- Patent US-1871-117270 (English title: Kites, Inventors: Isaac Ferris)
- Patent FR-1873-94421E (English title: Wheel of oblique blades for directing aerostats or balloons, Inventors: Fillet)
- Patent GB-1874-3058 (English title: Hydrogen apparatus, Inventors: William Robert Lake)
- Patent GB-1877-603 (English title: Aerial toy, Inventors: Jean-Sébastien Anacharsis Menier)
- Patent GB-1877-2313 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: William Robert Lake)
- Patent US-1877-193136 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Washington BECKLEY)
- Patent GB-1878-4104 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Carl Kesseler)
- Patent FR-1880-135111 (English title: new system of aerostat navigation, Inventors: Yon)
- Patent GB-1881-1879 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: William Nelson Hutchinson)
- Patent FR-1881-142748 (English title: Pneumatic propulsion system with air reaction facilitating balloon navigation, Inventors: Guégnot)
- Patent FR-1881-142811 (English title: New means to refill and keep in good condition ascensional force of an aerostat, Inventors: Crespin)
- Patent FR-1881-146226 (English title: new aerostation system (aerostats with central galleries), Inventors: Jules Jouanique)
- Patent GB-1882-4387 (English title: Balloon railway, Inventors: Upfield Green)
- Patent GB-1882-31 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: William Robert Lake)
- Patent GB-1882-1772 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Frederick Wilkins)
- Patent US-1882-256366 (English title: Air ship, Inventors: Carl W. Peterson)
- Patent FR-1882-143264.1 (English title: balloon capable of being directed, using propellers, Inventors: Bel, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-143264)
- Patent FR-1882-152472 (English title: Propeller applied to the navigation (and also propulsion) of aerostats, Inventors: Planche)
- Patent FR-1882-146994 (English title: dirigible, Inventors: Tissoy)
- Patent FR-1882-148251 (English title: Improvements for aerial navigation, Inventors: Phérékyde)
- Patent FR-1881-143296E2 (English title: Application of electricity to aerial locomotion, Inventors: Gaston Tissandier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-143296)
- Patent FR-1882-146718 (English title: improvements to air-ships, Inventors: Carl Wolfgang Petersen)
- Patent FR-1882-142748E1 (English title: Pneumatic propulsion system with air reaction facilitating balloon navigation, Inventors: Guégnot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-142748)
- Patent FR-1882-142748E2 (English title: Pneumatic propulsion system with air reaction facilitating balloon navigation, Inventors: Guégnot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-142748)
- Patent FR-1883- (English title: "Pichou Universal Wheel", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou)
- Patent GB-1883-1824 (English title: Navigable balloons, Inventors: Nicolas de Telescheff)
- Patent US-1883-283962 (English title: Safety gas-tank for vessels, Inventors: Samuel R. BRICK)
- Patent FR-1883-156836E (English title: aerostat with masts and sails, Inventors: Foucher, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1883-156836)
- Patent FR-1883-156836 (English title: aerostat with masts and sails, Inventors: Foucher)
- Patent FR-1883-142748E3 (English title: Pneumatic propulsion system with air reaction facilitating balloon navigation, Inventors: Guégnot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-142748)
- Patent FR-1883-145512E (English title: cert of addition . . . system of aerial navigation by means of glider balloons, Inventors: Jules Cezar Ribeiro de Souza, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-145512)
- Patent FR-1883-148251E (English title: Improvements for aerial navigation, Inventors: Phérékyde, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1882-148251)
- Patent FR-1883-157685 (English title: aerostat system, Inventors: Gros)
- Patent CA-1883-16485 (English title: Improvements in flying machines, Inventors: James J. Pennington, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1877-194841 • Patent CA-1878-8661)
- Patent US-1883-276012 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: John William EMSLEY)
- Patent US-1885-319758 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Anton Spier)
- Patent GB-1887-5644 (English title: Propelling balloons, Inventors: William Nelson Hutchinson)
- Patent US-1887-361475 (English title: Air ship, Inventors: James M. Wheeler, Supplementary to patent: 1887-04-19)
- Patent FR-1887-181090 (English title: System of dirigeable navigation, Inventors: James Worms)
- Patent GB-1888-5742 (English title: Navigable balloons, Inventors: Giovanni Gaggino, Supplementary to patent: )
- Patent GB-1888-12736 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Francis Hilfreich)
- Patent FR-1888-194184 (English title: Metallic dirigible airship, Inventors: J. J. Gloton)
- Patent FR-1888-191849 (English title: Improvements brought to air-ships, Inventors: Arthur de Bausset)
- Patent FR-1888-191490 (English title: Aerostat system, Inventors: Giovanni Gaggino)
- Patent FR-1890-207592 (English title: a new system of air-ship balloons, Inventors: Boiffin)
- Patent FR-1891-211845 (English title: Hot air balloon silk paper, called Automatic Aeronaut, with parachute and hot-air safety apparatus, Inventors: Pavloff)
- Patent FR-1891-212139 (English title: Rational flying machine called The Stork(?), Inventors: TURLIN)
- Patent FR-1891-213115 (English title: air-ship with combined gases, Inventors: Boisset)
- Patent FR-1891-214383 (English title: Automatically functioning rescue balloon, Inventors: Menze)
- Patent FR-1891-216860 (English title: dirigible using the Compagnon system, Inventors: Armand Le Compagnon • Zélie (Dame Veuve) Faucillon • Georges-Joseph-Prosper Dubois • Émile-Aleide Royaux)
- Patent FR-1891-207592E (English title: cert of addition to the patent registered 12 August 1890, for a new system of air-ship balloons, Inventors: Boiffin)
- Patent FR-1891-216828 (English title: aerostat oriented to long travel, Inventors: Richelet)
- Patent FR-1891-212060 (English title: improvements brought to air-ships, Inventors: Perham Wilhelm Nahl)
- Patent FR-1892-218647 (English title: improvements in air-ships, Inventors: Walker)
- Patent FR-1892-226000 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Peterson)
- Patent FR-1892-218808 (English title: new system of locomotion and of transport of travelers by means of dirigibles, Inventors: Marc Runkel)
- Patent FR-1892-225647 (English title: Improvements to dirigibles, Inventors: Haarbleicher)
- Patent FR-1892-226034 (English title: Dirigible, Polignarania System, Inventors: Maranhao de Albaquerque)
- Patent FR-1893-213115E (English title: Airship with combined gases, Inventors: Boisset, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-213115)
- Patent FR-1893-229898 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: C. Geissler, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1891-63629)
- Patent FR-1893-234061 (English title: Improvements in air ships, Inventors: Hubbell Duane Hurlbut, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1894-526394)
- Patent FR-1893-228622 (English title: new dirigible propulsion system, Inventors: Carl Friedrich Billwiller)
- Patent FR-1893-228008 (English title: Dirigible airship, Henri Desmarest System, Inventors: Desmarest)
- Patent FR-1893-233439E (English title: Application of gas or of compressed air to the insubmersibility of balloon cockpits or other parts and instantaneous separation of the cockpit-basket by means of a suspension of exhaust(?), Inventors: De Préneuf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1893-233439)
- Patent FR-1894-241339 (English title: silk tissue proper especially to aerostat construction, Inventors: Blondel)
- Patent FR-1894-239405 (English title: Dirigible, Gadiffert system, Inventors: Gadiffert)
- Patent FR-1894-237821 (English title: compression propeller for air-ships, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799)
- Patent FR-1895-242261E2 (English title: cert of addition to the patent taken, 22 October 1894, for a dirigible, Inventors: Gentil, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1894-242261)
- Patent FR-1895-251611 (English title: Delaurier airship, Inventors: E. J. Delaurier)
- Patent FR-1895-248838 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Steinmann)
- Patent FR-1895-250673 (English title: aerostat, Inventors: Georg Steinicke)
- Patent LU-1896-2679 (English title: Transmission of current to electric airships, Inventors: Rudolf Diesel, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1897-91999)
- Patent FR-1896-258837 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Eray)
- Patent FR-1896-253175 (English title: Apparatus for directing balloons, Inventors: Berger)
- Patent FR-1897-262957 (English title: method of balloon navigation, Inventors: Peter Irgens Bagge)
- Patent FR-1898-271948.1 (English title: cert of addition to the patent registered 6 Nov 1897, for a dirigible, Inventors: Clément Ader, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1897-271948)
- Patent FR-1898-283165 (English title: Procedures for tethered ascensions, Inventors: GARDNER)
- Patent FR-1898-271948.2 (English title: cert of addition to the patent taken, 6 November 1897, for a dirigible, Inventors: Clément Ader, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1897-271948)
- Patent FR-1898-278138.1 (English title: cert of addition to the patent taken, 21 May 1898, for improvements to lightweight motors for airplanes, dirigibles, boats and cars, Inventors: Clément Ader, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1898-278138)
- Patent LU-1898-3061 (English title: Aerostat with multiple separate motors, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent FR-1899-286541 (English title: Safe twin captive balloons, Inventors: De La Touche)
- Patent FR-1899-285269 (English title: Steerable aerial vehicle, Inventors: Heinrich Suter, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1899-18666)
- Patent FR-1899-284889 (English title: System for aerostat direction and propulsion, Inventors: Malézieux)
- Patent FR-1899-285825 (English title: Gas pump system with valves, compressors, and pneumatic pressure, Inventors: Burckhardt)
- Patent FR-1899-286389 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Mme Prat, née Louise Minard)
- Patent NO-1899-7792 (English title: Maneuverable aircraft, Inventors: Heinrich Suter, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1899-18666)
- Patent ES-1899-24240 (English title: Flying "Aviator", Inventors: Henry Boinet, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1899-Boinet)
- Patent FR-1900-302078 (English title: Chariot-windlass for tethered balloons, Inventors: GAROUTTE)
- Patent FR-1900-303104 (English title: propulsor for steerable balloons, Inventors: PROST-VIVANT)
- Patent FR-1900-300873 (English title: Steerable balloon, Inventors: TURINA)
- Patent FR-1900-301940 (English title: Improvements for steerable balloons or machines for aerial navigation, Inventors: BARTON)
- Patent FR-1900-302448 (English title: Steerable balloon, Inventors: FABRE)
- Patent IT-1903-72720 (English title: Apparatus to drive propeller aerostats, Inventors: Josef von Seibert • Josef Seiberl, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1902-140705)
- Patent ES-1907-40625 (English title: An extra-light combustion motor system applicable to aerostats, airplanes and other related uses, Inventors: Robert Esnault-Pelterie)
- Patent GB-1908-5508 (English title: Improvements in aerial flotation, Inventors: E.P. ALABASTER)
- Patent GB-1908-7370 (English title: Airship, Inventors: J. SAWARD)
- Patent GB-1908-7632 (English title: Improvements in airships, Inventors: W.S. MIELCAREK, Supplementary to patent: US865415, probably)
- Patent FR-1908-393440 (English title: Improvements on airships, Inventors: Lake)
- Patent DE-1908-214019 (English title: Filling airships with hot gas, Inventors: Hugo Erdmann)
- Patent MX-1909-3802 (English title: Captive aerial float, Inventors: Manuel P. Novoa)
- Patent GB-1909-4954 (English title: Balloon photography, Supplementary to patent: )
- Patent DE-1911-Bot-Lallemand (English title: Aerial navigation apparatus, Inventors: Léon Bot • Eugène Lallemand, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-403412 • Patent BE-1908-Bot-Lallemand)
- Patent US-1844-3799 (English title: Inclined planes to raise or lower propelled balloon, Inventors: Musio Muzzi, Filing date: 1844-10-16)
- Patent FR-1850-10077 (English title: System of aerial locomotion, Inventors: D'Allamura, Filing date: 1850-06-25)
- Patent FR-1852-12466 (English title: navigation of balloons, Inventors: Pellegrin, Filing date: 1851-10-15)
- Patent FR-1852-12515 (English title: uses the ascensional force of balloons as an auxiliary power source for tools and machines, Inventors: Coustellier, Filing date: 1851-10-20)
- Patent FR-1852-12610 (English title: system of aerial navigation without balloons, Inventors: Aubaud, Filing date: 1851-11-11)
- Patent FR-1852-13122 (English title: system of propulsion and navigation marine or aeronautic, Inventors: Marmorat, Filing date: 1852-02-26)
- Patent FR-1853-17424 (English title: Air-Ship called the Ménage Air-Ship, Inventors: Thomas-Martin Ménage • Charles-Désiré Ménage, Filing date: 1853-09-20)
- Patent FR-1854-20867 (English title: steerable air-ship, Inventors: Pecoul, Filing date: 1854-09-19)
- Patent FR-1856-mo (English title: "Aerial Navigation*" very likely an airship, Inventors: Modeste-Abel Latouche, Filing date: 1856-03-15)
- Patent FR-1860-46506 (English title: Aerostatic apparatus, Inventors: Emmanuel-Victor Renoir, Filing date: 1860-08-29)
- Patent FR-1860-47719 (English title: propeller applicable to river or oceanic navigation, to the aerostat and to land transportation, Inventors: Malherbe, Filing date: 1860-12-06)
- Patent US-1864-43449 (English title: Aerostats, Inventors: Solomon Andrews, Filing date: 1864-07-05)
- Patent FR-1867-77843 (English title: "or aerial boat", boat, called fish-boat, carrying aerial nacelle(pod), Inventors: Rasse, Filing date: 1867-05-24)
- Patent ES-1877-5683 (English title: improvements to balloons, Inventors: Comte Antoine Apraxine, Filing date: 1877-06-23)
- Patent FR-1880-139386.1 (English title: Steam-propelled aerostat, certificate of addition, Inventors: De Schuttenbach, Supplementary to patent: Fr139386, Filing date: 1880-12-07)
- Patent FR-1881-141515 (English title: apparatus serving to put balloons and boats in motion, Inventors: Goehrung, Filing date: 1881-03-05)
- Patent DE-1881-18448 (English title: Airship gondola with movable and adjustable wind helicoids, Inventors: Adolphe Werner, Filing date: 1881-09-08)
- Patent DE-1885-Lüllemann (English title: Balloon valve, Inventors: J. C. Alb. Lüllemann, Filing date: 1885-03-07)
- Patent DE-1887-42824 (English title: Airship, Inventors: William Nelson Hutchinson, Filing date: 1887-05-27)
- Patent DE-1894-87067 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Georg Steinicke, Filing date: 1894-12-12)
- Patent US-1895-548053 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: William Nelson Hutchinson, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1893-22483 • Patent GB-1894-10610, Filing date: 1895-05-01)
- Patent US-1897-596231 (English title: Flying-Machine, Inventors: James Richardson, Filing date: 1896-10-03)
- Patent DE-1877-2650 (English title: Dirigible airship with wings, Inventors: Georg Fischer, Filing date: 1899-10-29)
- Patent FR-1903-328234 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Alfred Chiodera, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1902-27895, Filing date: 1903-01-02)
- Patent DE-1909-232775 (English title: Air-ship with individually adjustable balloons (incorporated into or as) the vessel's support-body, or into support of the vessel's body, Inventors: Joseph Wagner, Filing date: 1909-11-20)
- Patent US-1914-1118205 (English title: Transmission-drive for dirigible airships, Inventors: Sarkis Jelalian, Filing date: 1914-06-11)
- Patent GB-1917-118714 (English title: Improved Construction of Girders, Spars, Struts and the like for Aeronautical Machines, Inventors: George James Ayling • George Ayling, Filing date: 1917-10-06)
- Patent GB-1918-127207 (English title: Improvements in weighing and filling pilot balloons, Inventors: Albert Edgar Gendle, Filing date: 1918-12-30)
- Patent FR-1818-1180 (English title: Procedure for constructing an aerostat, called the whale-aerostat, Inventors: P. C. Verger, Filing date: 1818-05-11)
- Patent BE-1831-1533 (English title: . . . aerostatic, Filing date: 1831-04-24)
- Patent FR-1832-3852 (English title: Means of Dirigible Navigation, Inventors: François-Louis Samson-Duperron, Filing date: 1832-02-06)
- Patent FR-1834-4367 (English title: a balloon with the specialised function of determining sea depth, Inventors: Gaspard Gregroire, Filing date: 1833-10-03)
- Patent FR-1835-5031 (English title: new aerostat engine, Inventors: Pierre Ferrand, Filing date: 1834-11-04)
- Patent FR-1836-5429 (English title: Means of dirigible navigation, Inventors: L'abbé Jean-Martin Demongeot, Filing date: 1836-09-15)
- Patent FR-1837-5738 (English title: proper means of dirigible navigation, Inventors: Léonardo Andervolti, Filing date: 1836-11-16)
- Patent FR-1837-5429.1 (English title: (addition 1 to) means of dirigible navigation, Inventors: L'abbé Jean-Martin Demongeot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1836-5429, Filing date: 1837-01-28)
- Patent FR-1837-5429.2 (English title: (addition 2 to) means suitable to dirigible navigation, Inventors: L'abbé Jean-Martin Demongeot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1836-5429, Filing date: 1837-06-23)
- Patent FR-1838-6992 (English title: new dirigible, Inventors: Étienne Eulriot, Filing date: 1837-11-10)
- Patent FR-1838-5429.3 (English title: (addition 3 to) means suitable to dirigible navigation, Inventors: L'abbé Jean-Martin Demongeot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1836-5429, Filing date: 1837-12-27)
- Patent FR-1838-6239.1 (English title: dirigible for aerial movement, named Velociposte, Inventors: Pierre-Marie Touboulic, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1838-6239, Filing date: 1838-11-12)
- Patent FR-1839-8381 (English title: Balloon, basket (or gondola), means of aerial navigation, Inventors: Joseph-Augustin Barratte, Filing date: 1839-10-14)
- Patent FR-1840-8086 (English title: Means of dirigible navigation, Inventors: Jean-Pierre Borgne, Filing date: 1840-04-21)
- Patent FR-1841-9265.1 (English title: Machine aiding in aerial navigation, with marine and submarine applications, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1841-9265, Filing date: 1841-09-17, Applicant firm: Louis-Honoré Gauthier)
- Patent FR-1841-9664 (English title: aerostatic machine that can at will cross atmospheric currents, using said force as a force of propulsion, Inventors: Muzio Muzzi • Louis Gruaz, Filing date: 1841-11-13)
- Patent FR-1841-9265.2 (English title: Machine aiding in aerial navigation, with marine and submarine applications, Inventors: Louis-Honoré Gauthier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1841-9265, Filing date: 1841-12-28)
- Patent FR-1842-9265.3 (English title: Machine aiding in aerial navigation, with marine and submarine applications, Inventors: Louis-Honoré Gauthier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1841-9265, Filing date: 1842-05-06, Applicant firm: Louis-Honoré Gauthier)
- Patent FR-1842-9265.4 (English title: Machine aiding in aerial navigation, with marine and submarine applications, Inventors: Louis-Honoré Gauthier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1841-9265, Filing date: 1842-11-25)
- Patent GB-1843-9598 (English title: Propelling ships and balloons, Inventors: Thomas Sunderland, Filing date: 1843-01-19)
- Patent GB-1843-9642 (English title: Applications of balloons, Inventors: Lawrence Holker Potts, Filing date: 1843-02-21)
- Patent FR-1843-11213 (English title: means and process of air-craft navigation without the use of a ballast, Inventors: Pierre-Marie-Louis-Émile Gire, Filing date: 1843-06-08)
- Patent FR-1843-9265.5 (English title: Machine aiding in aerial navigation, with marine and submarine applications, Inventors: Louis-Honoré Gauthier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1841-9265, Filing date: 1843-08-08)
- Patent FR-1843-9265.6 (English title: Machine aiding in aerial navigation, with marine and submarine applications, Inventors: Louis-Honoré Gauthier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1841-9265, Filing date: 1843-11-21)
- Patent FR-1845-253 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Renous-Graves, Filing date: 1844-10-19)
- Patent FR-1845-719 (English title: Steering system for aerostats from a given point to a given point, Inventors: Fidelis Cossus • Joseph-Marie-Edouard Martin • Antoine-Benoît Delaire • Antoine Lenert, Filing date: 1845-01-10)
- Patent FR-1845-1153 (English title: Blade propulsion and elevation, Inventors: Fidelis Cossus, Filing date: 1845-03-31)
- Patent FR-1845-1153.1 (English title: system of flight using a series of propeller blades, Inventors: Fidelis Cossus, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1845-1153, Filing date: 1845-05-20)
- Patent FR-1845-1680 (English title: Navigable airship, Inventors: Modeste-Abel Latouche, Filing date: 1845-06-24)
- Patent FR-1846-1680.1 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Modeste-Abel Latouche, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1845-1680, Filing date: 1846-06-23)
- Patent FR-1846-4614 (English title: aeronautics applied to commerce, Inventors: Giorgio, Filing date: 1846-11-23)
- Patent GB-1847-11578 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Englebert-Théophile van Hecke, Filing date: 1847-02-15)
- Patent FR-1847-6348 (English title: machine of dirigible navigation, Inventors: Charles Nicolas Dautremepuis, Filing date: 1847-09-16)
- Patent FR-1848-7350 (English title: System of aerial navigation putting into practice Pétin's dirigible train, making it more stable, and serving in all transport of persons and goods, Inventors: Petin, Filing date: 1848-05-13)
- Patent GB-1848-12337 (English title: Navigable balloon and mechanical flying machine, Inventors: Hugh Bell, Filing date: 1848-11-23)
- Patent GB-1849-12452 (English title: Balloon railway, Inventors: John Browne, Filing date: 1849-02-06)
- Patent FR-1849-8387 (English title: perfections brought to aircraft, Inventors: Hugh Bell, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1848-12337, Filing date: 1849-05-23)
- Patent US-1850-7207 (English title: Balloon and its appendages, Inventors: Hugh Bell, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1848-12337, Filing date: 1850-03-26)
- Patent FR-1850-10019 (English title: aerial runways applied to inclined planes with or without airships, Inventors: Prosper Meller, Filing date: 1850-06-20)
- Patent FR-1850-10123 (English title: System of livestock elevation, for aerial transport, Inventors: Jean-Eugène Poitevin, Filing date: 1850-07-01)
- Patent FR-1850-10241 (English title: Air-Ship steady in flight, Inventors: Emmanuel, Filing date: 1850-07-25)
- Patent FR-1850-10362 (English title: manner of aerostat basket direction, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1850-08-17)
- Patent FR-1850-10515 (English title: Improvements brought to Petin's Air-Ships, Inventors: Jules-Jean-Baptiste Michel, Filing date: 1850-09-20)
- Patent FR-1850-10570 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Julien-Charles-Alexandre Gouyet, Filing date: 1850-09-28)
- Patent FR-1850-10768 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Julien-Charles-Alexandre Gouyet, Filing date: 1850-09-28)
- Patent FR-1850-10514 (English title: aeronautic tools and processes proper to the Air-Ship called the Meller Air Train, Inventors: Prosper Meller, Filing date: 1850-10-01)
- Patent FR-1850-10572 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Laget, Filing date: 1850-10-16)
- Patent FR-1850-10692 (English title: Aerostat system, Inventors: Pierre-Célestin Arnault • Pierre Jullien, Filing date: 1850-10-31)
- Patent FR-1850-10854 (English title: Airship cylinder or several suspended cylinders or cones, Inventors: Seguin de LaSalle, Filing date: 1850-11-23)
- Patent FR-1851-10948 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: André-Joseph-Jules Mondot de Lagorce, Filing date: 1850-12-14)
- Patent FR-1851-10362.1 (English title: manner of aerostat basket direction, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1851-03-03)
- Patent FR-1851-11528 (English title: system of propulsion and direction of air-ships as well as boats, Inventors: Binet, Filing date: 1851-03-29)
- Patent FR-1851-11626 (English title: system of propulsion aerial and otherwise, Inventors: Justin-Fulcrand-Marie André, Filing date: 1851-04-24)
- Patent FR-1851-11806 (English title: aerial control system applicable to aerostats, Inventors: Marc, Filing date: 1851-05-28)
- Patent FR-1851-11856 (English title: tools of swimming and rescue with applicability to aeronautic navigation, Inventors: Allain, Filing date: 1851-06-16)
- Patent FR-1851-11989 (English title: aerial machine receiving a variable impulse and determined capable of navigation, Inventors: Ernest-Louis-Joseph Bazin, Filing date: 1851-07-07)
- Patent FR-1851-10362.2 (English title: manner of aerostat basket direction, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1851-08-08)
- Patent FR-1851-12226 (English title: application of steam to aerial propulsion and navigation, Inventors: Henri Giffard, Filing date: 1851-08-20)
- Patent FR-1851-12217 (English title: air machine aiding in air-ship navigation, Inventors: Clairian, Filing date: 1851-08-27)
- Patent FR-1851-12382 (English title: perfected tools and means serving in physical recreation on the properties of air, such as air-ships and parachutes, Inventors: Chatelain, Filing date: 1851-09-24)
- Patent FR-1852-12456 (English title: system permitting accelerated navigation of air-ships, Inventors: Geniller, Filing date: 1851-10-03)
- Patent FR-1851-10362.3 (English title: manner of aerostat basket direction, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1851-10-17)
- Patent FR-1851-118061 (English title: System of aerial navigation applicable to aerostats, Inventors: Marc, Supplementary to patent: FR11806, Filing date: 1851-11-10)
- Patent FR-1852-12737 (English title: means of balloon navigation against the wind, Inventors: Laigre, Filing date: 1851-11-25)
- Patent FR-1851-10514.1 (English title: tools and processes pertinent to aerial navigation, Inventors: Prosper Meller, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1850-10514, Filing date: 1851-12-30)
- Patent FR-1852-10362.4 (English title: manner of directing the gondola of an air-ship, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1852-06-12)
- Patent FR-1852-12861 (English title: means of air-craft navigation, Inventors: Thouroude, Filing date: 1852-01-02)
- Patent FR-1852-13022 (English title: application of the ascensional force of air-craft to irrigation, land drainage, and other industries, Inventors: Cyprien-Théodore Tiffereau, Filing date: 1852-02-07)
- Patent FR-1852-13278 (English title: means or system of aerostat navigation, Inventors: Jules-Jean-Baptiste Michel, Filing date: 1852-03-19)
- Patent FR-1852-13426 (English title: means of air-craft navigation, Inventors: Crochu, Filing date: 1852-04-13)
- Patent FR-1852-13436 (English title: system of aerial navigation, Inventors: Hiellard, Filing date: 1852-04-15)
- Patent FR-1852-13596 (English title: Aerial navigation not involving steam, Inventors: Hiellard, Filing date: 1852-05-08)
- Patent FR-1852-13736 (English title: apparatus for aerial navigation for aerostats, Inventors: Lanteigne, Filing date: 1852-05-25)
- Patent FR-1852-11856.1 (English title: tools of swimming and rescue with applicability to aeronautic navigation, Inventors: Allain, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1851-11856, Filing date: 1852-06-05)
- Patent FR-1852-13854 (English title: tools and processes pertinent to aerial navigation and propulsion, Inventors: Jacques-Alfred Benoist, Filing date: 1852-06-14)
- Patent FR-1852-14110 (English title: apparatus designed for the elevation of persons, allowing them to navigate, Inventors: Louis-Charles Letur, Filing date: 1852-07-19)
- Patent FR-1852-14442 (English title: tools aiding in the navigation of air-ships, Inventors: Louis Sourbieu • Pierre ..radel, Filing date: 1852-09-09)
- Patent FR-1852-14932 (English title: self-propelled "imperial eagle", rising under its own power, following air-ships, Inventors: Hiellard, Filing date: 1852-11-13)
- Patent FR-1853-11989.1 (English title: aerial machine receiving a variable impulse and determined capable of navigation, Inventors: Ernest-Louis-Joseph Bazin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1851-11989, Filing date: 1853-01-01)
- Patent FR-1853-14932.1 (English title: self-propelled "imperial eagle", rising under its own power, following air-ships, Inventors: Hiellard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1852-14932, Filing date: 1853-01-04)
- Patent FR-1853-15343 (English title: motorised wheel system applicable to propulsion and navigation, including that of aircraft, Inventors: Gormont, Filing date: 1853-01-11)
- Patent FR-1853-12762.1 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Taillepied de La Garenne, Filing date: 1853-01-15)
- Patent FR-1853-14110.1 (English title: apparatus designed for the elevation of persons, allowing them to navigate, Inventors: Louis-Charles Letur, Filing date: 1853-01-15)
- Patent GB-1853-143 (English title: Applications of balloons, Inventors: Horace de Manara, Filing date: 1853-01-24)
- Patent FR-1853-10362.5 (English title: manner of directing the gondola of an air-ship, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1853-02-07)
- Patent FR-1853-13736.1 (English title: means of aerostat navigation, Inventors: Lanteigne, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1852-13736, Filing date: 1853-02-21)
- Patent FR-1853-13426.1 (English title: means of air-craft navigation, Inventors: Crochu, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1852-13426, Filing date: 1853-04-12)
- Patent FR-1853-15343.1 (English title: motorised wheel system applicable to propulsion and navigation, including that of aircraft, Inventors: Gormont, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1853-15343, Filing date: 1853-04-21)
- Patent GB-1853-1088 (English title: Applying the ascensional force of balloons, Inventors: Jean Brando Giannetti, Filing date: 1853-05-04)
- Patent FR-1853-16499 (English title: airship, Inventors: Frémin, Filing date: 1853-05-23)
- Patent FR-1853-16889 (English title: means of aircraft navigation, Inventors: Guibert, Filing date: 1853-06-07)
- Patent FR-1853-16698 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Louis-Constant-Célestin Magois, Filing date: 1853-06-17)
- Patent FR-1853-16698.1 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Louis-Constant-Célestin Magois, Filing date: 1853-06-24)
- Patent FR-1853-16809 (English title: aeronautic combinations and applications, Inventors: Belon • Mermet, Filing date: 1853-07-02)
- Patent FR-1853-10362.6 (English title: manner of directing the gondola of an air-ship, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1853-07-08)
- Patent FR-1853-16928 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Louis-Auguste Mangin, Filing date: 1853-07-11)
- Patent FR-1853-16889.1 (English title: means of aircraft navigation, Inventors: Guibert, Filing date: 1853-07-13)
- Patent FR-1853-16913 (English title: Aerial frigate; airship, Inventors: Chardon, Filing date: 1853-07-14)
- Patent FR-1853-16986 (English title: aerial spring balancing an indefinite quantity(?) of air, Inventors: Fontaine-Moreau, Filing date: 1853-07-22)
- Patent FR-1853-16996 (English title: aerostat system called the aerial boat, Inventors: Auguste-Louis Mertens, Filing date: 1853-07-23)
- Patent FR-1853-16698.2 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Louis-Constant-Célestin Magois, Filing date: 1853-08-06)
- Patent FR-1853-17160 (English title: system of air-ship capable of being directed, Inventors: Nivelle brothers, Filing date: 1853-08-12)
- Patent FR-1853-17353 (English title: process of aerostat direction in the context of or by way of continuous wind currents, Inventors: Jean-Baptiste Guilbert, Filing date: 1853-09-05)
- Patent FR-1853-17507 (English title: system aerial navigation without a balloon, Inventors: DELAHAYE, Filing date: 1853-09-29)
- Patent FR-1853-17523 (English title: means of balloon navigation, Inventors: Maurel, Filing date: 1853-09-29)
- Patent FR-1853-17720 (English title: aerial motor, Inventors: Ratte, Filing date: 1853-10-21)
- Patent FR-1853-17770 (English title: air-ship navigation system, Inventors: Jean-Hector Dalichoux, Filing date: 1853-10-27)
- Patent FR-1853-10362.7 (English title: manner of directing the gondola of an air-ship, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1853-11-08)
- Patent FR-1853-18094 (English title: system and motor of air-ship navigation and propulsion called "trans-ether", Inventors: Winnen called Ducros, Filing date: 1853-12-02)
- Patent FR-1854-18269 (English title: apparatus and technique of aerial navigation, Inventors: DELAHAYE, Filing date: 1853-12-16)
- Patent FR-1854-17353.1 (English title: process of aerostat direction in the context of or by way of continuous wind currents, Inventors: Jean-Baptiste Guilbert, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1853-17353, Filing date: 1854-03-01)
- Patent GB-1854-759 (English title: Balloons for military purposes, Inventors: Pierre Alexis Francis Bobœuf)
- Patent US-1854-11248 (English title: Arrangement for mooring & managing balloons, Inventors: John W. Brewer, Filing date: 1854)
- Patent GB-1854-224 (English title: Aerial navigation, Inventors: Benjamin O'Neale Aldborough, Filing date: 1854-01-30)
- Patent FR-1854-10514.2 (English title: aeronautic tools and processes proper to the Air-Ship called the Meller Air Train, Inventors: Prosper Meller, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1850-10514, Filing date: 1854-03-06)
- Patent FR-1854-19085 (English title: means of aerial navigation, Inventors: Lagleize, Filing date: 1854-03-09)
- Patent FR-1854-18996 (English title: means of aerial navigation, Inventors: Roman, Filing date: 1854-03-11)
- Patent FR-1854-19266 (English title: means of aerial navigation, Inventors: D'Aldborough, Filing date: 1854-04-06)
- Patent FR-1854-10362.8 (English title: manner of aerostat basket direction, Inventors: Vaussin-Chardanne, Filing date: 1854-05-30)
- Patent FR-1854-19950 (English title: means of air-craft navigation, Inventors: Sorel, Filing date: 1854-06-16)
- Patent FR-1854-19923 (English title: aerial tool, Inventors: Bréant, Filing date: 1854-06-17)
- Patent FR-1854-20424 (English title: raft-ballon orientated towards general transportation, in all directions, French or foreign, over long distances, Inventors: Jean-Pierre-Bertrand Goudas, Filing date: 1854-06-27)
- Patent FR-1854-20460 (English title: type of air-ship, Inventors: D'Hiauville, Filing date: 1854-08-08)
- Patent FR-1854-21014 (English title: means of aerial navigation, Inventors: Chaine, Filing date: 1854-09-30)
- Patent FR-1854-21257 (English title: Airship train, Inventors: Modeste-Abel Latouche, Filing date: 1854-10-31)
- Patent FR-1854-21332 (English title: system of balloon navigation, Inventors: François-Paulin Terzuolo, Filing date: 1854-11-08)
- Patent FR-1855-22062 (English title: means of aerostat ascent and descent, Inventors: Joseph Schmitz, Filing date: 1855-01-11)
- Patent FR-1855-21332.1 (English title: system of balloon navigation, Inventors: François-Paulin Terzuolo, Filing date: 1855-02-13)
- Patent BE-1855-F-M-P C-A L-d-C (English title: manner of preventing explosions causes by hydrogen protocarbon, Inventors: Frédéric-Marie Piret • Carl Armbruster • Louis de Cherrier, Filing date: 1855-03-01)
- Patent GB-1855-625 (English title: Aerial navigation, Inventors: Benjamin O'Neale Stratford, Filing date: 1855-03-20)
- Patent FR-1855-22887 (English title: improvements to balloons and dirigibles, Inventors: Eugène-Joseph Varangot, Filing date: 1855-03-27)
- Patent FR-1855-22979 (English title: manner of preventing explosions causes by hydrogen protocarbon, Inventors: Frédéric-Marie Piret • Carl Armbruster • Louis de Cherrier, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1855-F-M-P C-A L-d-C, Filing date: 1855-03-27)
- Patent FR-1855-22887.1 (English title: Improvements to balloons and dirigibles, Inventors: Eugène-Joseph Varangot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1855-22887, Filing date: 1855-04-21)
- Patent FR-1855-23259 (English title: aerial propeller, Inventors: CARTIER, Filing date: 1855-04-24)
- Patent FR-1855-21014.1 (English title: means of aerial navigation, Inventors: Chaine, Filing date: 1855-04-30)
- Patent FR-1855-23499 (English title: method of aerial navigation, Inventors: Jean-Jacques Durand, Filing date: 1855-05-16)
- Patent GB-1855-1136 (English title: Aerostation or aeronautics, Inventors: William Joseph Curtis, Filing date: 1855-05-21)
- Patent FR-1855-23672 (English title: dirigible navigation, Inventors: Gry, Filing date: 1855-05-30)
- Patent FR-1855-23774 (English title: A variety of Aeronautic apparati, among others, parachutes using propeller-type blades (?), Inventors: Joseph PLINE, Filing date: 1855-06-12)
- Patent FR-1855-Giffard (English title: Air travel systems, Inventors: Henri Giffard, Filing date: 1855-07-06)
- Patent ES-1855-1315 (English title: A new aerostat system which can follow a fixed course, even if against the wind, Inventors: Nicolas Bara, Filing date: 1855-07-09)
- Patent FR-1855-19923 (English title: aerial navigation, Inventors: STRATFORD D'ALDBOUROUGH, comte d'ALDBOUROUGH, Filing date: 1855-07-23)
- Patent FR-1855-24329 (English title: Dirigible construction and navigation, Inventors: Jean-Louis Le Hir, Filing date: 1855-07-30)
- Patent FR-1855-24381 (English title: process of balloon safety, Inventors: ESMEIN, Filing date: 1855-08-08)
- Patent FR-1855-24881 (English title: perfections brought into the field of air-ship construction, Inventors: Honoré-Guillaume Dupont, Filing date: 1855-09-26)
- Patent FR-1855-21257.1 (English title: Airship train, Inventors: Modeste-Abel Latouche, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1854-21257, Filing date: 1855-10-31)
- Patent FR-1856-24329.1 (English title: dirigible construction and navigation, Inventors: Jean-Louis Le Hir, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1855-24329, Filing date: 1856-07-28)
- Patent FR-1856-29581 (English title: system of rubber aerostat, Inventors: Jouffre, Filing date: 1856-10-25)
- Patent FR-1856-29792 (English title: engine called equadynamic, Inventors: Taillepied de La Garenne, Filing date: 1856-11-04)
- Patent FR-1856-30055 (English title: Balloon system called aerostatic whirlpool with free parachute, Inventors: Tarride, Filing date: 1856-12-06)
- Patent FR-1857-30408 (English title: little fitted aerostats, Inventors: Labille • Manin, Filing date: 1857-01-03)
- Patent FR-1857-30970 (English title: "Balloons, inflating" Gasometer/gas-holder-tank proper to the inflation of aerostat balloons, Inventors: Lagneau, Filing date: 1857-02-17)
- Patent FR-1858-37168 (English title: Air-ship system, Inventors: Megras, Filing date: 1858-06-23)
- Patent ES-1859-1775 (English title: Apparatus for directing aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Inocente Sanchez, Filing date: 1858-09-14)
- Patent FR-1858-38509 (English title: Aerial photography, Inventors: Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (aka Nadar), Filing date: 1858-10-23)
- Patent FR-1858-39058 (English title: various aerostatic structural items with compressed air, Inventors: Vallet, Filing date: 1858-12-09)
- Patent FR-1858-39242 (English title: aerostat called the flying kite aerostat, Inventors: Anacharsis Menier, Filing date: 1858-12-22)
- Patent US-1859-23163 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: James P. Gage, Filing date: 1859)
- Patent FR-1859-39355 (English title: Aerostat with compressed air, Inventors: Coulturier • Gautier, Filing date: 1859-01-03)
- Patent ES-1859-1828 (English title: Device for directing balloons, Inventors: Venancio Martinez Artaloitia, Filing date: 1859-01-07)
- Patent FR-1859-40406 (English title: Balloon Aerostatic Apparatus, Inventors: Pierre Moreaud, Filing date: 1859-03-31)
- Patent ES-1860-2037 (English title: system of navigational apparatus for balloons, and construction of an air train, Inventors: Federico Gómez Arias)
- Patent GB-1860-3103 (English title: Signalling with balloons, Inventors: Ferdinand Silas)
- Patent FR-1860-49097 (English title: Apparatus of aerial navigation, Inventors: Gustave-Louis-Marie de Ponton d'Amécourt, Filing date: 1860-04-03)
- Patent FR-1860-45451 (English title: Propeller system, Inventors: Auguste Prouvost, Filing date: 1860-06-06, Applicant firm: Auguste Prouvost)
- Patent US-1860-32378 (English title: Balloon or aerial car, Inventors: Mortimer Nelson, Filing date: 1860-10-01)
- Patent US-1861-33165 (English title: Improvement in balloons, Inventors: Josiah J. Sherman)
- Patent GB-1861-2529 (English title: Propelling and sustaining balloons, Inventors: David Stephens Brown, Filing date: 1861)
- Patent ES-1861-2320 (English title: Apparatus for directing directing aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Jose Pesaña y Piñol, Filing date: 1861-07-06)
- Patent US-1862-35437 (English title: Improvement in aerial machines, Inventors: Luther C. Crowell)
- Patent GB-1862-1786 (English title: Fire balloon, Inventors: André Crestadoro)
- Patent GB-1863-2028 (English title: Suspending cameras from balloons, Inventors: Johann Ernst Friedrich Lüdecke)
- Patent US-1863-40608 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: James H. Connell)
- Patent US-1863-37667 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Thomas L. Shaw, Filing date: 1863-02-10)
- Patent ES-1864-2622 (English title: apparatus (vehicle) for controlled flight, called the "Pesaña Bird Ship", Inventors: Jose Pesaña y Piñol, Filing date: 1863-02-13)
- Patent FR-1863-57575 (English title: aerostat system called the Carmien system, Inventors: (Edmond-)Pierre Carmien, Filing date: 1863-02-26)
- Patent FR-1863-57703 (English title: improvements brought to aerostatic apparatus, Inventors: Eugène Godard, Filing date: 1863-03-07)
- Patent FR-1863-59241 (English title: inclined plane aeromotor; balloon steering, Inventors: Gatinet, Filing date: 1863-07-02)
- Patent FR-1863-59258 (English title: Aerostat, Inventors: Baron de Rovérié de Cabrières, Filing date: 1863-07-14)
- Patent FR-1863-60908 (English title: Children's toy aerostat, Inventors: Hippolyte Langlois, Filing date: 1863-11-20)
- Patent FR-1864-59258.1 (English title: Aerostat, Inventors: Baron de Rovérié de Cabrières, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1863-59258, Filing date: 1864-07-12)
- Patent US-1864-45665 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: A. G. Wright)
- Patent FR-1864-61649 (English title: improvements to the aerostat, Inventors: Quentin, Filing date: 1864-01-25)
- Patent FR-1864-62549 (English title: aerial navigation system, Inventors: Fontenau, Filing date: 1864-06-04)
- Patent FR-1864-64483 (English title: hydraulic thruster, Inventors: Louis-Edouard Gourdan-Fromentel, Filing date: 1867-09-22)
- Patent US-1865-50365 (English title: Improvement in aerial cars, Inventors: Francis Just • August Koellner, Filing date: 1865-10-10)
- Patent US-1866-57996 (English title: Marine balloon, Inventors: Chester W. Sykes)
- Patent FR-1866-71597 (English title: system of aerostatic apparatus, Inventors: Knopf)
- Patent GB-1867-549 (English title: [Aerial railway], Inventors: J. A. A. Fontaine)
- Patent GB-1867-466 (English title: [Captive balloon], Inventors: Henry Giffard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1866-74226, Filing date: 1867-02-20)
- Patent FR-1867-76906 (English title: "balloon launch", Inventors: Roux et Chemel • Chemel, Filing date: 1867-06-24)
- Patent US-1870-99629 (English title: Aerial ship, Inventors: Martin Braun, Filing date: 1867-08-01)
- Patent US-1867-80107 (English title: Aerial car, Inventors: Onofrio Abbruzo, Filing date: 1867-09-14)
- Patent GB-1867-3036 (English title: [Improvements to captive balloon system], Inventors: Henri Giffard, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1867-466, Filing date: 1867-10-28)
- Patent GB-1868-3677 (English title: Spring-motor for aerial machines, Inventors: Henry William Grylls, Filing date: 1868)
- Patent GB-1868-1881 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Richard Boyman-Boyman, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1866-3262, Filing date: 1868)
- Patent FR-1868-79315 (English title: aerostatic water jet, Inventors: Charles-Étienne Osmont • Julien-Eugène Vassaux, Filing date: 1868-01-23)
- Patent GB-1868-1815 (English title: Hot-air balloon, Inventors: André Crestadoro, Filing date: 1868-06-03)
- Patent FR-1870-91010 (English title: apparatus for aerial navigation, Inventors: Anacharsis Menier • Jean-Sébastien Menier • Eugène Menier • Léopold Menier)
- Patent GB-1870-3272 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Philip Brannon)
- Patent FR-1870-90482 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Courtemanche, Filing date: 1870-06-23)
- Patent US-1870-106862 (English title: Aerial car, Inventors: Edward Oakes, Filing date: 1870-08-25)
- Patent FR-1870-90935 (English title: "Balloons, use of", improvements brought to the methods of aerostat usage, Inventors: Dumery, Filing date: 1870-10-11)
- Patent FR-1870-90981 (English title: balloon steering and working, system allowing the manuvering and control of aerostats, Inventors: Olivier, Filing date: 1870-10-20)
- Patent FR-1870-90570 (English title: "Balloons, mast of hollow iron for steering", Inventors: Prigent, Filing date: 1870-10-29)
- Patent ES-1871-4766 (English title: Device for controlling LTA balloons, Inventors: Juan Bautista Duthu, Filing date: 1870-10-31)
- Patent FR-1870-91052 (English title: balloon car aeronautique gondola-cockpit called the Doctor Van Hecke, Inventors: Englebert-Théophile van Hecke, Filing date: 1870-11-03)
- Patent FR-1870-91027 (English title: Ballooning, Inventors: D'Oliveira, Filing date: 1870-11-11)
- Patent FR-1870-91061 (English title: postal balloon or balloon of three bridges, Inventors: Antoine-Léopold Chéradame • Comte Devaulx de Chambord, Filing date: 1870-11-19)
- Patent FR-1870-91085 (English title: balloon, air-ship, Inventors: Toselli, Filing date: 1870-11-28)
- Patent FR-1870-91114 (English title: Hot-Air Balloon, Inventors: Pierre-Joseph Ravel • Anacharsis Menier • Jean-Baptiste Menier • Eugène Menier • Léopold Menier, Filing date: 1870-12-08)
- Patent FR-1870-91142 (English title: balloon propeller, aeronautic propeller system, Inventors: Victor-Armand Prou, Filing date: 1870-12-26)
- Patent ES-1871-4845 (English title: Aerostatic balloons with steering, Inventors: Ramón Remis y Suárez, Filing date: 1871-09-21)
- Patent GB-1872-3076 (English title: Steering balloons, Inventors: Jean-Baptiste Duthu)
- Patent US-1872-130915 (English title: Improvement in balloon locomotives, Inventors: Paul Haenlein)
- Patent ES-1872-4893 (English title: Apparatus for steering aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Sixto Vilas y Rubio • Julián Bosque y Aniento • Francisco Bescos y Lascortz, Filing date: 1872-01-16)
- Patent ES-1872-4903 (English title: Aerial navigator able to travel in a "fixed" direction, Inventors: Ramón Remis y Suárez, Filing date: 1872-02-21)
- Patent FR-1873-97664 (English title: Means of raising and directing aerostats, by way of gas, the shock (impact? concussion?) and the vacuum(?), Inventors: Pierre-Nicolas-Victor Lahérard, Filing date: 1873-01-13)
- Patent GB-1873-2776 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Margaret Martin, Filing date: 1873-08-21)
- Patent US-1874-147252 (English title: Apparatus for navigating the air, Inventors: Otto Francis, Filing date: 1873-09-03)
- Patent FR-1873-101540 (English title: Aerostat navigation, Inventors: Granjon • Veuve Rataboul, Filing date: 1873-12-11)
- Patent GB-1873-4279 (English title: Propelling balloons, Inventors: John Collis Browne, Filing date: 1873-12-30)
- Patent US-1874-149012 (English title: Aerial steering and propelling apparatus, Inventors: Charles B. WAINWRIGHT, Supplementary to patent: 1874-03-24)
- Patent US-1874-152145 (English title: Guiding balloons, Inventors: Charles F. MCGLASHAN)
- Patent GB-1874-2821 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Isham Baggs)
- Patent US-1874-151124 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: James Hartness, Filing date: 1874-04-14)
- Patent US-1874-152414 (English title: Aerial boats, Inventors: Daniel L. Rhone, Filing date: 1874-06-01)
- Patent US-1874-154654 (English title: Improvement in apparatus for navigating the air, Inventors: Micajah Dyer, Filing date: 1874-06-10)
- Patent US-1874-156359 (English title: Fuselage, Inventors: Félix Leblanc, Filing date: 1874-10-07)
- Patent GB-1875-1690 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Jean-Sébastien Menier • Anacharsis Menier)
- Patent US-1875-161772 (English title: Aerial and marine gyrator, Inventors: Peter B. Fernandez, Filing date: 1875-02-02)
- Patent US-1875-168486 (English title: Car or boat attachment for balloons, Inventors: James Hartness, Filing date: 1875-03-06)
- Patent US-1875-165881 (English title: Steerable air-ship, Inventors: Frederick W. Schroeder, Filing date: 1875-07-01)
- Patent US-1875-168788 (English title: Aerial Vessel, Inventors: Friedrich E. Schmidt, Filing date: 1875-09-02)
- Patent ES-1877-5392 (English title: Man-made aerial machine able to navigate the atmosphere, Inventors: Eduardo Santigosa y Gal, Filing date: 1876-01-10)
- Patent US-1876-175662 (English title: Propelling & steering balloons, Inventors: Daniel H. Carl, Filing date: 1876-01-27)
- Patent ES-1877-5650 (English title: Method of directing aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Alejo Carzola y Ales, Filing date: 1877-04-27)
- Patent US-1877-193599 (English title: Toy balloons, Inventors: Jacob J. Detwiller, Filing date: 1877-05-11)
- Patent US-1877-199334 (English title: Aerial vessels, Inventors: Fritz A. L. von Ehren, Filing date: 1877-07-16)
- Patent US-1877-194841 (English title: Flying-machines, Inventors: James J. Pennington, Filing date: 1877-07-23)
- Patent US-1879-214546 (English title: Aerial machine, Inventors: Henry BADGLEY, Supplementary to patent: 1879-04-22)
- Patent US-1878-205319 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: James Tracy, Filing date: 1877-12-11)
- Patent GB-1878-1827 (English title: Navigating balloons, Inventors: Richard William Cowan • Charles Pagé, Supplementary to patent: Patent CA-1878-8860, Filing date: 1878)
- Patent GB-1878-513 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: William Jackson, Filing date: 1878)
- Patent DE-1878-2600 (English title: Directing, maintaining course, and fastening of captive air-balloons, Inventors: Friedrich Haupt, Filing date: 1878-01-11)
- Patent US-1878-201200 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Charles F. Ritchel, Filing date: 1878-03-02)
- Patent CA-1878-8661 (English title: Improvements in flying machines, Inventors: James J. Pennington, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1877-194841, Filing date: 1878-04-24)
- Patent FR-1878-124576 (English title: Improvements to aerial balloons, Inventors: Comte Antoine Apraxine, Filing date: 1878-05-08)
- Patent DE-1879-5686 (English title: Wheels with rotating blades for movement of air ships and submarine vessels, Inventors: Richard William Cowan • Charles Pagé, Supplementary to patent: Patent CA-1878-8860, Filing date: 1878-05-18)
- Patent US-1879-213603 (English title: Aerial balloon, Inventors: Comte Antoine Apraxine, Filing date: 1878-06-28)
- Patent US-1878-210238 (English title: Air ship, Inventors: John F. Cameron, Filing date: 1878-08-28)
- Patent GB-1879-1879 (English title: Balloon railway, Inventors: James Stewart Smyth)
- Patent DE-1879-3486 (English title: Flight apparatus, Inventors: Gebhard Ackermann, Filing date: 1878-05-07)
- Patent DE-1880-9137 (English title: Wing airship steering device, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten, Filing date: 1879-04-02)
- Patent DE-1879-8706 (English title: Steerable powered airship called Aërovéloce, Inventors: Wilhelm Kress, Filing date: 1879-07-19)
Publications referring to LTA
- American Aeronaut (Simple title: American Aeronaut and Aerostatist)
- American Aeronaut and Aerostatist (Simple title: American Aeronaut and Aerostatist)
- Landelle, Dans les airs: Aérostation, aviation, parachutes, helicoptères, cerfs-volants aéroplanes, orthoptères (Simple title: In the air: aerostation, aviation, parachutes, helicopters, kites airplanes, orthopters)
- Zeitschrift für Luftschiffahrt und Physik der Atmosphäre (Simple title: Zeitschrift für Luftschiffahrt)
- Publication 9554, , Patentschriften des Deutschen Reisches, Klasse 77 Luftschiffahrt, Flugapparte, etc. (Simple title: Patents of the German Reisch, Class 77 airship, aircraft, etc., Journal: Patentschriften)
- Revue industrielle, 1902, Ballon dirigeable de Torres à quille intérieure (Simple title: Torres's dirigible with inner keel, Journal: Rev. Ind.)
- Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre (Simple title: Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre, Journal: Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre)
- Ergebnissen der Arbeiten am Aëronautischen Observatorium (Simple title: Results of the Work at the Aeronautical Observatory, Journal: Ergebnissen der Arbeiten am Aëronautischen Observatorium)
- Wiener Luftschiffer-Zeitung (Simple title: Wiener Luftschiffer-Zeitung)
- Publication 7867, 1784, Voyage autour de la terre avec le globe aérostatique (Simple title: Travel around the earth with the aerostatic globe)
- De Galvez, 1784, Sur un moyén de donner la direction aux machines aérostatiques (Simple title: On a way to give direction to aerostatic machines, Journal: Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc.)
- Cavallo, 1785, The history and practice of aerostation (Simple title: The history and practice of aerostation)
- Jeffries, 1786, Narrative of Two Aerial Voyages (Simple title: A narrative of the two aerial voyages of Doctor Jeffries with M. Blanchard, with meteorological observations and remarks, presented to the Royal Society)
- Jeffries, 1786, Second voyage on the 7th January, 1785, from the cliffs of Dover, across the British Channel (Simple title: Second voyage on the 7th January, 1785, from the cliffs of Dover, across the British Channel)
- Jeffries, 1786, First voyage on the 13th of Nov. 1784, from the Rhedarium London, into the parish of Stone, Kent (Simple title: First voyage on the 13th of Nov. 1784, from the Rhedarium London, into the parish of Stone, Kent)
- Cavallo, 1786, Histoire et pratique de l'aérostation (Simple title: History and practice of ballooning, Journal: History • Practice • Ballooning)
- Blanchard, 1787, Herrn Blanchard's kurze Erzehlung seiner Begebenheiten auf der Erde seit dem Monat Januar 1787 von ihm selbst beschrieben (Simple title: Blanchard's adventures above the Earth during January 1787)
- Cartier, 1828, Moyen de direction des ballons aérostatiques dans l'air (Simple title: Direction means of aerostatic balloons in the air)
- Ogle, 1837, Aërial navigation (Simple title: Aërial navigation, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Cayley, 1837, Practical remarks on aerial navigation (Simple title: Practical remarks on aerial navigation)
- Leslie, 1838, Treatises on various subjects of natural and chemical philosophy. By Sir John Leslie . . . . With a biographical memoir (Simple title: Treatises on various subjects of natural and chemical philosophy, Journal: Encyclopedia Britannica)
- Mac Sweeny, 1844, Essay on Aerial Navigation (Simple title: Essay on Aerial Navigation)
- Hecke, 1847, Rapport sur un mémoire de M. le docteur Van Hecke, ayant pour titre: Nouveau système de locomotion aérienne (Simple title: Report on a paper by Dr. Van Hecke, entitled: New Airborne Locomotion System, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Dupuis-Delcourt, 1850, Nouveau manuel complet d'aérostation ou guide pour servir à l'histoire ou à la pratique des ballons (Simple title: New full aerostation manual or guide to serve the history or practice of balloons, Journal: Encyclopedie Roret)
- Wise, 1850, A System of Aeronautics (Simple title: A System of Aeronautics)
- Figuier, 1850, Les Aérostats et les aéronautes (Simple title: Aerostats and aeronauts, Journal: Revue des Deux Mondes)
- Beauchamp, 1853, Extraits des mémoires d'un officier des aérostiers aux armées de 1793 à 1799 (Simple title: Extracts from the memoirs of an officer of the Armed Forces Officers from 1793 to 1799, Journal: Pl. 1)
- Publication 3224, 1855, Curiosités des inventions et découvertes. Paris. 1855. Ch. 8, Moyens de transport: Aérostats, Montgolfières, Ballon (Simple title: Curiosities of inventions and discoveries. Paris. 1855. Ch. 8, Means of transport: Aerostats, Balloons)
- Mechanics' Magazine, 1860, Bright's Aerial Carriage (Simple title: Bright's Aerial Carriage, Journal: Mechanics' Magazine)
- Blerzy, 1863, Les aérostats et les aéronefs (Simple title: Aerostats and 'airships', Journal: Revue des Deux Mondes)
- Delaville-Dedreux, 1863, Navigation aérienne en chine (Simple title: La navigation aérienne en Chine)
- Delaville-Dedreux, 1863, Navigation aérienne en chine (Simple title: La navigation aérienne en Chine)
- Charvin, 1864, De la navigation aérienne par les aérostats (Simple title: Air navigation by aerostats)
- Felisch, 1866, Was in der Luft vorgeht. Vorträge über Luftdruck, Luftschifffahrt und Meteorologie (Simple title: What happens in the air. Lectures on air pressure, aviation and meteorology)
- Marion, 1867, Les ballons et les voyages aériens (Simple title: Balloons and air travel)
- Caron, 1872, L'aérostat à hélice de M. Dupuy de Lôme (Simple title: The propeller aerostat of M. Dupuy de Lôme, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Crocé-Spinelli and Saco, 1873, Réponse aux questions adressées de la part de la compagnie des aérostats de l'Exposition de Vienne (Simple title: Answer to the questions asked by the aerostats company of the Vienna Exhibition, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Motard, 1874, Étude sur le Montgolfières (Simple title: Montgolfiere hot air balloon study, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Jourdanet, 1875, Influence de la pression de l'air sur la vie de l'homme (Simple title: Influence of air pressure on human life)
- Abate, 1877, La direzione delle macchine aerostatiche per invenzione del medesimo (Simple title: The direction of the aerostatic machines for its invention)
- Publication 1296, 1879, Noteworthy aerial voyages, from the discovery of the balloon to the present time, the aeronautic experiences of Mr. Samuel A. King his great captive balloons (Simple title: Noteworthy aerial voyages, from the discovery of the balloon to the present time, the aeronautic experiences of Mr. Samuel A. King his great captive balloons)
- Villeneuve, 1880, La distribution des prix de l'Institut Lombard de Milan en 1879 (Simple title: The prize distribution of the Milan Lombard Institute in 1879, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Ballantyne, 1880, Up in the Clouds (Simple title: Up in the Clouds)
- Ballantyne, 1880, Up in the Clouds (Simple title: Up in the Clouds)
- Publication 1528, 1882, Die Bedeutung der Luftschiffahrt (Simple title: The importance of air navigation, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 9790, 1882, Luftschiff mit Lenkvorrichtung (Simple title: Airship with steering device, Journal: Patentschriften)
- Fonvielle, 1882, Les ballons dirigeables à vapeur de M. H. Giffard (Simple title: The airships of Mr. H. Giffard)
- Brearey, 1883, Upon the absence of balloons in Egypt during the late campaign (Simple title: Upon the absence of balloons in Egypt during the late campaign, Journal: Annual Report of the Aëronautical Society of Great Britain)
- Silberer, 1883, Im Ballon. Eine Schilderung der Fahrten des Wiener Luftballons Vindobona' im Jahre 1882, sowie der früheren Wiener Luftfahrte (1791-1881). M. Aufzählung aller jener Luftfahrten, bei denen Menschenleben zum Opfer gefallen sind (Simple title: Balloon. A description of the voyages of the Viennese balloon Vindobona in 1882, as well as previous Vienna air travel (1791-1881). M. List of all those air rides in which human lives have fallen victim)
- Fischer, 1884, Entgegnung auf den Artikel 'Das Projekt Fischer' (Simple title: Reply to the article 'The project Fischer', Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Grilleau, 1884, Les aérostats dirigeables, leur passé, leur présent, leur avenir. Le ballon de Meudon, et les progrès les plus récents de l'aéronautique (Simple title: The dirigible aerostats, their past, their present, their future. The balloon of Meudon, and the most recent progress of aeronautics)
- Hagen, 1884, Ein Blick in die Ballonwerkstatt (Simple title: A look into the balloon workshop, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 5109, 1884, Die Lenkbarkeit des aërostatischen Luftschiffes gemeinfasslich mit ausführlichen Berechnungen und Ziechungen dargestellt (Simple title: The steerability of the aërostatische airship explicated with detailed calculations and illustrations)
- Caron, 1884, La nacelle du ballon électrique des frères Tissandier (Simple title: The nacelle of the electric balloon of the Tissandier brothers, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Coxwell, 1885, Hot-air and gas balloons (Simple title: Hot-air and gas balloons, Journal: Engineering)
- Moedebeck, 1886, Der Luftschifferpark in der Italienischen und in der Russischen Armee. Aus dem Bulletin de la Reunion des officers, 17 April 1886 (Simple title: The airship park in the Italian and Russian armies. From the Bulletin de la Reunion des officers, 17 April 1886, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch. • Bulletin de la Reunion des officers)
- Hervé, 1886, Sur les ascensions maritimes appliquées à la météorologie (Simple title: On maritime meteorological ascensions, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Hervé, 1886, Sur les ascensions maritimes appliquées à la météorologie (Simple title: On maritime meteorological ascensions, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Yon, 1886, Matériel aérostatique militaire, système Gabriel Yon, 1886 (Simple title: Military aerostatic equipment, Gabriel Yon system, 1886)
- Yon, 1886, Matériel aérostatique militaire, système Gabriel Yon, 1886 (Simple title: Military aerostatic equipment, Gabriel Yon system, 1886)
- Chamard, 1886, Observations sur la théorie des aérostats de M. Paul Valer (Simple title: Observations on the theory of aerostats by Paul Valer, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Hess, 1887, Der gegenwärtige Stand der militärischen Luftschiffahrt (Simple title: The current state of military aeronautics, Journal: Mitth. Geg. Art. Gen.)
- Publication 404, 1887, Les aérostats militaires au Tonkin (Simple title: Military aerostats in Tonkin, Journal: Revue de Génie)
- Hagen, 1887, Photographiren v. Ballon aus (Simple title: Photographing from the Balloon, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 2148, 1887, Braun's electro-dynamisches Luftschiff (Simple title: Braun's electro-dynamic airship, Journal: Uhl. Woch. Ind. Techn.)
- Bary, 1887, Navigation aérienne. La théorie du plus lourd que l'air appliquée à l'aérostation (Simple title: Air Navigation. The theory of heavier than air applied to ballooning, Journal: L'Aérostat)
- Publication 4648, 1887, Flugtechnischer Verein in Wien (1) (Simple title: Flight Technology Association in Vienna (1), Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Béthuys, 1888, Sur le ballonnet à compression de l'aérostat du Général Meusnier (Simple title: On the compression balloon of General Meusnier's aerostat, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Hervé, 1888, La périod d'instruction à l'établissement aéronautique de Chàlais-Meudon (Simple title: The training period at the aeronautical establishment of Châlais-Meudon, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Mck, 1888, Ballonwettfahrten (Simple title: Balloon races, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 1244, 1888, Ballonfahrten über den atlantischen Ozean (Simple title: Ballooning over the Atlantic Ocean, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 7447, 1888, Ein lenkbarer elektrisches Luftschiff (Simple title: A dirigible electric airship, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 7408, 1888, Die Leichte Batterie des lenkbaren Luftschiffes 'La France.' Nach 'La Nature,' No. 785 vom 16 Juni 1888 (Simple title: The light battery of the steerable airship 'La France.' After 'La Nature,' No. 785 of 16 June 1888, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch. • La Nature)
- Hervé, 1888, Le général Perrier (Simple title: General Perrier, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Deprez, 1888, Le général F. Perrier (Simple title: General F. Perrier, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Fonvielle, 1889, L'aéronautique à l'exposition de 1889 (Simple title: Aeronautics at the 1889 exhibition, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Yon, 1889, Aérostation populaire, exposition internationale de 1889. Projet de construction d'un grand ballon captif à vapeur (Simple title: Iternational exhibition of 1889: constructing a large steam captive balloon)
- Derval, 1889, Étude sur la navigation aérienne. Aérostats électriques. Aérostat de Meudon. Calcul de la vitesse. De stabilité des aérostats. Durée des voyages aériens. Chaudière aérostatique, etc. (Simple title: Air Navigation Study. Electric aerostats. Aerostat of Meudon. Calculation of the speed. Stability of aerostats. Duration of air travel. Aerostatic boiler, etc.)
- Yon and Surcouf, 1889, Aërostats--Aërostation militaire (Simple title: Aerostats - Military Aerostation, Journal: Revue Technique)
- Bethuys, 1890, L'aérostation sur terre et sur mer (Simple title: Aerostation on land and sea, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Béthuys, 1890, M. Jovis et la Tour Eiffel (Simple title: Mr Jovis and the Eiffel Tower, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Renard, 1890, Piles légères (Simple title: The light (chlorochromic) batteries of La France)
- Publication 1218, 1890, Ballon à compartiments Mahoudeau (Simple title: Mahoudeau Compartment Balloon, Journal: Inv. Nouv.)
- Sibillot, 1890, Gay-Lussac Aéronaute (Simple title: Gay-Lussac Aéronaute)
- Sibillot, 1890, Gay-Lussac Aéronaute (Simple title: Gay-Lussac Aéronaute)
- Deburaux, 1891, Les aérostats militaires aux grands manoeuvres d'armée de 1891 (Simple title: Military Aerostats to the Great Army Maneuvers of 1891, Journal: Rev.-Gén. Mil.)
- Maxim, 1891, Aerial navigation, The power required (Simple title: Aerial navigation, The power required, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Hermite, 1892, Exploration des hautes régions de l'atmosphère à l'aide de ballons non montés, pourvus d'enregistreurs automatiques (Simple title: Exploration of the upper regions of the atmosphere using unassembled balloons, equipped with automatic recorders, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Publication 3746, 1892, Die Dritte diesjährige Ballonfahrt des Münchener Vereins für Luftschifffahrt (Simple title: The third year's balloon ride of the Munich Association for Air Navigation, Journal: Zeitsch. Luftsch.)
- Barthès, 1892, Étude graphique et géométrique du mouvement des ballons libres (Simple title: Graphical and geometric study of free balloon movement, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Publication 1473, 1892, Battey's aerial ship (Simple title: Battey's aerial ship, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 1473, 1892, Battey's aerial ship (Simple title: Battey's aerial ship, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Finsterwalder and Sohncke, 1894, Bemerkungen über die bei Ballonbeobachtungen erreichbare Genauigkeit (Simple title: Remarks on the accuracy achievable with balloon observation, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 465, 1894, The Airship Division of the German army (Simple title: The Airship Division of the German army, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication 1316, 1894, Ballooning with geese (Simple title: Ballooning with geese, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Means, 1894, The problem of manflight (Simple title: The problem of manflight)
- Assmann, 1894, Neue Untersuchungen über die physikalischen Verhältnisse der Atmosphäre mittels des Luftballons (Simple title: New investigations on the physical conditions of the atmosphere by means of the balloon, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Assmann, 1894, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der ersten Auffahrt des Ballons 'M. W.' am 30. Januar 1891 (Simple title: Scientific results of the first ascent of the balloon 'M. W. ' on January 30, 1891, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Bouttieaux, 1894, La téléphotographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon telephotography, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Wood, 1894, Flotation vs. aviation (Simple title: Flotation vs. aviation, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Spaeth, 1894, Spaeth's airship, an aerial vessel (Simple title: Spaeth's airship, an aerial vessel, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 2435, 1895, Aerial navigation (Simple title: Aerial navigation, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Hinterstoisser, 1896, Aëronautische Ausstellungs-Briefe aus dem tausendjährigen Ungarn (1) (Simple title: Aeronautic Exhibition - Letters from the Hungarian Millennial (1), Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Vialardi, 1896, Il primo pallone aerostatico costrutto in Italia (Simple title: The first hot-air balloon built in Italy, Journal: L'Aeronauta)
- Berst, 1897, Die Brieftaube und ihre Verwendung bei Ballonfahrten (Simple title: The carrier pigeon and its use in balloon rides, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Fingerhuth, 1897, Zur Katastrophe Wölfert (Simple title: Wölfert's disaster, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 1904, 1897, Blanchard's Meinung von Strassburg im Jahre 1787 (Simple title: Blanchard's opinion of Strasbourg in 1787, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 2506, 1897, Captive balloon at the Leipzig Exhibition (Simple title: Captive balloon at the Leipzig Exhibition, Journal: La France Aérienne)
- Publication 642, 1897, Andrée's polar balloon expedition (Simple title: Andrée's polar balloon expedition, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 878, 1897, Ascent of a squadron of war balloons in Russia (Simple title: Ascent of a squadron of war balloons in Russia, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Glassford, 1897, Annual Report
- Cabalzar, 1897, Le grand ballon captif de l'exposition internationale de Leipzig (Simple title: The big captive balloon of the international exhibition of Leipzig, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Erk, 1897, Ueber die Einwirkung von Flussläufen auf eine darüber befindliche Wolkendecke (Simple title: About the influence of rivers on an overlying cloud cover, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 641, 1897, Andrée's polar balloon (Simple title: Andrée's polar balloon, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Platte, 1898, Neue Ideen (Simple title: New ideas, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Moedebeck, 1898, Betrachtungen über das lenkbare Luftschiff und Bericht über den Versuch mit dem Aluminium-Luftschiff in Berlin (Simple title: Reflections on the steerable airship and report on the experiment with the aluminum airship in Berlin, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Banet-Rivet, 1898, L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique)
- Erk, 1898, Leonhard Sohncke (Simple title: Leonhard Sohncke, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Ekholm, 1898, Eine Methode, den Luftballon zu langdauernden Fahrten verwendbar zu machen (Simple title: A method to make the balloon suitable for long journeys, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Rengifo, 1898, Aeronáutica (Simple title: Aeronautics, Journal: Anales del Instituto de Injenieros)
- Boutineaux, 1899 (Simple title: Meteorology applied to ballooning)
- Hamelin, 1899, Machine volante dirigeable de Danilewsky (Simple title: Danilewsky's dirigible airship, Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Publication 278, 1899, Aéroplane Don Simoni (Simple title: The Don Simoni airplane. A platform of aluminum tubes, wrapped in silk filled with hydrogen, the volume of which is such that the difference between its weight and the weight of an equal volume of air is equal to the whole weight of the apparatus., Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Publication 1616, 1899, Bericht über die von Dr. Süring am 24. März 1899 ausgeführte Hochfahrt (Simple title: Report of Dr. Süring on a flight March 24, 1899, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Vacquiers, 1899, Le nouveau ballon militaire anglais (Simple title: The new English military balloon, Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bans, 1899, Ballons pour rire (Simple title: Balloons for laughs, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Delmard, Blathwayt, 1899, European military ballooning (Simple title: European military ballooning, Journal: Pall Mall Magazine)
- Hoernes, 1900, Das Zeppelin'sche Ballonproblem (Simple title: The Zeppelin balloon problem, Journal: Die Zeit)
- King, 1900, Washington H. Donaldson (Simple title: Washington H. Donaldson)
- Publication 216, 1900, Aeronautics in 1900 (Simple title: Aeronautics in 1900, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 2994, 1900, Le Concours d'aérostation à l'exposition (Simple title: Aerostation competition at the Exposition, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication 383, 1900, L'aérostation. (La photographie en ballon, la Colombophile à l'éxposition universelle de 1900.) (Simple title: The ballooning. (Balloon photography, the Colombophile at the Universal Exhibition of 1900.), Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Bacon, 1900, Cloud photography from balloons (Simple title: Cloud photography from balloons, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Assmann and Berson, 1900, Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten (Simple title: Scientific aviation, carried out by the German Association for the Promotion of Air Navigation in Berlin)
- Bacon, 1900, By Land and Sky (Simple title: By Land and Sky)
- Assmann, 1900, Beiträge zur Erforschung der Atmosphäre mittelst Luftballon, unter Mitwirkung von A. Berson, H. Gross, V. Kremser und R. Süring (Simple title: Contributions to the study of the atmosphere by means of air balloon, with the participation of A. Berson, H. Gross, V. Kremser and R. Süring)
- Börnstein and Gross, 1900, Das Ballonmaterial (Simple title: Balloon material, Journal: Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten)
- Danilewsky, 1900, Ein lenkbarer Flugapparat (Simple title: A dirigible flying machine)
- Faure, 1900, Faure's balloon voyage across the channel (Simple title: Faure's balloon voyage across the channel, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Baume-Pluvinel, 1901, Observations astronomiques en ballon (Simple title: Astronomical balloon observations, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Besançon, 1901, L'aéronautique en Allemagne (Simple title: Aeronautics in Germany, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Die Königlich Preußische Luftschiffer-Abteilung, Berlin 1884-1901 (Simple title: Royal Prussian Airship-Division, Berlin¸ 1884–1901)
- King, 1901, How to cross the Atlantic in a balloon (Simple title: How to cross the Atlantic in a balloon, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Weil, 1901, Krocker's lenkbares Luftschiff (Simple title: Krocker's dirigible airship. A contribution to the solution of the air shipping problem)
- Josselin, 1901, Réflexions d'un plus léger que l'air (Simple title: Reflections of a lighter than air, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Aeronautique Club de France, 1901, Programme des cours de l'école préparatoire aux aérostatier militaires (Simple title: Program of the preparatory school for military balloonists, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Aimé, 1901, Le Santos-Dumont No. 6. (Simple title: Santos-Dumont No. 6, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Aimé, 1901, Le Santos-Dumont No. 5 (Simple title: Santos-Dumont No. 5, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Armengaud, 1901, Les progrès de la navigation aérienne et les expériences de M. Santos-Dumont (Simple title: Advances in air navigation and the experiences of Mr. Santos-Dumont, Journal: Mém. Soc. Ing. Civ.)
- Contour, 1901, Description d'un système de ballon dirigeable (Simple title: Description of a balloon system, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 11670, 1901, Suter's new airship on Lake Constance (Simple title: Suter's new airship on Lake Constance, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 3915, 1901, Echoes of the siege of Paris (Simple title: Echoes of the siege of Paris, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Spencer, 1901, Notable British balloon ascents (Simple title: Notable British balloon ascents, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 189, 1902, The Aeronautical Observatory of Potsdam (Simple title: The Aeronautical Observatory of Potsdam, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 464, 1902, Airship contest rules (Simple title: Airship contest rules, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 6379, 1902, International Aeronautical Congress at Berlin (Simple title: International Aeronautical Congress at Berlin, Journal: Aer. World)
- Sampaio, 1902, The 'Peace' balloon of the late Señor Augusto Severo (2) (Simple title: The 'Peace' balloon of the late Señor Augusto Severo, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Sampaio, 1902, The 'Peace' balloon of the late Señor Augusto Severo (1) (Simple title: The 'Peace' balloon of the late Señor Augusto Severo, Journal: Aer. World)
- Torres, 1902, Rapport sur un mémoire de M. Torres concernant un avant-projet de ballon dirigeable, présenté a l'académie dans la séance du 26 mai 1902. Commissaires: MM. Sarrau, Cailletet; Appell rapporteur (Simple title: Preliminary draft of a dirigible balloon, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Sébillot, 1902, Mémoire sur les navires aériens à air dilaté (Simple title: Memorandum on dilated-air vessels, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- André, 1902, Les dirigeables, étude de la direction des ballons, des tentatives réalisées, et des projets nouveaux, par H. André (Simple title: The airships complete study of balloon direction, made attempts, and new projects, by Mr. H. André)
- Alexander, 1902, The conquest of the air; the romance of aerial navigation (Simple title: The conquest of the air; the romance of aerial navigation)
- Publication 4640, 1902, Flugmaschinen mit und ohne Ballon (Simple title: Flying machines with and without balloon, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Edison tells Dumont to get rid of balloons, 1902 (Simple title: Edison Tells Dumont to get Rid of Balloon)
- Godard, 1902, Der Ballon captif von Düsseldorf 1902 (Simple title: The captive balloon of Dusseldorf 1902, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 8995, 1902, The navigable balloon scheme of M. Torres (Simple title: The navigable balloon scheme of M. Torres, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Hoernes, 1903, Die Luftschiffahrt der Gegenwart (Simple title: The airship of the present)
- Publication 3141, 1903, La Coupe No. 2 de 'La vie au grand air'; Challenge des femmes aéronautes (Simple title: Cup No. 2 of 'Life outdoors'; Challenge of women aeronauts, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Rojas, 1903, Termómetros para conocer desde la barquilla del globo la temperatura del gas (Simple title: Instrument for displaying balloon gas temperature within the nacelle)
- Publication 11126, 1903, Sibillot's airship (Simple title: Sibillot's airship, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 11126, 1903, Sibillot's airship (Simple title: Sibillot's airship, Journal: Aer. World)
- Lecornu, 1903, La navigation aérienne. Histoire documentaire et anecdotique (Simple title: Air navigation. Documentary and anecdotal history.)
- Arnoux, 1903, La sécurité en ballons à moteurs. Conférence faite au Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. Par M. Ed. Surcouf (Simple title: Safety in motor balloons. Conference made at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. By Mr. Ed. Surcouf, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Publication 9431, 1903, Over ocean balloon voyages (Simple title: Over ocean balloon voyages, Journal: Aer. World)
- Linke, 1903, Moderne Luftschiffahrt (Simple title: Modern airship travel)
- Publication 198, 1903, Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (Simple title: Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 2706, 1903, Octave Chanute in Wien (Simple title: Octave Chanute in Wien, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 1247, 1904, Ballongas-Temperaturmesser von F. de P. Rojas (Simple title: Balloon gas temperature meter by F. de P. Rojas, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 640, 1904, Die Andréesche Luftballon-Expedition (Simple title: Andrée's balloon expedition, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 724, 1904, Die arbeiten der französisch-skandinavischen Station zur Erforschung der Atmosphäre in Hald 1902-1903 (Simple title: The work of the French-Scandinavian station for the study of the atmosphere in Hald 1902-1903, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Sayão Lobato, 1904, Aeronave Projectil (Simple title: Aerial Navigation: Dirigible Airship invented by João Evangelista de Negreiros Sayão Lobato)
- Silberer, 1904, Der Stand der Luftschiffahrt zu Anfang 1904. Vortrag, gehalten in der ausserordentlichen Versammlung des Wiener Aeroclubs zu Wien am 15 Dezember 1903 (Simple title: The state of air navigation at the beginning of 1904. Lecture, held in the Extraordinary Assembly of the Vienna Aeroclub at Vienna on 15 December 1903, Journal: Allgemeine Sportzeitung)
- Assmann, 1904, Das aëronautische Observatorium Berlin in Jahre 1903 (Simple title: The Aëronautische Observatorium Berlin in 1903, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Chanute, 1904, Aerial navigation (Scient. Amer. Suppl.) (Simple title: Aerial navigation, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Torres, 1905, Sur la stabilité longitudinale des ballons dirigeables (Simple title: On the longitudinal stability of airships, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Quervain, 1905, Das Luftschiff des Grafen Almerico da Schio (Simple title: The airship of Count Almerico da Schio, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Kindelán, 1905, Las ascensiones libres en la compañia de aerostación (Simple title: Free balloon ascensions by the Compañia de Aerostación)
- Bacon, 1905, Balloons, airships and flying machines; by Gertrude Bacon (Simple title: Balloons, airships and flying machines; by Gertrude Bacon)
- Clayton, 1906, Blue Hill observations at St. Louis (Simple title: Blue Hill observations at St. Louis, Journal: Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre)
- Gudenus, 1906, Die erste militärische Ballonfreifahrt in Tirol (Simple title: The first military free-balloon ride in Tyrol, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 1239, 1906, Die 'Ville de Paris' (Simple title: The 'Ville de Paris', Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 130, 1906, The Aero Club of America's exhibits recently shown at the Sixth Annual Automobile Show (Simple title: The Aero Club of America's aeronautical exhibits recently shown at the Sixth Annual Automobile Show in New York City, Journal: Scientific American)
- Publication 1226, 1906, Le Ballon Deutsch (Ville de Paris) (Simple title: The Deutsch balloon Ville de Paris, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 4268, 1906, Ballon 'Helios' (Simple title: Balloon 'Helios', Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Wegener, 1906, Bericht über Versuche zur astronomischen Ortsbestimmung im bemannten Freiballon (Simple title: Report on experiments for the astronomical determination of position in the manned free balloon. Results of the work of the Royal Prussian Aeronautical Observatory near Lindenberg in 1905)
- Wegener, 1906, Über die Flugbahn des am 4. Januar 1906 in Lindenberg aufgestiegenen Registrierballons (Simple title: Regarding the flight path in the registering-balloon ascents of 4 January 1906, Journal: Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre)
- Feldhaus, 1906, Der Warmluftballon, eine Deutsche Erfindung des Mittelalters (Simple title: The hot air balloon, a German invention of the Middle Ages, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Newcomb, 1906, Side-lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science (Simple title: Side lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science)
- Newcomb, 1906, Side-lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science (Simple title: Side lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science)
- Bacon, 1906, The acoustical experiments carried out in balloons by the late Rev. J. M. Bacon (Simple title: The acoustical experiments carried out in balloons by the late Rev. J. M. Bacon, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Baden-Powell, 1906, The Gordon-Bennett race. Some technical features of the competing balloons (Simple title: The Gordon-Bennett race. Some technical features of the competing balloons, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Bittenfeld, 1906, Bericht über die Landung des Ballons 'Ernst' am. 14. Juli 1906 im Erzgebirge (Simple title: Report on the landing of the balloon 'Ernst' on July 14, 1906 in the Erzgebirge, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Boltzmann, 1906, In Dienste der Wissenschaft (Simple title: In service of science, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Espitallier, 1906, Le dirigeable Lebaudy en 1905 (Simple title: The airship Lebaudy in 1905, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Schelies, 1906, Motorballon oder Flugmaschine? (Simple title: Motor balloon or flying machine?, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Schelies, 1906, Motorballon oder Flugmaschine? (Simple title: Motor balloon or flying machine?, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Silberer, 1906, Unsere Militärluftschiffahrt (Simple title: Our military aeronautics, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Bassus, 1906, Ueber die Abbildung von Gewässern in Wolkendecken (Simple title: On the mapping of waters in cloud cover, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bacon, 1907, The Record of an Aeronaut (Simple title: The Record of an Aeronaut)
- Publication 1276, 1907, Les Ballons dirigeables. Le 'Patrie' le 'République,' le Zeppelin III (Simple title: Airship Balloons. The 'Homeland' the 'Republic,' the Zeppelin III, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Publication 385, 1907, Aérostation. Le dirigeable Patrie, Mixte Malécot, la Ville de Paris, le Nulli-secundus, Zeppelin, etc. (Simple title: Ballooning. The airship Patrie, Mixed Malécot, the City of Paris, the Nulli-secundus, Zeppelin, etc., Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Publication 9955, 1907, Preisausschreiben der Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft für Ballonmotoren (Simple title: Contest of the Motor Airship Study Society for Balloon Engines, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Martin, 1907, Die eroberung der luft; kritische betrachtungen über die motorluftschiffahrt (Simple title: The conquest of the air; critical observations on motorized air travel, with 5 illustrations)
- Stauber, 1907, Technology of gases (Simple title: Technology of gases, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Moedebeck, 1907, Pocket-Book of Aeronautics (Simple title: Pocket book of aeronautics, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Aero Club of America, 1907, Third annual exhibition (Simple title: Third annual exhibition, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- McCoy, 1907, Ballooning as a sport (Simple title: Ballooning as a sport, Journal: Amer. Aeronaut and Aerostatist)
- Berson, 1907, William v. Bezold (Simple title: Wilhelm v. Bezold, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Assmann, 1907, Aus dem Kgl. Aëronautischen Observatorium Lindenberg (Simple title: From the Royal Aeronautical Observatory Lindenberg, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Dienstbach, 1907, The second Gordon-Bennett race (Simple title: The second Gordon-Bennett race, Journal: American Aeronaut and Aerostatist)
- Hersey, 1908, Experiences In the sky (Simple title: Experiences In the sky, Journal: Century Mag.)
- IKWL, 1908, Internationale Kommission für Wissenschaftliche Luftschiffahrt (Simple title: International Commission for Scientific Aeronautics, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Poeschel, 1908, Luftreisen (Simple title: Air-travel)
- Publication 12390, 1908, La Ville de Paris (Simple title: La Ville de Paris, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 3118, 1908, Cost of ballooning (Simple title: Cost of ballooning, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 3119, 1908, Cost of British military airships (Simple title: Cost of British military airships, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 257, 1908, Aeronauts to register weather conditions (Simple title: Aeronauts to register weather conditions, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Publication 4243, 1908, Exposé sur un navire aérien qui comporte à la fois le plus léger et plus lourd que l'air (Simple title: Exposed on an airship that has both the lightest and heavier than the air, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 7832, 1908, Das spanischce Militär-Luftschiff 'Torres Queredo' (Simple title: The spanish military airship 'Torres Queredo', Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 874, 1908, Les Aéronats en France (Simple title: Les Aéronats en France, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Sherrick, 1908, How it feels to be up in a balloon (Simple title: How it feels to be up in a balloon, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Publication 2229, 1908, British Army airship reconstructed (Simple title: British Army airship reconstructed, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Godard, 1908, Montgolfières militaires. Nouveau système de gonflement par air chaud (Simple title: Military hot air balloons. New hot air inflation system, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Godard, 1908, Montgolfières militaires. (Aérostation.) (Simple title: Military hot air balloons. (Aérostation.), Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication 6074, 1908, Gaston Hervieu (Simple title: Gaston Hervieu, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Von Abercron, 1908, Allein über die Alpen. ('Gersthofen.') (Simple title: Alone over the Alps, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 3734, 1908, Die drachenstation (Die) am Bodensee (Simple title: The kite station on Lake Constance, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 3652, 1908, Les dirigeables allemands (Simple title: German airships. The ascents of 'Zeppelin III' the 'Parseval II' the 'Gross II', the new 'non rigid' allamand. (Foreign aircraft.), Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Wegener and Rambaldo, 1908, Le second voyage du 'Ziegler' d'Allemagne en Angleterre (Simple title: The second trip of 'Ziegler' from Germany to England, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 3666, 1908, Dirigibile de Marcay-Kluitjmans (Simple title: Airship de Marcay-Kluitjmans, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 805, 1908, Army aeronautics (Simple title: Army aeronautics, Journal: Aeronautics)
- La Vaulx, 1908, L'avenir de l'aéronautique (Simple title: The future of aeronautics, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Foulois, 1908, The practical and strategical value of dirigible halloons and dynamical flying machines (Simple title: The practical and strategical value of dirigible halloons and dynamical flying machines)
- Atherholt, 1908, Captive ascensions for ladies (Simple title: Captive ascensions for ladies, Journal: American Aeronaut)
- Baldwin, 1908, The U. S. Army dirigible airship (Simple title: The U. S. Army dirigible airship, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Charles, 1908, Les grands hommes de l'aérostation au siècle dernier (Simple title: The great men of aerostation in the last century, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Cozanne, 1908, Le record de durée battu 56 heures en ballon (Simple title: The record time beat 56 hours in a balloon, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Derb, 1908, The vacuum airship (Simple title: The vacuum airship, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Falke, 1908, Beauclairs Alpenfahrt. (Victor de Beauclair, Ballon 'Cognac') (Simple title: Beauclair's Alpenfahrt. (Victor de Beauclair, balloon 'Cognac'), Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 5416, 1908, The government dirigible and dynamic flyer (Simple title: The government dirigible and dynamic flyer, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Publication 2759, 1908, The chief dirigible balloons (Simple title: The chief dirigible balloons, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Publication 89, 1908, Aerial navigation. Review of progress and estimate of future possibilities (Simple title: Aerial navigation. Review of progress and estimate of future possibilities, Journal: Eng. Mag.)
- Publication 3488, 1908, Vom Deutschen Armeeballon (Simple title: From the German army balloon, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Boltzmann, 1908, Photometrie im Ballon. ('Helios.') (Simple title: Balloon photometry. ('Helios.'), Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Von Abercron, 1908, Vorschläge für niedergehen von ballons in gewässern (Simple title: Proposals for downing of balloons in waters, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt)
- Myers, 1909, Hydrogen gas ballooning (Simple title: Hydrogen gas ballooning, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Publication 3081, 1909, The construction of the Zeppelin airship (Simple title: The construction of the Zeppelin airship, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 3223, 1909, Les curiosités de l'aérostation. Une exposition rétrospective de la locomotion aérienne. Interview avec son promoteur, M. John Grand-Carteret (Simple title: The curiosities of aeronautics. A retrospective exhibition of airborne locomotion. Interview with its promoter, Mr. John Grand-Carteret, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 3349, 1909, Defense against dirigibles (Simple title: Defense against dirigibles, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Kindelán, 1909, Globos Dirigibles (Simple title: Dirigible Balloons)
- Publication 12184, 1909, Unser Erster Lenkballon (Simple title: Our first dirigible, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 12184, 1909, Unser Erster Lenkballon (Simple title: Our first dirigible, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Hans Dominik, F. M. Feldhaus, Otto Neuschler, A. Stolberg, O. Steffens, Hugo Eckener, N. Stern, 1909, Die Eroberung der Luft (Simple title: The Conquest of the the Air, Journal: Union deutsche Verlaggesellschaft • Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- De Maria, 1909, Navigazione Aerea (Simple title: Aerial Navigation)
- Publication B2p0518e26, 1909, Coal gas in dirigibles (Simple title: Coal gas in dirigibles, Journal: Amer. Aer.)
- Sorenson, 1909, Gliding from a hot air balloon (Simple title: Gliding from a hot air balloon, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Bassoli, 1909, Elementi di aerostatica, aeronautica e aviazione (Simple title: Elements of aerostatics, aeronautics and aviation)
- Watson, 1909, With the lighter than air. Very biggest American airship (Simple title: With the lighter than air. Very biggest American airship, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Shabsky, 1909, Controlled balloons (Simple title: Dirigible aerostats: theory, construction, and historical development of the dirigible aerostats)
- Dienstbach, 1909, Die bisherigen Resultate der Bemühungen des amerikanischen 'Sig- nalkorps' um die Schaffung einer Luftwehr für die Vereinigten Staaten (Simple title: The results so far of the efforts of the American 'Signal Corps' to create an air force for the United States, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Rotch, 1909, Conquest of the Air (Simple title: The Conquest of the Air)
- Ilges, 1909, Airship harbors. An idea for dirigible balloon inventors (Simple title: Airship harbors. An idea for dirigible balloon inventors., Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- McKinney, 1909, Some points in aëronautical engines (Simple title: Some points in aëronautical engines, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Clémenceau, 1909, The frontier question (Simple title: The frontier question, Journal: The Aero)
- Publication B2p0629e31, 1909, Helium for airships (Simple title: Helium for airships, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Shaffer, 1909, Pacific Aero Club's show (Simple title: Pacific Aero Club's show, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Scientific American, 1909, A novel aerial railway (Simple title: A novel aerial railway, Journal: Scientific American)
- Grand-Carteret and Delteil, 1910, La Conquête de l'air vue par l'Image (1495–1909) (Simple title: La Conquête de l'air vue par l'Image (1495–1909))
- Lougheed, 1910, Vehicles of the Air (Simple title: Vehicles of the Air)
- Vaniman, 1910, The voyage of the America (Simple title: The voyage of the America, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Basenach, 1910, Three systems of dirigible aerostats (Simple title: Three systems of dirigible aerostats)
- Ruzer, 1910, Aeronautics, their history, progress and future (Simple title: Aeronautics, their history, progress and future)
- Abramowski, 1910, Latawce (aeroplany) (Simple title: Modern aviation: Fliers (Airplanes). Theory, current state and importance for overall progress.)
- Renard, 1910, Les aéronefs de guerre (Simple title: The airships of war, Journal: La Revue Aérienne)
- Arnsouval, 1910, Hydrogen for airships (Simple title: Hydrogen for airships, Journal: Flight)
- La Vaulx, 1911, Le triomphe de la navigation aérienne (Simple title: Le triomphe de la navigation aérienne)
- Brode, 1911, Extension of Dewey decimal system to cover aeronautics (Simple title: Extension of Dewey decimal system to cover aeronautics, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Braunbeck's Sport-Lexicon: Luftschiffahrt, 1911 (Simple title: Braunbeck's Sport-Lexikon: Luftschiffahrt)
- Publication B2p0921e01, 1911, The hot air balloon of the twentieth century. The revival of the Montgolfier (Simple title: The hot air balloon of the twentieth century. The revival of the Montgolfier, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Wellman, 1911, The Aerial Age (Simple title: The Aerial Age)
- Ventou-Duclaux and Robert, 1911, Bases et méthodes d'études aéronautiques (Simple title: Bases et méthodes d'études aérontechniques)
- Cadaval, 1911, Navegação Aérea (Simple title: Aerial Navigation)
- Publication B2p1438e25, 1911, Guiding balloons by automatic wireless signals (Simple title: Guiding balloons by automatic wireless signals, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Reber, 1912, An outline of the theory of ballooning (Simple title: An outline of the theory of ballooning, Journal: Journ. Frankl. Inst.)
- Shabsky, 1912, Theory of the free aerostats (Simple title: Theory of the free aerostats)
- Astra Torres, 1913, New French dirigible embodies new features (Simple title: New French dirigible embodies new features, Journal: Fly)
- Renard, 1913, Les papiers inédits du Colonel Charles Renard. Résistance de l'air; la stabilité des dirigeables (Simple title: The unpublished papers of Colonel Charles Renard. Air resistance; the stability of airships, Journal: Techn. Aér.)
- Honeywell, 1913, Ballooning. A safe, sane gentleman's sport (Simple title: Ballooning. A safe, sane gentleman's sport, Journal: Fly)
- Atherholt, 1913, Ballooning remains Sport of kings (Simple title: Ballooning remains Sport of kings, Journal: Fly)
- Publication B2p0519e04, 1913, The manufacture of hydrogen gas for spherical balloons. Portable plants for military use (Simple title: The manufacture of hydrogen gas for spherical balloons. Portable plants for military use, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Österreichische Flug-Zeitschrift, 1914, IV. Österreischisher Luftschiffertag (Simple title: Fourth Austrian Airship Day, Journal: Österreichische Flug-Zeitschrift)
- Garros et al., 1914, L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique)
- Falcke, 1914, Gasluftfahrzeuge und ihr Verhalten auf Fahrt (Simple title: Gas aircraft and their behavior on the move; military use of airships and flying machines, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Assmann, 1915, Das Königlich Preußische Aeronautische Observatorium Lindenberg (Simple title: The Royal Prussian Aeronautical Observatory, Lindenberg)
- Talbot, 1915, Aëroplanes and dirigibles of war (Simple title: Aëroplanes and dirigibles of war)
- Lanchester, 1916, Aircraft in Warfare (Simple title: Aircraft in Warfare)
- Kauffmann, Paul A. G., 1916, Chez les balloniers (Simple title: Among the balloonists, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Signal Corps, 1916, Reported plans of the aviation section (Simple title: Reported plans of the aviation section, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- D'Orcy, 1917 (Simple title: D'Orcy's Airship Manual)
- Haferkorn, 1918, Aerial Photography (Simple title: Aerial Photography)
- Cady, 1919, Helium as a Balloon Gas (Simple title: Helium as a Balloon Gas, Journal: Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science)
- Porter, 1921, Aerial Observation (Simple title: Aerial Observation)
- Porter, 1921, Aerial Observation (Simple title: Aerial Observation)
- Vissering, 1922, Zeppelin (Simple title: Zeppelin)
- Hodgson, 1924, History of Aeronautics in Great Britain (Simple title: The History of Aeronautics in Great Britain)
- Dollfus & Bouché, 1938, Histoire de l'aéronautique (Simple title: History of aeronautics)
- Robinson, 1962, The Zeppelin in Combat (Simple title: The Zeppelin in Combat)
- Black, 1943 (Simple title: The Story of Flying)
- Jahrbuch der Luftfahrt (Simple title: Jahburch der Luftfahrt)
- Gibbs-Smith, 1974, Flight Through the Ages (Simple title: Flight Through the Ages)
- Hartcup, 1974 (Simple title: The achievement of the airship)
- Crouch, 1983 (Simple title: The Eagle Aloft)
- Brooks, 1992, Zeppelin (Simple title: Zeppelin)
- Sáiz González, 1995, Aeronáutica e invención en la España del siglo XIX (Simple title: Aeronáutica e invención en la España del siglo XIX, Journal: Actas del III Simposio Leonardo Torres Quevedo)
- Palmer, 1995 (Simple title: Public Air-Mindedness and National Identity in Late Imperial Russia, Journal: Russian Review)
- Lebow, 1998 (Simple title: The American Balloon Service in World War I)
- Parramore, 2002, First to Fly (Simple title: First to Fly)
- Parramore, 2002, First to Fly (Simple title: First to Fly)
- De Syon, 2002, Zeppelin! (Simple title: Zeppelin! Germany and the Airship, 1900–1939, Journal: JHU • T&C)
- Hirschel, Prem, & Madelung, 2014, Aeronautical Research in Germany (Simple title: Aeronautical Research in Germany)
- González Redondo, 2008, Leonardo Torres Quevedo, 1902–1908 (Simple title: Leonardo Torres Quevedo, 1902–1908)
- Holmes, 2013, Falling Upwards (Simple title: Falling Upwards: how we took to the air)