Publication 5416, 1908, The government dirigible and dynamic flyer

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A critique of the Signal Corps specifications for aircraft. Includes this comment:

Why is not the experience with Professor Langley a good guide? Some $100,000 was expended and while his machine was never given a fair trial, a fac-simile of his machine, the Blériot, recently flew in Paris and Professor Langley's labors brought this country to the front rank many years ahead of all other nations, and now after 14 years his efforts and results are still the highest and most reliable reference in the art.

Original title The government dirigible and dynamic flyer
Simple title The government dirigible and dynamic flyer
Date 1908
Countries US
Languages en
Keywords Signal Corps Specification Number 486, U.S. Army Signal Corps, LTA, airplane, military, Wright Brothers, Wright Flyer, Samuel Pierpont Langley, Blériot
Journal Amer. Mag. Aeronautics
Related to aircraft? 1
Page count 3
Word count
Wikidata id


  • Brockett 1910, page 372, entry 5416: Government (The) dirigible and dynamic flyer. Amer. Mag. Aeronautics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1908, New York, pp. 5-7. S (5416
  • Scan at Internet Archive