Patent GB-1867-3036

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Modifications to Giffard's captive balloon system already described in Patent GB-1867-466.


  • Brewer and Alexander, 1893, Aeronautics
  • Neilson, 1910, Aeroplane Patents, p71
  • Abridgment of patent specifications 1867–76 (1903), Class 4, p. 6. 3036. Henry, M., [Giffard, H.]. Oct. 28. Aërostats.-Relates, mainly, to captive balloons for military or other purposes, and consists of improvements on the invention described in Specification No. 466, A.D. 1867. Instead of using an elastic arrangement for counteracting the variations of volume due to differences of altitude and temperature, the suspending-cords S are shortened so that the lower part of the balloon assumes a more spherical form as the volume of the gas increases. A heavy and weighted covering may be used for the same purpose. The pressure of the gas at the lower part of the balloon is regulated by a set of self-acting safety-valves, each having a cord by which it may be actuated by hand. The cord of the top valve g is enclosed in a flexible tube running down through the centre of the balloon and terminating in a flexible bag within reach of the hand. The inflating-pipe is attached to a short tube on this valve. The anchoring-cable B, fitted with a dynamometer p, is attached to the hoop c, and passes through the centre of the car G (which is annular), and thence round a counterbalanced pulley r to a winch, which is preferably worked by two double-cylinder steam ropes e. engines. The balloon, when at rest, is anchored by cables a, each having an elastic portion, and The body of the balloon should be double, i.e., of two thicknesses with india-rubber between; the india-rubber may be vulcanized, mineralized, &c. The sections may be cemented or stitched together, the seams being covered by strips of rubber &c. and the whole being coated with linseed oil or the like.

Year filed 1867
Year granted
Office GB
Patent number 3036
Inventors Henri Giffard
Inventor country FR
Applicant person Michael Henry
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor?
Original title
English title [Improvements to captive balloon system]
Tech fields LTA, captive, suspension, gas, anchor, mooring, balloon, rubber, fabric, dynamometer, pulley
Filing date 1867-10-28
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent Patent GB-1867-466
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to
National tech categories GB 4
Family year
First filing?
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims