AU 90.1

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AU Class 90.1 dealt with "Balloons and aerostats", specifically:[1]

Balloons supported mainly by gravitation of light gas.

Dirigible air ships lighter than air; including the guiding planes, rudders; propellers, &c., in the combination.

Parachutes; cushioning or retarding descent of aerostats and flying machines.


  1. Australian Official Journal of Patents: Classification of Manufactures: Being Subject-matter for Patents of Invention as Stated in the Statute of Monopolies, A.D. 1623: Numerical Subject List and Word Index (1911), p. 206.

This wiki has 4 patents in category "AU 90.1".

Patents in category AU 90.1

Enclosing categories AU 90
Keywords LTA, Balloon, Gas, Parachute, Landing
Start year
End year