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Illustration of lift in 1918 textbook

David, 1919, Aircraft, pp. 25–26:

Before we begin to discuss the aeroplane we must remember that before a modern machine leaves the ground it must be moving at least thirty-five miles an hour with respect to the air. This forcing of the edges of these broad-pitching, curved surfaces through the air at such a velocity naturally drives the air downward and these particles of atmosphere react in exactly the same degree upward, thus forcing the planes and the attached apparatus upward. Therefore, as long as the aeroplane rushes through the air at that or greater speed the thousands of cubic feet of air forced down beneath the wings deliver up a reaction that results in complete support. When an aircraft fails to move at that velocity it loses "flying speed" and falls to the earth. The net result of this reaction is called "lift," and as long as the machine sweeps forward at that momentum it has lift.

See also:

This wiki has 311 patents in category "Lift". Other techtypes related to Lift: Ascension, CA 244/33, Compression, CPC B64C23/00, CPC B64C23/005, Heavier-than-air, Helicoplane, Rarefaction, Speed, Sustentation, Tail fin, Traction, USPC 244/12.1, USPC 244/12.2, USPC 244/12.5, USPC 244/12.6, USPC 244/198, USPC 244/201, USPC 244/218, USPC 244/34, USPC 244/35, USPC 244/72

Patents in category Lift

Publications referring to Lift

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Keywords Ascension, Sustentation, Wings
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