Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft m.b.H.

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Pre-1918 poster inclusive of a Schneider-type bi-plane

Luft Verkehrs Gesellschaft was a German corporation. It began operating and constructing dirgibles December 1911 and in early 1912 it began building Farman airplanes under license; it also produced licensed Albatros fighters.

Ernst Heinkel was a designer from the firm's establishment in December 1911 to sometime in 1913, when he went to Albatros Werke AG. Franz Schneider was a designer with the firm between 1912-1916; other designers were Ehrhardt and Rethel.

Hungarian patent data has Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft m.b.H. as the "legal successor"(Jogutódja) to Franz Schneider.[1]

By December 1912 the firm had completed first original design, a 2-seat reconnaissance biplane designed by Heinkel, that led to well over 1,000 being built in two series. Schneider designed two series of fighters; other designs were by Ehrhardt and Rethel. Postwar, Luft Verkehrs converted military products into civil aircraft.

Luftverkehrsgesellschaft m.b.H. (English Wikipedia) Luftverkehrsgesellschaft (French Wikipedia) Luftverkehrsgesellschaft (German Wikipedia)

1920Dir28, 32, lists firm at Berlin-Johannisthal

Occasional patents were filed from Charlottenburg.[2]

(In the developing context of mass, and standardized, manufacturing, these planes, for instance were "ordered" simultaneously from both Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft m.b.H. and Siemens-Schuckert Werke GmbH, in 1917.)



Patents associated with organization named Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Names Luft Verkehrs Gesellschaft (LVG), Luft Verkehrs, Luft Verkehrs GmbH, Luft-Verkehrs Gesellschaft G.-G., Luft-verkehrs G. m. b. H., Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft m. b. H.
Country Germany
Locations Berlin-Johannisthal
Keywords airplane, biplane, airship, LTA, fuselage, military, nacelle
Started aero 1912
Ended aero
Key people Ernst Heinkel, Franz Schneider
Wikidata id