Aeronautical and aviation developments in the regions that were in Germany then or now are linked to this summary page. The abbreviation DE across the wiki refers to Deutschland (Germany).
Overall patent historical context
Until 1919 the German patent office was known as the Kaiserlichen Patentamt (and thereafter Reichspatentamt). Today patents are registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, called in German the Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt; abbreviated as DPMA.
Below patents, there was and is another tier of intellectual property protection called Gebrauchsmusterschutz; Gebrauchsmuster are lighter-weight alternatives to patents that give shorter-term protection and aren't evaluated as stringently by patent examiners. (An English patent expert called them "Protection of Useful Designs".)[1]
Foreigners submitting patents in Germany were required to use a patent agent.[1] The names of the agents do not appear on the copies of patents scanned to DPMA and elsewhere, however they do appear in the patent lists of some publications, which are starting to incorporate and cross-reference with DPMA. See Category:German patent agents for the growing list of these.
To receive a patent, an invention had to be new, defined as never before used in the German empire or explicitly described by publication. The submitter of a patent did not have to prove that he had invented the concept (though a patent would be disqualified if the idea was demonstrably stolen from the true inventor.)[1]
Patentees had the sole right to make, use, and sell their inventions. Infringement could be punishable by a fine worth ~£250 or imprisonment for up to one year.[1]
Key sources for finding German patents
Journals about ballooning, aeronautics, and aviation published in Germany included:
- Illustrierte Aëronautische Mitteilungen (started 1897), later called Deutsche Zeitschrift für Luftschiffahrt.
- Zeitschrift für Luftschiffahrt und Physik der Atmosphäre
- Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt
- Ergebnisse der Arbeiten des Königlich Preußischen Aeronautischen Observatoriums bei Lindenberg
Auszüge aus den Patentschriften is a general publication of the German patent office, with summaries of patents granted, sorted by classification; DE 77h and its evolving subcategories is the main classification for aeronautics and aviation.
German states
Progress is being made regarding the legal and other roles played by Germany's precursor states, as pertinent to patents and otherwise, throughout the periods of early aeronautics, during which Germany, along with a few other nations, was undergoing extensive change, change particularly along the lines of unification. (See: Prussia, Bavaria, Württemberg ...)
Over the 19th century, inventions which were patented or exhibited were more and more likely to be affiliated with universities or cities with universities (Dittmar and Meizenzahl, ASSA 2022, [1]).
Note on coverage
When a list of Klasse 77h patents numbered 124967–135262 (filed roughly in years 1898–1902)[2] was found in May 2023, a check of each number on the list found all but one[3] already in this database. This success rate of 23/24 or 96% is a very encouraging sign regarding our coverage at the turn of the century. We expect that the period 1913–1920 needs more work, as the availability of reference materials for this period is poorer, and the overall pool of patents much larger. There were also greater delays and more irregularities during the wartime period which made and make indexing more difficult.
Sources for patents from this period include Zeitschrift für Flugtechnik und Motorluftschiffahrt, Der Motorwagen, and Auszüge aus den Patentschriften. We are now incorporating patent citations from these sources, particularly the first, which was published by the authoritative Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Luftfahrt.
Patent dates
See also Patent dates.
The three basic dates in our system are "dated filed", "date granted", and "date published". In German patents these correspond most closely to angemeldet, erteilt, and ausgegeben.
Notes requiring further editing and clarification
- Thompson writes: "German patents are published often immediately after application".[1] This would seem to be a different sense of "published" meaning the patent is made available for public review; but the date "ausgegeben" refers to the release of the patent in its final form after the process is complete.
- Patent DE-1898-116287 may serve as a clarifying example. On the scan at DPMA we see it was "Ausgegeben den 8. Januar 1901"; but it is also included in the Verzeichnis der von dem Kaiserlichen Patentamt im Jahre 1900 ertheilten Patente[4] suggesting that the Erteilung (issuing, bestowal, i.e. granting) actually occurred in the year 1900, before New Year's. Neither of these documents gives us a precise date for this event.
- At least one issue of IAM published a list of several aero patents "Zur öffentlichen Auslegung"—i.e. open to public inspection—over a short period of time.[5] The patents in this list have four-and-five digit numbers preceded by a letter, but not, it would seem, the serial numbers eventually given to published patents. For each patent there is a date submitted (angemeldet) and a date ausgelegt, often with a delay of several months. The presentation of this list makes it seem as though auslegen would be an intermediate phase before ausgegeben. However it is curious that IAM did not publish the same type of list regularly along with patents .This question deserves further investigation.
- Additional note: In at least one place,[6] ausgelegte patents are separated from erteilte patents, the latter term actually and properly meaning granted/issued.[7] The list in question does not include dates granted or a range for dates granted, though it does include filing dates. The designation further confirms that there is some imperfection in the how German data fit into the present template, as the date ausgelegt cannot be considered the date granted or published, as these concepts work in the French system. If either it is closest to being a date "published" which precedes the date "granted".
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Thompson, Handbook of Patent Law in All Countries 1905, pp. 125–132.
- ↑ Auszüge aus den Patentschriften Vol. 23, p. xxii.
- ↑ Patent DE-1901-126195, now added.
- ↑ Verzeichnis der von dem Kaiserlichen Patentamt for 1900, published 1901, p. 228.
- ↑ IAM Year 4 (1900), p. 59.
- ↑ IAM year 9 (1906), p. 200.
- ↑ wikt:erteilen
Patents within our data
This wiki has 1,178 German patents and 2,049 patents filed by Germans.
Patents filed in Germany
- Patent DE-1913-06-26 Franz Schneider (English title: Process for the Production of Bodies and Supporting Planes for Aeroplanes and of Floats and Boat Bodies for Hydroplanes, Inventors: Franz Schneider)
- Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff (Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff)
- Patent DE-1910-04-04 August Wendtland (Inventors: August Wendtland)
- Patent DE-1914-358364 (English title: Aircraft whose engine and main weight are mounted in a frame placed between the wings deep under the wings, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence)
- Patent DE-1912.12.20 Joachim Heinrich Kronstein (English title: Anchoring equipment for airship staging points, Anchoring apparatus for dirigible stations, Inventors: Joachim Heinrich Kronstein)
- Patent DE-1917-310826
- Patent DE-1915-366076 (English title: Aircraft, whose sub-areas in the subsequent parts of the hull have flexible extensions, Inventors: Guido Antoni, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1914-)
- Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff-propeller (Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff)
- Patent DE-1914-10-23 Franz Schneider (English title: Equipment for suspending the petrol tank in the tension tower of the flight plane, Inventors: Franz Schneider)
- Patent DE-1917-310857
- Patent DE-1885-Lüllemann (English title: Balloon valve, Inventors: J. C. Alb. Lüllemann)
- Patent DE-1911-330185 (English title: Propulsion device for aircraft with multiple engines and multiple propellers, Inventors: Gaston Rose)
- Patent DE-1917-310825 (English title: Parachute for airplanes, Inventors: Wilhelm Schroeder, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-290121)
- Patent DE-1912-12-23-Albert Hirth (English title: Propeller with adjustable blades, Inventors: Albert Hirth)
- Patent DE-1912-321248 (English title: Device used to achiev consistent sustentation of aircraft, Inventors: René Arnoux)
- Patent DE-1914-334508 (English title: Airplane, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence)
- Patent DE-1912-268445 (English title: Semi-rigid airship with a keel designed as a gondola, Applicant firm: Luftschiffsantrieb-Gesellschaft m. b. H.)
- Patent DE-1917-400053 (English title: Arrangement to reduce the control work on main surfaces that are adjusted using auxiliary surfaces, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1920-392867 (English title: Chassis with folding wheels for seaplanes, Applicant firm: Vickers Limited, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1919-07-29 Vickers Limited • Patent GB-1920-04-06 Vickers Limited)
- Patent DE-1911-01-25-Kirchner (English title: Balloon fabric, Inventors: Wilhelm Kirchner)
- Patent DE-1904-173595 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for air- and water-craft, and for other transport-vehicles, Inventors: Hermann Hoernes)
- Patent DE-1918-365962 (English title: Auxiliary control device for aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1909-220044 (English title: Flying machine with rotating impellers in housings, Inventors: Carl Hanschke)
- Patent DE-1918-389277 (English title: Control device for aircraft and watercraft with two main control surfaces moving in opposite directions, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1918-388537)
- Patent DE-1895-89859 (English title: Apparatus for raising and lowering airships by allowing air into the balloon, or by sucking it out, Inventors: W. Daniels)
- Patent DE-1914-330779 (English title: Biplane, or conceivably triplane . . ., Inventors: Rumpler-Werke G.m.b.H. in Berlin-Johannisthal, Applicant firm: Rumpler-Werke G.m.b.H. in Berlin-Johannisthal)
- Patent DE-1906-188270 (English title: Steering and stabilizing surfaces, consisting of hollow bodies filled with air, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent DE-1909-238229 (English title: Helicopter with lifting screws driven from the circumference, Inventors: Peter Krüger)
- Patent DE-1899-112854 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Joh. Mich. Breiner)
- Patent DE-1897-112506 (English title: Wheel with movable shovels for air- and water-craft, Inventors: Paul Nipkow)
- Patent DE-1906-187863 (English title: Movable gondola suspension for motor-balloons, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent DE-1910-01-18-Höltring (English title: Device for eliminating the harmful buoyancy effect when dropping heavy explosive devices from airships, Inventors: Wilhelm Höltring)
- Patent DE-1899-112855 (English title: Airship with blindlike flapping wings, Inventors: Hermann Campe)
- Patent DE-1906-185267 (English title: Apparatus for improved dirigibility of an airship, Inventors: Carl Dippel)
- Patent DE-1893-74232 (English title: Kite, imitating the wing-beats of a bird, with collapsible frame, Inventors: Eduard Watzek)
- Patent DE-1893-76575 (English title: Airship in boat shape, Inventors: Magnus Fillmann)
- Patent DE-1915-319370 (English title: Gate made of individually movable parts with laterally located receiving spaces, Applicant firm: Gesellschaft für Ausführung freitragender Dachkonstrukcionen in Holz System Stephan G. m. b. H.)
- Patent DE-1900-134220 (English title: Wing surface for aircraft, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1909-225899 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Rice)
- Patent DE-1893-71599 (English title: Certain kite for carrying of persons, Inventors: Otto Schubert)
- Patent DE-1881-16492 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Antoine Apraxine)
- Patent DE-1877-2650 (English title: Dirigible airship with wings, Inventors: Georg Fischer)
- Patent DE-1908-598380 (Applicant firm: Voigtländer & Sohn A.G.)
- Patent DE-1878-2600 (English title: Directing, maintaining course, and fastening of captive air-balloons, Inventors: Friedrich Haupt)
- Patent DE-1902-151757 (English title: Steerable balloon, Inventors: Antoine-Charles Mary)
- Patent DE-1881-15119 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Adolf Friedrich Heim)
- Patent DE-1907-202334 (English title: Glider from designed material, Inventors: Dennis L. Moorhead, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1907-865419)
- Patent DE-1917-383524 (English title: Control for airplanes, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1918-390219 (English title: Auxiliary control arrangement, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1918-389277 • Patent DE-1918-388537)
- Patent DE-1917-375592 (English title: Device for reducing control work on aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1917-400054 (English title: Arrangement to reduce the control work on main surfaces that are adjusted using auxiliary surfaces, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1916-317912 (English title: corner of aircraft m. split-beam, Applicant firm: Rumpler-Werke G.m.b.H. in Berlin-Johannisthal)
- Patent DE-1918-434896 (English title: Auxiliary control device, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1917-310170)
- Patent DE-1893-ct (English title: Motor-driven flying apparatus, Inventors: Theodore A. Stark)
- Patent DE-1917-310170 (English title: Auxiliary control device for aircraft or watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1918-388537 (English title: Control device for aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1916-345021 (English title: Aircraft whose wings are hinged to oblique to the aircraft body arranged axes, Inventors: Nicolae Iliescu-Branceni)
- Patent DE-1918-383744 (English title: Aircraft with rotating wings or lifting surface, Inventors: Konrad R. Ritter)
- Patent DE-1876-aq (English title: Man-carrying flying apparatus, Inventors: Charles-Alphonse Pénaud)
- Patent DE-1877-2291 (English title: Coal-cutting machine with disk-blade?, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1878-2367 (English title: Compasses for metal working with a device for marking out center lines of . . . (??), Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1878-6372 (English title: Innovations on balloons, Inventors: Comte Antoine Apraxine)
- Patent DE-1879-3486 (English title: Flight apparatus, Inventors: Gebhard Ackermann)
- Patent DE-1879-5686 (English title: Wheels with rotating blades for movement of air ships and submarine vessels, Inventors: Richard William Cowan • Charles Pagé, Supplementary to patent: Patent CA-1878-8860)
- Patent DE-1879-8706 (English title: Steerable powered airship called Aërovéloce, Inventors: Wilhelm Kress)
- Patent DE-1880-10224 (English title: Innovations on airships, Inventors: Georg Fischer, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1879-7352)
- Patent DE-1879-9665 (English title: Wing-screw with air bags as a drive apparatus for airships, Inventors: Hermann Blume)
- Patent DE-1879-10842 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Julius Griese)
- Patent DE-1880-9137 (English title: Wing airship steering device, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1880-11044 (English title: Airship with rudder blades, Inventors: Gustav Fischer)
- Patent DE-1880-11881 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Frederick William Brearey)
- Patent DE-1877-8392 (English title: Locomotion devices for airships and watercraft, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1880-11471 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for air- and water-craft, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1877-8392)
- Patent DE-1879-11490 (English title: Airship innovations, Inventors: William Augustus Leggo, Supplementary to patent: Patent CA-1871-1120)
- Patent DE-1881-14771 (English title: Steering mechanism for airships, Inventors: Ludwig Klein)
- Patent DE-1881-14684 (English title: Innovations on airships, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1880-9137)
- Patent DE-1881-Moshaiski (English title: Aircraft with motor, Inventors: Moshaiski)
- Patent DE-1881-17263 (English title: Locomotive system for airships called "sailing screw", Inventors: L. Mondorf)
- Patent DE-1881-16352 (English title: Steering apparatus for balloons, Inventors: C.L. Kleeberg)
- Patent DE-1881-15085 (English title: Apparatus for locomotion in air and water, Applicant firm: Wirth & Co.)
- Patent DE-1880-13770 (English title: Process for producing artificial stones, Inventors: Friedrich Adolph Richter)
- Patent DE-1881-18448 (English title: Airship gondola with movable and adjustable wind helicoids, Inventors: Adolphe Werner)
- Patent DE-1881-14019 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for flying machines, Inventors: Joens)
- Patent DE-1882-19253 (English title: Flight apparatus operated by electricity, Inventors: August von Wedell)
- Patent DE-1882-19504 (English title: Innovations in flying machines -- ornithopter, Inventors: Frederick William Brearey)
- Patent DE-1881-16103 (English title: Innovations in steam boilers, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1882-20214 (English title: Improvements to patent 15085's apparatus for locomotion in air and water, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1881-15085)
- Patent DE-1881-18228 (English title: Control device for airships, Inventors: Otto Graf)
- Patent DE-1881-18471 (English title: Direct-acting carrier for regulators, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1881-18445 (English title: Airships, Inventors: Auguste Debayeux, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1879-130433)
- Patent DE-1881-18609 (English title: Method and apparatus for propulsion of land-, water-, and aircraft, Inventors: August K. van de Kerhove • Theodore Snyers)
- Patent DE-1881-18961 (English title: Locomotion of vehicles on inclined surfaces by means of balloons, Inventors: Philipp August Lemmer)
- Patent DE-1882-20348 (English title: eversible blades or wings for locomotion of aircraft and water surface vessels, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1881-18697 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1883-25328 (English title: Wedge-shaped balloons, Inventors: Georg Wellner)
- Patent DE-1882-20811 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Burchard Plate)
- Patent DE-1882-21730 (English title: Movement mechanism of flying machines, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1881-20799 (English title: Vehicles and machines for air navigation, Inventors: Albert Livingstone Blackman, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1880-224510 • Patent US-1881-250417)
- Patent DE-1883-24467 (English title: Sail control for balloon, Inventors: Georg Wellner)
- Patent DE-1882-21357 (English title: Innovations on airships, Inventors: Carl Wolfgang Petersen)
- Patent DE-1882-23658 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Gustav Koch)
- Patent DE-1883-21566 (English title: Locomotion and steering devices for airships, Inventors: Eduard Nultsch)
- Patent DE-1884-29080 (English title: Coiled tube boiler, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1883-27410 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: Robert Hascher • Ludwig Laetsch)
- Patent DE-1884-28934 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Otto Hartung, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1883-26930)
- Patent DE-1883-26933 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Robert Wiesendanger)
- Patent DE-1883-26077 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Hugo Hennig • Bernhard Eckert)
- Patent DE-1883-26930 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Otto Hartung)
- Patent DE-1883-29014 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt)
- Patent DE-1885-33963 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: Blaise Bontems)
- Patent DE-1885-34852 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Eugen-Freudenreich Falconnet)
- Patent DE-1885-32521 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Just Buisson)
- Patent DE-1884-32648 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Louis Capazza, Supplementary to patent: Patent LU-1884-473)
- Patent DE-1884-30903 (English title: Improvement on machines with rotating table, stamps acting from below and mold covers for pressing stones that open and close, Inventors: Victor Lenglet)
- Patent DE-1885-bh (English title: New process for the production of artificial stones, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1885-34389 (English title: Schlangenrohr-Steam generator, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1885-34853 (English title: Control and steering systems to airships, Inventors: Martin Braun)
- Patent DE-1887-42824 (English title: Airship, Inventors: William Nelson Hutchinson)
- Patent DE-1887-41432 (English title: Machines for moving balloons, Inventors: Ernst von Unruh)
- Patent DE-1887-41141 (English title: Captive balloon, Inventors: Carl Schultz)
- Patent DE-1887-42352 (English title: Apparatus for controlling transfer of the airship by gravity of a liquid, Inventors: Franz Jasch)
- Patent DE-1886-41233 (English title: A process for the production of a plastic mass consisting of astride strontium, casein and powdered marble or limestone, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1888-44540 (English title: Reading game, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1887-42902 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Wald Gustafson, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1887-8255)
- Patent DE-1888-44700 (English title: Bolts with nut plates on the edge auszubiegendem (??), Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1887-42698 (English title: Radiator, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1888-44632 (English title: Computing apparatus, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent AH-1888-L3922 (English title: Apparatus and method for the preparation of models, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1888-46312)
- Patent DE-1888-49919 (English title: Photographic camera, Inventors: Ottomar Anschütz)
- Patent DE-1888-46312 (English title: Production of models of strips of different length, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1889-49064 (English title: Steerable balloon with rotating baskets, Inventors: Carl Renner • Mathias Schilling)
- Patent DE-1888-47042 (English title: Ballast arrangement of cylindrical balloons, Inventors: Robert Lippold)
- Patent DE-1889-49093 (English title: Flight apparatus, Inventors: A. Kupper)
- Patent DE-1890-56476 (English title: Discs with zig and split-spoke hub, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1890-54631 (English title: Steam jet bike with open hollow blades and fixed blades counter, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1890-53311 (English title: Rotary mortar as propulsion machine for airships, Inventors: Wilhelm Parje)
- Patent DE-1889-51061 (English title: Arrangement of longitudinal bulkheads for balloons, Inventors: Hermann August Julius Rieckert • Albert Emil Karl Rieckert)
- Patent DE-1890-59039 (English title: Propeller screw for airships, Inventors: Albert Zorn)
- Patent DE-1890-56638 (English title: Airship with articulated chambers and fin/reaction propulsion, Inventors: Emil Fischbach)
- Patent DE-1890-57735 (English title: A toy running on the string of a kite, Inventors: Hermann Walkhoff)
- Patent DE-1890-59879 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Hiram Stevens Maxim)
- Patent DE-1891-64557 (English title: Kite with wind-wheel, Inventors: Thomas Ansboro • C. W. Firnhaber)
- Patent DE-1890-59675 (English title: Support bridge (platform) for balloons, Inventors: Karl Münzinger)
- Patent DE-1891-55081 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Sophus Hartmann • Max Nathan)
- Patent DE-1890-57468 (English title: Airship with adjustable ballast container, Inventors: Perham Wilhelm Nahl, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1890-439421)
- Patent DE-1891-55495 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Leopoldo Silva)
- Patent DE-1891-58092 (English title: Helical balloon, Inventors: E. Hankwitz)
- Patent DE-1891-55819 (English title: Suspension slats with self-release when the load is stopped, Inventors: R. Buzer)
- Patent DE-1891-59851 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Stewart Cairncross, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1890-59851)
- Patent DE-1891-56355 (English title: Airship operated by rope tugs, Inventors: Wilhelm Ellingen)
- Patent DE-1891-63629 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: C. Th. Geissler)
- Patent DE-1891-63774 (English title: Propulsion device for airship wings, Inventors: Hugo Baudisch)
- Patent DE-1892-Steiger (English title: Tandem high-winger, Inventors: K. Steiger)
- Patent DE-1892-63697 (English title: Airship, Inventors: William Augustus Fyers, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1891-12403)
- Patent DE-1890-61510 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Federico Capone)
- Patent DE-1892-64148 (English title: Airship-gyroscope?, Inventors: Ernst Luck)
- Patent DE-1893-71799 (English title: Flying machine with two wings attached; addition to patent 70409 with more suitable device for motor operation, Inventors: Rudolf Chillingworth, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1892-70409)
- Patent DE-1892-70409 (English title: Airship with two wings, Inventors: Rudolf Chillingworth)
- Patent DE-1892-68758 (English title: Airship with two-part balloon and hull, Inventors: Georg Gabrielii, Supplementary to patent: Patent NO-1891-2589)
- Patent DE-1893-71170 (English title: Spherical balloon with partitioned bulkhead to reduce outflow of gas due to punctures in the outer surface, Inventors: Naum Ziarsky)
- Patent DE-1891-70783 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Federico Capone)
- Patent DE-1893-77916 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1892-70240 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: G. Junius)
- Patent DE-1893-71143 (English title: Airship in boat-form equipped with wings, Inventors: Andreas Ozegowski)
- Patent DE-1892-72100 (English title: Airship with two separate grenade-shaped gas balloons, Inventors: Armand Le Compagnon • Zélie (Dame Veuve) Faucillon • Georges-Joseph-Prosper Dubois • Émile-Aleide Royaux, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-216860)
- Patent DE-1893-66823 (English title: Airship with wrinkly[?] framework pulled around the hulle?, Inventors: James Constant Walker, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1892-467069)
- Patent DE-1892-69848 (English title: Kite/Captive-ballon, Inventors: Carl Georg Rodeck)
- Patent DE-1893-68776 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Johannes Bauer)
- Patent DE-1893-70746 (English title: Airship with a steering device, Inventors: Carl Friedrich Billwiller)
- Patent DE-1893-71903 (English title: Sails for flying machines, Inventors: Georg Wellner)
- Patent DE-1893-70690 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Augusto Severo d'Albuquerque-Maranhão)
- Patent DE-1891-69520 (English title: Method to keep a body suspended in the air, Inventors: August Klumpp • Conrad Haussner)
- Patent DE-1893-69348 (English title: Rocked-powered airship, Inventors: Nicolay Petersen)
- Patent DE-1892-68783 (English title: Reaction drive for airships, Inventors: E. Lavarenne)
- Patent DE-1893-71479 (English title: Process for the conversion of wastewater into the ground, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1892-68761 (English title: Airship with car borne by parachute, Inventors: Louis Capazza, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-215265)
- Patent DE-1893-75900 (English title: Airship with forward curved side wings and a horizontal axis oscillating sailing-tail, Inventors: Hermann Ammann)
- Patent DE-1894-77036 (English title: Flying machine with apparatus to maintain wedge-shaped balloon in horizontal position, Inventors: Gottfried Schröder)
- Patent DE-1893-73799 (English title: Propeller for airships, Inventors: Richard Czygan)
- Patent DE-1893-77871 (English title: wing assembly for airships, Inventors: Franz F. C. Dähn)
- Patent DE-1894-81303 (English title: Paddle-wheel for flying-machine or other such, Inventors: L. Martin)
- Patent DE-1894-76315 (English title: Airship without a balloon, Inventors: J.H. Homeister)
- Patent DE-1894-77897 (English title: Winged vehicle whose wings hold a gas tank, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski)
- Patent DE-1894-76576 (English title: Gondola-type reservoir for such airships as fly into rarefied air, experiencing compression of the gas in the balloon, Inventors: Adolf Scheinert • Otto Wendland)
- Patent DE-1894-87067 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Georg Steinicke)
- Patent DE-1894-76727 (English title: Metal-band surfaces as reinforcement for airship and naval propellers, turbines, wind motors, and the like, Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt)
- Patent DE-1894-77026 (English title: Airship with balloon with free axial rotation, Inventors: Carl Freiherr von Wolff)
- Patent DE-1893-74293 (English title: Flying machine with bellows-like attachments to the balloons to receive expanding gasses during ascent, Inventors: Louis-Étienne Roze • Henry Boinet)
- Patent DE-1893-78033 (English title: winged propelled aircraft, Inventors: Hermann Israel)
- Patent DE-1894-78295 (English title: Airship with aeroplane adjustable to any position, Inventors: E. de la Sauce)
- Patent DE-1894-77895 (English title: Propeller for airships, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799)
- Patent DE-1894-82904 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: F. Gaebert, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-79446)
- Patent DE-1893-73322 (English title: Airship with air-resistance-guard, Inventors: Wilhelm van de Voorde • Carl Bugkel)
- Patent DE-1893-76287 (English title: Paddle wheel device for advancing and controlling airships, Inventors: Ernst Meyer)
- Patent DE-1894-73587 (English title: Parachute-sail for airships movable between balloon and gondola as appropriate, Inventors: Theodor Schneider-Preiswerk, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1893-7712)
- Patent DE-1893-76158 (English title: Propeller for airship steering, Inventors: Hubbell Duane Hurlbutt, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1894-526394)
- Patent DE-1893-76037 (English title: Method and apparatus for ejection of flying machines from the launch point, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent DE-1893-75731 (English title: Air balloon with an opening directed towards the airflow, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent DE-1892-72902 (English title: Airship moved by stream of air emitted from back end, Applicant firm: Hüttner, Walter & Co.)
- Patent DE-1894-74227 (English title: Airship with balloons and propeller, Inventors: Erich Lindenberg)
- Patent DE-1892-73603 (English title: Flying machine with wings and paddlewheels, Inventors: Gustav Koch)
- Patent DE-1894-82279 (English title: Flywheel, perfecting patent 80847, Inventors: Carl Oetling, Supplementary to patent: DE-1894-80847)
- Patent DE-1894-78269 (English title: Airship covered with metal mesh, Inventors: Arturo Pierrottet)
- Patent DE-1894-82257 (English title: Ausführungsform der unter Patent 79446 geschützten Flugmaschine, Inventors: GAEBERT)
- Patent DE-1895-84532 (English title: Control apparatus for flying machines, Inventors: Otto Schmidt)
- Patent DE-1894-82954 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Ernst Loehr)
- Patent DE-1894-83959 (English title: "Airship with floating bodies", likely an airship equipped for terrestrial or aquatic landing, possibly capable as an aquatic vessel, Inventors: Oscar Roeper)
- Patent DE-1894-83034 (English title: Airship with parallel aeroplanes arranged one above the other around a revolving mast, Inventors: Raphael Ernst May)
- Patent DE-1894-84394 (English title: Airship with a steering device, Inventors: Carl Friedrich Billwiller, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-70746)
- Patent DE-1894-79446 (English title: Method and device for lifting or flying loads into the air, Inventors: F. Gaebert)
- Patent DE-1894-80205 (English title: Flying device with vertically oscillating wings, whose bearings are movable, Inventors: Hermann Israel)
- Patent DE-1895-di (English title: Parrallel und gegenläufig bewegte Flügel für Luftfahrzeuge, Inventors: RENTZSCH)
- Patent DE-1894-82230 (English title: Sail-wheel for flying machines, Inventors: Friedrich Kühner)
- Patent DE-1894-80847 (English title: Aircraft with self-adjusting blades, Inventors: Carl Oetling)
- Patent DE-1895-79175 (English title: Airship with balloon, Inventors: A. Rammoser)
- Patent DE-1894-83896 (English title: Airship with several flaps or valves provided arranged opposite each other and moving independently, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes)
- Patent DE-1894-82482 (English title: Airship with [end to end?] tube [functioning as?] screw-propeller, Inventors: Raphael Ernst May)
- Patent DE-1894-84567 (English title: Flying machine with wings extended inwards over the axes of rotation, Inventors: Nicholas Hermann Borgfeldt)
- Patent DE-1894-81355 (English title: Pot lifter, Inventors: Emil Lachmann)
- Patent DE-1895-86041 (English title: Flugmaschine mit Flügeln, Inventors: Jacob)
- Patent DE-1895-95179 (English title: Vorrichtung zur Erhaltung von Luftschiffen in einer bestimmten Höhe mittels Barometers, Inventors: EDWARD (GRAFSCH))
- Patent DE-1895-84417 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-77916)
- Patent DE-1893-80151 (English title: airship lifted by a rotary propeller, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799)
- Patent DE-1895-85688 (English title: Flying machine with wings on both sides spinning/swinging about transverse axes as propellers, Inventors: Henry Shepley Booth)
- Patent DE-1896-89860 (English title: Traction device on flying machines, Inventors: Rudolph Kosch)
- Patent DE-1895-84719 (English title: Aircraft for ascending into the air under the influence of horizontal airflows of alternating direction and magnitude, Inventors: Armin Kersten)
- Patent DE-1896-87811 (English title: Dirigible Airship, Inventors: Friedrich Johann Elias Vollstedt • Carsten Ingwer)
- Patent DE-1896-95963 (English title: Steerable airship without rudder, Inventors: Alexander Schörke)
- Patent DE-1894-85326 (English title: Adjustment device for aircraft with arched sails, Inventors: Hugo Schüssler)
- Patent DE-1895-86738 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: F. Gaebert, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-79446 • Patent DE-1894-82904)
- Patent DE-1895-86289 (English title: Jumping device for flying machines, Inventors: F. Gaebert)
- Patent DE-1896-98109 (English title: Changeover device for flight devices, possibly a helicopter capable of landing on earth or water, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen)
- Patent DE-1894-85903 (English title: Steerable flying machine with climbing propellers, Inventors: August Boehm)
- Patent DE-1896-93692 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Armin Beckmann)
- Patent DE-1897-95179 (English title: Apparatus for maintaining iarships at a certain height by means of barometer, Inventors: Edward Joel Pennington)
- Patent DE-1897-95178 (English title: Ballon or airship-body, Inventors: Edward Joel Pennington)
- Patent DE-1897-100730 (English title: Hohler Baustein, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1896-95914 (English title: Airship with concave, curved, sharp edge forming its bottom surface, Inventors: Carl Götzke • Karl Götzke)
- Patent DE-1895-95597 (English title: Airship with inner gear arranged in the longitudinal axis, Inventors: Edward Joel Pennington)
- Patent DE-1897-101348 (English title: Device for the reduction of unplanned wind-caused movement of balloons, Inventors: Carl Georg Rodeck)
- Patent DE-1897-94839 (English title: Process for altering the lift system of captive balloon with cable used as electric cable, Inventors: Karl Eichler • Carl Eichler)
- Patent DE-1897-91999 (English title: Apparatus for supplying current to electric-powered airships, Inventors: Rudolf Diesel)
- Patent DE-1895-89890 (English title: Means of generating forward motion by means of a wing set up radially or near to a rotating axis (?), Inventors: Carl Reiter)
- Patent DE-1897-90695 (English title: Abutment surfaces for air and water vehicles, Inventors: Ch. Steinau)
- Patent DE-1897-91887 (English title: Balloon made from rigid material with flexible inner fabric balloon, Inventors: Cäser Eggert)
- Patent DE-1897-93387 (English title: Captive Circular-Flying Machine, Inventors: J. H. Homeister)
- Patent DE-1897-93184 (English title: Flying machine with vertically swinging wings, Inventors: Hermann Israel)
- Patent DE-1897-100194 (English title: Decke, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1895-84544 (English title: Flying apparatus with two-part wings, Inventors: Otto Schmidt)
- Patent DE-1897-98288 (English title: Captive balloon with kite-surface, Inventors: Heinrich Rudolph)
- Patent DE-1898-107493 (English title: Vorrichtung zur Erprobung von Flugapparaten, Inventors: FRITSCH)
- Patent DE-1896-100276 (English title: Airship with wings and tail made of gas containers, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski)
- Patent DE-1897-100399 (English title: Process and equipment for airplane takeoff, Inventors: F. Gaebert, Supplementary to patent: Patent HU-1896-9899)
- Patent DE-1898-65 (English title: Airship with reaction-propeller, Inventors: Friedrich August Emil Brosowsky)
- Patent DE-1896-100398 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Paul Molnar • Friedrich Wilhelm Rogler • Hans Hörbiger)
- Patent DE-1895-98580 (English title: Steerable aircraft with several support bodies arranged one behind the other, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin)
- Patent DE-1897-103569 (English title: Aircraft with slidable towline, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent DE-1899-du (English title: Luftschraubenrad, Inventors: ROMMELSBACHER)
- Patent DE-1899-103503 (English title: Airship with apparatus for warming and circulation of lifting gas, Inventors: Charles Edwin Hite, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1898-607240)
- Patent DE-1899-111609 (English title: Process and machine, for launching a flying machine from the ground, Inventors: J. W. Schlie)
- Patent DE-1898-104096 (English title: Airship propelled by explosion, Inventors: Julius B. Rauber)
- Patent DE-1899-103290 (English title: Drag-parachute for aircraft, Inventors: Max Lochner)
- Patent DE-1898-111522 (English title: Airship with a balloon to the gondola rotated about its vertical axis, Inventors: Michael Henrich • Franz Bielefeld)
- Patent DE-1897-103105 (English title: Airship consisting of wing mechanism hanging from a balloon, Inventors: Konstantin Danilewsky, Supplementary to patent: Patent RU-1897-3845)
- Patent DE-1899-110832 (English title: Apparatus for forward motion of bodies in the air, harnessing the force of gravity by means of forwardly inclined composite sail-surfaces, Applicant firm: Internationaler Verein zur Rationellen Verwertung von Erfindungspatenten, E.G.m.b.H.)
- Patent DE-1900-ef (English title: Pfeildrachen mit sich verlegendem Schwerpunkt, Inventors: VOGELSANG)
- Patent DE-1900-125202 (English title: Luftschiff mit doppelt übereinander angeordneten Wendeflügelpaaren, Inventors: GRASSEL)
- Patent DE-1899-112264 (English title: Rigid balloon with cross-walls, Inventors: Henry Boinet, Applicant firm: Luftschiffgesellschaft "Roze" • Henry Boinet & Cie., Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1899-Boinet)
- Patent DE-1898-110660 (English title: Dirigible airship with turning-wing-wheel driven by planetary gear, Inventors: Edward Zarski, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1898-278192)
- Patent DE-1899-108360 (English title: Kite without tail, Inventors: Charles Zimmerman, Applicant firm: The Zimmerman Flying Machine Company, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1898-634386)
- Patent DE-1898-116287 (English title: Wheel with movable paddles for air- and water-craft, Inventors: Paul Nipkow, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1897-112506)
- Patent DE-1900-110813 (English title: Anchor for Airships, Inventors: Henry Boinet, Applicant firm: Henry Boinet & Cie.)
- Patent DE-1898-108214 (English title: Driving apparatus for flying machines, Inventors: A. Jäger)
- Patent DE-1900-124968 (English title: Articulated frame for folding kites, Inventors: Anton von Oertzen)
- Patent DE-1901-eg (English title: Riedinger-Sigsfeld catapult apparatus for launching flying machines, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent DE-1901-146739 (English title: Vorrichtung zum Bewegen von Luftschiffen mittels eigentümlich bewegter Flügel, Inventors: GUTZEIT)
- Patent DE-1900-118834 (English title: Valve for parachute-balloons, Inventors: Käthe Paulus)
- Patent DE-1900-122961 (English title: Balloon with inner insert balloon, Inventors: Firmin Bousson)
- Patent DE-1899-123884 (English title: Airship with screws arranged in a tube in the elongated balloon body, Inventors: Rudolf Krocker)
- Patent DE-1899-121279 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Ernst Trimpler)
- Patent DE-1901-125058 (English title: Process for the economical cutting of balloon sheaths, Inventors: Sebastian Finsterwalder)
- Patent DE-1899-121650 (English title: Control device on aircraft, Inventors: Heinrich Suter)
- Patent DE-1900-121280 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski)
- Patent DE-1899-121278 (English title: Movement device for aircraft, Inventors: Heinrich Suter)
- Patent DE-1901-126195 (English title: Prism-shaped kite, Inventors: Edouard Blin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1901-310881)
- Patent DE-1900-123165 (English title: Device for free-hanging of flying machines on balloons, Inventors: Firmin Bousson, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1900-122961)
- Patent DE-1900-124967 (English title: Collapsible sail-wall-keel for airships, Inventors: George Grant, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1900-22444)
- Patent DE-1900-121281 (English title: Arrow-kite with displaced center of gravity, Inventors: Eduard Vogelsang)
- Patent DE-1900-119359 (English title: Kite with bridge to divide the air on each side, Inventors: William Henry Hoyt • Claison Shaw Wardwell, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1899-642451)
- Patent DE-1900-120712 (English title: Aircraft with mechanically operated flapping wings arranged one above the other in vertical rows, Inventors: Firmin Bousson, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1899-292828)
- Patent DE-1901-el (English title: Zusammensetzbare Spielzeugbrücke, Inventors: RICHTER)
- Patent DE-1899-118139 (English title: Airscrew-wheel, Inventors: R. Rommelsbacher)
- Patent DE-1901-132472 (English title: Method for efficient cutting of balloon hull (pieces), Inventors: Sebastian Finsterwalder, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1901-125058)
- Patent DE-1899-131930 (Inventors: Frederick Buchanan)
- Patent DE-1900-135262 (English title: Airship with beating wings, Inventors: E. Schneider)
- Patent DE-1901-131194 (English title: Cylinder cooling device, Inventors: Gustav Fischer)
- Patent DE-1901-133364 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Augusto Severo, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1901-21099)
- Patent DE-1901-134729 (English title: Gas pressure regulation apparatus, Inventors: Alexander Levy)
- Patent DE-1902-145725 (English title: Luftballon mit Antriebsvorrichtung, Inventors: Walter Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1900-129146 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Friedrich Jung)
- Patent DE-1898-126955 (English title: From elevation to put aircraft devices into operation, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1901-134221 (English title: Frame for balloons, Inventors: Paul Delaporte)
- Patent DE-1902-145726 (English title: Device for maintaining the horizontal position of airships, Inventors: Thomas Moy)
- Patent DE-1902-ey (English title: Drachen, Inventors: TARCZAL)
- Patent DE-1901-129704 (English title: Propeller, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1902-ev (English title: Spielsteine für Mosaikspiele, Inventors: RICHTER)
- Patent DE-1901-133698 (English title: Propeller for dirigible airship, Inventors: Stanislaus Victor Saloni)
- Patent DE-1901-131394 (English title: Aircraft with two drag-bodies, Inventors: Theodor Haas)
- Patent DE-1901-130807 (English title: Toy aircraft, Inventors: Theodor Heiden Jr.)
- Patent DE-1901-134182 (English title: Steerable balloon, Inventors: Paul Wappler)
- Patent DE-1902-139725 (English title: Flight Device, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1900-134728 (English title: Steerable Airship, Inventors: Adam Kohn, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1900-304673)
- Patent DE-1901-130070 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Joseph H. Dillon-Gregg, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1899-666266)
- Patent DE-1901-133699 (English title: Parachute apparatus for dirigible airship, Inventors: Stanislaus Victor Saloni)
- Patent DE-1901-133697 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Stanislaus Victor Saloni, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1900-12657)
- Patent DE-1902-140115 (English title: Apparatus for maintaining constant gas pressure in air-balloons, Inventors: Alfred Chiodera)
- Patent DE-1902-138685 (English title: Device for controlling airships by propellers, Inventors: Franz Meyer)
- Patent DE-1902-139854 (English title: Flying machine with supporting surfaces, Inventors: Johann Götz)
- Patent DE-1903-fc (English title: Schraubenpropeller, Inventors: SCHUNDLING)
- Patent DE-1903-155681 (English title: Flight device (without the use of a balloon) due to the unequal nature of the air currents in . . ., Inventors: Armin Kersten)
- Patent DE-1902-138494 (English title: Kite, Inventors: Viktor Tarczal • Edmund Roheim • Josef Simkó, Supplementary to patent: Patent HU-1901-24148)
- Patent DE-1903-fd (English title: Luftfahrzeug mit mehreren gleichmäßig verteilten Steuern, Inventors: WALDEN)
- Patent DE-1902-144912 (English title: Tethered aircraft with counter-rotating propellers carried by concentric axles, Inventors: Charles Tuckfield • Frederick Hodge • Walker George de Forges Garland)
- Patent DE-1902-142728 (English title: Screw-type functioning propulsion apparatus, Inventors: Oskar Martienssen)
- Patent DE-1902-142761 (English title: Adjusting device for aircraft sail-surfaces arranged under the vehicle floor, Inventors: Josef Seiberl)
- Patent DE-1903-149865 (English title: Artificial mount, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1901-139201 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Henri Mawhood)
- Patent DE-1902-144236 (English title: Apparatus for carrying articles by means of a wing in the air, Inventors: Adrian Baumann)
- Patent DE-1901-139180 (English title: Wing area for aircraft, Inventors: Emil Lehmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1900-134220)
- Patent DE-1902-140370 (English title: Toy parachute, Inventors: Frederick Marshall Osgood, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1902-704090)
- Patent DE-1901-141948 (Inventors: Emil Edmund Burkhardt)
- Patent DE-1902-143820 (English title: Wings for flying machines, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1902-139493 (English title: Dynamic flying machine (Ring flyer), Inventors: Georg Wellner)
- Patent DE-1902-141881 (English title: hot air balloon, Inventors: Amédée Mathurin Gabriel Sébillot)
- Patent DE-1902-145547 (English title: Flying machine with two propellers whose wings interlock, Inventors: Max Bourcart, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1902-26882)
- Patent DE-1902-141656 (English title: screw propeller, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann, Applicant firm: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1902-140705 (English title: Control means for moving aircraft by screws, Inventors: Josef Seiberl)
- Patent DE-1902-143440 (English title: Drachenballon, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1901-138493 (English title: Flapping wing arrangement for flying machines, Inventors: Joseph Uhl)
- Patent DE-1902-141949 (English title: Flight apparatus, Applicant firm: Société anonyme pour le commerce et l'industrie de caoutchouc)
- Patent DE-1901-141019 (English title: Flight-apparatus, Inventors: Maurice Léger)
- Patent DE-1901-139724 (English title: Airship with drag-surfaces, Inventors: Adolf Felle)
- Patent DE-1900-137242 (English title: Reversed wing assembly for flying machines, Inventors: Charles Groombridge • William Alfred South, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1900-13241)
- Patent DE-1904-157399 (English title: Beating wing arrangement for flying machine, Inventors: George McMullen)
- Patent DE-1902-145866 (English title: Device for changing the oscillation range of flapping wings on airships, Inventors: Hermann Hartig)
- Patent DE-1902-155358 (English title: Procedure for steering flying machines without rudder, by adjusting the wings in the equilibrium position, Inventors: Fritz Robitzsch)
- Patent DE-1904-175476 (English title: Luftschiff, Inventors: BOSSUET)
- Patent DE-1902-150941 (English title: Captive balloon, Inventors: Henri-Alphonse-Désiré Hervé, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-321808)
- Patent DE-1904-155680 (English title: Aircraft with several evenly spaced rudders, Inventors: Howard de Walden • Hans Knudsen, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1902-24336)
- Patent DE-1902-147626 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Theodor Müller)
- Patent DE-1901-149586 (English title: Approach device for flying machines, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1902-149570 (English title: Drachenballon, Inventors: August Riedinger, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1902-143440)
- Patent DE-1902-151564 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Antoine-Charles Mary)
- Patent DE-1903-155359 (English title: Wing-turning apparatus with planetary gear, Inventors: Hugo Hückel)
- Patent DE-1905-173718 (English title: Flügelrad mit radialen, um ihre Längsachse drehbaren Schaufeln, Inventors: LÜTZENBURGER)
- Patent DE-1903-158208 (English title: Propulsion system for aircraft, comprising two aligned wheels, one over another, moving in opposite directions, Inventors: Jörg Lanz)
- Patent DE-1903-157815 (English title: Process for producing filter layers from pulp with strata of increasing density, Applicant firm: Firma W. Stavenhagen)
- Patent DE-1903-160742 (English title: Apparatus for imparting horizontal or vertical motion to airbone bodies, Inventors: Gustav Knäpper)
- Patent DE-1904-161395 (English title: Detachable basket for balloon, Inventors: Ewald Mengel)
- Patent DE-1905-166740 (English title: Roof construction for toy buildings, Inventors: Friedrich Adolf Richter, Applicant firm: F. Ad. Richter et Cie)
- Patent DE-1904-158906 (English title: Flight device according to Patent 155681 characterized by the replacement of the lower surface by a Tre, Inventors: Armin Kersten, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1903-155681)
- Patent DE-1903-161490 (English title: Apparatus for controlling the fall of airborne bodies ..., Inventors: Alfred Maul)
- Patent DE-1904-171082 (English title: Airship consisting of two elongated balloons, Inventors: Louis-Étienne Roze)
- Patent DE-1904-173378 (English title: Aircraft with horizontal headrests and vertical side rudder, Inventors: Orville Wright • Wilbur Wright, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1903-821393)
- Patent DE-1906-214860 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Erik Brand)
- Patent DE-1906-186067 (English title: Aus einem Fallschirm mit oben befindlicher öffnung bestehender Öffnung bestehender Flugapparat, Inventors: E. Geissler)
- Patent DE-1906-175478 (English title: Innovation in flying machines -or- flying machines with air tanks, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1906-208217 (English title: Airship, with struts to maintain flat shape, Inventors: Veeh)
- Patent DE-1906-173596 (English title: Flying machine with screws and wings and with a device for changing the direction of flight, Inventors: Armand Dufaux • Henri Dufaux, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1905-33302)
- Patent DE-1905-173926 (English title: Flying machine with wings that move when the arms are bent, Inventors: Adolph Brandl)
- Patent DE-1905-171274 (English title: Method for functional inflation of toy balloons with hydrogen, Inventors: Herman Rebenstorff)
- Patent DE-1905-175273 (English title: Ventilation and control device for airships, Inventors: M. J. Wiessing)
- Patent DE-1906-186497 (English title: Air propeller-connected expansion machine, Inventors: William Harper Jr., Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-1012201)
- Patent DE-1906-207740 (English title: Airscrew, Inventors: Vassily Rebikov)
- Patent DE-1906-206327 (English title: Paired opposing sailing-wings (correct?), Inventors: Mallachow)
- Patent DE-1905-175477 (English title: Improvement of screw propellers, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1902-141656)
- Patent DE-1904-167923 (English title: Einseitig wirkendes Luftschaufelrad mit umlaufenden Segeln, Inventors: August Buntebarth)
- Patent DE-1907-233097 (English title: Schraubenflieger mit einem unter den Hubschrauben angebrachten Fallschirm und unter diesem widerum befindlichen Steuerflächen, Inventors: DAY)
- Patent DE-1905-190857 (English title: Aircraft with two combined balloon bodies, Inventors: Franz Bollhorn)
- Patent DE-1907-192662 (English title: Pressure release valve for air-balloons, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent DE-1907-211372 (English title: Hang gliding over the nacelle mounted wings and control surfaces, Inventors: Lindner)
- Patent DE-1907-191433 (English title: Device for taking off hang-gliders, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1906-188564 (English title: Flying device with lifting screws and surfaces arranged under them, Inventors: Jules Cornu • Paul Cornu, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1905-357917)
- Patent DE-1907-210003 (English title: Gusset area for aircraft, likely having to do with steel and frame construction, Inventors: Carl Georg Rodeck)
- Patent DE-1907-216650 (English title: Monoplane with warpable wingpair, Inventors: Robert Esnault-Pelterie, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1907-373818)
- Patent DE-1907-214862 (English title: Flying machine with height and side control, Inventors: Cyrus L. Buckwalter)
- Patent DE-1907-200807 (English title: Segelrad zum Heben, Inventors: KRUSE)
- Patent DE-1905-188947 (English title: Device for maintaining the equilibrium position of airships, Inventors: Jacob H Ellehammer)
- Patent DE-1907-202335 (English title: Drachenflieger, Inventors: EQUERILLEY-MONTJUSTIN)
- Patent DE-1905-185172 (English title: Flapping wing aircraft with two identically designed fan-shaped wings, Inventors: Gustav Fritz)
- Patent DE-1905-184020 (English title: Impeller for propulsion of aircraft, Inventors: Heinrich Wortmann)
- Patent DE-1906-190420 (English title: Balloon hull made from goldbeater's skin, Applicant firm: Theodor Schätzler & Sohn)
- Patent DE-1906-190421 (English title: Balloon railway, Inventors: Anempodist Wertogradsky)
- Patent DE-1907-202812 (English title: Propeller screw which can be adjusted indepenently from the drive shaft, Inventors: Harry Martin Middleton, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1906-1436)
- Patent DE-1907-209261 (English title: Kite flyer with pendulum on the kite surface's drive frame, Inventors: Hans Reiszner)
- Patent DE-1907-200871 (English title: Balloon valve, Applicant firm: August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.)
- Patent DE-1907-194738 (English title: Wings for flying machines, Applicant firm: Aktiebolaget Aviatorer)
- Patent DE-1907-202336 (English title: Apparatus for opening and closing airship gas valve, Applicant firm: Siemens-Schuckert Werke GmbH)
- Patent DE-1908-203534 (English title: Device for rotating the swing axis of flapping wings, Inventors: Friedrich Kopsch)
- Patent DE-1908-203633 (English title: Paddle wheel, in particular for aircraft, with unevenly fast rotating blades, Inventors: Franzesco Fronz)
Patents filed by Germans
- Patent ES-1909-45133 (English title: Aerostat with air sacs)
- Patent DE-1917-400054 (English title: Arrangement to reduce the control work on main surfaces that are adjusted using auxiliary surfaces, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1917-375592 (English title: Device for reducing control work on aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent GB-1909-16430 (Inventors: Wilhelm Vollbrecht)
- Patent DE-1918-390219 (English title: Auxiliary control arrangement, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1918-389277 • Patent DE-1918-388537)
- Patent DE-1916-317912 (English title: corner of aircraft m. split-beam)
- Patent GB-1913-16313 (English title: Improvements relating to aerial machines, Inventors: Rapheal Schwéers, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-7-15)
- Patent ES-1913-540606 (English title: Security covering for aerostats, Inventors: Henrich Bruns Jr.)
- Patent ES-1910-46752 (English title: Wind-wheel used especially as propeller for airplanes, dirigibles, and the like, Inventors: Hermann Ruthenberg)
- Patent DE-1917-383524 (English title: Control for airplanes, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent ES-1920-75215 (English title: An economical kitchen with gas heating)
- Patent FR-1893-232974 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Gustav Koch)
- Patent GB-1909-11638 (English title: Improvements in Air Ships, Inventors: Rudolf Wagner • Carl Edler von Radinger)
- Patent DE-1918-434896 (English title: Auxiliary control device, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1917-310170)
- Patent GB-1909-19303 (English title: Improvements in spring balloon valves, Supplementary to patent: German patent filed on 1909-06-07)
- Patent FR-1885-170684 (English title: New procedure for making artificial stones, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1917-310170 (English title: Auxiliary control device for aircraft or watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent FR-1898-272572.1 (English title: cert of addition to the patent taken, 27 Nov 1897, for aviation apparatus with fixed wings and paletted wheels, Inventors: Gustav Koch, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1897-272572 • Patent DE-1892-73603)
- Patent DE-1911-01-25-Kirchner (English title: Balloon fabric, Inventors: Wilhelm Kirchner)
- Patent FR-1894-235440 (English title: metallic band plates serving as support and reinforcement in aerial balloons, in the propellers of ships and air-ships, in turbines, in wind motors, etc., Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-76727)
- Patent DE-1918-388537 (English title: Control device for aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1900-134220 (English title: Wing surface for aircraft, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1914-330779 (English title: Biplane, or conceivably triplane . . ., Inventors: Rumpler-Werke G.m.b.H. in Berlin-Johannisthal)
- Patent DE-1918-389277 (English title: Control device for aircraft and watercraft with two main control surfaces moving in opposite directions, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1918-388537)
- Patent DE-1918-365962 (English title: Auxiliary control device for aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1908-598380
- Patent DE-1920-392867 (English title: Chassis with folding wheels for seaplanes, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1919-07-29 Vickers Limited • Patent GB-1920-04-06 Vickers Limited)
- Patent DE-1917-400053 (English title: Arrangement to reduce the control work on main surfaces that are adjusted using auxiliary surfaces, Inventors: Anton Flettner)
- Patent DE-1912-268445 (English title: Semi-rigid airship with a keel designed as a gondola)
- Patent HU-1917-76359 (English title: Procedure for the dismantling of lime nitrous with carbonic acid)
- Patent DE-1917-310825 (English title: Parachute for airplanes, Inventors: Wilhelm Schroeder, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-290121)
- Patent DE-1911-330185 (English title: Propulsion device for aircraft with multiple engines and multiple propellers, Inventors: Gaston Rose)
- Patent DE-1917-310857
- Patent GB-1882-5251 (English title: Navigable balloon (dirigible), Inventors: Gustav Koch)
- Patent DE-1910-01-18-Höltring (English title: Device for eliminating the harmful buoyancy effect when dropping heavy explosive devices from airships, Inventors: Wilhelm Höltring)
- Patent GB-1891-12669 (English title: Birds-eye photography, Inventors: Ludwig Rahrmann • Ludwig Kohrmann)
- Patent DE-1915-319370 (English title: Gate made of individually movable parts with laterally located receiving spaces)
- Patent DE-1917-310826
- Patent DE-1912.12.20 Joachim Heinrich Kronstein (English title: Anchoring equipment for airship staging points, Anchoring apparatus for dirigible stations, Inventors: Joachim Heinrich Kronstein)
- Patent DE-1918-383744 (English title: Aircraft with rotating wings or lifting surface, Inventors: Konrad R. Ritter)
- Patent GB-1899-24047 (English title: Air Ships or Vessels, Inventors: Rudolf Krocker, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1899-123884)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359885 (English title: Lighting protection apparatus for airships of all kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1909-406310 (English title: Hollow metal girder, Inventors: Rudolf Chillingworth)
- Patent GB--1135 (English title: Means for an air ship or a flying machine to destroy war ships and fortresses, Inventors: Ernst Emil Thiele)
- Patent DE-1913-06-26 Franz Schneider (English title: Process for the Production of Bodies and Supporting Planes for Aeroplanes and of Floats and Boat Bodies for Hydroplanes, Inventors: Franz Schneider)
- Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff (Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff)
- Patent DE-1910-04-04 August Wendtland (Inventors: August Wendtland)
- Patent GB-1909-1528 (Inventors: Friedrich Kopsch)
- Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff-propeller (Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff)
- Patent DE-1914-10-23 Franz Schneider (English title: Equipment for suspending the petrol tank in the tension tower of the flight plane, Inventors: Franz Schneider)
- Patent DE-1885-Lüllemann (English title: Balloon valve, Inventors: J. C. Alb. Lüllemann)
- Patent DE-1912-12-23-Albert Hirth (English title: Propeller with adjustable blades, Inventors: Albert Hirth)
- Patent DE-1909-220044 (English title: Flying machine with rotating impellers in housings, Inventors: Carl Hanschke)
- Patent GB-1912-11921 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Karl Bomhard, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1911-05-Bomhard)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359886 (English title: Lighting interception apparatus for airships of all kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun)
- Patent DE-1895-89859 (English title: Apparatus for raising and lowering airships by allowing air into the balloon, or by sucking it out, Inventors: W. Daniels)
- Patent RU-1909-41312 (English title: Windmill wheel, propeller, etc., primarily for aeronautical apparatus, Inventors: Hermann Ruthenberg)
- Patent LU-1910-8515 (English title: Control valve distribution system for rotating cylinder combustion engines, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-417513)
- Patent HU-1917-75794 (English title: Rudder actuators for foot lifts on airplanes)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359884 (English title: Lighting protection apparatus for airships of all kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun)
- Patent IT-1894-Ganswindt (English title: metallic band plates serving as support and reinforcement in aerial balloons, in the propellers of ships and air-ships, in turbines, in wind motors, etc., Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-76727)
- Patent DE-1906-188270 (English title: Steering and stabilizing surfaces, consisting of hollow bodies filled with air)
- Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence (English title: Airplane, a quite elaborate system and design, military, inclusive of parachute, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence)
- Patent RU-1909-41398 (English title: Airplane, Inventors: A. von Rahden • Baron A. von Rahden • Baron A. E. von Raden)
- Patent GB-1920-148360 (English title: Aircraft Engine Control, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1915-05-31 Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1907-323925 (English title: Dirigible aircraft, Inventors: Albert Geisler)
- Patent LU-1910-8512 (English title: Combusion motors with rotary cylinders, with housing in two parts and corresponding cylinder heads, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-417067)
- Patent DE-1899-112854 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Joh. Mich. Breiner)
- Patent DE-1897-112506 (English title: Wheel with movable shovels for air- and water-craft, Inventors: Paul Nipkow)
- Patent IT-1890-24325 (English title: Captive aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Carl Schultz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1887-41141)
- Patent IT-1907-89518 (English title: Wing for airplanes, balloons, and the like, Inventors: Hermann Ruthenberg)
- Patent GB-1920-148442 (English title: Sea Plane, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1917-306449)
- Patent AT-1917-79189 (English title: Transverse bulkhead for rigid airships with gas cells, Inventors: Reinhold Richter)
- Patent DE-1906-187863 (English title: Movable gondola suspension for motor-balloons)
- Patent DE-1899-112855 (English title: Airship with blindlike flapping wings, Inventors: Hermann Campe)
- Patent HU-1916-76450 (English title: Flying machine, actually a biplane, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1915-09-21 Gothaer Waggonfabrik A. G.)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1899-128008 (English title: Aluminum kite, Inventors: Friedrich Schulte)
- Patent DE-1906-185267 (English title: Apparatus for improved dirigibility of an airship, Inventors: Carl Dippel)
- Patent DE-1893-74232 (English title: Kite, imitating the wing-beats of a bird, with collapsible frame, Inventors: Eduard Watzek)
- Patent RU-1909-41475 (English title: Turning apparatus for airplanes, Inventors: Wilhelm Jakob Hoffmann)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1907-324123 (English title: Frame for dirigible aircraft, Inventors: Albert Geisler)
- Patent IT-1908-98202 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Gustav Kerwat)
- Patent BE-1907-201648 (English title: Flyer, Inventors: Adolphe Michael)
- Patent BE-1907-200460 (English title: Dirigible balloon, Inventors: E. Nolle)
- Patent DE-1893-71599 (English title: Certain kite for carrying of persons, Inventors: Otto Schubert)
- Patent LU-1894-2066 (English title: Aerostatic traction, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-83896)
- Patent BE-1914-266401 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: J. Jochner)
- Patent BE-1914-265203 (English title: Tent for airplanes with folding trusses and uprights, patented in its favor on January 20, 1913, Inventors: Siegfried Kander, Supplementary to patent: 1913-01-20 Siegfried Kander)
- Patent LU-1910-8513 (English title: Internal combustion engines with rotating cylinders and cantilevered crankshaft, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-417512)
- Patent BE-1907-200457 (English title: Wing for airplanes, balloons and the like, Inventors: Hermann Ruthenberg)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1907-323830 (English title: Aircraft with pedal, Inventors: Johann Ulrich Weiß)
- Patent BE-1913-252715 (English title: Elastic component for aviation aircraft, subject of a first German patent application, not yet granted, filed on February 2, 1912, under the benefit of the international convention of March 20, 1883, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-02-02 E. Rumpler Luftfahrzeugbau G.m.b.H.)
- Patent BE-1914-265631 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, Inventors: J. Dörfel)
- Patent CH-1909-47211 (English title: Kite with lateral drag-surfaces)
- Patent BE-1907-199964 (English title: flapping wing aviator, Inventors: J. Schülke)
- Patent BE-1913-252957 (English title: boat traction, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-01-22 Siemens-Schuckert Werke GmbH)
- Patent DE-1877-2650 (English title: Dirigible airship with wings, Inventors: Georg Fischer)
- Patent BE-1914-266541 (English title: Apparatus for indicating the ascent and descent of balloons, Inventors: H. Apelt)
- Patent BE-1914-266620 (English title: Airplane stabilizer, Inventors: Hermann Franke • Paul Michael)
- Patent DE-1878-2600 (English title: Directing, maintaining course, and fastening of captive air-balloons, Inventors: Friedrich Haupt)
- Patent LU-1894-1987 (English title: Metal bands used in propellers of aerostats and vessels, in turbines, air motors, etc., Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-76727)
- Patent BE-1914-269621 (English title: Easy take-down hangar for ballons)
- Patent CH-1891-3863 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Carl Steiger)
- Patent CH-1909-46855 (English title: Airship as Childrens' Toy, Inventors: Wilhelm Waegemann)
- Patent DE-1881-15119 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Adolf Friedrich Heim)
- Patent GB-1920-148441 (English title: Seaplane, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1917-Zeppelin-Werke)
- Patent FR-1853-16996 (English title: aerostat system called the aerial boat, Inventors: Auguste-Louis Mertens)
- Patent US-1859-25197 (English title: Marine propeller, Inventors: Hermann Hirsch)
- Patent GB-1863-2028 (English title: Suspending cameras from balloons, Inventors: Johann Ernst Friedrich Lüdecke)
- Patent FR-1872-nv (English title: balloon steering, Inventors: Paul Haenlein • (?))
- Patent GB-1872-821 (English title: Navigable balloons, Inventors: Paul Haenlein)
- Patent US-1872-130915 (English title: Improvement in balloon locomotives, Inventors: Paul Haenlein)
- Patent SAX-1877-4771 (English title: Improvements to cutting machines with cutter disc, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1877-2291 (English title: Coal-cutting machine with disk-blade?, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent FR-1878-122347 (English title: Winged air-ship, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent FR-1879-122347E (English title: Winged and steerable airship, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1878-122347)
- Patent DE-1879-3486 (English title: Flight apparatus, Inventors: Gebhard Ackermann)
- Patent DE-1880-10224 (English title: Innovations on airships, Inventors: Georg Fischer, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1879-7352)
- Patent DE-1879-9665 (English title: Wing-screw with air bags as a drive apparatus for airships, Inventors: Hermann Blume)
- Patent US-1880-233780 (English title: Composition Toy Building-Block., Inventors: Otto Lilienthal • Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1879-10842 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Julius Griese)
- Patent DE-1880-9137 (English title: Wing airship steering device, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1880-11044 (English title: Airship with rudder blades, Inventors: Gustav Fischer)
- Patent DE-1880-11471 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for air- and water-craft, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1877-8392)
- Patent DE-1877-8392 (English title: Locomotion devices for airships and watercraft, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1881-14771 (English title: Steering mechanism for airships, Inventors: Ludwig Klein)
- Patent DE-1881-14684 (English title: Innovations on airships, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1880-9137)
- Patent DE-1881-17263 (English title: Locomotive system for airships called "sailing screw", Inventors: L. Mondorf)
- Patent DE-1881-14019 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for flying machines, Inventors: Joens)
- Patent DE-1880-13770 (English title: Process for producing artificial stones, Inventors: Friedrich Adolph Richter)
- Patent DE-1881-16103 (English title: Innovations in steam boilers, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1881-18471 (English title: Direct-acting carrier for regulators, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1882-19253 (English title: Flight apparatus operated by electricity, Inventors: August von Wedell)
- Patent DE-1882-20214 (English title: Improvements to patent 15085's apparatus for locomotion in air and water, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1881-15085)
- Patent DE-1881-18697 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1882-20348 (English title: eversible blades or wings for locomotion of aircraft and water surface vessels, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent DE-1881-18961 (English title: Locomotion of vehicles on inclined surfaces by means of balloons, Inventors: Philipp August Lemmer)
- Patent AT-1883-33-1285 (English title: Risk-free steam engine, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1882-20811 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Burchard Plate)
- Patent DE-1882-21730 (English title: Movement mechanism of flying machines, Inventors: Ernst Georg August Baumgarten)
- Patent US-1882-282647 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Gustav Koch, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1882-23658)
- Patent DE-1883-21566 (English title: Locomotion and steering devices for airships, Inventors: Eduard Nultsch)
- Patent DE-1882-23658 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Gustav Koch)
- Patent DE-1883-24467 (English title: Sail control for balloon, Inventors: Georg Wellner)
- Patent DE-1884-29080 (English title: Coiled tube boiler, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent GB-1884-2469 (English title: Navigable balloons, Inventors: Otto Hartung, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1883-26930)
- Patent AT-1884-34-1493 (English title: Risk-free snake tank, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1883-27410 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: Robert Hascher • Ludwig Laetsch)
- Patent DE-1884-28934 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Otto Hartung, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1883-26930)
- Patent DE-1883-29014 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt)
- Patent DE-1883-26933 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Robert Wiesendanger)
- Patent DE-1883-26930 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Otto Hartung)
- Patent DE-1883-26077 (English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Inventors: Hugo Hennig • Bernhard Eckert)
- Patent DE-1885-bh (English title: New process for the production of artificial stones, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1885-34389 (English title: Schlangenrohr-Steam generator, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent US-1885-335707 (English title: Manufacturing artificial stone, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent GB-1886-8321 (English title: Improvements to feed pumps for steam engine boilers applicable to steam engines generally, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal • William Bashall)
- Patent GB-1886-8322 (English title: An Improved coil steam generator, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal • William Bashall)
- Patent US-1884-354413 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Otto Hartung, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1883-26930)
- Patent DE-1887-42352 (English title: Apparatus for controlling transfer of the airship by gravity of a liquid, Inventors: Franz Jasch)
- Patent US-1887-367666 (English title: Pneumatic action for organs, Inventors: Gustav Sander)
- Patent DE-1887-41432 (English title: Machines for moving balloons, Inventors: Ernst von Unruh)
- Patent DE-1887-41141 (English title: Captive balloon, Inventors: Carl Schultz)
- Patent FR-1888-190997.1 (English title: Oar with repulsion, Inventors: Robert Werner)
- Patent FR-1888-190997 (English title: Oar with repulsion, Inventors: Robert Werner)
- Patent DE-1887-42698 (English title: Radiator, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent AH-1888-L3922 (English title: Apparatus and method for the preparation of models, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1888-46312)
- Patent US-1888-376979 (English title: U-Shaped Metal Plate for Metal Structures, Inventors: Ernst de la Sauce, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1887-180850)
- Patent DE-1888-46312 (English title: Production of models of strips of different length, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1888-49919 (English title: Photographic camera, Inventors: Ottomar Anschütz)
- Patent DE-1889-49064 (English title: Steerable balloon with rotating baskets, Inventors: Carl Renner • Mathias Schilling)
- Patent DE-1888-47042 (English title: Ballast arrangement of cylindrical balloons, Inventors: Robert Lippold)
- Patent DE-1889-49093 (English title: Flight apparatus, Inventors: A. Kupper)
- Patent CH-1890-2528 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Sophus Hartmann • Max Nathan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1891-55081)
- Patent DE-1890-53311 (English title: Rotary mortar as propulsion machine for airships, Inventors: Wilhelm Parje)
- Patent DE-1890-59039 (English title: Propeller screw for airships, Inventors: Albert Zorn)
- Patent DE-1890-56638 (English title: Airship with articulated chambers and fin/reaction propulsion, Inventors: Emil Fischbach)
- Patent DE-1890-57735 (English title: A toy running on the string of a kite, Inventors: Hermann Walkhoff)
- Patent DE-1890-59675 (English title: Support bridge (platform) for balloons, Inventors: Karl Münzinger)
- Patent CH-1891-3234 (English title: Regulating apparatus for generator)
- Patent DE-1891-56355 (English title: Airship operated by rope tugs, Inventors: Wilhelm Ellingen)
- Patent DE-1891-55819 (English title: Suspension slats with self-release when the load is stopped, Inventors: R. Buzer)
- Patent DE-1891-55081 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Sophus Hartmann • Max Nathan)
- Patent DE-1891-58092 (English title: Helical balloon, Inventors: E. Hankwitz)
- Patent DE-1891-63629 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: C. Th. Geissler)
- Patent CH-1891-4109 (English title: Single-acting valve machine for pressure gases and vapors, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1891-63774 (English title: Propulsion device for airship wings, Inventors: Hugo Baudisch)
- Patent CH-1891-3995 (English title: Ventilation device, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1892-64148 (English title: Airship-gyroscope?, Inventors: Ernst Luck)
- Patent DE-1893-71799 (English title: Flying machine with two wings attached; addition to patent 70409 with more suitable device for motor operation, Inventors: Rudolf Chillingworth, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1892-70409)
- Patent DE-1892-70409 (English title: Airship with two wings, Inventors: Rudolf Chillingworth)
- Patent FR-1893-234695 (English title: apparatus of aerial navigation without balloon, Inventors: J.H. Homeister)
- Patent DE-1893-71479 (English title: Process for the conversion of wastewater into the ground, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1893-77916 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1892-70240 (English title: Airship with steering device, Inventors: G. Junius)
- Patent DE-1893-71143 (English title: Airship in boat-form equipped with wings, Inventors: Andreas Ozegowski)
- Patent DE-1892-69848 (English title: Kite/Captive-ballon, Inventors: Carl Georg Rodeck)
- Patent DE-1893-68776 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Johannes Bauer)
- Patent DE-1891-69520 (English title: Method to keep a body suspended in the air, Inventors: August Klumpp • Conrad Haussner)
- Patent CH-1893-6670 (English title: Automatic firing with jet fan for combustible fuel, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent FR-1894-237821 (English title: compression propeller for air-ships, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799)
- Patent GB-1894-11941 (English title: Propelling and regulating, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1893-73799 (English title: Propeller for airships, Inventors: Richard Czygan)
- Patent DE-1893-75900 (English title: Airship with forward curved side wings and a horizontal axis oscillating sailing-tail, Inventors: Hermann Ammann)
- Patent GB-1894-8778 (English title: Improved Propelling Apparatus for Aerostatic Vessels, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799 • Patent DE-1894-77895)
- Patent GB-1894-13996 (English title: Improvements in the Art of Aërostation, and Apparatus therefor, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes)
- Patent GB-1894-1281 (English title: Propelling and Manoeuvring Apparatus, Inventors: Carl August Guido Storz)
- Patent GB-1894-7919 (English title: Aërostation, and Apparatus employed therefor, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1892-73603 (English title: Flying machine with wings and paddlewheels, Inventors: Gustav Koch)
- Patent GB-1893-20834 (English title: Improvements to apparatus for supplying fuel to furnaces, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1894-77036 (English title: Flying machine with apparatus to maintain wedge-shaped balloon in horizontal position, Inventors: Gottfried Schröder)
- Patent DE-1893-77871 (English title: wing assembly for airships, Inventors: Franz F. C. Dähn)
- Patent CH-1894-8102 (English title: Speedometer, Inventors: Emil Lachmann)
- Patent CH-1894-8470 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1894-76315 (English title: Airship without a balloon, Inventors: J.H. Homeister)
- Patent DE-1894-77897 (English title: Winged vehicle whose wings hold a gas tank, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski)
- Patent DE-1894-76576 (English title: Gondola-type reservoir for such airships as fly into rarefied air, experiencing compression of the gas in the balloon, Inventors: Adolf Scheinert • Otto Wendland)
- Patent DE-1894-87067 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Georg Steinicke)
- Patent DE-1894-76727 (English title: Metal-band surfaces as reinforcement for airship and naval propellers, turbines, wind motors, and the like, Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt)
- Patent NO-1894-3814 (English title: Procedure and apparatus for aviation, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-83896)
- Patent US-1894-526700 (English title: Propeller for aerial vehicles, Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-76727)
- Patent DE-1894-77026 (English title: Airship with balloon with free axial rotation, Inventors: Carl Freiherr von Wolff)
- Patent DE-1893-78033 (English title: winged propelled aircraft, Inventors: Hermann Israel)
- Patent DE-1894-78295 (English title: Airship with aeroplane adjustable to any position, Inventors: E. de la Sauce)
- Patent DE-1894-77895 (English title: Propeller for airships, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799)
- Patent DE-1894-82904 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: F. Gaebert, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-79446)
- Patent DE-1893-76287 (English title: Paddle wheel device for advancing and controlling airships, Inventors: Ernst Meyer)
- Patent DE-1893-76037 (English title: Method and apparatus for ejection of flying machines from the launch point, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent DE-1893-75731 (English title: Air balloon with an opening directed towards the airflow, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent DE-1892-72902 (English title: Airship moved by stream of air emitted from back end)
- Patent DE-1894-74227 (English title: Airship with balloons and propeller, Inventors: Erich Lindenberg)
- Patent FR-1895-247369 (English title: perfected airplane, Inventors: Oscar Roeper)
- Patent FR-1895-250436 (English title: Balloon-kite, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent FR-1895-244628 (English title: Apparatus of aviation, Inventors: Alois Wolfmüller)
- Patent GB-1894-7542 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Motor Propelled Velocipedes, Inventors: Alois Wolfmüller • Hans Geisenhof)
- Patent CH-1894-9047 (English title: Motorized two-wheeler, Inventors: Alois Wolfmüller • Hans Geisenhof)
- Patent GB-1895-22011 (English title: Aerial Machines, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1894-7919 • Patent GB-1894-11941)
- Patent GB-1894-10819 (English title: Steerable balloon, Inventors: Carl Oetling)
- Patent GB-1895-17366 (English title: Means for Propelling Air and Water Vehicles, Inventors: Oscar Roeper)
- Patent DE-1894-83896 (English title: Airship with several flaps or valves provided arranged opposite each other and moving independently, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes)
- Patent DE-1894-82230 (English title: Sail-wheel for flying machines, Inventors: Friedrich Kühner)
- Patent DE-1895-84532 (English title: Control apparatus for flying machines, Inventors: Otto Schmidt)
- Patent CH-1894-8987 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-83896)
- Patent DE-1894-82954 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Ernst Loehr)
- Patent DE-1894-83034 (English title: Airship with parallel aeroplanes arranged one above the other around a revolving mast, Inventors: Raphael Ernst May)
- Patent DE-1893-80151 (English title: airship lifted by a rotary propeller, Inventors: Richard Czygan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-73799)
- Patent DE-1894-83959 (English title: "Airship with floating bodies", likely an airship equipped for terrestrial or aquatic landing, possibly capable as an aquatic vessel, Inventors: Oscar Roeper)
- Patent US-1895-544816 (English title: Flying-Machine, Inventors: Otto Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1894-79446 (English title: Method and device for lifting or flying loads into the air, Inventors: F. Gaebert)
- Patent DE-1894-80205 (English title: Flying device with vertically oscillating wings, whose bearings are movable, Inventors: Hermann Israel)
- Patent DE-1895-79175 (English title: Airship with balloon, Inventors: A. Rammoser)
- Patent DE-1894-82482 (English title: Airship with [end to end?] tube [functioning as?] screw-propeller, Inventors: Raphael Ernst May)
- Patent DE-1894-81355 (English title: Pot lifter, Inventors: Emil Lachmann)
- Patent FR-1896-257853 (English title: Transmitting electric current to electric aircraft, Inventors: Rudolf Diesel)
- Patent CA-1896-52561 (English title: Motor propelled velocipede, Inventors: Alois Wolfmueller)
- Patent DE-1894-85903 (English title: Steerable flying machine with climbing propellers, Inventors: August Boehm)
- Patent GB-1895-9390 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Aëronautic Apparatus, Inventors: Carl Heinrich Oscar Roeper)
- Patent DE-1894-85326 (English title: Adjustment device for aircraft with arched sails, Inventors: Hugo Schüssler)
- Patent GB-1895-18773 (English title: Captive balloons, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DK-1894-494 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Wilhelm Goetjes • Ramiro de Palacios, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-83896)
- Patent DE-1896-98109 (English title: Changeover device for flight devices, possibly a helicopter capable of landing on earth or water, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen)
- Patent DE-1896-87811 (English title: Dirigible Airship, Inventors: Friedrich Johann Elias Vollstedt • Carsten Ingwer)
- Patent DE-1895-86738 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: F. Gaebert, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-79446 • Patent DE-1894-82904)
- Patent LU-1896-2679 (English title: Transmission of current to electric airships, Inventors: Rudolf Diesel, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1897-91999)
- Patent CH-1896-12187 (English title: An apparatus for compressing gases, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1897-100194 (English title: Decke, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent ES-1897-20837 (English title: Aerostat with auxiliary balloon, each equipped with an opening in a direction opposed to the air current, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent FR-1897-266527 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Gustav Fricke)
- Patent FR-1897-272572 (English title: aviation apparatus with fixed wings and paletted wheels, Inventors: Gustav Koch, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1892-73603)
- Patent FR-1897-262832 (English title: Aviation apparatus, apparently a helicopter capable landing on water or earth, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1896-98109)
- Patent GB-1897-9864 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1896-98109)
- Patent GB-1897-10811 (English title: Aerial Balloons, Inventors: Gustav Fricke, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1897-266527)
- Patent GB-1896-19978 (English title: Captive Balloons, Inventors: August Riedinger, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1895-18773)
- Patent CH-1897-14225 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Fritz Alexander Jone)
- Patent GB-1897-18663 (English title: captive kite for amusement park, Inventors: Robert Krauss)
- Patent GB-1897-7012 (English title: Supplying Electrical Energy to Aerial Machines and Balloons, Inventors: Rudolf Diesel, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1897-91999)
- Patent DE-1897-91999 (English title: Apparatus for supplying current to electric-powered airships, Inventors: Rudolf Diesel)
- Patent DE-1896-93692 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Armin Beckmann)
- Patent HU-1896-9899 (English title: Method and apparatus for compressing air under airplanes to facilitate flight, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent HU-1897-9450 (English title: Steerable blimp, Inventors: Gustav Fricke, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1897-10811 • Patent FR-1897-266527)
- Patent DE-1897-101348 (English title: Device for the reduction of unplanned wind-caused movement of balloons, Inventors: Carl Georg Rodeck)
- Patent DE-1896-95914 (English title: Airship with concave, curved, sharp edge forming its bottom surface, Inventors: Carl Götzke • Karl Götzke)
- Patent DE-1897-94839 (English title: Process for altering the lift system of captive balloon with cable used as electric cable, Inventors: Karl Eichler • Carl Eichler)
- Patent DE-1895-89890 (English title: Means of generating forward motion by means of a wing set up radially or near to a rotating axis (?), Inventors: Carl Reiter)
- Patent DE-1897-90695 (English title: Abutment surfaces for air and water vehicles, Inventors: Ch. Steinau)
- Patent DE-1897-91887 (English title: Balloon made from rigid material with flexible inner fabric balloon, Inventors: Cäser Eggert)
- Patent DE-1897-93387 (English title: Captive Circular-Flying Machine, Inventors: J. H. Homeister)
- Patent DE-1895-84544 (English title: Flying apparatus with two-part wings, Inventors: Otto Schmidt)
- Patent US-1897-585805 (English title: Rocket, Inventors: Otto Wilhelmi)
- Patent DE-1897-93184 (English title: Flying machine with vertically swinging wings, Inventors: Hermann Israel)
- Patent US-1897-586590 (English title: Air-car, Inventors: Adolf Brodbeck)
- Patent CH-1898-16247 (English title: Flying machine with fixed wings and paddlewheels, Inventors: Gustav Koch, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1892-73603)
- Patent DE-1898-65 (English title: Airship with reaction-propeller, Inventors: Friedrich August Emil Brosowsky)
- Patent HU-1898-11446 (English title: Air vehicle with separate mótors, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent CH-1898-16343 (English title: Aircraft, whose 'Zug-body' is provided with separate arranged motors, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent US-1898-612996 (English title: Air balloon, Inventors: Rudolph Max Wilhelm Hans von Siegsfeld, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1893-75731)
- Patent DE-1895-98580 (English title: Steerable aircraft with several support bodies arranged one behind the other, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin)
- Patent DE-1896-100276 (English title: Airship with wings and tail made of gas containers, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski)
- Patent NO-1898-6789 (English title: Controllable airship with several independent motors, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin)
- Patent FR-1898-280021 (English title: Improvements to aerial vehicles, Inventors: Max Lochner)
- Patent DE-1897-98288 (English title: Captive balloon with kite-surface, Inventors: Heinrich Rudolph)
- Patent FR-1898-273723 (English title: dirigible with multiple independent motors, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent GB-1897-26391 (English title: Raising or Propelling Aerial Machines, Inventors: Carl von Wolff)
- Patent GB-1897-24532 (English title: Flying Machines provided with Aerostats, Inventors: Konstantin Danilewsky, Supplementary to patent: Patent RU-1897-3845)
- Patent US-1897-605579 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Fritz Alexander Jone, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1893-6380)
- Patent GB-1898-131 (English title: Navigable Balloons, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent DE-1897-100399 (English title: Process and equipment for airplane takeoff, Inventors: F. Gaebert, Supplementary to patent: Patent HU-1896-9899)
- Patent DE-1898-107493 (English title: Vorrichtung zur Erprobung von Flugapparaten, Inventors: FRITSCH)
- Patent LU-1898-3061 (English title: Aerostat with multiple separate motors, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent FR-1899-290842 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Heinrich Bauer)
- Patent CA-1899-64001 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent NO-1899-7212 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Max Lochner)
- Patent DE-1897-103569 (English title: Aircraft with slidable towline, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent DE-1899-103290 (English title: Drag-parachute for aircraft, Inventors: Max Lochner)
- Patent HU-1898-13443 (English title: Adjusting devices for aeroplanes (translation skewed by modern usage) actually a helicopter capable of landing on sea or earth, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1896-98109)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1899-117931 (English title: Kite (?) consisting of box frame with interrupted (?) covering, Inventors: Schubert • Hagedorn)
- Patent GB 1899-14615 (English title: Balloons or Aerial Machines, Inventors: Heinrich Bauer)
- Patent US-1897-621195 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Ferdinand Graf Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent CH-1898-17560 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Max Lochner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1899-103290)
- Patent DE-1899-111609 (English title: Process and machine, for launching a flying machine from the ground, Inventors: J. W. Schlie)
- Patent GB-1900-4398 (English title: Means for guiding balloons, Inventors: Georg von Schoenermarck)
- Patent HU-1899-19079 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Theodor Steinmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1893-501111)
- Patent US-1900-641289 (English title: Paddle-wheel with feathering-blades, Inventors: Reinhold Heere)
- Patent GB-1899-14802 (English title: Navigable balloons, Inventors: Gustav Loeper)
- Patent DK-1898-2890 (English title: Airship with multiple motors arranged one after the other, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Patent DE-1898-116287 (English title: Wheel with movable paddles for air- and water-craft, Inventors: Paul Nipkow, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1897-112506)
- Patent FR-1900-303872 (English title: Elongated balloon, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent FR-1900-303871 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent GB-1899-7635 (English title: Captive balloons, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent HU-1900-18889 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Georg Von Schoenermarck)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1900-140129 (English title: Balloon with ellipse and lens shaped design, with surrounding ring to which the gondola is fastened by a rigid connection, Inventors: Josef Birk)
- Patent AT-1898-2834 (English title: Aircraft with multiple motors arranged separately, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin)
- Patent DE-1898-108214 (English title: Driving apparatus for flying machines, Inventors: A. Jäger)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1900-129336 (English title: Kite with 'Bridge' having air compartments on each side, Inventors: E. Dalebow)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1900-142762 (English title: Self-opening parachute, Inventors: Josef Süsskind)
- Patent DE-1900-118834 (English title: Valve for parachute-balloons, Inventors: Käthe Paulus)
- Patent FR-1901-314146 (English title: Aerial propeller with flying weights, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1899-121279 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Ernst Trimpler)
- Patent DE-1900-121280 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski)
- Patent DE-1900-121281 (English title: Arrow-kite with displaced center of gravity, Inventors: Eduard Vogelsang)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1900-143205 (English title: Captive kite for lifting people with hanging drag-frame, with steering sails and apparatus for inclining the kite, Inventors: Ernst Herse)
- Patent GB-1901-3498 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Draught or Pressure Gauges, Inventors: Karl Bomhard)
- Patent HU-1901-21993 (English title: Flying Machine, airship, Inventors: Heinrich Hildebrand, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1901-1899)
- Patent DE-1901-125058 (English title: Process for the economical cutting of balloon sheaths, Inventors: Sebastian Finsterwalder)
- Patent DE-1900-124968 (English title: Articulated frame for folding kites, Inventors: Anton von Oertzen)
- Patent DE-1899-118139 (English title: Airscrew-wheel, Inventors: R. Rommelsbacher)
- Patent DE-1901-eg (English title: Riedinger-Sigsfeld catapult apparatus for launching flying machines, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent GB-1901-3499 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Draught or Pressure Gauges, Inventors: Karl Bomhard)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1900-145372 (English title: Boat-shaped airship with adjustable drive apparatus, a parachute-shaped roof, and [concomitantly adjusted?] airscrew, Inventors: Martin Kalmar)
- Patent GB-1900-17371 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Flying Apparatus, Inventors: Emil Lehmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1898-126955)
- Patent AT-1902-9854 (English title: A flying device to be launched from high altitudes, Inventors: Emil Lehmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1898-126955)
- Patent US-1900-712689 (English title: Air ship or vessel, Inventors: Rudolf Krocker, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1899-123884)
- Patent DE-1901-129704 (English title: Propeller, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1900-129146 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Friedrich Jung)
- Patent GB-1901-1899 (English title: Airship, actually an LTA-hybrid employing heavier-than-air principles, specifically flapping wings aiding both in propulsion and ascension, Inventors: Heinrich Hildebrand)
- Patent DE-1898-126955 (English title: From elevation to put aircraft devices into operation, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent GB-1902-13499 (English title: Steerable Flying Machine, Inventors: Alfred K. R. A. Krakow, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-324521)
- Patent DE-1902-145725 (English title: Luftballon mit Antriebsvorrichtung, Inventors: Walter Lehmann)
- Patent DE-1901-134182 (English title: Steerable balloon, Inventors: Paul Wappler)
- Patent DE-1901-134729 (English title: Gas pressure regulation apparatus, Inventors: Alexander Levy)
- Patent DE-1902-139725 (English title: Flight Device, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent HU-1902-24736 (English title: Airplane to be launched from altitudes, Inventors: Emil Lehmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1898-126955)
- Patent DE-1901-132472 (English title: Method for efficient cutting of balloon hull (pieces), Inventors: Sebastian Finsterwalder, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1901-125058)
- Patent AT-1901-8723 (English title: Drawknife?, Inventors: Karl Bomhard)
- Patent DE-1901-131194 (English title: Cylinder cooling device, Inventors: Gustav Fischer)
- Patent DE-1901-130807 (English title: Toy aircraft, Inventors: Theodor Heiden Jr.)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1903-212674 (English title: Toy balloon driven by clockwork along a track, Inventors: Karl Adolf Ludwig Thielen)
- Patent DE-1902-143820 (English title: Wings for flying machines, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1902-139493 (English title: Dynamic flying machine (Ring flyer), Inventors: Georg Wellner)
- Patent US-1902-728925 (English title: Propeller, Inventors: Elit S. Jacobs)
- Patent DE-1901-141948 (Inventors: Emil Edmund Burkhardt)
- Patent IT-1903-72720 (English title: Apparatus to drive propeller aerostats, Inventors: Josef von Seibert • Josef Seiberl, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1902-140705)
- Patent DE-1902-139854 (English title: Flying machine with supporting surfaces, Inventors: Johann Götz)
- Patent GB-1903-2688 (English title: Apparatus for Supporting Objects in the Atmosphere, Inventors: Adrian Baumann)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1903-192555 (English title: Balloon hulls composed of so-called goldbeater's membrane, Inventors: Theodor Schätzler)
- Patent FR-1903-333109 (English title: Rocket apparatus for photography, Inventors: Alfred Maul)
- Patent FR-1903-337205 (Inventors: Adolf DRALLE)
- Patent HU-1902-26832 (English title: Steerable aircraft, Inventors: Alfred K. R. A. Krakow, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-324521)
- Patent DE-1902-141656 (English title: screw propeller, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann)
- Patent DE-1901-139724 (English title: Airship with drag-surfaces, Inventors: Adolf Felle)
- Patent DE-1901-139180 (English title: Wing area for aircraft, Inventors: Emil Lehmann, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1900-134220)
- Patent RU-1898-8388 (English title: Steerable aerostat, Inventors: Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1895-98580)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1903-211652 (English title: Toy airship for Luftgas-filling (?) with car, propeller,, Inventors: Richard Schelles)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1903-211592 (English title: Rectangular kite with arch on each side which while flying makes a humming sound with paper bands, Inventors: Louis Helse)
- Patent DE-1902-140705 (English title: Control means for moving aircraft by screws, Inventors: Josef Seiberl)
- Gebrauchsmuster 210729 (English title: Toy with lever, with clockwork driven mast and parachute, which appears to be turned by a figurine with propeller, Inventors: Müller • Kadeder)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1902-191893 (English title: [Hanger for flying machine frames, with which the storage of the wing is situated at roughly the height of crutches?], Inventors: Carl Steffen)
- Patent FR-1903-330277 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Hermann Hartig, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1902-145866)
- Patent GB-1903-7179 (English title: Improvements in Screw Propellers, Inventors: Josef Winsch • Johann Lazarowicz)
- Patent DE-1902-142761 (English title: Adjusting device for aircraft sail-surfaces arranged under the vehicle floor, Inventors: Josef Seiberl)
- Patent DE-1902-143440 (English title: Drachenballon, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent DE-1903-149865 (English title: Artificial mount, Inventors: Gustav Lilienthal)
- Patent DE-1901-138493 (English title: Flapping wing arrangement for flying machines, Inventors: Joseph Uhl)
- Patent HU-1903-29130 (English title: Steering gear for propeller-driven aircraft, Inventors: Josef Seiberl, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1902-140705)
- Patent DE-1902-142728 (English title: Screw-type functioning propulsion apparatus, Inventors: Oskar Martienssen)
- Patent DE-1903-155681 (English title: Flight device (without the use of a balloon) due to the unequal nature of the air currents in . . ., Inventors: Armin Kersten)
- Patent HU-1903-28370 (English title: Dragon balloon with windbreaks, also with weights, Inventors: August Riedinger)
- Patent US-1903-735905 (English title: Screw-propeller, Inventors: Georg Pinkert)
- Patent DE-1901-149586 (English title: Approach device for flying machines, Inventors: Emil Lehmann)
- Patent US-1904-758465 (English title: Horizontal water wheel, Inventors: Ernst Ortwein)