Stanislaus Victor Saloni

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Stanislaus Victor Saloni was an aero inventor in Cieszanów, Galicia (part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, located in modern-day Poland). (On his German patents he gave his location as Rymanów, a city 175km southwest of Cieszanów. Was this motivated, or incidental to travel, or the logistics of filing?)

His major patent was for a fish-shaped dirigible aircraft, with steering system running through the body, and a parachute apparatus. (Designs for a propeller and the parachute were apparently split off into separate patents for the German filing.)

On the British filing he gave his occupation as Inventor.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Stanislaus Victor Saloni


Names Stanislaus Victor Saloni
Birth date
Death date
Countries Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Poland
Locations Cieszanów; Rymanów
Occupations inventor
Tech areas LTA, Dirigible, Parachute, Propeller
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