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These pages are for-profit firms, and generally should contain the Company template. They used to be directly in Category:Organizations from which it was hard to identify the for-profit industry.
Pages in category "Companies"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 475 total.
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- A. Weiser und Sohn
- A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils
- AB Enoch Thulins Aeroplanfabrik
- Aera
- Aerial Navigation Company of America
- Aerial Transit Ltd.
- Aeromarine Plane and Motor Company
- Aeromotion Company of America
- Aeronautic Supply Co.
- Aeronautical Syndicate Ltd.
- Aeroplanbau G. Otto
- Aeroplanes Goupy
- Aeroplanes P. Koechlin
- Aeroplanvarvet i Skane
- AGO Flugzeugwerke G. m. b. H.
- Air Navigation and Engineering Co. Ltd.
- Aircraft Manufacturing Co.
- Airship Guarantee
- Aktiebolaget Aviatorer
- Aktien-Gesellschaft R. Ph. Waagner - L. & J. Biró & A. Kurz
- Albatros Werke G.m.b.H.
- Albatros, Gesellschaft für Flugzeugunternehmungen m.b.H.
- Alfred Joël & Co.
- Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft
- Alliance Aeroplane Co. Ltd.
- Alphonse Tellier et Cie
- American Aerial Navigation Company
- American Aerocar Holding Corporation
- Angus, Sanderson and Co.
- Ansaldo in Genoa; Cantieri Aeronautico Ansaldo in Turin
- Anzani
- Appareils d'Aviation Les Frères Voisin
- Argus Motorenwerke
- Arthur Antonovich Anatra
- Ashmusen Manufacturing Company
- Aster
- Asteria
- Ateliers d'Aviation Édouard Surcouf, Blériot et Voisin
- Ateliers de Constructions Mécaniques et Aéronautiques Paul Schmitt
- Ateliers de Pischoff-Koechlin
- August Riedinger Ballonfabrik Augsburg G.m.b.H.
- Aulino Dirigible Airship Company
- Austin Motor Co.
- Autobiplane
- Automobil und Aviatik AG
- Aviation Department of J. Samuel White and Co. Ltd.
- Avions Henri et Maurice Farman
- Avions Ponnier
- Avro
- Aéroplanes Hanriot et Cie
- Aéroplanes Morane-Saulnier
- B. F. Sturtevant Co.
- B. Stephens and Son Co.
- B.F. Goodrich company
- Baldwin's Vulcanized Proof Material
- Ballonhüllen Gesellschaft m.b.H.
- Bathiat-Sanchez
- Beech-National
- Benoist
- Birmingham Small Arms Company
- Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Co.
- Blair Atholl Aeroplane Syndicate
- Blériot Aeronautics
- Blériot and Spad Manufacturing Co.
- Blériot Aéronautique
- Bobba
- Boeing Airplane Company
- Boland Aeroplane and Motor Company
- Boots und Flugzeugbau Gebruder Müller
- Bossi
- Bostel Airship Company
- Boulton and Paul
- Brandenburgische Flugzeugwerke
- Brazil Straker and Co.
- Breguet Aeroplanes, Limited
- Breitfeld, Danek and Co.
- British Aerial Transport Co.
- British and Colonial Aeroplane Co.
- British Bréguet Plane Limited Company
- British Wright Company
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co.
- Burgess Company and Curtis
- Buscaylet et Cie
- C. and A. Wittemann Aeronautical Engineers
- C. F. Willard and Co.
- C. W. Parker Co.
- Canton et Unné
- Caproni & C.
- Carrosserie Vinet-Boulogne
- Caudron
- Cedric Lee Co.
- Cellon Ltd.
- Central Physical Observatory
- Cessna
- Charles Healy Day company
- Chiribiri
- Chloride Electrical Storage
- Christmas Aeroplane Co.
- Christofferson Aviation Company
- Church Aeroplane Company
- Clayton and Shuttleworth
- Clement-Bayard Constructors
- Clerget, Blin et Cie
- Compagnie Franco-Roumaine de Navigation Aérienne
- Compagnie générale de navigation aérienne
- Connecticut Aircraft Company
- Constructions Aéronautiques J. Lévy
- Continental Tyre and Rubber Co.
- Continental-Caoutchouc- und Gutta-Percha-Compagnie
- Cooper Aeroplane Company
- Costruzioni Aeronautiche Giovanni Agusta
- Costruzioni Aeronautiche Ing. O. Pomilio & C.
- Coutant
- Coventry Ordnance Works
- Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation
- Curtiss Aeroplane Co., Canada
- D'Astoux et Cie
- D. Napier and Son
- Daimler Motor Company
- Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft
- Dayton Wright Airplane Company
- Delacombe & Marechal
- Delaunay-Bellville
- Detroit Aeronautic Construction Company
- Deutsche Flugzeug Werke
- Deutsche Luftschiffhallen-Bau-Gesellschaft “System Ermus” m. b. H.
- Deutsche Sommer-Flugzeugwerke GmbH
- Donnet-Denhaut
- Dornier Metallbauten G. m. b. H.
- Duflon, Konstantinovich & Co.
- Duks - GAZ-1
- Duperron, Niepce, and Fetterer
- F. F. Tereshchyenko
- F. Lioré & Olivier
- F. Truco
- F.C. Nestler Ltd.
- Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
- Fairey Aviation Co.
- First Russian Aeronautics Company Shchetinin & Co.
- Flanders (II)
- Flugmaschine Wright-Gesellschaft m. b. H.
- Flugmaschinen-Werke Gustav Otto
- Flugmaschinenwerke Jacob Goedecker
- Flugzeugbau Friedrichshafen GmbH
- Flugzeugwerft G.m.b.H.
- Flugzeugwerft Lubeck-Travemunde GmbH
- Flugzeugwerke Albert Rinne
- Flugzeugwerke Gustav Schulze
- Flugzeugwerke Richard Goetze Kommand Gesellschaft
- Fokker-Aeroplanbau GmbH 1912
- Franco-British Aviation Co.
- Frederick Sage & Company, Limited
- French-American Balloon Company
- Friese-Greene Patents Ltd.
- Froberg Aeroplane Company
- Fukunaga Aeroplane Manufacturing Works
- G. & J. Weir Ltd.
- G. Borel et Cie.
- G. W. Beatty
- Gallaudet Engineering Co.
- Garuda Flugzeug- und Propellerbau G. m. b. H.
- Gaunt Aircraft
- Geest Flugzeugbau
- General Aeroplane Co.
- General Aviation Contractors
- George D. White Co.
- Germania Flugzeugwerke GmbH
- Gesellschaft für Apparatenbau A. R. Ahrent und P. Heylandt G.m.b.H.
- Gill-Dash Airplane Co.
- Glenn L. Martin Company
- Gosport Aircraft Co.
- Gothaer Waggonfabrik A. G.
- Gourdou and Leseurre
- Graham-White Aviation Co.
- Grand Rapids Trust Company
- Grands Ateliers aérostatiques du Champ de Mars
- Gressier Aviation Co.
- Grinnell Aeroplane Co.
- Gwynne Engineering