Hansa- und Brandenburgische Flugzeugwerke A.-G.

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Advertisement in March 1917 Deutsche Luftfahrer Zeitschrift.

Camilio Castiglioni, primary owner; Igo Etrich, designer and, perhaps, a minority owner; Karl Caspar, perhaps a minority owner; Ernst Heinkel, chief designer.

Company formed by merger of Brandenburgische Flugzeugwerke and Hansa Flugzeugwerke, July 1914. Produced 2-seat biplanes, armed and fighter flying boats, reconnaissance aircraft (also made by Phönix Flugzeugwerke and Ufag in Austria), torpedo-bomber seaplanes and other seaplanes. In 1916, Hamburg-Fuhlsbuttel factory was separated (it became Hanseatische Flugzeugwerke Karl Caspar AG). Firm closed 1919.

In 1917, in the advertisement pictured here, the firm (A.G.) gave a location and telephone contact in Berlin (Rummelsburg, which is within Lichtenberg; see w:de:Berlin-Rummelsburg). Here they say they can supply replacement parts and accessories for all types of airplanes; they also offer serial delivery of aircraft frames and wingsets.

A.-G. or GmbH

A.G. form of firm listed in Dir 1920, p28, at Brandenburg a.H., with flying ground at Briest.

A.-G. is used on the company's patent filings (that we have found so far.)

The GmbH form presumably is used in one or more of the sources below.


Names Hansa und Brandenburgische Flugzeugwerke GmbH, Hansa- und Brandenburgische Flugzeugwerke A.G., Hansa-Brandenburg
Country Germany
Locations new factory at Brandenburg am Havel, flying ground at Briest, plus, until 1916, former Hansa Flugzeugwerke at Hamburg-Fuhlsbuttel, Berlin-Rummelsburg
Keywords airplane, manufacturer, wings, frame
Started aero 1914
Ended aero 1919
Key people Camilio Castiglioni, Igo Etrich, Karl Caspar, Ernst Heinkel
Wikidata id Q7217236