A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils
According to our data, this company was founded in 1880. It isn't yet certain when they began working with aero, though they represented Henry Félix Villard, with Patent BE-1912-250417, and they seem to have played a role in Patent BE-1909-214032 along with its extraordinarily long list of child patents. The particular role of Alfred E. Wunderlich as engineer, within all of this, isn't perfectly clear. The designation Société anonyme is used. They were located at 3 ave des Arts, Brussels.
Prompted by our data, we are treating this firm almost entirely as a patent agent, and on the great majority of Belgian patent entries simply “A. Wunderlich & Cie (Société anonyme)” is how the name is spelled out, with a great majority of the firm’s activity being on behalf of Alfred E. Wunderlich, himself, as an inventor. The exact relation between the firm, as an applicant, and Wunderlich, is not entirely clear. We only have the firm appearing on Belgian documents, though we have Wunderlich filing as an individual throughout Europe as well as in the USA. We have him using other generally well-known patent agents, when filing in France and Britain, for instance.
The focus on the innovations of Alfred E. Wunderlich himself may be due to the manner in which we are approaching the data, with the firm’s representative action on behalf of inventors including Henry Félix Villard gradually increasing within our findings.
Wunderlich's Patent GB-1913-10216 is introduced “We, Société Anonyme L’Aéra and Alfred Wunderlich, both of 3 Avenue des Arts, Brussels, Belgium . . .” This suggests a relation between said Société and A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils. It somewhat suggests that Société Anonyme L’Aéra was a successor corporation.
As of 1903, Wunderlich himself was an authorized U.S. patent agent: [1]
Reports reflecting this organization as the applicant firm
Patents associated with organization named A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils
- Patent BE-1907-202697 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Instruments of measuring and of weighing forces and apparatus air thinning or of compression of air layers, these apparatus reclosing in the circumlocution of the pilots who raise and sustain in the air, without supporting balloon strictly by the force of a motor mechanism of propulsion and lift-sus, Filing date: 1907-09-20, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216991 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219074 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217239 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.218929 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217396 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219881 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.218754 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217410 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.220801 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219238 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217304 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217144 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219908 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.220288 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.221574 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-02-13, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.215163 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-03-31, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216155 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-05-11, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216296 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-05-18, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216488 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-05-25, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216841 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-06-08, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216910 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1909-06-11, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.227751 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.228758 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.231205 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.228843 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.229848 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.229104 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.223260 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.222811 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1910-02-02, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.224561 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1910-04-03, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-202697.224719 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Instruments for measuring and weighing forces and devices for rarefaction or compression of air layers, carried by (?) the airmen who ascend or maintain altitude without a supporting balloon using only the force of a motor mechanism of propulsion and lift-sustentation, Filing date: 1910-04-08, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-202697, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1911-214032.234246 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Filing date: 1911-03-28, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
Reports reflecting this organization as the patent agent
Patents for which A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils was the patent agent
- Patent BE-1907-197626 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aeroplane with dynamic rarefaction, known as: “Autoplane”)
- Patent BE-1907-199964 (Inventors: J. Schülke, English title: flapping wing aviator)
- Patent BE-1907-200457 (Inventors: Hermann Ruthenberg, English title: Wing for airplanes, balloons and the like)
- Patent BE-1907-200682 (Inventors: Trajan Vuia, English title: Aeroplane with foldable wings, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1903-332106)
- Patent BE-1907-197626.202678 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aeroplane with dynamic rarefaction, known as: “Autoplane”, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-197626)
- Patent BE-1907-202697 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Instruments of measuring and of weighing forces and apparatus air thinning or of compression of air layers, these apparatus reclosing in the circumlocution of the pilots who raise and sustain in the air, without supporting balloon strictly by the force of a motor mechanism of propulsion and lift-sus, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.220801 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.215163 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216155 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216296 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216488 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216910 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217144 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217239 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217304 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217396 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.217410 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.216991 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.218754 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.218929 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219074 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219238 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219881 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.219908 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.220288 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1909-214032.221574 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.222811 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.223260 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-202697.224719 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Instruments for measuring and weighing forces and devices for rarefaction or compression of air layers, carried by (?) the airmen who ascend or maintain altitude without a supporting balloon using only the force of a motor mechanism of propulsion and lift-sustentation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-202697, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.227751 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.229104 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-214032.229848 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1910-230824 (Inventors: J-.M. Paumen, English title: New airplane, equipped with an automatic parachute and gear for the recuperation of lost force, produced by the displacement of air caused by the action of the propulsive propeller)
- Patent BE-1910-230887 (Inventors: Jean-Gabriel-Joseph Meugniot • André-Charles-Marie Meugniot, English title: Improvements brought to airplanes and related machines)
- Patent BE-1910-230987 (Inventors: L. Gautheron, English title: Improvements brought to the organs of stability or for the direction of airplanes or related machines)
- Patent BE-1911-214032.234246 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aero-Marvel, dirigible without gas, atmospheric air, combined with airplane apparatus, mixed system of aviation, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-214032, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent BE-1912-250406 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Autoglider “Aéra” with propellers of ascension)
- Patent BE-1912-250417 (Inventors: Henry Félix Villard, English title: Airplane (monoplane-hybrid) using weight distribution for forwards thrust, and a propeller for elevation)
- Patent BE-1912-250457 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Ascension propeller “Aéra”)
- Patent BE-1913-252715 (English title: Elastic component for aviation aircraft, subject of a first German patent application, not yet granted, filed on February 2, 1912, under the benefit of the international convention of March 20, 1883, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-02-02 E. Rumpler Luftfahrzeugbau G.m.b.H., Applicant firm: E. Rumpler Luftfahrzeugbau G.m.b.H.)
- Patent BE-1913-250457.252822 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Ascension propeller “Aéra”, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1912-250457)
- Patent BE-1913-250406.252841 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Autoglider “Aéra” with propellers of ascension, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1912-250406)
- Patent BE-1907-197626.202144 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aeroplane with dynamic rarefaction, known as: “Autoplane”, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-197626)
- Patent BE-1907-197626.202444 (Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, English title: Aeroplane with dynamic rarefaction, known as: “Autoplane”, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-197626)
- Patent BE-1913-259683 (Inventors: E. Amichaud, English title: Dual-propelled, climb-propelled airplane with combined rudders, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-259683)
- Patent BE-1914-259683.263508 (Inventors: E. Amichaud, English title: Dual-propelled, climb-propelled airplane with combined rudders, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-259683)
- Patent BE-1914-263941 (Inventors: G.-L. Maniquet, English title: Control mechanism for airplanes)
- Patent BE-1914-265094 (Inventors: P. Juvigny • Louis Lacoin, English title: Improvements to aerial locomotion devices, such as, in particular, airplanes and hydroaeroplanes of the “duck” type)
- Patent BE-1914-266349 (Inventors: Joseph Escaffre, English title: Propeller with systaltic effects, that is, marked by contraction and dilitation (dilation), pulsing)
- Patent BE-1914-266812 (Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, English title: Improvements in airplanes, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence)
- Patent BE-1914-243480.267520 (Inventors: Charles Espinosa • Louis Vinay, English title: Propeller with or of semi-orthogonal attack, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1912-243480 • Patent FR-1914-426626.18838 • Patent FR-1911-426626)
- Patent BE-1914-268659 (Inventors: André-Charles-Marie Meugniot, English title: Improvements to propulsion propellers, in particular those for the aerial propulsion of aquatic vehicles)
- Patent BE-1914-268955 (Inventors: Cedric Lee • George Tilghman Richards, English title: Airplanes, the subject of a first English patent application, not yet granted, filed on August 9, 1913, under the benefit of the international convention of March 20, 1883, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1913-18154)
- Patent BE-1914-269712 (Inventors: F. Faucher, English title: Improvements in the design and construction of dirigibles)
Names | A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils |
Country | BE |
Locations | Brussels |
Affiliations | |
Keywords | propellers, hybrid, LTA, airplane |
Started aero | |
Ended aero | |
Key people | Alfred E. Wunderlich, Alfred Wunderlich |
Wikidata id |
Names | A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils |
Countries | BE |
Locations | Brussels |
Accreditations | |
Related agents | Alfred E. Wunderlich, Alfred Wunderlich |