The opposite of lighter-than-air.
To fly, an aircraft which is heavier than air must have some force which moves it upwards. In general, this force is produced by some sort of reaction with the air, whether by means of a propeller or by a shape designed to catch the wind. The criteria for the success of a heaveier-than-air vessel are less clear-cut than for a balloon, because the question is not simply whether they leave the ground, but how they move through the air, and for how long. (A projectile is heavier than air but it's not an aircraft and doesn't "fly" in the same sense.) The French avion and the plus lourd que l'air, along with its grammatical variants, are the same designation as the heavier-than-air. The study and development of this sort of aircraft are what constitutes aviation per se.
In France an early wave of heavier-than-air enthusiasts formed the Société d'encouragement pour la locomotion aérienne au moyen d'appareils plus lourds que l'air in the 1860s. Gabriel de La Landelle, Nadar, and Gustave-Louis-Marie de Ponton d'Amécourt were prominent members of this group; they published a manifesto, Manifeste de l'autolocomotion aérienne, in 1863.
The phrase “heavier-than-air”, being theoretically based as it is in theoretical juxtaposition to the early-dominant “lighter-than-air”, likely comes up less within patent titles as we track data further into the establishment of the airplane and so forth. Relatively late exceptions will include will include airplane-helicopter hybrids, for instance, in which the “heavier-than-air” assertion is absolute, but in which the invention fits no precisely formalized or established contemporaneous type of aircraft.[1]
This wiki has 148 patents in category "Heavier-than-air". Other techtypes related to Heavier-than-air: Aéronautique, Aviation, CA 244/3, CA 244/4, CA 244/5, CA 244/6, GB 4 without buoyant, USPC 244/5
Patents in category Heavier-than-air
- Patent FR-1909-418936.13067 (English title: Method and mechanism for creating ascensional force in heavier-than-air apparatus, Inventors: Marcel Belin • Barthélemy Jabouley • Paul Guery)
- Patent DE-1881-Moshaiski (English title: Aircraft with motor, Inventors: Moshaiski)
- Patent FR-1868-82577 (English title: rational atmospheric locomotion by way of an improved air-ship very much heavier than air, Inventors: Brisson, Filing date: 1868-09-28)
- Patent FR-1868-83069 (English title: system of aerial navigation without balloon, Inventors: De Louvrié, Filing date: 1868-11-03)
- Patent DE-1879-10842 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Julius Griese, Filing date: 1879-12-07)
- Patent GB-1884-7 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: John Kinnersley Smythies, Filing date: 1884-01-01)
- Patent GB-1884-2339 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: William Quartermain, Filing date: 1884-01-29)
- Patent GB-1889-3360 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: John Craig, Filing date: 1889-02-25)
- Patent IT-1891-30980 (English title: Aviation, in vehicle propelled and sustained by production of its own artificial current, Inventors: Guido Castagneris, Filing date: 1891-12-18)
- Patent GB-1892-3872 (Inventors: Auguste Quentin • A. Guattari • Charles Guattari, Filing date: 1892)
- Patent GB-1892-9106 (English title: Aerial Machines, Inventors: J. F. Crease, Filing date: 1892-05-13)
- Patent IT-1892-32410 (English title: Aeronautic apparatus, Inventors: Natale Fabbica, Filing date: 1892-08-03)
- Patent GB-1893-10852 (English title: Aerial machines without aerostats, Inventors: H. S. Maxim, Filing date: 1893-06-02)
- Patent GB-1894-9347 (English title: Aerial Machines, Inventors: Henry Shepley Booth)
- Patent GB-1894-7919 (English title: Aërostation, and Apparatus employed therefor, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann, Filing date: 1894-04-21)
- Patent DE-1895-85688 (English title: Flying machine with wings on both sides spinning/swinging about transverse axes as propellers, Inventors: Henry Shepley Booth, Filing date: 1895-05-03)
- Patent GB-1897-9734 (English title: Wings and Aeroplanes, Inventors: John Marshall, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1895-10239, Filing date: 1897-04-17)
- Patent GB-1897-9864 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1896-98109, Filing date: 1897-04-20, Applicant firm: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen)
- Patent GB-1898-22103 (English title: Aerial Machines and Anchoring Devices therefor, Inventors: Louis-Étienne Roze, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1898-03-21 Louis-Étienne Roze, Filing date: 1898-10-20)
- Patent GB-1899-7442 (English title: Propelling Means Suitable for Use in Flying Machines, Inventors: David Malcolm Bowyer-Smyth, Filing date: 1899-04-08)
- Patent GB-1899-8019 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Arthur Henry Philip Blunt, Filing date: 1899-04-17)
- Patent LU-1901-4297 (English title: "Helicopter" or steerable heavier-than-air flying machine powered by propellers, Inventors: Maurice Léger)
- Patent GB-1901-1899 (English title: Airship, actually an LTA-hybrid employing heavier-than-air principles, specifically flapping wings aiding both in propulsion and ascension, Inventors: Heinrich Hildebrand, Filing date: 1901-01-28)
- Patent HU-1902-25311 (English title: Airship, or Hybrid, possibly heavier-than-air, Inventors: Sándor Varga, Filing date: 1902-01-24)
- Patent FR-1902-322203 (English title: Improvement to means and mechanisms for aerial navigation, Inventors: Thomas Moy, Filing date: 1902-06-18)
- Patent DE-1902-139493 (English title: Dynamic flying machine (Ring flyer), Inventors: Georg Wellner, Filing date: 1902-07-08)
- Patent HU-1903-29148 (English title: Airplane, odd, though likely heavier-than-air, Inventors: Ferencz Neidenbach, Filing date: 1903-05-23)
- Patent GB-1903-12149 (English title: Improvements in aerial machines, Inventors: Henry Shepley Booth, Filing date: 1903-05-28)
- Patent FR-1904-326476.2435 (English title: "Self-Flying "Pichou"", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326476, Filing date: 1903-11-24)
- Patent FR-1904-342188 (English title: Aeronautic machines, Inventors: Orville Wright • Wilbur Wright, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1903-821393, Filing date: 1904-03-22)
- Patent AU-1904-760 (English title: Aerial machines, Inventors: Henry Shepley Booth, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1903-12149, Filing date: 1904-06-01)
- Patent GB-1905-3214 (English title: Aerodromes or Flying Machines, Inventors: Edwin Richard Mumford, Filing date: 1905-02-16)
- Patent FR-1906-362683 (English title: Aviation system featuring centrifuge principles, Inventors: Édouard Louet, Filing date: 1906-01-25)
- Patent FR-1906-369855 (English title: Air-Ship, heavier-than-air, specifically not an airplane, an aircraft using a vertical airscrew for elevation, Inventors: Joseph Maes, Filing date: 1906-07-03)
- Patent FR-1906-367779 (English title: Flying machines, Inventors: Edwin Richard Mumford, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1905-15698, Filing date: 1906-07-05)
- Patent ES-1906-38661 (English title: A heavier-than-air aircraft, Inventors: Joseph Maes, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-369855, Filing date: 1906-07-07)
- Patent BE-1907-199574 (English title: Airplane system (heavier-than-air), actually a hybrid system using ballonets in the furtherance of stability, Inventors: G. Berry, Filing date: 1907-04-24)
- Patent BE-1907-199964 (English title: flapping wing aviator, Inventors: J. Schülke, Filing date: 1907-05-11)
- Patent GB-1907-23553 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Preston Albert Watson, Filing date: 1907-10-25)
- Patent DE-1907-226765 (English title: Flying machine with paddlewheels placed between special suction and pressure chambers, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Filing date: 1907-12-28)
- Patent FR-1908-394418 (English title: Use of compressed air in (multi-tube) pistons, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Filing date: 1908-05-20)
- Patent FR-1909-401069 (English title: Aeronautic apparatus, Inventors: Michel Goldstroem, Filing date: 1908-07-06)
- Patent FR-1908-395469 (English title: Flying volante, Inventors: Preston Albert Watson, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1907-23553, Filing date: 1908-10-19)
- Patent FR-1908-395696 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Louis Balestrie, Filing date: 1908-10-27)
- Patent US-1908-970616 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Thomas Alva Edison, Filing date: 1908-11-16)
- Patent FR-1908-396932 (English title: Process and equipment for the utilization of the ascensional force of hot gases leaving the motors of aircraft, Inventors: Louis-Alexandre Cosme, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-11-09 Louis-Alexandre Cosme, Filing date: 1908-12-01)
- Patent FR-1908-407411 (English title: Ornithopter, Inventors: Félix Michau, Filing date: 1908-12-28)
- Patent FR-1909-398943 (English title: Airplane with concentric cells, Inventors: Claudius Givaudan, Filing date: 1909-01-29)
- Patent DE-1909-220044 (English title: Flying machine with rotating impellers in housings, Inventors: Carl Hanschke, Filing date: 1909-02-04)
- Patent AU-1909-1372009 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Flying Machines (in which gravity is used to effect the motion of flapping wings), Inventors: Newton Roberts Gordon, Filing date: 1909-02-12)
- Patent FR-1909-395696.10528 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Louis Balestrie, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-395696, Filing date: 1909-02-16)
- Patent FR-1909-400718.10773 (English title: Ornithopter, heavier-than-air, mainly a rudder controlling altitude, Inventors: Frédéric Malfait • Aline Gay, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-400718, Filing date: 1909-04-02)
- Patent GB-1909-9235 (English title: Improvements in or connected with Aerial Machine, Inventors: Henry Calder Lobnitz, Filing date: 1909-04-19)
- Patent GB-1909-12556 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Filing date: 1909-05-27)
- Patent US-1909-964957 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Halvor Olsen Eiane, Filing date: 1909-06-01)
- Patent GB-1909-13608 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Simon Lake, Filing date: 1909-06-10)
- Patent US-1909-1010443 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Simon Brubaker Minnich, Filing date: 1909-08-31)
- Patent US-1909-1134756 (English title: Heavier-than-air flying machine, Inventors: Charles B. Nichols, Filing date: 1909-09-25, Applicant firm: Nichols Aeroplane)
- Patent AU-1909-15987 (English title: Flying machines, Inventors: Simon Brubaker Minnich, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1909-1010443, Filing date: 1909-10-06)
- Patent US-1909-1000273 (English title: Aerial Machine, Inventors: Henry Calder Lobnitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-2111, Filing date: 1909-10-08)
- Patent RU-1909-21867 (English title: Paddle-wheel for flying machines, provided with device for automatic turning of the blades, Inventors: Simon Brubaker Minnich, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1909-1010443, Filing date: 1909-10-08)
- Patent IT-1909-105411 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Simon Brubaker Minnich, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1909-1010443, Filing date: 1909-10-09)
- Patent FR-1909-418936 (English title: Method and mechanism for creating ascensional force in heavier-than-air apparatus, Inventors: Marcel Belin • Barthélemy Jabouley • Paul Guery, Filing date: 1909-10-13)
- Patent GB-1909-23967 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Flying Machines, Inventors: Halvor Olsen Eiane, Filing date: 1909-10-19)
- Patent AU-1909-16128 (English title: Flying machines, Inventors: George Edwin Richardson, Filing date: 1909-10-22)
- Patent GB-1909-24888 (English title: Aerial Machines, Inventors: Ernest Lister, Filing date: 1909-10-29)
- Patent GB-1909-24902 (English title: Improvements to mechanical flying machines, Inventors: Robert Brocklehurst, Filing date: 1909-10-29)
- Patent AT-1909-62755 (English title: Aircraft with beating wings, Inventors: Félix Michau, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407411, Filing date: 1909-11-17)
- Patent AU-1909-16369 (English title: Flying machines, Inventors: George Montalt Bellasis, Filing date: 1909-11-19)
- Patent GB-1909-28464 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Flying Machines (in which gravity is used to effect the motion of flapping wings), Inventors: Newton Roberts Gordon, Supplementary to patent: Patent AU-1909-1372009, Filing date: 1909-12-06)
- Patent IT 1909-106667 (English title: Heavier-than-air self-lifting machine using one or more round mobile surfaces [themselves rotating and large? advancing through the atmosphere also by means of an appropriate propeller?], Inventors: Emille Guarino • Capredoni Guardenzio, Filing date: 1910-01-25)
- Patent AU-1909-18014 (Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-25)
- Patent FR-1909-418936.14556 (English title: Method and mechanism for creating ascensional force in heavier-than-air apparatus, Inventors: Marcel Belin • Barthélemy Jabouley • Paul Guery, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-418936)
- Patent GB-1910-2118 (English title: An Aeroplane Flying Machine, Inventors: Felix Icasate-Larios, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-398918, Filing date: 1910-01-27)
- Patent CA-1910-131159 (English title: Flying Machine, Inventors: William Wallace Gibson • David William Hanbury, Filing date: 1910-03-08)
- Patent FR-1910-418866 (English title: Aerial vessel with ultra-rapid flapping and cyclonal effect by the combined use of the systems of the automatic detonator and the cyclone sprayer, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-394418 • Patent FR-1908-394418.10449 • Patent FR-1909-394418.11953, Filing date: 1910-05-02)
- Patent US-1910-999560 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Armin Helfer, Filing date: 1910-05-06)
- Patent DK-1911-14850 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-11)
- Patent FR-1910-415884 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-12)
- Patent CH-1910-52815 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-20)
- Patent US-1912-1034429 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-26)
- Patent NZ-1910-27803 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-31)
- Patent FR-1910-404844.12711 (English title: Dirigible, actually a hybrid also utilizing principles of heavier-than-air, Inventors: Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-404844, Filing date: 1910-06-01)
- Patent AU-1910-18265 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: William Wallace Gibson • David William Hanbury, Supplementary to patent: Patent CA-1910-131159, Filing date: 1910-06-16)
- Patent FR-1910-417255 (English title: Flying machine, airplane, design of interest, featuring floating propellers, Inventors: Carl Hanschke, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-220044 • Patent DE-1910-06-18 Carl Hanschke, Filing date: 1910-06-17)
- Patent DK-1910-14419 (English title: Airplane, Inventors: Carl Hanschke, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-220044 • Patent DE-1910-06-18 Carl Hanschke, Filing date: 1910-06-18)
- Patent HU-1910-53736 (English title: Airplane, rare design, Inventors: Carl Hanschke, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-220044 • Patent DE-1910-06-18 Carl Hanschke, Filing date: 1910-06-18)
- Patent FR-1910-404844.12788 (English title: Dirigible, actually a hybrid also utilizing principles of heavier-than-air, Inventors: Jean-Ferdinand-Nicolas-Émile Berrubé, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-404844, Filing date: 1910-06-20)
- Patent HU-1910-53766 (English title: Aircraft (that is, an airplane design inclusive of flapping wings), Inventors: Alois Wolfmüller, Filing date: 1910-06-21)
- Patent FR-1910-429307 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, actually a helicopter-hybrid, Inventors: Joseph Boisseau, Filing date: 1910-07-12)
- Patent FR-1910-420469 (English title: Flying machines, Inventors: William Francis Dugins, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1910-18683, Filing date: 1910-08-09)
- Patent US-1910-1011683 (English title: Safety alighting attachment for flying-machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Filing date: 1910-10-17)
- Patent GB-1910-25749 (English title: A Method of, and Apparatus for, Automatically Steadying and Controlling the Elevation of Flying Machines, and Facilitating the Starting and Landing thereof, Inventors: Gustav Mees, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-11-22 Gustav Mees, Filing date: 1910-11-05)
- Patent HU-1910-59091 (English title: Flying machine with an arrow-like body, Inventors: Aurel Vlaicu, Filing date: 1910-11-10)
- Patent FR-1910-422554 (English title: Airplane with an arrow-like body, Inventors: Aurel Vlaicu, Supplementary to patent: Patent HU-1910-59091, Filing date: 1910-11-15)
- Patent GB-1910-26658 (English title: Improved flying machine, Inventors: Aurel Vlaicu, Supplementary to patent: Patent HU-1910-59091, Filing date: 1910-11-16)
- Patent GB-1910-26831 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: George Montalt Bellasis, Supplementary to patent: Patent AU-1909-16369, Filing date: 1910-11-18)
- Patent FR-1911-422771 (English title: Airplane propulsion, Inventors: George Montalt Bellasis, Supplementary to patent: Patent AU-1909-16369, Filing date: 1910-11-19)
- Patent AT-1910-60011 (English title: Parachute device for aircraft, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-21)
- Patent FR-1910-422847 (English title: Parachute for flying machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-22)
- Patent GB-1910-27118 (English title: Safety alighting attachment for flying-machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-22)
- Patent CH-1910-54598 (English title: Parachute for flying machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-22)
- Patent GB-1910-28188 (English title: Flying Machine with Wing Wheels Revolving in Housings, Inventors: Carl Hanschke, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-220044 • Patent DE-1910-06-18 Carl Hanschke, Filing date: 1910-12-03)
- Patent AU-1910-20205 (English title: Safety alighting attachment for flying machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-12-15)
- Patent FR-1910-424499 (English title: Propulsion-lift propeller for airplanes, Inventors: Émile Lallouette, Filing date: 1910-12-31)
- Patent GB-1911-255 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: William Elmer Dennis • Harry Say Bretton, Filing date: 1911-01-04)
- Patent FR-1911-429313 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Antoine Coulhon, Filing date: 1911-02-16)
- Patent AU-1911-493 (English title: Improvement in flying machines, Inventors: William Swart Romme, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1041876, Filing date: 1911-02-24)
- Patent FR-1911-429078 (English title: Flying machine with flapping wings, Inventors: Magloire Desjardins • Gabriel-Georges-François Gros, Filing date: 1911-04-14)
- Patent US-1911-1010324 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Josiah Sparks, Filing date: 1911-05-06)
- Patent FR-1911-429645 (English title: Improvements to aeroplanes, actually an airplane-helicopter hybrid, Inventors: Alvaro Da Cunha, Filing date: 1911-05-12)
- Patent FR-1911-429078.14308 (English title: Flying machine with flapping wings, Inventors: Magloire Desjardins • Gabriel-Georges-François Gros, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-429078, Filing date: 1911-05-23)
- Patent US-1911-1203550 (English title: Hydroaeroplane, Inventors: Glenn Hammond Curtiss, Filing date: 1911-08-22, Applicant firm: Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Corporation)
- Patent FR-1911-434401 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, actually improvements applicable to the helicopter-hybrid described in an earlier patent, Inventors: Joseph Boisseau, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-429307, Filing date: 1911-08-30)
- Patent FR-1911-429078.14853 (English title: Flying machine with flapping wings, Inventors: Magloire Desjardins, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-429078, Filing date: 1911-10-03)
- Patent AU-1912-3576 (English title: Flying machines, Inventors: William Elmer Dennis, Filing date: 1912-01-11)
- Patent FR-1912-424499.15387 (English title: Propulsion-lift propeller for airplanes, Inventors: Émile Lallouette, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-424499, Filing date: 1912-01-29)
- Patent FR-1912-439989 (English title: Improvements to the means for mounting propellers, and more specifically ascending propellers with variable pitch, on aircraft, Inventors: Gustav Mees, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1911-04-03 Gustav Mees • Patent FR-1910-410140.12658 • Patent FR-1910-410140.13073, Filing date: 1912-02-10)
- Patent AT-1912-75092 (English title: Swing Plane (gliders) with counter-operable drive levers, Inventors: Franz Xaver Wels • Dr. Albert Eder, Filing date: 1912-02-24)
- Patent FR-1912-443448 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Louis Dobbertin • Albert Fredrich Dobbertin, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-1015150, Filing date: 1912-05-06)
- Patent FR-1912-429645.15915 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, actually an airplane-helicopter hybrid, Inventors: Alvaro Da Cunha, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-429645, Filing date: 1912-05-13)
- Patent FR-1912-446365 (English title: Airplane with a spherical cabin, Inventors: Carl Franz Hubert Hertel • Carl Wilhelm Paul, Filing date: 1912-07-23)
- Patent CH-1912-63002 (English title: Flying Machine, avion with spherical cabin, Inventors: Carl Franz Hubert Hertel • Carl Wilhelm Paul, Filing date: 1912-09-16)
- Patent US-1913-1367839 (English title: Interlocking Balancing System, Inventors: John P. Tarbox, Filing date: 1913-02-07, Applicant firm: Tarbox Safety Aircraft Company)
- Patent CH-1913-64627 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Rudolf Gottier • Gottfried Burkhalter, Filing date: 1913-03-25)
- Patent FR-1913-429078.17479 (English title: Flying machine with flapping wings, Inventors: Magloire Desjardins, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-429078, Filing date: 1913-04-04)
- Patent FR-1913-461629 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Georges-Albert-Joseph Landais, Filing date: 1913-08-05)
- Patent BE-1913-261720 (English title: Heavier-than-air-craft with movable wings, Inventors: Alcime-Henri-Théophile Jarnoux, Filing date: 1913-11-07)
- Patent FR-1913-474215 (English title: System of high-yield aerial lifting and propelling wings, Inventors: Charles Philippart • Trajan Vuia, Filing date: 1913-11-07)
- Patent CH-1914-67194 (English title: Flying machine based on bird flight, Inventors: Albert Weber, Filing date: 1914-02-07)
- Patent FR-1915-473760 (English title: Aerial route for airplanes, Inventors: Eugène Dujardin, Filing date: 1914-06-19)
- Patent GB-1914-12574 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Aerial Machines, actually a range of applied observations aerodynamically pertinent to blades or wings, Inventors: Isaac Bell, Filing date: 1914-11-11)
- Patent GB-1914-4543 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Aerial Machines and Aerial Driven Watercraft, actually an elaborately pivoting propeller, Inventors: Isaac Bell, Filing date: 1914-11-11)
- Patent FR-1915-525800 (English title: Aircraft capable of rising vertically and hovering in the air, Inventors: Maurice-Achille Lécuyer, Filing date: 1915-02-24)
- Patent FR-1915-502520 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines with Revolving Wings, Inventors: Alexis Beurrier • Édouard-Jean Bigourdan • Louis Lacoin, Filing date: 1915-11-06)
- Patent GB-1915-102154 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines with Revolving Wings, Inventors: Alexis Beurrier • Édouard-Jean Bigourdan • Louis Lacoin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1915-502520, Filing date: 1916-11-06)
- Patent FR-1916-521764 (English title: Improvements to aircraft which are heavier-than-air, actually an airplane-helicopter hybrid, Filing date: 1916-06-17)
- Patent HU-1916-76904 (English title: Gateless hall for giant aircraft, Inventors: Kurt Dominik, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1915-03-20 Kurt Dominik, Filing date: 1916-07-22)
- Patent FR-1916-502520.22245 (English title: Rotary wing aircraft, Inventors: Alexis Beurrier • Édouard-Jean Bigourdan • Louis Lacoin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1915-502520, Filing date: 1916-11-02)
- Patent FR-1916-521764.23807 (English title: Improvements to aircraft which are heavier-than-air, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1916-521764, Filing date: 1916-12-16)
- Patent US-1917-1244367 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Prokop Jack Prokop, Filing date: 1917-01-24)
- Patent FR-1917-525800.23452 (English title: Aircraft capable of rising vertically and hovering in the air, Inventors: Maurice-Achille Lécuyer, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1915-525800, Filing date: 1917-02-23)
- Patent CA-1917-177665 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Eddy L. Eddy, Filing date: 1917-04-12)
- Patent SE-1917-46288 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Hjalmar Pålson, Filing date: 1917-05-19)
- Patent GB-1917-128268 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines, Inventors: Maurice-Achille Lécuyer, Filing date: 1917-07-06)
- Patent GB-1918-126909 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Hjalmar Pålson, Supplementary to patent: Patent SE-1917-46288, Filing date: 1918-11-28)
- Patent CH-1918-83424 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Hjalmar Pålson, Supplementary to patent: Patent SE-1917-46288, Filing date: 1918-12-02)
- Patent NL-1919-6062 (English title: Improvements to the wings of flying machines and other aircraft, Inventors: Alexander Albert Holle, Filing date: 1919-07-29)
Publications referring to Heavier-than-air
- Aviación (Simple title: Aviación)
- Cayley, 1843, Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed (Simple title: Retrospect of the progress of aërial navigation and demonstration of the principles by which it must be governed, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Mechanics' Magazine, 1860, Bright's Aerial Carriage (Simple title: Bright's Aerial Carriage, Journal: Mechanics' Magazine)
- De La Landelle, 1863, Aviation ou Navigation Aérienne (Simple title: Aviation or aerial navigation)
- Manifeste de l'autolocomotion aérienne, 1863 (Simple title: Aerial Autolocomotion Manifesto)
- Blerzy, 1863, Les aérostats et les aéronefs (Simple title: Aerostats and 'airships', Journal: Revue des Deux Mondes)
- Ponton d'Amécourt, 1864, La conquête de l'air par l'hélice (Simple title: The conquest of the air by the propeller. Presentation of a new aviation system)
- Ponton d'Amécourt, 1864, Collection de mémoires sur la locomotion aérienne sans ballons (Simple title: Collection de mémoires sur la locomotion aérienne sans ballons)
- Publication 11328, 1866, Société d'Encouragement pour la Locomotion Aérienne, au moyen d'appareils plus lourds que l'air. Rapports par de la Landelle (Simple title: Société d'Encouragement pour la Locomotion Aérienne, using heavier-than-air devices. Reports by Landelle)
- Du Hauvel d' Audreville, 1878, Théorie mathématique du vol des oiseaux (Simple title: Mathematical theory of bird flight, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Villeneuve, 1880, La distribution des prix de l'Institut Lombard de Milan en 1879 (Simple title: The prize distribution of the Milan Lombard Institute in 1879, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Mouillard, 1881, L'Empire de l'Air (Simple title: The Empire of the Air)
- Landelle, 1882, Rectification (Simple title: Rectification, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Villeneuve, 1886, Gabriel de la Landelle (Simple title: Gabriel de La Landelle, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Bary, 1887, Navigation aérienne. La théorie du plus lourd que l'air appliquée à l'aérostation (Simple title: Air Navigation. The theory of heavier than air applied to ballooning, Journal: L'Aérostat)
- Lippert, 1888, Berichtigung: Ueber Arbeitsökonomie in der Flugbewegung (Simple title: Correction: On work-efficiency in aerial movement, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Espitallier, 1889, L'aviation et le plus lourd que l'air (Simple title: Aviation and heavier than air, Journal: Cosmos)
- Langley, 1891, The possibility of mechanical flight (Simple title: The possibility of mechanical flight, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Maxim, 1891, Aerial navigation, The power required (Simple title: Aerial navigation, The power required, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Maxim, 1892, Progress in Aerial Navigation (Simple title: Progress in aerial navigation, Journal: Fortnightly Review)
- Riley, 1894, Mr. Maxim's flying machine (Simple title: Mr. Maxim's flying machine, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 8232, 1895, A new flying machine. Maxim's experiments in aerial navigation (Simple title: Maxim's experiments in aerial navigation, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Kress, 1896, Drachenflieger und Schraubenflieger (Simple title: Airplanes and helicopters, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Steffen, 1898, Bericht über eine wichtige Entdeckung (Simple title: Report on an important discovery, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Krahnas, 1898, El Vuelo a la Vela i la Navigacion Aerea (Simple title: Soaring flight and aerial navigation, Journal: Anales del Instituto de Injenieros)
- Chanute, 1899, Conditions of success in the design of flying machines (Simple title: Conditions of success in the design of flying machines, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Maxim, 1902, Aerial navigation by bodies heavier than air (1) (Simple title: Aerial navigation by bodies heavier than air, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 84, 1902, Aerial navigation by bodies heavier than the air (Simple title: Aerial navigation by bodies heavier than the air, Journal: Aer. World)
- Edison tells Dumont to get rid of balloons, 1902 (Simple title: Edison Tells Dumont to get Rid of Balloon)
- Publication 63, 1902, Laws and conditions governing practical airships (Simple title: Laws and conditions governing practical airships, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 61, 1902, How to fly (Simple title: How to fly, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 62, 1902, Irish's aerial machines--Alexander 1-2 (Simple title: Irish's aerial machines--Alexander 1-2, Journal: Aer. World)
- Blackden, 1903, Observations and experiments relative to equilibrium in air of a body heavier than air (Simple title: Observations and experiments relative to equilibrium in air of a body heavier than air, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 277, 1903, Aeroplane development (Simple title: Aeroplane development, Journal: Aer. World)
- Daeltar, 1903, Le problème de la navigation aérienne sous un nouveau point de vue (Simple title: The problem of air navigation under a new point of view)
- Lecornu, 1903, La navigation aérienne. Histoire documentaire et anecdotique (Simple title: Air navigation. Documentary and anecdotal history.)
- Publication 4680, 1903, Flying ships made to fly downward (Simple title: Flying ships made to fly downward, Journal: American Machinist)
- Publication 2706, 1903, Octave Chanute in Wien (Simple title: Octave Chanute in Wien, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Bacon, 1905, Balloons, airships and flying machines; by Gertrude Bacon (Simple title: Balloons, airships and flying machines; by Gertrude Bacon)
- Wenham, 1905, Some remarks on aerial flight (Simple title: Some remarks on aerial flight, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Newcomb, 1906, Side-lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science (Simple title: Side lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science)
- Newcomb, 1906, Side-lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science (Simple title: Side lights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science)
- Martin, 1907, Die eroberung der luft; kritische betrachtungen über die motorluftschiffahrt (Simple title: The conquest of the air; critical observations on motorized air travel, with 5 illustrations)
- Publication 3686, 1907, Dirigible balloon and heavier-than-air-machine contests at St. Louis (Simple title: Dirigible balloon and heavier-than-air-machine contests at St. Louis, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Silberer, 1908, The art of flying (Simple title: The art of flying, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Pickering, 1908, The future of artificial flight (Simple title: The future of artificial flight, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- La Vaulx, 1908, L'avenir de l'aéronautique (Simple title: The future of aeronautics, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Cantelou, 1909, Études sur l'aviation (Simple title: Study on aviation)
- Menéndez Caballero, 1909, Caracteristica del tipo definitivo del aviador (Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Lougheed, 1910, Vehicles of the Air (Simple title: Vehicles of the Air)
- Brunet y Viadera, 1910, Curso de Aviación (Simple title: Course of aviation)
- Publication B2p0617e13, 1910, Aeroplanes among plants and animals (Simple title: Aeroplanes among plants and animals, Journal: Aircraft)
- Lawson, 1910, Editorial (Simple title: Editorial, Journal: Aircraft)
- Miller, 1910, The figures behind the aeroplane (Simple title: The figures behind the aeroplane, Journal: American Machinist)
- Cadaval, 1911, Navegação Aérea (Simple title: Aerial Navigation)
- Garros et al., 1914, L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique)
- Chadeau, Emmanuel, 1985, État, Entreprise & Développement Économique : L’Industrie Aéronautique en France (1900-1940) Thèse pour le Doctorat, unpublished version (Simple title: State, Enterprise, and Economic Development: The aeronautic Industry in France (1900-1940), Journal: Doctoral thesis)
- Palmer, 2006, Dictatorship of the Air (Simple title: Dictatorship of the Air)
- Kalt, 2017, High in Desert Skies (Simple title: High in Desert Skies)
Enclosing categories | Simple tech terms |
Subcategories | Airplane, Helicopter, Kite, Glider, Ornithopter, Projectile, Coleopter, Orthopter |
Keywords | Lift, Aerodynamics, Propeller, Aéronautique, Aviation |
Start year | |
End year |