Gabriel-Georges-François Gros

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Gabriel-Georges-François Gros was an aero inventor whom we have located as within Seine; France, and as having filed in partial collaboration with Magloire Desjardins.[1] That is, Gabriel-Georges-François Gros participated in the filing of Patent FR-1911-429078 and its first addition. The third addition mentions his name in connexion with the filing of Patent FR-1911-429078.

We have a François Gros elsewhere, in connexion with Patent FR-1911-432388, and we have a Gros active in 1883. Some disambiguation will be in order.

This person had 0 publications and 2 patents in this database.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Gabriel-Georges-François Gros


Names Gabriel-Georges-François Gros
Countries FR
Locations Seine, France
Tech areas Heavier-than-air, Design, Flapping
Family name
Birth date
Death date
Wikidata id