Patent FR-1908-392672
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Again, here, Esnault-Pelterie stands out in terms of the elaboration and thoroughness with which he approaches variations within a tech area, that of lift.
- Original patent document and bibliography entry on espacenet
Patent family descending from Patent FR-1908-392672
- Patent FR-1908-392672 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Filing date: 1908-07-16, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent GB-1908-15637 (English title: Improvements in variably controlled monoplane wing warping having to do with lift per se, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1908-07-16)
- Patent FR-1908-392672.10000 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1908-10-27, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent FR-1909-392672.10853 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1909-04-20, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent FR-1909-392672.10957 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1909-05-06, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent FR-1909-392672.11077 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1909-06-01, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent FR-1909-392672.11199 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1909-07-02, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent DE-1909-244636 (English title: Device for warping airplane wings, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-228604 • Patent FR-1909-392672.11199 • Patent FR-1908-392672 • Patent FR-1907-373763, Filing date: 1909-07-10, National tech categories: DE 77h.5)
- Patent FR-1909-392672.11397 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1909-07-16, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent FR-1909-392672.11399 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1909-08-11, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
- Patent GB-1910-10575 (Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-392672.10957 • Patent GB-1908-15637 • Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1910-04-29)
- Patent FR-1910-392672.12882 (English title: Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-392672, Filing date: 1910-07-07, National tech categories: FR 6.4)
Year filed | 1908 |
Year granted | 1908 |
Office | FR |
Patent number | 392672 |
Inventors | Robert Esnault-Pelterie |
Inventor country | FR |
Inventor location | Seine |
Applicant person | Robert Esnault-Pelterie |
Applicant firm | |
Applicant type | INDIV |
Applicant is inventor? | Yes |
Original title | Aéroplane à surfaces gauchissables de puissance sustentatrice variable |
English title | Warping airplane wings of variable-controllable lift power |
Tech fields | airplane, wings, lift, wing warping, sustentation, control |
Filing date | 1908/07/16 |
Full specification filed date | |
Application number | 392672D |
Grant date | 1908/10/02 |
Granted? | Yes |
Publication date | 1908/12/02 |
Supplementary to patent | |
Related to aircraft? | Yes |
Serial number | |
Patent agent | Armengaud jeune |
Assigned to | |
National tech categories | FR 6.4 |
IPCs | IPC B64C3/52 |
CPCs | CPC B64C3/52 |
Family year | 1908 |
First filing? | Yes |
Cites these patents | |
Citations from after 1930 | |
Application ID | 19212158 |
INPADOC family ID | 5194805 |
Number of text pages | 3 |
Number of diagram pages | 1 |
Number of figures | 8 |
Number of claims | 5 |