Patent BE-1914-267316.269391

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Patent BE-1914-267316.269391

This is an addition, or brevet of the “perfectionnement” variety, to Patent BE-1914-267316, which brevet was filed 1914-04-22.

While the RdBdI shown here clearly refers to a parent patent, or brevet of the “invention” variety, numbered 257316, we have found the data on Patent BE-1914-267316, with the appropriate filing date.

« L’aéroplane comporte deux hélices de sustentation à axe vertical et à trois ailes ; ces hélices tournent en sens inverse l’une de l’autre. De plus, l’aéroplane comporte une hélice à axe horizontal. »

“The airplane has two vertical-axis, three-winged lift propellers; these propellers rotate in opposite directions to each other. In addition, the airplane has a horizontal axis propeller.”


  • RdBdI Tome 62, 1914, January-August
  • Inventor location: avenue Moretus, 51, Anvers, Belgium

Here we have “aviation” used in the sense of heavier-than-air, which usage is nearly universal, and we even have the word “aéroplane”, despite the overt mention of “hélices de sustentation à axe vertical”.

Year filed 1914
Year granted
Office BE
Patent number 269391
Inventors J.-C.-A. Storms, L.-J.-U. Storms
Inventor country BE
Applicant person J.-C.-A. Storms, L.-J.-U. Storms
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Nouvelle machine d’aviation
English title New aviation machine, actually an airplane-helicopter hybrid, if not an outright helicopter
Tech fields airplane, hybrid, helicopter, propellers, sustentation, lift, propulsion
Filing date 1914-07-15
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent Patent BE-1914-267316
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to
National tech categories BE K
Family year 1914
First filing?
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims