Robert Cooke Sayer

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Robert Cooke Sayer was an aero inventor. He was a Civil engineer. He filed patents from 11 Clyde Road, Redland, Bristol, England.

This person had 0 publications and 4 patents in this database.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Robert Cooke Sayer

  • Patent GB-1909-17597 (English title: Improvements in aerostatics, Filing date: 1909-07-29)
  • Patent FR-1910-417508 (English title: Lightening aircraft body by means of a central space retained by a periphery of cells containing fluid under pressure, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-17597, Filing date: 1910-06-08)
  • Patent GB-1912-36 (English title: Improvements in Aerostats, and other like Acting Bodies, Filing date: 1912-01-01)
  • Patent US-1912-1172055 (English title: Aerostat, Filing date: 1912-07-01)


Names Robert Cooke Sayer
Countries GB
Locations Bristol
Occupations Civil engineer
Tech areas
Family name
Birth date
Death date
Wikidata id