Patent FR-1909-394427

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(Interestingly, the device of stability and control is specifically applicable applicable within the marine field, submarine most particularly, as well as specifically to the fields of aviation and aeronautics. It nevertheless has the French "VI.4. Aérostation" designation, our FR 6.4.)

("Vasdényey", incidentally, is otherwise a Hungarian family name. This "Didier de Vasdényey" may or may not have some connection to Vasdényey Géza or Vasdényey Dezső of Patent HU-1901-28033. Here are the VASDÉNYEY inventor search results via Espacenet. Didier de Vasdényey and Victor de Vasdényey, as such, were productive in a few fields, some aero. The likelihood of a pair of brothers, filing jointly, like that in the case of the Hungarian patent above, with the timing taken into account, is suggestive perhaps of a Hungarian brotherly team moving to France. Patent FR-1903-329610 is of note, in terms of Didier de Vasdényey working in collaboration with Victor de Vasdényey.)

  • Inventor location: Seine, France


Year filed 1908
Year granted 1908
Office FR
Patent number 394427
Inventors Didier de Vasdényey
Inventor country FR
Applicant person Didier de Vasdényey
Applicant firm Didier de Vasdényey et Cie
Applicant type COMPANY + INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Procédé et dispositif pour assurer la stabilité des aéroplanes, aéronats, sous-marins et appareils analogues également applicable à leur direction
English title Procedure and device to ensure stability and direction of airplanes, airships, submarines
Tech fields stability, airplane, airship, marine, steering, control
Filing date 1908-08-12
Full specification filed date
Application number 394427D
Grant date 1908-11-26
Granted? Yes
Publication date 1909-01-23
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number
Patent agent Weismann et Marx
Assigned to
National tech categories FR 6.4
IPCs IPC B64C17/00
CPCs CPC B64C2700/6214
Family year 1908
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID 19213873
INPADOC family ID 5292982
Number of text pages 3
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 3
Number of claims