Patent FR-1908-393687

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Reference on this original document to the Belgian priority date 1907-08-28.

Source data error (now corrected) -- espacenet shows apparently incorrect title in its biblio data, relative to the document itself ; espacenet is showing a reference to stability, not to pumping (Response: When contacting Espacenet on some cases like this, they sometimes bring of "classic" versus "new" Espacenet, and deference to the anglophone title, within any family, though the translations may be way off and so forth, and what constitutes a family may be a stretch. In this case, and in a few others, there may apparently not even be any anglophone equivalent patent. I've contacted them. I don't think this is aero.-JRH)

  • Tech classes: CPC B64B1/00 Lighter-than-air aircraft, and CPC F04F1/06 Pumps using positively or negatively pressurized fluid medium acting directly on the liquid to be pumped the fluid medium acting on the surface of the liquid to be pumped
  • Inventor location: département Nord
  • Inventor's name on another patent (in google) seems to be Léon-Gustave Tribout.


Year filed 1908
Year granted 1908
Office FR
Patent number 393687
Inventors Léon Tribout
Inventor country FR
Inventor location Nord
Applicant person Léon Tribout
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Élévateur automatique de liquides à air comprimé
English title Automatic compressed air liquid elevator
Tech fields LTA?, Stability, Safety, Pistons, compressed air
Filing date 1908/08/27
Full specification filed date
Application number 393687D
Grant date 1908/11/03
Granted? Yes
Publication date 1908/12/30
Supplementary to patent Patent BE-1907-08-28 Tribout
Related to aircraft? 0.5
Serial number
Patent agent Ad. Sturm
Assigned to
National tech categories FR 5.1
CPCs CPC B64B1/00, CPC F04F1/06
Family year 1907
First filing? No
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930 2
Application ID 5292329
INPADOC family ID 19213147
Number of text pages 2
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 4
Number of claims 2