
A diverse category including some design elements for whole aircraft and some gizmos and gadgets geared towards the personal safety of aeronauts.
Mac Sweeny, 1844, Essay on Aerial Navigation, pp. 87–88.
An aerial voyage is not dangerous, when all matters are in perfect order. Cavallo wrote his history of Aerostation in 1785; up to that time 40 persons had ascended, two or three persons had been hurt, but without loss of life, and the accidents were to be attributed to the want of experience in the new art. He observes "it is justly questioned whether the first forty persons, who trusted themselves to sea in boats, escaped so safe." The numerous voyages that have been made since the time of Cavallo, have shown that aerostation is not a dangerous art, it is true that a few accidents have occurred, but no one thinks of giving up marine navigation, because an accident may happen to a ship occasionally. The descent is what requires the most care, see page 40. for the means of mooring.
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Keywords | Parachute, Piloting, CPC B64D25/00 |
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This wiki has 449 patents in category "Safety".
Other techtypes related to Safety: Apparel, AT 61, Cage, CH 79i, Compartments, CPC B64D, CPC B64D10/00, CPC B64D25/04, CPC B64D2700/62508, CPC B64D37/06, CPC F41H5/045, FR 7.3, GB 4 life-saving, Parachutes, Passenger, Rip panel, Training, USPC 2/2.14, USPC 2/22, USPC 2/410, USPC 2/458, USPC 2/6.1, USPC 2/82, USPC 244/117, USPC 244/139, USPC 244/142, USPC 244/143, USPC 89/36.05, USPC D29/100
Patents in category Safety
- Patent FR-1888-193192 (English title: Improvements to rescue flairs, Inventors: The American Carrier Rocket Company, Applicant firm: The American Carrier Rocket Company)
- Patent FR-1890-203239 (English title: Floating beacon, Inventors: Société Internationale d’Éclairage par le gaz d’huile, Applicant firm: Société Internationale d’Éclairage par le gaz d’huile)
- Patent FR-1891-214383 (English title: Automatically functioning rescue balloon, Inventors: Menze)
- Patent FR-1891-211845 (English title: Hot air balloon silk paper, called Automatic Aeronaut, with parachute and hot-air safety apparatus, Inventors: Pavloff)
- Patent FR-1893-233439E (English title: Application of gas or of compressed air to the insubmersibility of balloon cockpits or other parts and instantaneous separation of the cockpit-basket by means of a suspension of exhaust(?), Inventors: De Préneuf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1893-233439)
- Patent FR-1893-203239E (English title: Cert. of addition taken, 18 January 1890, for a floating beacon, Inventors: Société Internationale d’Éclairage par le gaz d’huile, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1890-203239, Applicant firm: Société Internationale d’Éclairage par le gaz d’huile)
- Patent FR-1893-233439 (English title: Application of gas or of compressed air to the insubmersibility of balloon cockpits or other parts and instantaneous separation of the cockpit-basket by means of a suspension of exhaust(?), Inventors: De Préneuf)
- Patent FR-1893-226957 (English title: Improvements to safety belts, Inventors: Hargreaves)
- Patent FR-1897-258626 (English title: cert of addition to the patent taken, 4 August 1896, for a new safety belt, Inventors: Grasset)
- Patent FR-1863-nc (English title: "balloon life-saving apparatus"; Aeromotor*, Inventors: Chataing, Filing date: 1863-09-03)
- Patent FR-1867-77824 (English title: "apparatus preventing fire in", anti-fire apparatus in and for aerostats, Inventors: Domeck, Filing date: 1867-09-24)
- Patent DE-1912-248709 (English title: Security-regulator for combustion motors, Filing date: 1911-11-14, Applicant firm: Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau Gesellschaft m.b.H.)
- Patent FR-1827-2641 (English title: Application of kites to navigation, elevation, signals, and the safety of shipwrecked persons, Inventors: George Pocock, Filing date: 1826-12-28)
- Patent GB-1848-12337 (English title: Navigable balloon and mechanical flying machine, Inventors: Hugh Bell, Filing date: 1848-11-23)
- Patent US-1850-7207 (English title: Balloon and its appendages, Inventors: Hugh Bell, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1848-12337, Filing date: 1850-03-26)
- Patent FR-1851-12382 (English title: perfected tools and means serving in physical recreation on the properties of air, such as air-ships and parachutes, Inventors: Chatelain, Filing date: 1851-09-24)
- Patent GB-1853-143 (English title: Applications of balloons, Inventors: Horace de Manara, Filing date: 1853-01-24)
- Patent FR-1853-16928 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Louis-Auguste Mangin, Filing date: 1853-07-11)
- Patent BE-1855-F-M-P C-A L-d-C (English title: manner of preventing explosions causes by hydrogen protocarbon, Inventors: Frédéric-Marie Piret • Carl Armbruster • Louis de Cherrier, Filing date: 1855-03-01)
- Patent FR-1855-22979 (English title: manner of preventing explosions causes by hydrogen protocarbon, Inventors: Frédéric-Marie Piret • Carl Armbruster • Louis de Cherrier, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1855-F-M-P C-A L-d-C, Filing date: 1855-03-27)
- Patent FR-1855-24381 (English title: process of balloon safety, Inventors: ESMEIN, Filing date: 1855-08-08)
- Patent FR-1857-31693 (English title: machine for stopping a train on a railway in less than 50 meters, called aerostatique, Inventors: Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Monnier, Filing date: 1857-03-31)
- Patent GB-1862-1786 (English title: Fire balloon, Inventors: André Crestadoro)
- Patent US-1863-37667 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Thomas L. Shaw, Filing date: 1863-02-10)
- Patent FR-1863-61333 (English title: double propeller parachute applied to aerial navigation, Inventors: Eugène Desrousseaux-Hubert, Filing date: 1863-11-17)
- Patent GB-1874-3132 (English title: Fire balloons, Inventors: Joseph Simmons, Filing date: 1874)
- Patent US-1879-221855 (English title: Improvement in fire-escapes, Inventors: Benjamin B. Oppenheimer, Filing date: 1879-03-26)
- Patent US-1880-250417 (English title: Vessel for aerial navigation and machinery for propelling it, Inventors: Albert Livingstone Blackman, Filing date: 1880-03-05)
- Patent US-1881-270939 (English title: Aerial ship, Inventors: Eugene F. Falconnet, Filing date: 1881-07-20)
- Patent GB-1882-4908 (English title: Fire balloons, Inventors: Joseph Alfred Fisher • Charles Green Spencer, Filing date: 1882)
- Patent US-1882-252955 (English title: Air ship, Inventors: William G. Krueger, Filing date: 1882-01-05)
- Patent US-1882-262235 (English title: Fire-balloon, Inventors: Gustavus A. Lilliendahl, Filing date: 1882-01-23)
- Patent FR-1883-157024 (English title: Herbay apparatus, coming to serve in the vertical direction of balloons, with an unsinkable basket, in case of maritime wrecking, Inventors: Herbay, Filing date: 1883-08-16)
- Patent US-1883-311887 (English title: Vessel for Aerial navigation, Inventors: Eugene F. Falconnet, Filing date: 1883-11-08)
- Patent US-1884-305190 (English title: Hand-grenade fire-extinguisher, Inventors: Charles T. Holloway, Filing date: 1884-07-18)
- Patent US-1884-308944 (English title: Projectile, Inventors: Wallace A. Bartlett, Filing date: 1884-10-03)
- Patent US-1884-318575 (English title: Guiding Apparatus for balloons, Inventors: Carl E. Myers • Carlotta Myers, Filing date: 1884-12-18)
- Patent ES-1887-7348 (English title: Aerial tramway system using multiple wires, Inventors: Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Filing date: 1887-12-28)
- Patent US-1890-434725 (English title: Life-saving apparatus, Inventors: Albert F. Rockwell • Lucas R. Tuttle, Filing date: 1888-03-06)
- Patent CH-1889-589 (English title: New aerial tramway system using multiple wires, Inventors: Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Filing date: 1889-02-15)
- Patent GB-1889-4811 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Herman August Julius Rieckert • Albert Emil Karl Rieckert, Filing date: 1889-03-19)
- Patent US-1891-454325 (English title: Fire-escape, Inventors: Albert R. Brandt, Filing date: 1891-01-16)
- Patent GB-1891-12403 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: William Augustus Fyers, Filing date: 1891-07-21)
- Patent FR-1891-215265 (English title: aerostat parachute system called the Capazza Aerostat-Rescuer, Inventors: Louis Capazza, Filing date: 1891-08-01)
- Patent GB-1892-3883 (English title: Combined Parachute and Aërostat, Inventors: Louis Capazza, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-215265, Filing date: 1892)
- Patent GB-1892-634 (Inventors: J.C. Walker, Filing date: 1892-01-12)
- Patent GB-1892-5035 (English title: Life-Saving Appliances, Inventors: R. L. Tapscott, Filing date: 1892-03-15)
- Patent DE-1892-68761 (English title: Airship with car borne by parachute, Inventors: Louis Capazza, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-215265, Filing date: 1892-06-15)
- Patent US-1893-496854 (English title: Aerostatic parachute, Inventors: Louis Capazza, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-215265 • Patent GB-1892-3883, Filing date: 1892-07-01)
- Patent US-1892-498692 (English title: Fire balloon, Inventors: Thomas M. Pierce, Filing date: 1892-10-14)
- Patent FR-1893-233439.1 (English title: cert of addition to the patent taken, 17 October 1893, for the application of gas or of compressed air to the insubmersibility of balloon cockpits or other parts and instantaneous separation of the cockpit-basket by means of a suspension of exhaust(?), Inventors: De Préneuf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1893-233439)
- Patent FR-1893-227602 (English title: Coal-cinder separator with arms (?) or steam for naval and other ships, Inventors: Eugène-Auguste-Achille Benoît-Thuillier, Filing date: 1893-02-02)
- Patent DE-1893-71170 (English title: Spherical balloon with partitioned bulkhead to reduce outflow of gas due to punctures in the outer surface, Inventors: Naum Ziarsky, Filing date: 1893-02-07)
- Patent GB-1893-22483 (English title: Navigable Balloons, Inventors: William Nelson Hutchinson, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1886-8051, Filing date: 1893-11-23)
- Patent GB-1894-8537 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Stanley Spencer, Filing date: 1894-04-30)
- Patent GB-1894-13996 (English title: Improvements in the Art of Aërostation, and Apparatus therefor, Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes, Filing date: 1894-07-20)
- Patent FR-1895-250612 (English title: Complete system rescue system for aerial navigation, Inventors: Louis Capazza)
- Patent GB-1895-6 (English title: A Flying Machine, Inventors: Ross Franklin Moore, Filing date: 1895-01-01)
- Patent GB-1896-1877 (English title: Improvements in Dirigible Balloons and Flying Machines, Inventors: Thomas Fraser, Filing date: 1896-01-27)
- Patent GB-1897-12146 (English title: Kite, Inventors: Henry Helm Clayton, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1898-605596, Filing date: 1897-05-17)
- Patent US-1897-606942 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Joel Trout Rice, Filing date: 1897-08-09)
- Patent FR-1898-275750 (English title: human security apparatus acting against all danger of drowning, in all circumstances, Inventors: Jean)
- Patent US-1898-626071 (English title: Stop mechanism for engines, Inventors: Joseph Matthews, Filing date: 1898-09-22)
- Patent GB-1899-8019 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: Arthur Henry Philip Blunt, Filing date: 1899-04-17)
- Patent US-1899-648634 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Louis-Étienne Roze, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1898-03-21 Louis-Étienne Roze, Filing date: 1899-05-31)
- Patent US-1899-643975 (English title: Air-ship, Inventors: John F. Pickering, Filing date: 1899-07-19)
- Patent US-1900-688135 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: John Spies, Filing date: 1900-09-22)
- Patent US-1901-887931 (English title: Aerial apparatus, Inventors: Charles Joseph Alexandre Fiesse, Filing date: 1901-10-31)
- Patent FR-1902-309331.284 (English title: Mooring balloon for rescues and other purposes, Inventors: F. Lombard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1901-309331, Filing date: 1902-03-25)
- Patent FR-1902-327983 (English title: New balloon, Inventors: Adrien Baudin, Filing date: 1902-06-05)
- Patent FR-1902-324521 (English title: Steerable airship (flying machine), Inventors: Alfred K. R. A. Krakow, Filing date: 1902-06-10)
- Patent HU-1902-26832 (English title: Steerable aircraft, Inventors: Alfred K. R. A. Krakow, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-324521, Filing date: 1902-06-19)
- Patent FR-1902-328044 (English title: Dirigible balloon, Inventors: Philippe Delbert, Filing date: 1902-08-01)
- Patent GB-1902-24336 (English title: Mechanically Propelled Aerial Vehicles, Inventors: Howard de Walden • Hans Knudsen, Filing date: 1902-11-06)
- Patent FR-1902-326476 (English title: "A self-flying "pichou"", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1883-, Filing date: 1902-11-24)
- Patent US-1904-762273 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Samuel T. Best, Filing date: 1903-01-24)
- Patent FR-1903-329610 (English title: Articulated parachute system for dirigibles oriented towards the maintenance of stability and altitude by way of air density control, Inventors: Didier De Vasdenyey • Victor de Vasdényey, Filing date: 1903-02-21)
- Patent US-1903-761062 (English title: Steering balloon, Inventors: Philippe Delbert, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-328044, Filing date: 1903-03-03)
- Patent AT-1903-16168 (English title: Dirigible airship, Inventors: Philippe Delbert, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-328044, Filing date: 1903-03-05)
- Patent FR-1903-330143 (English title: Mechanically Propelled Aerial Vehicles, Inventors: Howard de Walden • Hans Knudsen, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1902-24336, Filing date: 1903-03-11)
- Patent DE-1904-155680 (English title: Aircraft with several evenly spaced rudders, Inventors: Howard de Walden • Hans Knudsen, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1902-24336, Filing date: 1903-03-13)
- Patent RU-1903-12046 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Howard de Walden • Hans Knudsen, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1902-24336, Filing date: 1903-03-28)
- Patent FR-1903-326476.1657 (English title: "Self-Flying "Pichou"", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326476, Filing date: 1903-03-31)
- Patent US-1903-769034 (English title: Aerial vessel, Inventors: Howard de Walden • Hans Knudsen, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1902-24336, Filing date: 1903-04-03)
- Patent DE-1903-161490 (English title: Apparatus for controlling the fall of airborne bodies ..., Inventors: Alfred Maul, Filing date: 1903-06-05)
- Patent GB-1903-16442 (English title: Improved Steering Balloon, Inventors: Philippe Delbert, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-328044, Filing date: 1903-07-25, Applicant firm: Philippe Delbert)
- Patent FR-1904-326476.2435 (English title: "Self-Flying "Pichou"", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326476, Filing date: 1903-11-24)
- Patent FR-1904-341796 (English title: Safe aerostat and its propeller/propulsion, Inventors: Hermann Kleinert, Filing date: 1904-03-31)
- Patent US-1904-803573 (English title: Captive observation-balloon apparatus, Inventors: Reuben B. Eubank Jr, Filing date: 1904-05-24)
- Patent US-1905-798007 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: William Chauncey Branch, Filing date: 1904-08-08)
- Patent US-1906-839548 (English title: Airship, Inventors: George West Byron, Filing date: 1905-02-11)
- Patent US-1906-827157 (English title: Aerodrome, Inventors: John B. Kramer, Filing date: 1905-03-23)
- Patent US-1905-981655 (English title: Airship, Inventors: James Madison Keller, Filing date: 1905-11-13, Applicant firm: Keller Monoplane Airship Company)
- Patent FR-1906-363017 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: William Henry Fauber, Filing date: 1906-02-06)
- Patent GB-1906-4204 (English title: Apparatus for Aerial Navigation, Inventors: William Henry Fauber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-363017, Filing date: 1906-02-20)
- Patent IT-1907-86985 (English title: Airplane, Inventors: William Henry Fauber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-363017, Filing date: 1907-01-28)
- Patent US-1907-855945 (English title: Sustaining device for aerial vessels, Inventors: Ignace Gruber, Filing date: 1907-02-23)
- Patent CA-1907-107139 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: William Henry Fauber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-363017, Filing date: 1907-03-07)
- Patent US-1907-863452 (English title: Safety Signal Device, Inventors: Malcolm Salmond, Filing date: 1907-03-23)
- Patent DE-1907-194165 (English title: Non-rigid air-screw with fly weights, Filing date: 1907-04-18, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent US-1909-917695 (English title: Air-ship, Inventors: Harry Wells, Filing date: 1907-08-16)
- Patent FR-1907-385226 (English title: American kite modified mooring-door for service in marine disaster, Inventors: Alexis-Louis de Broca, Filing date: 1907-09-21)
- Patent FR-1908-383375 (English title: Aircraft support system featruring extra wheels, under the nose, and at the end of each wing, covering any incidental tilt or forward lean occurring during landing or takeoff, Inventors: Louis-Ferdinand Ferber, Filing date: 1907-10-28)
- Patent FR-1907-383991 (English title: Safety hook for use in "coach-building", Inventors: Alexis Cousseau, Filing date: 1907-10-28)
- Patent US-1907-890215 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Oliver K. Chance, Filing date: 1907-11-04)
- Patent US-1909-918680 (English title: Emergency-stop for motor-vehicles, Inventors: Paul Krause, Filing date: 1907-11-12)
- Patent GB-1908-28387 (English title: Mounting Prime Movers in the Cars of Dirigible Balloons and Aeroplanes, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-400837)
- Patent US-1908-909397 (English title: Balloon or air-ship, Inventors: Alexandre F. Godefroy, Filing date: 1908-01-10)
- Patent US-1908-914511 (English title: Air-ship, Inventors: Joel Trout Rice, Filing date: 1908-01-30)
- Patent FR-1908-386920 (English title: Propeller-parachute for aviators, Inventors: Félix Monin, Filing date: 1908-02-05)
- Patent FR-1908-383991.8891 (English title: Safety hook for use in "coach-building", Inventors: Alexis Cousseau, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1907-383991, Filing date: 1908-02-06)
- Patent IT-1908-91118 (English title: Safety apparatus for airships using aerodynamic surfaces (?), Inventors: Achille Bertelli • Achille Bertelli fu Alessandro, Filing date: 1908-02-28)
- Patent GB-1908-4788 (English title: Non-rigid air-screw with fly weights, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-194165, Filing date: 1908-03-03, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent FR-1908-389486 (English title: safety valve for aerostats, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-192662, Filing date: 1908-04-22)
- Patent FR-1908-389610 (English title: Aviation apparatus, Inventors: Gottlieb Burckhardt, Filing date: 1908-04-25)
- Patent GB-1908-9799 (English title: Safety valve for air balloons, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-192662, Filing date: 1908-05-05, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent FR-1908-401863 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Paul Bergeon, Filing date: 1908-08-11)
- Patent DE-1908-250958 (English title: Fire protection for airships, Inventors: Walter Hermann von Mach, Filing date: 1908-08-21)
- Patent DE-1908-250959 (English title: Fire protection for airship balloons by means of material preventing contact with explosive gases, Inventors: Walter Hermann von Mach, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-250958, Filing date: 1908-08-21)
- Patent FR-1908-393687 (English title: Automatic compressed air liquid elevator, Inventors: Léon Tribout, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-08-28 Tribout, Filing date: 1908-08-27)
- Patent DE-1908-227979 (English title: Wind protection system for aircraft landing sites, Inventors: Hermann Gothan, Filing date: 1908-09-01)
- Patent DE-1909-216615 (English title: Method for [deriving?] electricity from balloon-bodies through ionisation, Inventors: Franz Börner • Heinrich Börner, Filing date: 1908-09-05)
- Patent FR-1908-394477 (English title: non-flammable glue for rubber, Inventors: Hippolyte Pichon • Théodore Truchelut, Filing date: 1908-09-19)
- Patent US-1908-935766 (English title: Emergency apparatus for controlling flying-machines, Inventors: James Means, Filing date: 1908-10-06)
- Patent US-1908-920064 (English title: Propeller mechanism for air-ships, Inventors: Paul Jamnitsky, Filing date: 1908-10-16)
- Patent GB-1908-23595 (English title: Hybrid power for airships and aeroplanes, Inventors: William Friese-Greene, Filing date: 1908-11-04)
- Patent GB-1908-25315 (English title: Flying Machines, Inventors: William Phillips Thompson, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1906-27312, Filing date: 1908-11-24)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359885 (English title: Lighting protection apparatus for airships of all kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun, Filing date: 1908-11-25)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359886 (English title: Lighting interception apparatus for airships of all kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun, Filing date: 1908-11-25)
- Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359884 (English title: Lighting protection apparatus for airships of all kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun, Filing date: 1908-11-25)
- Patent LU-1908-7675 (English title: Lightning rod for all kinds of aircraft, Inventors: Caspar Braun, Filing date: 1908-12-01)
- Patent GB-1908-26567 (English title: Lightning-conductor for Air-ships of all Kinds, Inventors: Caspar Braun, Supplementary to patent: Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359884 • Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359885 • Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359886, Filing date: 1908-12-08)
- Patent US-1908-962652 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Samuel Montgomery, Filing date: 1908-12-14)
- Patent FR-1908-407090 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Filing date: 1908-12-21)
- Patent US-1909-939644 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Romulus C. Tilghman, Filing date: 1908-12-28)
- Patent US-1908-1014857 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: George Seifert, Filing date: 1908-12-31)
- Patent AT-1909-40986 (English title: Method from protecting balloons from explosions, Inventors: Johannes Schilling, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-221549, Filing date: 1908-08-14)
- Patent FR-1909-398787 (English title: Apparatus for protecting aircraft of all sorts from lightning, Inventors: Caspar Braun, Supplementary to patent: Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359884 • Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359885 • Gebrauchsmuster DE-1908-359886, Filing date: 1909-01-09)
- Patent FR-1910-412643.1 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff, Filing date: 1909-02-02)
- Patent US-1909-943732 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Amiel Bratschie, Filing date: 1909-02-04)
- Patent GB-1909-4348 (English title: Air Ships, Inventors: Joel Trout Rice, Filing date: 1909-02-22)
- Patent FR-1909-399998 (English title: Apparatus for rapidly disengaging the basket of a balloon in an accident, Inventors: Joel Trout Rice, Filing date: 1909-02-26)
- Patent FR-1909-400629 (English title: Elaborations in dirigible design, construction, aerodynamics and safety, Inventors: Daniel-Alexis-Léopold Grosclaude, Filing date: 1909-03-09)
- Patent ES-1909-45134 (English title: Non-rigid air-screw with fly-weights, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-194165, Filing date: 1909-03-18, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent FR-1909-407090.11560 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407090, Filing date: 1909-03-24)
- Patent CA-1909-119297 (English title: Air ship, Inventors: Joel Trout Rice, Filing date: 1909-03-29)
- Patent FR-1909-407090.11561 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407090, Filing date: 1909-04-28)
- Patent CA-1909-120124 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Oliver K. Chance, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1907-890215, Filing date: 1909-04-29)
- Patent FR-1909-383375.10930 (English title: Aircraft support system featuring wheels under the nose and at the end of each wing, covering any incidental tilt or forward lean occurring during landing or takeoff, Inventors: Louis-Ferdinand Ferber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-383375, Filing date: 1909-05-03)
- Patent CH-1909-48028 (English title: Safety anchor for airships, Inventors: Friedrich von Ehrenberg, Filing date: 1909-05-14)
- Patent GB-1909-11934 (English title: Balloons, Air-ships and the like, Inventors: Johannes Schilling, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-220975, Filing date: 1909-05-20)
- Patent US-1909-969200 (English title: Ocean airship, Inventors: Reinhold Schmiechen, Filing date: 1909-05-20)
- Patent FR-1909-403235 (English title: Safety anchor for aerial navigation, Inventors: Friedrich von Ehrenberg, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1909-48028, Filing date: 1909-05-22)
- Patent CA-1909-120910 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Johannes Schilling, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-11934, Filing date: 1909-05-29)
- Patent FR-1909-401863.12307 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Paul Bergeon, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-401863, Filing date: 1909-06-02)
- Patent US-1909-954215 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Johannes Schilling, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-221549, Filing date: 1909-06-02)
- Patent GB-1909-15233 (English title: Safety anchor for airships, Inventors: Friedrich von Ehrenberg, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1909-48028, Filing date: 1909-06-22)
- Patent US-1909-967571 (English title: Aeronautic safety appliance, Inventors: Frederick A. Schlueter, Filing date: 1909-06-24)
- Patent FR-1909-407090.11562 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407090, Filing date: 1909-06-26)
- Patent US-1909-968734 (English title: Aeroplane flying-machine, Inventors: John M. Biggs, Filing date: 1909-06-28)
- Patent GB-1909-18375 (English title: Process for Protecting Balloons against Fire, Inventors: Walter Hermann von Mach, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-08-07-von-Mach, Filing date: 1909-08-09)
- Patent GB-1910-18056 (English title: Protecting Balloons against Fire, Inventors: Walter Hermann von Mach, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-250958 • Patent DE-1908-250959 • Patent GB-1909-18375, Filing date: 1909-08-09)
- Patent US-1909-977555 (English title: Ocean-airship, Inventors: Reinhold Schmiechen, Filing date: 1909-08-12)
- Patent FR-1909-406099 (English title: Hydrodynamic level safety system for airplanes and other aeronautical devices, Inventors: Fernand Nouailhac-Pioch, Filing date: 1909-08-13)
- Patent DE-1910-229503 (English title: Breathing apparatus for air travel, Inventors: Jakob Ackermann, Filing date: 1909-08-18)
- Patent FR-1909-406419 (English title: Improvements in automatic straightening devices for flying machines, Inventors: James Means, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1908-935766, Filing date: 1909-08-21)
- Patent GB-1909-19540 (English title: Improvements in Emergency Apparatus for Controlling Flying Machines, Inventors: James Means, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1908-935766, Filing date: 1909-08-25)
- Patent DE-1909-244301 (English title: Apparatus for averting flying machine crashes, Inventors: James Means, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1908-935766, Filing date: 1909-08-26)
- Patent CA-1909-130387 (English title: Flying Machine, Inventors: Simon Brubaker Minnich, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1909-1010443, Filing date: 1909-09-16)
- Patent US-1909-1016363 (English title: Means for maintaining equilibrium of airships and the like, Inventors: John L. Roche, Filing date: 1909-09-17)
- Patent FR-1909-394418.11953 (English title: Aviator characterized by the use of compressed air in multitubular pistons, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-394418, Filing date: 1909-09-21)
- Patent US-1910-966395 (English title: Means for sheltering landing-places of airships from the wind, Inventors: Hermann Gothan, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-227979, Filing date: 1909-09-22)
- Patent GB-1910-5164 (English title: multiple engines and multiple novel propellers, Inventors: Simon Brubaker Minnich, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1909-1010443, Filing date: 1909-09-29)
- Patent US-1910-951942 (English title: Safety-anchor for lighter-than-air airships, Inventors: Friedrich von Ehrenberg, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1909-48028, Filing date: 1909-10-25)
- Patent US-1910-962964 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Theodore Kornbrodt, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1907-866665, Filing date: 1909-10-28)
- Patent US-1910-957744 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: William Whitney Christmas, Filing date: 1909-10-30)
- Patent AU-1909-16202 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Robert Allan Wyllie, Filing date: 1909-11-01)
- Patent US-1909-981185 (English title: Aerial apparatus, Inventors: Gates M. Fowler, Filing date: 1909-11-03)
- Patent US-1909-1067559 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Joseph Allison Steinmetz, Filing date: 1909-11-09)
- Patent US-1909-1137533 (English title: Flying Machine, Inventors: Hermann John Reiche, Filing date: 1909-11-10)
- Patent US-1909-981367 (English title: Air-craft, Inventors: Frederick Brackett, Filing date: 1909-11-17)
- Patent US-1909-968860 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Frederick B. Kummer, Filing date: 1909-11-22)
- Patent FR-1909-410125 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: William Whitney Christmas, Filing date: 1909-12-08)
- Patent US-1909-981714 (English title: Aeroplane flying-machine, Inventors: Walter A. Suman • George W. Reichard, Filing date: 1909-12-24)
- Patent FR-1909-411148 (English title: new dirigible, Inventors: Jean-Baptiste-Couroné Allaria, Filing date: 1909-12-30)
- Patent FR-1909-410545 (English title: Protective apparatus for gas balloons and for gas and liquid conduits., Inventors: Walter Hermann von Mach, Filing date: 1910-03-17)
- Patent US-1910-959266 (English title: Aerial ship, Inventors: Frederick W. Schroeder, Filing date: 1910-05-24)
- Patent NO-1910-20744 (English title: Parachute for air carriers, Inventors: Frederich Carl Mayer • August Ernst Grimmer)
- Patent GB-1910-171 (English title: Airplane with flexible gas containers which in conjunction with wings serve to reduce effective weight upon crash-landing, Inventors: Armin Neufeld • Sigmund Maitinsky, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-411176, Filing date: 1910-01-04)
- Patent AU-1910-16741 (English title: Aeroplane flying machines, Inventors: William Whitney Christmas, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-957744, Filing date: 1910-01-05)
- Patent GB-1910-1640 (English title: Improvements in parachutes, Inventors: Friedrich Carl Mayer • August Ernst Grimmer, Filing date: 1910-01-21)
- Patent FR-1910-406099.12101 (English title: Hydrodynamic level safety system for airplanes and other aeronautical devices, Inventors: Fernand Nouailhac-Pioch, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-406099, Filing date: 1910-01-22)
- Patent US-1910-991811 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Sewall A. Witherspoon, Filing date: 1910-01-26)
- Patent RU-1910-42178 (English title: Flying machine with safety device, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-411176, Filing date: 1910-01-29)
- Patent DK-1910-14006 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Albert Graff • Richard Wilcke, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff, Filing date: 1910-01-29)
- Patent FR-1910-412643 (English title: Air-ship, Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff, Filing date: 1910-01-31)
- Patent GB-1910-2479 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-Wilcke-Graff, Filing date: 1910-02-01)
- Patent AT-1910-79533 (English title: Fire protection for aerial balloons and conduits of explosive gasses, Inventors: Walter Hermann von Mach, Filing date: 1910-02-18)
- Patent FR-1910-423883 (English title: Method and devices for remedying breakdowns of engines used for purposes such as air navigation and of engines used for the control of the thruster of airplanes especially, Inventors: Louis Blériot • François-Bernard-Marie Baudot, Filing date: 1910-02-26)
- Patent US-1910-961925 (English title: Attachment for aeroplanes, Inventors: Frederick W. Wuerth, Filing date: 1910-03-15)
- Patent DE-1910-251306 (English title: Apparatus for teaching piloting, Inventors: William Frederick Mangels, Filing date: 1910-03-17)
- Patent GB-1910-7443 (English title: An Improvement in Airships, Inventors: Philipp Doerhoefer, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-01-05, Filing date: 1910-03-24)
- Patent US-1910-993297 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Robert P. Hall, Filing date: 1910-04-09)
- Patent GB-1910-9950 (English title: Apparatus for Teaching the Art of Aeroplaning, applicable also for Amusement Purposes (simulator), Inventors: William Howell Walters, Filing date: 1910-04-23)
- Patent US-1910-975281 (English title: Life-saving device, Inventors: John J. Rectenwald, Filing date: 1910-04-29)
- Patent US-1910-1020945 (English title: Safety flying machine, Inventors: Milton Chase, Filing date: 1910-04-30)
- Patent FR-1910-418866 (English title: Aerial vessel with ultra-rapid flapping and cyclonal effect by the combined use of the systems of the automatic detonator and the cyclone sprayer, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-394418 • Patent FR-1908-394418.10449 • Patent FR-1909-394418.11953, Filing date: 1910-05-02)
- Patent DE-1910-239942 (English title: Apparatus for learning how to fly, Inventors: William Howell Walters, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1910-9950, Filing date: 1910-05-11)
- Patent US-1910-1023759 (English title: Life-saving device, Inventors: John J. Rectenwald, Filing date: 1910-05-14)
- Patent US-1910-997122 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Otto A. Fenn, Filing date: 1910-05-16)
- Patent US-1910-992726 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Edwin L. Madden, Filing date: 1910-05-19)
- Patent GB-1910-13331 (English title: An Improved Flying-machine, Inventors: Alois Wolfmüller, Filing date: 1910-06-01)
- Patent US-1910-1005258 (English title: Safety device for aeroplanes, Inventors: Henry W. Mattoni, Filing date: 1910-06-22)
- Patent US-1910-1076803 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: John Newton Williams, Filing date: 1910-07-14)
- Patent FR-1911-419977 (English title: Automatic anti-electric valve for aerostats, Inventors: Amable-Joseph Raynaud, Filing date: 1910-08-13)
- Patent US-1910-996362 (English title: Life-saving device, Inventors: John J. Rectenwald, Filing date: 1910-08-13)
- Patent FR-1910-420272 (English title: Aircraft with flapping wings and with fixed wings, Inventors: Federico Capone, Filing date: 1910-09-09)
- Patent DE-1911-241365 (English title: Airship car with spring armor, Inventors: Wilhelm Obst, Filing date: 1910-09-10)
- Patent US-1910-1046023 (English title: Airship life-saver, Inventors: François Rilleau, Filing date: 1910-09-13)
- Patent US-1910-982907 (English title: Life-preserver for aviators, Inventors: Absalom Calhoun Ulmer, Filing date: 1910-09-14)
- Patent US-1910-1011683 (English title: Safety alighting attachment for flying-machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Filing date: 1910-10-17)
- Patent US-1910-997001 (English title: Aerial machine, Inventors: George Alfred Owen • George Albert Bates, Filing date: 1910-10-17)
- Patent GB-1910-24167 (English title: Improvements in parachute apparatus, Inventors: Absalom Calhoun Ulmer, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-982907, Filing date: 1910-10-18)
- Patent FR-1910-421674 (English title: Apparatus applicabe to airplanes to assure them flotation on the water, Inventors: Francesco Filiasi, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1909-11-20 Francesco Filiasi, Filing date: 1910-10-21)
- Patent FR-1910-421977 (English title: Life-preserver for aviators, Inventors: Absalom Calhoun Ulmer, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-982907, Filing date: 1910-10-29)
- Patent ES-1910-49189 (English title: An automatic safety steering for aerostats especially for airplanes, Inventors: Joseph Wetterwald, Filing date: 1910-11-02)
- Patent US-1910-1004761 (English title: Device for keeping aeroplanes afloat, Inventors: Francesco Filiasi, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1909-11-20 Francesco Filiasi, Filing date: 1910-11-03)
- Patent US-1910-990865 (English title: Combined aeroplane and motor-boat, Inventors: Charles Harzmeier, Filing date: 1910-11-05)
- Patent FR-1910-422337 (English title: Automatic safety direction for air vehicles, especially for aeroplanes, Inventors: Joseph Wetterwald, Filing date: 1910-11-09)
- Patent FR-1910-422455 (English title: Safety device against the fall of heavier-than-air aircraft machines, Inventors: Ernst Ternström, Filing date: 1910-11-11)
- Patent GB-1910-26340 (English title: Automatic Safety-controlling Device for Aerial Machines especially Aeroplanes, Inventors: Joseph Wetterwald, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1910-52816, Filing date: 1910-11-12)
- Patent US-1910-1052623 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: John Wilfrid Seddon, Filing date: 1910-11-14)
- Patent AT-1910-60011 (English title: Parachute device for aircraft, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-21)
- Patent FR-1910-422847 (English title: Parachute for flying machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-22)
- Patent GB-1910-27118 (English title: Safety alighting attachment for flying-machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-22)
- Patent CH-1910-54598 (English title: Parachute for flying machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-11-22)
- Patent AU-1910-20097 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: William Francis Wiles • Thomas Macleod • Frederick William Wiles, Filing date: 1910-12-01)
- Patent US-1910-996592 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Cassius Edward Lamburth, Filing date: 1910-12-12)
- Patent AU-1910-20205 (English title: Safety alighting attachment for flying machines, Inventors: Jean Francis Webb, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1011683, Filing date: 1910-12-15)
- Patent US-1910-996058 (English title: Parachute, Inventors: John Burns, Filing date: 1910-12-27)
- Patent FR-1910-424157 (English title: Device for reducing airships' speed of fall, Inventors: Erich von Bernd, Filing date: 1910-12-28)
- Patent FR-1910-424466 (English title: Safety propeller system for airplanes with gear shifting, Inventors: Vigilio Baldo, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1909-12-31 Vigilio Baldo, Filing date: 1910-12-29)
- Patent GB-1911-25591 (English title: Shock-absorbing suit for aviators, Inventors: A. Marie)
- Patent GB-1911-466 (English title: Safety Moto-propelling Device with Change of Speed for Aeroplanes, Inventors: Vigilio Baldo, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1909-12-31 Vigilio Baldo, Filing date: 1911-01-07)
- Patent US-1911-1027764 (English title: Aviator-protector, Inventors: François M. Rilleau, Filing date: 1911-01-12)
- Patent FR-1911-427668 (English title: Airplane with automatic stabilizers, Inventors: Émile-Antoine Corbillon, Filing date: 1911-01-17)
- Patent BE-1911-02-02 Leonardo Torres Quevedo (English title: Improved Method and Apparatus for Facilitating the Landing and Housing of Airships, Inventors: Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Filing date: 1911-02-02)
- Patent US-1911-997354 (English title: Safety attachment for aeroplanes, Inventors: Grover C. Younggreen, Filing date: 1911-02-15)
- Patent FR-1911-426811 (English title: Monoplane, Inventors: Alphonse Perrier, Filing date: 1911-02-15)
- Patent US-1911-1005569 (English title: Aeronautical safety suit or garment, Inventors: Auld Weinberg de Meir, Filing date: 1911-02-25)
- Patent FR-1911-426850 (English title: Safety wire hook for aviation, marine, etc., Inventors: Dane Hurlburt, Filing date: 1911-03-04)
- Patent CA-1911-136795 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Edwin Fisher, Filing date: 1911-03-06)
- Patent FR-1911-427083 (English title: Parachute or safety stabilizer for airplanes, Inventors: Tancrède Alvarès d'Azevedo Macedo, Filing date: 1911-03-09)
- Patent US-1912-1037943 (English title: Aero safety device, Inventors: Wade H. Lowry, Filing date: 1911-03-23)
- Patent US-1916-1192479 (English title: Aviatory life-buoy, Inventors: Solomon Lee Van Meter Jr, Filing date: 1911-03-27)
- Patent FR-1911-428102 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Aerial Machines, Inventors: Augusto Mattani, Filing date: 1911-04-04)
- Patent DE-1911-243836 (English title: Emergency propeller for aircraft, Inventors: Johannes Pietzsch, Filing date: 1911-04-06)
- Patent US-1911-1015684 (English title: Life-saving apparatus for aviators, Inventors: Chester A. Judah • Henry R. Sander, Filing date: 1911-04-19)
- Patent FR-1911-428772 (English title: Safety hook for couplings, Filing date: 1911-04-21, Applicant firm: Société Tavernier frères)
- Patent US-1911-1015924 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Jean M. Alleas, Filing date: 1911-05-03)
- Patent US-1911-1010324 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Josiah Sparks, Filing date: 1911-05-06)
- Patent US-1911-1015150 (English title: Flying-Machine, Inventors: Louis Dobbertin, Filing date: 1911-05-06)
- Patent US-1911-1012559 (English title: Aeroplane with inflatable bags, Inventors: Morris Kalaba, Filing date: 1911-05-16)
- Patent GB-1911-12756 (English title: Airships, Inventors: George Sutherland Dodman, Filing date: 1911-05-26)
- Patent HU-1911-57600 (English title: Retaining net to protect against injuries and damage to aircraft in the event of a crash, Inventors: István Petróczy, Filing date: 1911-05-28)
- Patent FR-1911-430602 (English title: Movable-wing aeroplane with two horizontal four-blade propellers oscillating in their hubs along the longitudinal axis, Inventors: Charles-François Gillot, Filing date: 1911-06-03)
- Patent FR-1911-442701 (English title: Fireproof and waterproof product, Inventors: Guillaume Henri Delmas-Azena, Filing date: 1911-06-26)
- Patent FR-1911-431653 (English title: Refinements to the hangars of air-ships allowing easier removal of said air-ships, Filing date: 1911-06-27)
- Patent GB-1911-15413 (English title: Improvements in Aeroplanes, Inventors: Ernst Ebbinghaus, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-1000592, Filing date: 1911-07-03)
- Patent CH-1911-57092 (English title: Eyelet, Inventors: Dane Hurlburt, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-426850, Filing date: 1911-07-11)
- Patent US-1911-1034142 (English title: Life-saving device, Inventors: John J. Rectenwald, Filing date: 1911-07-15)
- Patent BE-1911-432340 (English title: Parachute for airplanes and other airborne vessels and device for automatically triggering it in case of danger, Inventors: Joseph Grégroire, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1911-03-20 Joseph Grégroire • Patent BE-1911-05-10 Joseph Grégroire • Patent BE-1911-06-14 Joseph Grégroire addition-perfectionnement, Filing date: 1911-07-19)
- Patent FR-1911-432388 (English title: Safety hook applicable to coupling hooks, Inventors: François Gros, Filing date: 1911-07-20)
- Patent FR-1911-444810 (English title: Fireproof tank for aeroplanes, as well as for other purposes, Inventors: Hector-Joseph Martin, Filing date: 1911-08-16)
- Patent GB-1911-20866 (English title: An Improved Aerial Machine, Inventors: George Morris Forrest, Filing date: 1911-09-21)
- Patent FR-1911-434781 (English title: Easily transportable airplane which forms a parachute, Inventors: Philippe-Joseph Petit • Henri Gourier, Filing date: 1911-10-02)
- Patent US-1913-1076339 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: William Francis Wiles • Thomas Macleod • Frederick William Wiles, Supplementary to patent: Patent AU-1910-20097, Filing date: 1911-10-19)
- Patent US-1911-1025629 (English title: Safety device for aeroplanes, Inventors: James Kenefick, Filing date: 1911-10-27)
- Patent AT-1911-59461 (English title: Neutralization recoil in the apparatus for launching parachutes, Inventors: Adolf Freiherr Odkolek von Augezd, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1911-59404, Filing date: 1911-11-04)
- Patent US-1912-1049075 (English title: Safety appliance for air-craft, Inventors: Oscar Gaul, Filing date: 1911-11-11)
- Patent FR-1911-436374 (English title: Rescue device for aviators, Inventors: Frédéric Bonnet, Filing date: 1911-11-14)
- Patent FR-1912-427083.15073 (English title: Parachute or safety stabilizer for airplanes, Inventors: Tancrède Alvarès d'Azevedo Macedo, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-427083, Filing date: 1911-11-24)
- Patent US-1911-1074525 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Michael Angelo Parisano, Filing date: 1911-12-21)
- Patent AT-1913-63657 (English title: Airship hall, Inventors: Heinrich Bruns, Jr.)
- Patent HU-1912-62219 (English title: Safety hall for airships, Inventors: Heinrich Bruns, Jr., Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1913-63657, Applicant firm: DE)
- Patent US-1911-1028865 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Vito Ettore d'Urso, Filing date: 1911-03-09)
- Patent IN-1912-4 (English title: Improvements in parachutes, Inventors: Adolf Freiherr Odkolek von Augezd, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1913-59404 • Patent AT-1913-59461, Filing date: 1912-01-02)
- Patent GB-1912-2154 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Aerial Machines, Inventors: Augusto Mattani, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-428102, Filing date: 1912-01-26)
- Patent GB-1912-2737 (English title: Improvements in Mooring Arrangements for Airships, Inventors: Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1911-02-02 Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Filing date: 1912-02-02)
- Patent US-1912-1045209 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Thomas Clifford Starr, Filing date: 1912-02-05)
- Patent FR-1912-436374.15443 (English title: pilot rescue apparatus, Inventors: Frédéric Bonnet, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-436374, Filing date: 1912-02-09)
- Patent FR-1912-423871.15562 (English title: parachute for aeronautic apparatus, Inventors: Pierre-Max Bordes, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-423871, Filing date: 1912-03-05, Applicant firm: Pierre-Max Bordes)
- Patent US-1912-1053182 (English title: Parachute Carrying and Disengaging Means Carried by an Aeroplane and Attached Thereto, Inventors: Antony Jannus • Thomas W. Benoist, Filing date: 1912-03-09)
- Patent US-1912-1081792 (English title: Process of making balloons, Inventors: Melvin Vaniman, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1912-1081794 • Patent US-1912-1081793, Filing date: 1912-03-19, Applicant firm: International Aeronautical Construction Company)
- Patent US-1912-1153035 (English title: Safety controlling apparatus for aeroplanes, Inventors: Thomas M. Daniels, Filing date: 1912-04-23)
- Patent FR-1912-443150 (English title: Safety apparatus for aviators, Inventors: Victor Hubert, Filing date: 1912-04-30)
- Patent FR-1912-443491 (English title: Security apparatus for aeroplanes, Inventors: Carl Herdler, Filing date: 1912-05-07)
- Patent FR-1912-444419 (English title: New system of aerial locomotion, Inventors: Marie-Paul-Jules Vanel, Filing date: 1912-05-11)
- Patent US-1912-1050921 (English title: Airship, Inventors: James Darche, Filing date: 1912-05-22)
- Patent FR-1912-444289 (English title: System of parachutes with springs for air-ships, Inventors: Achille Abraham, Filing date: 1912-05-25)
- Patent FR-1912-444663 (English title: new parachute for aeroplanes, Inventors: Joseph Amphoux, Filing date: 1912-05-31)
- Patent IT-1912-125765 (English title: "Fabri" safety stabilizer for dirigibles, Inventors: Filippo Fabbri, Filing date: 1912-05-31)
- Patent FR-1912-444552 (English title: Removable cap for aeroplanes, Inventors: Henri-Hubert Pagny, Filing date: 1912-06-03, Applicant firm: Société anonyme des appareils d'aviation Hanriot)
- Patent FR-1912-444545 (English title: Stabilizer device of security for aeroplanes, Inventors: Alexander Blair Thaw, Filing date: 1912-06-03)
- Patent NZ-1912-31453 (English title: Aeronautical Machine, Inventors: Joseph Taylor, Filing date: 1912-06-07)
- Patent US-1912-1051709 (English title: Parachute attachment for aeroplanes, Inventors: Stanley Drake, Filing date: 1912-06-21)
- Patent FR-1912-445789 (English title: Aeroplane, featuring a monoplane front pair of wings, a biplane middle, and a monoplane behind, Inventors: Léon Bénier, Filing date: 1912-07-05)
- Patent DE-1912-279343 (English title: Apparatus inclusive of elastic canvas aiding in the safe landing or berthing of airships, Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Filing date: 1912-08-14)
- Patent FR-1912-447477 (English title: Safety command system for airplane longitudinal stability, Inventors: Roger Sommer, Filing date: 1912-08-22)
- Patent FR-1912-424466.16588 (English title: Secure propeller system for aeroplanes, with changing speeds, Inventors: Vigilio Baldo, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-424466 • Patent AT-1911-09-03 Vigilio Baldo • Patent AT-1909-12-31 Vigilio Baldo, Filing date: 1912-08-30)
- Patent IT-1912-128236 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Vito Ettore D'Urso, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-1028865, Filing date: 1912-09-16)
- Patent FR-1912-448602 (English title: Pilot seat shock-absorber and lifter orientated to pilots in the case of crash, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1912-09-23)
- Patent FR-1912-460108 (English title: A device that ensures the righting of aircraft and gives them maximum safety, Inventors: Aurèle-Louis Erhard, Filing date: 1912-09-25)
- Patent FR-1912-449070 (English title: Airman Rescue Device, Inventors: Corneille-Gustave-Ernest Trumelet-Faber, Filing date: 1912-10-05)
- Patent FR-1912-449537 (English title: Parachute system for airplanes, the type in which the airplane is protected, not in which the pilot leaves the plane, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte • François Creceveur, Filing date: 1912-10-17)
- Patent FR-1912-450519 (English title: Alarm-lift for the pilot's seat, meant for use by aviators in case of fall, abrupt landing, or capsizing, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1912-10-19)
- Patent FR-1912-450519.18533 (English title: Shock-absorber/lifter of a pilot's seat made for aviators in the case of fall, abrupt landing or overturning, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-450519, Filing date: 1912-10-19)
- Patent US-1913-1081029 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Theodor Eising, Filing date: 1912-10-31)
- Patent BE-1912-250640 (English title: Safety control system for airplane longitunal stability, Inventors: Roger Sommer, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-447477, Filing date: 1912-11-07)
- Patent FR-1912-450892 (English title: Pneumatic breastplate for use by aviators and automobilists, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1912-11-20)
- Patent FR-1912-450893 (English title: Lifting shock absorber for the pilot's seat, meant for aviators in case of fall, abrupt landing, or capsizing, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1912-11-20)
- Patent FR-1912-451669 (English title: Propulsion system for airplanes, Inventors: Alessandro Anzani, Filing date: 1912-12-10)
- Patent DE-1912-270371 (English title: Cable attachment for aircraft, Filing date: 1912-12-20, Applicant firm: E. Rumpler Luftfahrzeugbau G.m.b.H.)
- Patent FR-1913-452484 (English title: Security hangars for aircraft, Inventors: Heinrich Bruns, Jr., Filing date: 1912-12-28)
- Patent FR-1914-464461 (English title: Aerial lift blades with shell, Inventors: Camille Lacoste, Filing date: 1913-01-13)
- Patent FR-1913-453254 (English title: Process for preparing metallic powder coated fabrics for balloons and new industrial products, Inventors: Karl Roll, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-08-22, Filing date: 1913-01-17)
- Patent US-1914-1096578 (English title: Apparatus for heating inflating-gas in balloons, Inventors: Ralph Hazlett Upson, Filing date: 1913-01-29)
- Patent US-1914-1092611 (English title: Apparatus for heating inflating-gas in balloons, Inventors: Ralph Hazlett Upson, Filing date: 1913-01-29)
- Patent US-1913-1076514 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Victor M. Osborn, Filing date: 1913-02-04)
- Patent AT-1913-63435 (English title: Pneumatic protective clothing for aviators, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-450892 • Patent FR-1913-450892.17436, Filing date: 1913-02-24)
- Patent GB-1913-4697 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Merrill Elbridge Clark, Filing date: 1913-02-24)
- Patent IN-1913-779 (English title: Aeroplanes, Inventors: Alexander Albert Holle, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1912-2540, Filing date: 1913-02-24)
- Patent HU-1913-62600 (English title: Pneumatic protective clothing for aviatic, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1913-450892.17436 • Patent FR-1912-450892, Filing date: 1913-02-24)
- Patent ES-1913-540606 (English title: Security covering for aerostats, Inventors: Henrich Bruns Jr., Filing date: 1913-03-01)
- Patent US-1913-1073977 (English title: Safety-support for flying-machines, Inventors: Ralph P. Fox, Filing date: 1913-03-07)
- Patent FR-1913-450892.17436 (English title: Inflatable vest for airmen and motorists - actually more of an entire safety suit, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-450892 • Patent DE-1913-02-08 Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-03-11)
- Patent AT-1913-67260 (English title: Hook eye closure on safety belts for fliers, Filing date: 1913-03-11, Applicant firm: Jacob Lohner & Co.)
- Patent GB-1913-7071 (English title: Improvements relating to Pneumatic Safety Wearing Apparel for Aviators and others, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-03-25)
- Patent GB-1913-7927 (English title: Improved Form of Construction for Rigid Type Dirigible Balloons or Airships, Inventors: Stanley William Hiscocks, Filing date: 1913-04-04)
- Patent GB-1913-8180 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, Inventors: Joseph Allison Steinmetz, Filing date: 1913-04-07)
- Patent FR-1913-456469 (English title: Apparatus for checking the fall of airplanes, Inventors: Joseph Allison Steinmetz, Filing date: 1913-04-09)
- Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence (English title: Airplane, a quite elaborate system and design, military, inclusive of parachute, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Filing date: 1913-04-21)
- Patent FR-1913-457105 (English title: System of armored fuselage for military airplanes, Inventors: Robert Esnault-Pelterie, Filing date: 1913-04-24)
- Patent FR-1913-457105.19531 (English title: Armored fuselage system for military (heavier-than-air) aircraft, Inventors: Robert Esnault-Pelterie, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1913-457105, Filing date: 1913-04-24)
- Patent US-1916-1189680 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Jefferson M. Gardner, Filing date: 1913-04-28)
- Patent AT-1913-65707 (English title: Device for the braking steering of aircraft, Filing date: 1913-04-30, Applicant firm: Jacob Lohner & Co.)
- Patent US-1913-1087946 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: William Andrew Hutson, Filing date: 1913-05-15)
- Patent FR-1913-458094 (English title: Lift plane convertible into a parachute for flying machines, Inventors: Wenz Turka, Filing date: 1913-05-20)
- Patent FR-1913-458559 (English title: Airship parking apparatus inclusive of the safety provided by the elasticity of the canvas "bed", Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-279343, Filing date: 1913-05-29)
- Patent GB-1913-12572 (English title: Improvements relating to the Landing or Berthing of Airships, Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-279343, Filing date: 1913-05-29)
- Patent HU-1913-62677 (English title: Equipment for the safety of airships, for the safe berthing of airships, Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-279343, Filing date: 1913-05-29)
- Patent US-1913-1142754 (English title: Flying-Boat, Inventors: Glenn Hammond Curtiss, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1912-1085575, Filing date: 1913-06-04)
- Patent FR-1913-458851 (English title: Parachute mechanically exiting a tube and being used for aeroplanes and airships, Inventors: Georges Mucha, Filing date: 1913-06-05)
- Patent BE-1913-255172.257258 (English title: Airplane transformable into a parachute, Inventors: Fidia Riccardo Pio, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-255172, Filing date: 1913-06-13)
- Patent FR-1913-459620 (English title: System and apparatus for avoiding the jolting produced by weight discharge, stops, etc., in aerial vehicles, including aeronats, etc., Inventors: Pietro Fabiani • Carlo Agnelli, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1912-06-28 Pietro Fabiani and Carlo Agnelli, Filing date: 1913-06-24)
- Patent FR-1913-450892.17909 (English title: Pneumatic breastplate for use by aviators and automobilists, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-450892, Filing date: 1913-07-07)
- Patent FR-1913-460956 (English title: Improvements brought to dirigibles, Inventors: Stefano Emilio Kazzola, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1912-07-10, Filing date: 1913-07-10)
- Patent FR-1914-471914 (English title: Safety device and automatic stabilization for aeronautical machines, Inventors: Anatole Poilleux, Filing date: 1913-07-22)
- Patent FR-1913-472867 (English title: Rigid dirigible, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Filing date: 1913-08-21)
- Patent FR-1913-436374.18151 (English title: pilot rescue apparatus, Inventors: Frédéric Bonnet, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-436374, Filing date: 1913-08-28)
- Patent CH-1913-78871 (English title: Shoch-absorber for airplane seats, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-448602, Filing date: 1913-08-30)
- Patent US-1913-1104429 (English title: Safety device for aeroplanes, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-09-09)
- Patent FR-1913-463026 (English title: Device preventing oil splashes on propellers of aircraft engines, Inventors: Joseph Weisz, Filing date: 1913-09-27)
- Patent AU-1913-10738 (English title: Improvements in aeroplane shock absorbers, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-10-01)
- Patent GB-1913-22229 (English title: Improvements in Parachute Life Saving Devices for Aviators, Inventors: Corneille-Gustave-Ernest Trumelet-Faber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-449070, Filing date: 1913-10-02)
- Patent US-1913-1105049 (Inventors: Corneille-Gustave-Ernest Trumelet-Faber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-449070, Filing date: 1913-10-02)
- Patent HU-1913-82651 (English title: Rescue equipment for aviation, Inventors: Corneille-Gustave-Ernest Trumelet-Faber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-449070, Filing date: 1913-10-02)
- Patent US-1913-1117043 (English title: Safety-aeroplane, Inventors: Thomas Stanley Haynes, Filing date: 1913-10-11)
- Patent FR-1913-473974 (English title: Parachute system for airplane safety, Inventors: Miltiade-Achille Mitaranga, Filing date: 1913-10-24)
- Patent CH-1913-67263 (English title: Combination pneumatique outfit for pilots, motorists and others, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-450892 • Patent FR-1913-450892.17436, Filing date: 1913-10-27)
- Patent US-1913-1105569 (English title: Pneumatic suit for aviators, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-11-04)
- Patent CA-1914-153654 (English title: Pneumatic suit for aviators, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-11-10)
- Patent ES-1913-56713 (English title: A combination or full pneumatic suit for airmen, motorists and so on, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-12-16)
- Patent FR-1913-449070.18648 (English title: rescue apparatus for aviators, Inventors: Corneille-Gustave-Ernest Trumelet-Faber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-449070, Filing date: 1913-12-16)
- Patent HU-1913-78954 (English title: Rescue device for using the wingspan of an aeroplane as a rescue parachute in the event of danger by the manual or automatic disengagement of heavy parts, Inventors: Géza Gombos, Filing date: 1913-12-17)
- Patent GB-1913-29296 (English title: Improvement in Air Ships to Elevate and Descend with Safety, Inventors: John Thompson Miles, Filing date: 1913-12-19)
- Patent BE-1913-261967 (English title: Airplane equipped with multiple parachutes, Inventors: N. Rousselle, Filing date: 1913-11-13)
- Patent BE-1914-263573 (English title: Safety apparatus for aviators reducing deadly accidents to zero, Inventors: J. Buegman, Filing date: 1914-01-06)
- Patent BE-1914-263577 (English title: Safety apparatus for airplanes, Inventors: A. Pomagalski, Filing date: 1914-01-06)
- Patent BE-1914-261967.263807 (English title: Airplane equipped with multiple parachutes, Inventors: N. Rousselle, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-261967, Filing date: 1914-01-15)
- Patent HU-1914-65804 (English title: Seat belts for aeroplane pilots, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1913-67260, Filing date: 1914-01-23, Applicant firm: Jacob Lohner & Co.)
- Patent FR-1914-439277.19261 (English title: Automatic tubular parachute, with tubes re-entering with alarm whistle, Inventors: Alcime Lefèvre, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-439277, Filing date: 1914-01-27)
- Patent HU-1914-69963 (English title: Life-rescue parachutes for flying machines, Inventors: István Olajos, Filing date: 1914-01-30)
- Patent GB-1914-2600 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: William Andrew Hutson • Margaret Emma Freeman, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-1087946, Filing date: 1914-01-31)
- Patent BE-1914-264980 (English title: Protective helmet for aviators, Inventors: Mlle G. de Moya, Filing date: 1914-02-21)
- Patent FR-1914-449070.19010 (English title: rescue apparatus for aviators, Inventors: Corneille-Gustave-Ernest Trumelet-Faber, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-449070, Filing date: 1914-03-14)
- Patent AT-1914-86789 (English title: Tilt protection for aircraft, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence, Filing date: 1914-04-20)
- Patent CH-1914-69586 (English title: Airplane, a quite elaborate system and design, military, inclusive of parachute, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence, Filing date: 1914-04-21)
- Patent BE-1914-263573.267180 (English title: Safety apparatus for aviators reducing deadly accidents to zero, Inventors: J. Buegman, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1914-263573, Filing date: 1914-05-02)
- Patent FR-1914-471762 (English title: Aerostat, Inventors: Heinrich Voss, Filing date: 1914-05-04)
- Patent NZ-1914-34828 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: William Andrew Hutson, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-1087946, Filing date: 1914-05-06)
- Patent AU-1914-13180 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence, Filing date: 1914-05-12)
- Patent ES-1914-58017 (English title: Airplane, complete system inclusive of parachute, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1913-04-21 George Raymond Lawrence, Filing date: 1914-05-16)
- Patent FR-1914-473270 (English title: Apparatus of automatic airplane rescue and stability, Inventors: Assan Dina, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-07-23 Assan Dina, Filing date: 1914-06-06)
- Patent US-1915-1135561 (English title: Safety device for aeroplanes, Inventors: Behrend Ulferts, Filing date: 1914-06-10)
- Patent GB-1915-24594 (English title: Improvements relating to Slings for use with Parachutes, Inventors: Everard Richard Calthrop, Filing date: 1914-06-24)
- Patent BE-1914-269151 (English title: Rigid dirigible, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1913-472867, Filing date: 1914-07-11)
- Patent GB-1914-17394 (English title: Pneumatic Safety Wear of the use of Aviators and others, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1913-7071, Filing date: 1914-07-22)
- Patent US-1914-1265302 (English title: Dirigible of the rigid type, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1914-472867.19895 • Patent FR-1913-472867, Filing date: 1914-08-14)
- Patent BE-1914-274337 (English title: Rescue buoy-parachute, Inventors: A.-S. Castellano • J.-A. Dean • Rosolfsky dit F. Rose, Filing date: 1914-11-04)
Publications referring to Safety
- Robert, 1784, Mémoire présente à l'Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Lyon, sur la manière la plus sûre, la moins dispendieuse et la plus efficace de diriger à volonté les machines aérostatiques (Simple title: Mémoire presents at the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Belles-Lettres of Lyon, on the safest way, the least expensive and the most effective to direct at will aerostatic machines)
- Baddeley, 1828, Suggestion for an improvement in balloons. Scientific balloon ascent (Simple title: Suggestion for an improvement in balloons, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Maceroni, 1836, Tractability of balloons, comparative safety of Montgolfier and gas balloons. Mackintosh. Ballooning (Simple title: Tractability of balloons, comparative safety of Montgolfier and gas balloons. Mackintosh. Ballooning, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ. Gaz.)
- Landelle, 1862, L'aeronef. Appareil de sauvetage (Simple title: The aircraft. Life saving apparatus, Journal: Vie Navale)
- Alexander, 1869, Aërial navigation (Simple title: Aërial navigation, Journal: Annual Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain)
- Silberer, 1883, Im Ballon. Eine Schilderung der Fahrten des Wiener Luftballons Vindobona' im Jahre 1882, sowie der früheren Wiener Luftfahrte (1791-1881). M. Aufzählung aller jener Luftfahrten, bei denen Menschenleben zum Opfer gefallen sind (Simple title: Balloon. A description of the voyages of the Viennese balloon Vindobona in 1882, as well as previous Vienna air travel (1791-1881). M. List of all those air rides in which human lives have fallen victim)
- Fingerhuth, 1897, Zur Katastrophe Wölfert (Simple title: Wölfert's disaster, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- King, 1901, How to cross the Atlantic in a balloon (Simple title: How to cross the Atlantic in a balloon, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Sébillot, 1902, Mémoire sur les navires aériens à air dilaté (Simple title: Memorandum on dilated-air vessels, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Surcouf, 1902, La sécurite en ballon à moteur (Simple title: Safety in a motorized balloon, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Publication 6741, 1902, Kites as life-savers (Simple title: Kites as life-savers, Journal: Aer. World)
- Publication 8995, 1902, The navigable balloon scheme of M. Torres (Simple title: The navigable balloon scheme of M. Torres, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Renard, 1903, La securité dans les ballons dirigeables (Simple title: Security in airships, Journal: Bull. Soc. Enc.)
- Renard, 1903, La sécurité dans les ballons dirigeables (Simple title: Security in airships, Journal: Bull. Soc. Enc.)
- Publication 7526, 1903, Life-saving by kite (Simple title: Life-saving by kite, Journal: Aer. World)
- Arnoux, 1903, La sécurité en ballons à moteurs. Conférence faite au Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. Par M. Ed. Surcouf (Simple title: Safety in motor balloons. Conference made at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers. By Mr. Ed. Surcouf, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Barton, 1903, The safety of airships (Simple title: The safety of airships, Journal: Flying)
- Publication 6739, 1903, Kite life-saving station (Simple title: Kite life-saving station, Journal: Aer. World)
- Chanute, 1904, Aerial navigation (Scient. Amer. Suppl.) (Simple title: Aerial navigation, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Hawkins, 1905, Automatic stability (Simple title: Automatic stability, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 4313, 1908, Falling with a wrecked airship (Simple title: Falling with a wrecked airship, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Hersey, 1908, Experiences In the sky (Simple title: Experiences In the sky, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Bell, 1908, Safety (Simple title: Safety, Journal: Safety. Bulletins of the Aerial Experiment Association)
- Publication B2p1175e09, 1909, Is aerial flight dangerous? Opinion of Santos-Dumont, D. Farman, Gabr. Voisin, Maurice Farman, Col. Ferrius (Simple title: Is aerial flight dangerous? Opinion of Santos-Dumont, D. Farman, Gabr. Voisin, Maurice Farman, Col. Ferrius)
- N. D. L. R., 1909, Le code des routes aériennes. Des manœuvres à exécuter à bord des aéro-planes pour prévenir les abordages (Simple title: The code of air routes. Maneuvers to be performed on board aeroplanes to prevent collisions, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication B2p0629e31, 1909, Helium for airships (Simple title: Helium for airships, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication B2p1207e11, 1910, A safety sea jacket for pilots (Simple title: A safety sea jacket for pilots, Journal: Flight)
- Vaniman, 1910, The voyage of the America (Simple title: The voyage of the America, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Hubbard, 1910, The avoidance of collisions in the air (Simple title: The avoidance of collisions in the air, Journal: Air-Scout)
- Publication B2p0007e17, 1910, La sécurité et l'aviation (Simple title: Safety and aviation, Journal: L'Aéro Mécanique)
- Dickson, 1910, A safety speed-alarm for aeroplanes (Simple title: A safety speed-alarm for aeroplanes, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p1258e09, 1910, Avertisseurs pour aéroplanes (Simple title: Warning devices for aeroplanes, Journal: L'Aéro-Mécanique)
- Corpechot, 1910, Pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne (Simple title: For the safety of air navigation, Journal: L'Echo de Paris)
- Publication B2p0005e06, 1910, Aeroplane accidents. What they teach the designer (Simple title: Aeroplane accidents. What they teach the designer, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Armengaud jeune, 1910, Estudio de las causas de los accidentes de aeroplanos (Simple title: Study of the causes of airplane accidents, and means which are proposed to avoid them, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Ghislain, 1911, Pour la sécurité des aviateurs (Simple title: For the safety of aviators, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Descombes, 1911, L'atténuation des bourrasques pour la sécurité des aéronautes (Simple title: Attenuating gusts of wind for the safety of aeronauts, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- Fernando, 1911, La sûreté des aviateurs (Simple title: The safety of aviators, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- Publication B2p0795e16, 1911, Protecting the aeronaut from lightning. How the dangers from atmospheric and other causes may be mitigated (Simple title: Protecting the aeronaut from lightning. How the dangers from atmospheric and other causes may be mitigated, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Reix, 1911, Solution du problème de l'aviation sans danger (Simple title: Solution du problème de l'aviation sans danger, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- Publication B2p0007e08, 1911, Les précautions à prendre contre les accidents d'aéroplanes (Simple title: Precautions to take against airplane accidents, Journal: Génie Civil)
- Reix, 1911, L'aéroplane sans danger: Le gouvernail-parachute Le Rex (Simple title: The safe aeroplane: The Le Rex parachute rudder, Journal: Rev. Av.)
- Dumas, 1911, Avoidable accidents (Simple title: Avoidable accidents, Journal: Aero)
- Loening, 1911, Monoplanes and Biplanes (Simple title: Monoplanes and Biplanes)
- Piumatti, 1912, La sicurezza nell'aviazione (Simple title: Aviation safety, Journal: Rivista Marittima)
- Cousin, 1912, L'erreur de principe et la sécurité en aviation (Simple title: The error of principle and safety in aviation, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- R.D., 1912, Le 'd'Astanières' et la sécurité (Simple title: The 'd'Astanières' and safety, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Servais and Orban, 1912, Le stabilisateur de sûreté (Simple title: The safety stabilizer, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Sommer, 1912, Un stabilisateur de sûreté pour les avions (Simple title: A safety stabilizer for airplanes, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Bradshaw, 1912, The effect of factor of safety (Simple title: The effect of factor of safety, Journal: Flight)
- Bradshaw, 1912, Factor of safety (Simple title: Factor of safety, Journal: Aero)
- Hubbard, 1912, Flying in comfort (Simple title: Flying in comfort, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Wright, 1912, Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes (Simple title: Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics)
- T. A., 1912, Pour la sécurité en aéroplane (Simple title: For airplane safety, Journal: Techn. Aér.)
- Lewkowicz, 1912, Aeroplane safety for one dollar (Simple title: Aeroplane safety for one dollar, Journal: Aircraft)
- Vedrines, 1912, The safety of speed in flight (Simple title: The safety of speed in flight, Journal: Aero Club of America Bulletin)
- Sellers, 1912, Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes (Simple title: Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication B2p1175e14, 1912, A question of safety (Simple title: A question of safety, Journal: Aero)
- Popper, 1912, Die Gefahren des Rostes an Flugzeugkonstruktionen und Mittel, um dieselben zu verhüten (Simple title: The dangers of rust on aircraft structures and means to prevent it, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Ovington, 1912, Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes (Simple title: Gyroscopic force and aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Ovington, 1912, "Gyroscopic force" an overworked press-agent (Simple title: "Gyroscopic force" an overworked press-agent, Journal: Fly)
- Robinson, 1913, The danger and safety zones of war aircraft (Simple title: The danger and safety zones of war aircraft, Journal: Aircraft)
- Ellyson, 1913, Remarks on safety in water flying (Simple title: Remarks on safety in water flying, Journal: Flying)
- Nimfuhr, 1913, Der Sicherheitsgrad des Fliegens (Simple title: The level of safety of flying, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Dyott, 1913, Engine speed indicators and safety (Simple title: Engine speed indicators and safety, Journal: Flight)
- Honeywell, 1913, Ballooning. A safe, sane gentleman's sport (Simple title: Ballooning. A safe, sane gentleman's sport, Journal: Fly)
- Atherholt, 1913, Ballooning remains Sport of kings (Simple title: Ballooning remains Sport of kings, Journal: Fly)
- Delaunay, 1914, The safety of aeroplanes (Simple title: The safety of aeroplanes, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Publication B2p1175e06, 1914, En glanant: Ce que doit être en aéroplane pour n'être pas dangereux (Simple title: Gleaning: What must be safe in an airplane?, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication B2p0656e17, 1914, Sky travel made safe (Simple title: Sky travel made safe, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Dienstbach, 1914, An American aeroplane with adjustable wings. Improvements necessary to make flying safe, practical, and commercial (Simple title: An American aeroplane with adjustable wings. Improvements necessary to make flying safe, practical, and commercial, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Ellyson, 1914, Kritische Randglossen zu den Fallschirmproduktionen Bourhis' (Simple title: Critical marginal glosses on Bourhis' parachute productions, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Publication B2p1175e08, 1914, Factors of safety desirable in aeroplanes (Simple title: Factors of safety desirable in aeroplanes, Journal: Flight)
- Delaunay, 1914, Safe landing (Simple title: Safe landing, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Bazillac, 1914, The aeroplane of to-morrow. Variable surface, camber, and incidence, and their effect on sustentation, speed, and safety (Simple title: The aeroplane of to-morrow. Variable surface, camber, and incidence, and their effect on sustentation, speed, and safety, Journal: Flight)
- Woodhouse, 1914, Aeroplanes as life savers (Simple title: Aeroplanes as life savers, Journal: Flying)
- Espitallier, 1914, La sécurité en aéroplane (Simple title: Safety in aeroplanes, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- Aero Club de France, 1914, La sécurité en aéroplane (Simple title: Airplane security, Journal: Rev. Aérienne)
- Still, 1915, Suggestions as to how the most efficient and safest aeroplane for transcontinental flight should be made (Simple title: Most efficient and safest aeroplane for transcontinental flight, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Aero Club de France, 1915, Maison de Convalescence de l'Aéronautique (Simple title: House of Convalescence of Aeronautics, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Porte, 1915, Porte and America safe (Simple title: Porte and America safe, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Publication B2p1241e11, 1915, Safeguarding against fire and explosions. The 'Snercold' system (Simple title: Safeguarding against fire and explosions. The 'Snercold' system, Journal: Flight)
- Lawson, 1915, Safety first in the air (Simple title: Safety first in the air, Journal: Aircraft)
- Witmer, 1915, How Russian aeroplanes keep coast free of raiders and protect shipping (Simple title: How Russian aeroplanes keep coast free of raiders and protect shipping, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Publication B2p1175e07, 1915, The factor of safety (Simple title: The factor of safety, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Publication B2p1174e22, 1915, Aeroplane that's safe (Simple title: Aeroplane that's safe, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Publication B2p0880e03, 1916, Army aviators at San Diego have flown 108,000 miles without accidents (Simple title: Army aviators at San Diego have flown 108,000 miles without accidents, Journal: Flying)
- Aero Club de France, 1916, Caisse de secours de l'aéronautique (Simple title: Aeronautical emergency fund, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Saufley, 1916, Causes and remedies of airplane accidents (Simple title: Causes and remedies of airplane accidents, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Aero Club de France, 1916, Union pour la sécurité en aéroplane (Simple title: Airplane Security Union, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hunsaker, 1916, Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes (Simple title: Dynamical Stability of Aeroplanes, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Aerial Police for New York City, 1919, Municipal Journal (Simple title: Aerial police for New York City, Journal: Municipal Journal)
- Jungdahl, 2013, Public influence on the proliferation of military aviation 1907–1912 (Simple title: Public Influence on the Proliferation of Military Aviation 1907-1912, Journal: Air Power History)