Henry Helm Clayton
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Henry Helm Clayton was an American aero inventor, a balloonist. Together with with the German Oskar Erbslöh he won the 2nd Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race.
This person had 4 publications and 2 patents in this database.
Patents whose inventor or applicant is Henry Helm Clayton
- Patent US-1898-605596 (English title: Kite, Filing date: 1897-04-19)
- Patent GB-1897-12146 (English title: Kite, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1898-605596, Filing date: 1897-05-17)
Publications by or about Henry Helm Clayton
- Clayton, 1906, Blue Hill observations at St. Louis (Simple title: Blue Hill observations at St. Louis, Journal: Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre)
- Clayton, 1909, Atmospheric waves (Simple title: Atmospheric waves, Journal: Amer. Aer.)
- Clayton, 1909, The uses of sea breezes in balloon sport (Simple title: The uses of sea breezes in balloon sport, Journal: Amer. Aer.)
- Clayton, 1910, Aeronautics in the Argentine (Simple title: Aeronautics in the Argentine, Journal: Aeronautics)
Publications by or about H. Helm Clayton
- Clayton, 1894, Meteorological records obtained in the upper air by means of kites (Simple title: Meteorological records obtained in the upper air by means of kites, Journal: Amer. Meteor. Journ.)
- Clayton, 1894, The Eddy Malay tailless kite (Simple title: The Eddy Malay tailless kite, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Clayton, 1897, A keel kite (Simple title: A keel kite, Journal: Aeronautical Annual)
- Clayton, 1897, Blue Hill aerial explorations (Simple title: Blue Hill aerial explorations, Journal: Aeronautical Annual)
- Ferguson and Clayton, 1897, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Exploration of the air by kites and instruments (Simple title: Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Exploration of the air by means of kites; Kites and instruments; Results from the kite meteorographs and simultaneous records at the ground, Journal: Annals of the Astron. Observ. of Harvard College)
- Clayton, 1897, Measurements of the velocity of flying ducks (Simple title: Measurements of the velocity of flying ducks, Journal: Aeronautical Annual)
- Clayton, 1898, Examples of the diurnal and cyclonic changes in temperature and relative humidity at different heights in the free air (Simple title: Examples of the diurnal and cyclonic changes in temperature and relative humidity at different heights in the free air, Journal: Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory Bulletin)
- Clayton, 1899, Studies of cyclonic and anticyclonic phenomena with kites (Simple title: Studies of cyclonic and anticyclonic phenomena with kites, Journal: Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory Bulletin)
- Clayton, 1900, Studien cyclonaler und anticyclonaler Erscheinungen mittels Drachen (Simple title: Studies of cyclonic and anticyclonic phenomena by means of kites, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Clayton, 1900, Studies of cyclonic and anticyclonic phenomena with kites. Second memoir (Simple title: Studies of cyclonic and anticyclonic phenomena with kites. Second memoir, Journal: Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory Bulletin)
- Clayton, 1903, Professor Alexander Graham Bell on kite construction (Simple title: Professor Alexander Graham Bell on kite construction, Journal: Science)
- Clayton, 1904, Wilbur Wright's successful flight in a motor-driven aeroplane (Simple title: Wilbur Wright's successful flight in a motor-driven aeroplane, Journal: Science)
- Clayton, 1908, Record-breaking balloon voyage (Simple title: Record-breaking balloon voyage, Journal: Atlantic Monthly)
- Clayton, 1908, Scientific aspects of a balloon voyage (Simple title: Scientific aspects of a balloon voyage, Journal: Monthly Weath. Rev.)
- Clayton, 1908, Use of air currrents in ballooning (Simple title: Use of air currrents in ballooning, Journal: American Aeronaut)