Patent FR-1912-450519.18533

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This is an addition to Patent FR-1912-450519.


Year filed 1912
Year granted 1914
Office FR
Patent number 18533
Inventors Nazaire Lacrotte
Inventor country FR
Applicant person Nazaire Lacrotte
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Amortisseur-élévateur du siège du pilote destiné aux aviateurs en cas de chute, d'atterrissage brusque ou de capotage
English title Shock-absorber/lifter of a pilot's seat made for aviators in the case of fall, abrupt landing or overturning
Tech fields safety, seating, piloting, shock-absorbers, springs
Filing date 1912/10/19
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date 1914/02/16
Granted? Yes
Publication date 1914/05/13
Supplementary to patent Patent FR-1912-450519
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number
Patent agent V. Matray
Assigned to
National tech categories FR 6.4
IPCs IPC B64D25/04
CPCs CPC B64D25/04
Family year 1912
First filing? No
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages 3
Number of diagram pages 2
Number of figures 8
Number of claims 8