We settled on the techtype "ascension" to avoid confusion with other technical associations of the word "elevation". Ascension has specifically to do with "force ascensionelle", or force of ascent. It is naturally not to be confused with lift, as a principle per se, though overlapping applicability cannot be avoided. Ascension has entirely or nearly entirely to do with vertical propulsion, particularly in the cases of patents in which an innovation does not also pertain to horizontal propulsion. The French "sustentation", which technically refers specifically to precise maintenance of distance between an object and a surface[1][2], almost invariably applies to ascension.
The pertinence of the helicopter and to some hybrids is key, in that this techtype is necessitated largely via propellers used in the direct furtherance of altitude, aside from propulsion, in contradistinction vis-à-vis the airplane's classic use of propellers in the furtherance of forward motion and this acting in conjunction with wings in the achievement of per se lift.
This wiki has 225 patents in category "Ascension". Other techtypes related to Ascension: Ballast, Ballonet, Buoyancy, Compression, Helicoplane, Lift, Rarefaction, Sustentation, Traction
Patents in category Ascension
- Patent FR-1887-185996 (English title: Application of ascensional force of gas balloons to sea and river navigation, Inventors: Giuseppi)
- Patent FR-1909-418936.13067 (English title: Method and mechanism for creating ascensional force in heavier-than-air apparatus, Inventors: Marcel Belin • Barthélemy Jabouley • Paul Guery)
- Patent FR-1881-146226 (English title: new aerostation system (aerostats with central galleries), Inventors: Jules Jouanique)
- Patent FR-1881-142811 (English title: New means to refill and keep in good condition ascensional force of an aerostat, Inventors: Crespin)
- Patent FR-1882-151082 (English title: improvements in the manner of floating and navigating heavy bodies in the air and in other fluids and improvements in the apparatus thereto pertinent, Inventors: Hyatt)
- Patent FR-1883-156074 (English title: application of air or all other compressed fluids to aerial navigation, Inventors: Bourg)
- Patent FR-1891-213115 (English title: air-ship with combined gases, Inventors: Boisset)
- Patent FR-1893-213115E (English title: Airship with combined gases, Inventors: Boisset, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1891-213115)
- Patent FR-1874-105515 (English title: Balloon-blade(propeller) dirigible, raising and lowering itself at the pilots will, without loss of gas or ballast(stability), Inventors: Brion, Filing date: 1874-10-31)
- Patent ES-1877-5683 (English title: improvements to balloons, Inventors: Comte Antoine Apraxine, Filing date: 1877-06-23)
- Patent FR-1827-2641 (English title: Application of kites to navigation, elevation, signals, and the safety of shipwrecked persons, Inventors: George Pocock, Filing date: 1826-12-28)
- Patent GB-1847-11578 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Englebert-Théophile van Hecke, Filing date: 1847-02-15)
- Patent FR-1847-5750.1 (English title: general system of marine propulsion along with the elevation of submarines, Inventors: Mademoiselle Godde, Filing date: 1847-09-23)
- Patent FR-1873-97664 (English title: Means of raising and directing aerostats, by way of gas, the shock (impact? concussion?) and the vacuum(?), Inventors: Pierre-Nicolas-Victor Lahérard, Filing date: 1873-01-13)
- Patent FR-1873-97664E1 (English title: Ascension and direction of aerostats, Inventors: Pierre-Nicolas-Victor Lahérard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1873-97664, Filing date: 1873-03-03)
- Patent FR-1875-97664E2 (English title: Means of raising and steering aerostats, Inventors: Pierre-Nicolas-Victor Lahérard, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1873-97664, Filing date: 1875-05-10)
- Patent ES-1877-5650 (English title: Method of directing aerostatic balloons, Inventors: Alejo Carzola y Ales, Filing date: 1877-04-27)
- Patent US-1879-220473 (English title: Improvement in aerobats, Inventors: John J. Greenough, Filing date: 1879-09-16)
- Patent GB-1882-1737 (English title: Balloons, Inventors: Jules Jouanique, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1881-146226, Filing date: 1882)
- Patent FR-1882-149681 (English title: machine oriented towards self-ascension and direction in (or into) the air, the motor possibly being man, steam, or electricity, Inventors: Hérard, Filing date: 1882-06-20)
- Patent GB-1884-2057 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: François Folacci • Paul Bertin)
- Patent GB-1884-2628 (English title: Navigable balloon and parachute, Inventors: Serkis-Bey Ballian, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1883-159430, Filing date: 1884-02-02)
- Patent GB-1885-339 (Inventors: J. G. Lorrain, Filing date: 1885-01-10)
- Patent FR-1888-194842 (English title: Aerial steamship designed to resolve the problem of aerial navigation without balloon, Inventors: E. J. Delaurier)
- Patent GB-1889-13207 (English title: Aerial machine, Inventors: George Louis Outram Davidson, Filing date: 1889-08-21)
- Patent US-1890-432860 (English title: Aerial machine, Inventors: Stewart Cairncross, Filing date: 1890-02-10)
- Patent GB-1890-11455 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: Stewart Cairncross, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1890-432860, Filing date: 1890-07-22)
- Patent DE-1891-59851 (English title: Steerable airship, Inventors: Stewart Cairncross, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1890-59851, Filing date: 1890-07-22)
- Patent GB-1891-19245 (English title: Navigable balloon, Inventors: William John Brewer, Filing date: 1891-11-07)
- Patent GB-1892-1318 (Inventors: W. Glendinning, Filing date: 1892-01-22)
- Patent DE-1893-76037 (English title: Method and apparatus for ejection of flying machines from the launch point, Inventors: August Riedinger • Hans von Siegsfeld)
- Patent GB-1893-13264 (Inventors: Patrick Young Alexander, Filing date: 1893-07-07)
- Patent DE-1894-76576 (English title: Gondola-type reservoir for such airships as fly into rarefied air, experiencing compression of the gas in the balloon, Inventors: Adolf Scheinert • Otto Wendland, Filing date: 1893-10-13)
- Patent GB-1894-7919 (English title: Aërostation, and Apparatus employed therefor, Inventors: Joseph Hofmann, Filing date: 1894-04-21)
- Patent DE-1895-89859 (English title: Apparatus for raising and lowering airships by allowing air into the balloon, or by sucking it out, Inventors: W. Daniels, Filing date: 1895-11-13)
- Patent DE-1897-95179 (English title: Apparatus for maintaining iarships at a certain height by means of barometer, Inventors: Edward Joel Pennington, Filing date: 1895-12-31)
- Patent GB-1896-3657 (English title: Aerial Machine, Inventors: James Dennis Roots, Filing date: 1896-02-18)
- Patent GB-1896-5129 (English title: Regulating the Altitude of Aerial Bodies, Inventors: Robert Scott, Filing date: 1896-03-07)
- Patent FR-1897-263125 (English title: Aviation apparatus called Ascensophile, Inventors: Hébert, Filing date: 1897-01-16)
- Patent HU-1898-13443 (English title: Adjusting devices for aeroplanes (translation skewed by modern usage) actually a helicopter capable of landing on sea or earth, Inventors: Dr. Bernhard Reinhard Beenen, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1896-98109, Filing date: 1898-07-21)
- Patent FR-1898-278541.1 (English title: 'La Torpille' flying parachute, with paddlewheels for lift and propellers for propulsion, Inventors: Chevrey, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1898-278541, Filing date: 1898-12-19)
- Patent GB 1899-14615 (English title: Balloons or Aerial Machines, Inventors: Heinrich Bauer, Filing date: 1899-07-15)
- Patent US-1899-659264 (English title: Air-Ship, Inventors: Charles Stanley, Filing date: 1899-08-07, Applicant firm: Stanley Aerial Navigation Co.)
- Patent BE-1900-152125 (English title: Improvements in aerial vessels, Inventors: Charles Stanley, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1899-659264, Filing date: 1900-09-18)
- Patent GB-1901-1899 (English title: Airship, actually an LTA-hybrid employing heavier-than-air principles, specifically flapping wings aiding both in propulsion and ascension, Inventors: Heinrich Hildebrand, Filing date: 1901-01-28)
- Patent HU-1901-23722 (English title: Aircraft actually an early helicopter which looks like a ship but does not seem to be LTA, Inventors: Waldemar Porak, Filing date: 1901-07-05)
- Patent FR-1901-315232 (Inventors: Vicomte Decazes, Filing date: 1901-10-21)
- Patent FR-1902-317598.1107 (English title: New Air-Ship featuring the specifics of gas control via articulated tubes all aiding in acsension and descent, Inventors: Frédéric Malfait, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-317598, Filing date: 1902-01-07)
- Patent FR-1902-319320 (English title: Air car system with hot gas circulation, Inventors: Mora, Filing date: 1902-03-05)
- Patent FR-1902-319999 (English title: improvements brought to aviation apparatus, Inventors: E. Lehmann, Filing date: 1902-03-27)
- Patent FR-1902-320007 (English title: apparatus of aerial navigation, Inventors: Couston, Filing date: 1902-03-28)
- Patent FR-1902-320652 (English title: aviator, Inventors: Theodor Haas, Filing date: 1902-04-14)
- Patent GB-1902-8681 (English title: Mechanism for lifting, propelling, and steering in air, Inventors: Theodor Haas, Filing date: 1902-04-14)
- Patent FR-1902-323137 (English title: A dirigible of compressed air and based on the principle of the heavier than air, Inventors: Émile Charlier, Filing date: 1902-05-15)
- Patent FR-1902-327983 (English title: New balloon, Inventors: Adrien Baudin, Filing date: 1902-06-05)
- Patent FR-1902-323137.997 (English title: a dirigible of compressed air and based on the principle of the heavier than air, Inventors: Émile Charlier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-323137, Filing date: 1902-06-05)
- Patent FR-1903-323072 (English title: the application of electric motors, -set to action by generating dynamos, or by primary or secondary batteries to the movement, the elevation maintenance, and to the navigation, of aerostats and of all aerial apparatus, Inventors: Léon-Auguste Pucel, Filing date: 1902-06-11)
- Patent FR-1902-326476 (English title: "A self-flying "pichou"", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1883-, Filing date: 1902-11-24)
- Patent FR-1903-331199 (English title: Aircraft heavier-than-air "the bird", Inventors: Laurent Giroud, Filing date: 1903-01-17)
- Patent HU-1903-29342 (English title: Aircraft, actually quite likely a helicopter, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326727, Filing date: 1903-01-23)
- Patent FR-1904-326476.2435 (English title: "Self-Flying "Pichou"", Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326476, Filing date: 1903-11-24)
- Patent IT-1904-70952 (English title: Mechanical generator of ascensional force and propulsion for airships, Inventors: Ernesto Giuseppe di Baravelli, Filing date: 1904-02-12)
- Patent FR-1904-344907 (English title: balloon of constant lift force, Inventors: Count Wladimir Skorzewski, Filing date: 1904-07-13)
- Patent FR-1904-349169 (English title: Apparatus for imparting movement to airplanes horizontally or vertically, Inventors: Gustav Knäpper, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1903-160742, Filing date: 1904-11-17)
- Patent HU-1904-33201 (English title: Apparatus for moving objects floating in the air in a vertical or horizontal direction, Inventors: Gustav Knäpper, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1903-160742, Filing date: 1904-11-26)
- Patent DK-1904-7878 (English title: Apparatus for imparting horizontal or vertical movement to airborne objects, Inventors: Gustav Knaepper, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1903-160742, Filing date: 1904-12-07)
- Patent FR-1905-361570 (English title: Process and apparatus of action on atmospheric air or similar fluid having in view the recovery of a contrary reaction, Inventors: Hugo Lentz • Charles Bellens, Filing date: 1905-06-21)
- Patent IT-1905-77600 (English title: The Fluidoleva, elevating mechanism for aerial and aquatic navigation, Inventors: Edoardo Del Vitto • Edoardo Del Vitto fu Emanuele, Filing date: 1905-06-27)
- Patent FR-1906-362683 (English title: Aviation system featuring centrifuge principles, Inventors: Édouard Louet, Filing date: 1906-01-25)
- Patent GB-1906-6502 (English title: Helicopter-Airplane, Inventors: Vassily Rebikov, Supplementary to patent: Patent RU-1905-Rebikov, Filing date: 1906-03-17)
- Patent IT-1906-83303 (English title: Process and apparatus of action on atmospheric air or similar fluid having in view the recovery of a contrary reaction, Inventors: Hugo Lentz • Charles Bellens, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1905-361570, Filing date: 1906-06-18)
- Patent HU-1906-38048 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Henri de Lostalot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-367357, Filing date: 1906-06-30, Applicant firm: Peugeot, Tony Huber, et Cie)
- Patent FR-1906-361723.6685 (English title: Balanced Aviator, Inventors: Jean Constantin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1905-361723, Filing date: 1906-09-19)
- Patent FR-1907-375273 (English title: Self-propelled airplane, actually quite evocative of a "ship", though purely heavier-than air, elaborate in its means of propulsion and in the complexity of lift and propulsion, Inventors: Henry Picq, Filing date: 1907-02-20)
- Patent BE-1907-200068 (English title: Mixed aerosta-aviation method and device, Inventors: J. Gernaert • M. Braun, Filing date: 1907-05-16)
- Patent BE-1907-197626.202678 (English title: Aeroplane with dynamic rarefaction, known as: “Autoplane”, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-197626, Filing date: 1907-09-19)
- Patent BE-1907-202697 (English title: Instruments of measuring and of weighing forces and apparatus air thinning or of compression of air layers, these apparatus reclosing in the circumlocution of the pilots who raise and sustain in the air, without supporting balloon strictly by the force of a motor mechanism of propulsion and lift-sus, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Filing date: 1907-09-20, Applicant firm: A. Wunderlich & Cie, Ingénieurs-Conseils)
- Patent FR-1907-382530 (English title: Ascension-in-place of airplanes and analogous apparatus, Inventors: Louis Blériot, Filing date: 1907-10-04)
- Patent FR-1907-394126 (English title: Device for airplane, actually a helicopter, Inventors: Jules Collomb, Filing date: 1907-11-18)
- Patent GB-1908-5310 (English title: Improvements in flying machines, Inventors: Joseph Chantraine, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-198483, Filing date: 1908-03-09)
- Patent FR-1908-399206 (English title: Maritime and aerial lift-propeller, Inventors: Pierre-Pie Cazaux, Filing date: 1908-04-15)
- Patent FR-1908-389974 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Louis Kloos, Filing date: 1908-05-07)
- Patent FR-1908-394418 (English title: Use of compressed air in (multi-tube) pistons, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Filing date: 1908-05-20)
- Patent DE-1908-221549 (English title: Method for increasing the lifting-power of air-balloons, Inventors: Johannes Schilling, Filing date: 1908-08-14)
- Patent FR-1908-392994.10823 (English title: Rotating wing applying to flying machines and windmills, Inventors: Edmond Bénel, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1907-392394, Filing date: 1908-08-20)
- Patent FR-1908-394254 (English title: Airplane, actually helicopter or hybrid, Inventors: Jean Desbois, Filing date: 1908-09-11)
- Patent FR-1908-395066 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Émile-Jean-Jules Salmson • Pierre-Emmanuel Aimé, Filing date: 1908-09-30)
- Patent IT-1908-98327 (English title: Ascension-in-place of airplanes and analogous apparatus, Inventors: Louis Blériot, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1907-382530, Filing date: 1908-10-02)
- Patent FR-1908-395320 (English title: Flying Apparatus, Inventors: Paul Frederik Degn, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-214228, Filing date: 1908-10-05)
- Patent GB-1908-21445 (English title: Improvements in flying machines, that is, improvements to flexible blade propellers oriented at least partially towards ascension, Inventors: Paul Frederik Degn, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-214228, Filing date: 1908-10-10)
- Patent FR-1908-395696 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Louis Balestrie, Filing date: 1908-10-27)
- Patent HU-1908-53787 (English title: Propeller with non-rigid wings orientated partially towards ascension, Inventors: Paul Frederik Degn, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-214228, Filing date: 1908-10-28)
- Patent FR-1908-405097 (English title: Flying machine, that is an aircraft with an emphasis on the exclusivity of the ascension features, with features of direction and propulsion possibly to be of combined applicability, Inventors: Édouard Vedovelli, Filing date: 1908-11-05)
- Patent FR-1908-396821 (English title: Airplane, Inventors: Léon Dufour, Filing date: 1908-11-16)
- Patent FR-1908-396932 (English title: Process and equipment for the utilization of the ascensional force of hot gases leaving the motors of aircraft, Inventors: Louis-Alexandre Cosme, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-11-09 Louis-Alexandre Cosme, Filing date: 1908-12-01)
- Patent FR-1908-407090 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Filing date: 1908-12-21)
- Patent FR-1908-394418.10449 (English title: Aviator characterized by the use of compressed air in multitubular pistons, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-394418, Filing date: 1908-12-31)
- Patent FR-1909-394254.10394 (English title: Airplane, actually helicopter or hybrid, Inventors: Jean Desbois, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-394254, Filing date: 1909-01-26)
- Patent FR-1908-394126.10066 (English title: Airplane device, actually some sort of hybrid along the lines of a helicopter, Inventors: Jules Collomb, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1907-394126, Filing date: 1908-01-31)
- Patent FR-1909-400167 (English title: Monoplane helicopter with variable surface, Inventors: Michel Laplace, Filing date: 1909-01-30)
- Patent FR-1909-400595 (English title: Lightweight chord construction method for aircraft and aerostats, Inventors: Edmond Lévi, Filing date: 1909-02-22)
- Patent AT-1909-40038 (English title: Flying machine emphasizing adjustable propellers aiding both in propulsion and ascension, Inventors: Wilhelm Kress, Filing date: 1909-02-23)
- Patent HU-1909-47374 (English title: Equipment for ascending and advancing in the air, Inventors: Rudolf Penkala • Eduard Penkala, Filing date: 1909-02-27)
- Patent FR-1909-400718 (English title: Ornithopter, Inventors: Frédéric Malfait • Aline Gay, Filing date: 1909-03-12)
- Patent FR-1909-401079 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Victor Camal, Filing date: 1909-03-20)
- Patent FR-1909-407090.11560 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407090, Filing date: 1909-03-24)
- Patent FR-1909-380581.10732 (English title: Supplement to patent of Aug 6, 1907 for airplanes or helicopters with two propellers, Inventors: Émile Dupont, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1907-380581, Filing date: 1909-03-25)
- Patent GB-1909-8179 (English title: Sustaining Planes for Aeroplanes, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-05-09 Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H, Filing date: 1909-04-05, Applicant firm: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Patent GB-1909-8350 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Aerial Machines, Inventors: Ignacio Estrich y Diaz de Lara, Filing date: 1909-04-06)
- Patent FR-1909-407090.11561 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407090, Filing date: 1909-04-28)
- Patent GB-1909-11090 (English title: Improvements in Apparatus for Aerial Navigation, that is airplane-hybrid with ascension propellers, Inventors: Edward Arthur Geoghegan • George Matthews Lindsay Moore-Irvine, Filing date: 1909-05-11)
- Patent FR-1909-407090.11562 (English title: Helicoplane-parachute, Inventors: Charles Wolf, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-407090, Filing date: 1909-06-26)
- Patent FR-1909-404998 (English title: Apparatus for rising and moving in the air, Inventors: Charles-Victor-Aime Bidolet, Filing date: 1909-07-10)
- Patent DE-1909-228898 (English title: Apparatus for regulating the lifting power of airships, Inventors: Ulrich Lübbert, Filing date: 1909-07-10)
- Patent HU-1909-49569 (English title: Airplane, or aircraft likely hybrid helicopter, Inventors: Antal Weczera • István Windisch, Filing date: 1909-08-05)
- Patent GB-1909-18710 (English title: Dirigible airships, Inventors: Berthold Wassermann, Filing date: 1909-08-13)
- Patent FR-1909-394418.11953 (English title: Aviator characterized by the use of compressed air in multitubular pistons, Inventors: Marius Chantron, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-394418, Filing date: 1909-09-21)
- Patent GB-1909-21922 (English title: Improvements in flying machines, Inventors: Émile-Jean-Jules Salmson • Pierre Emmanuel Aimé, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-395066, Filing date: 1909-09-25)
- Patent FR-1909-407496 (English title: Depth rudder device for airplanes, Inventors: Charles-Alexandre de Lambert, Filing date: 1909-09-30)
- Patent FR-1909-418936 (English title: Method and mechanism for creating ascensional force in heavier-than-air apparatus, Inventors: Marcel Belin • Barthélemy Jabouley • Paul Guery, Filing date: 1909-10-13)
- Patent DE-1909-228075 (English title: Ballast bag, Inventors: Enno Neubert, Filing date: 1909-10-28)
- Patent US-1909-968860 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Frederick B. Kummer, Filing date: 1909-11-22)
- Patent US-1909-1042594 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: William E. Pearson, Filing date: 1909-11-22)
- Patent FR-1909-411122 (English title: gyroplane, aerial navigation machine, heavier-than-air , with direct ascension, Inventors: Édouard Lance • Léon Anguéra • Émile Rahm, Filing date: 1909-12-14)
- Patent FR-1909-409920.13283 (English title: Flying machine, actually a manner of variably positioning surfaces in the furtherance of both cooling and lift, Inventors: Édouard Vedovelli, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-409920, Filing date: 1909-12-22)
- Patent FR-1909-418936.14556 (English title: Method and mechanism for creating ascensional force in heavier-than-air apparatus, Inventors: Marcel Belin • Barthélemy Jabouley • Paul Guery, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-418936)
- Patent FR-1910-412059 (English title: Aeroplane, actually hybrid featuring adjustable propellers which aid in ascension as well as forward propulsion, Inventors: Wilhelm Kress, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1909-40038, Filing date: 1910-01-31)
- Patent HU-1910-53739 (English title: Equipment for adjusting aircraft propellers, Inventors: Wilhelm Kress, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1909-40038, Filing date: 1910-01-31)
- Patent US-1910-1004558 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Charles H. Duncan, Filing date: 1910-02-17)
- Patent US-1910-1050573 (English title: Buoyancy-Indicator, Inventors: George A. Spratt, Filing date: 1910-02-23)
- Patent FR-1910-399206.12322 (English title: Maritime and aerial lift-propeller, Inventors: Pierre-Pie Cazaux, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1908-399206, Filing date: 1910-03-16)
- Patent FR-1910-424569 (English title: Orthopteran airplane system rising directly, without launching on land, or on a pylon, Inventors: Charles-Paul Maire, Filing date: 1910-03-17)
- Patent FR-1910-414142 (English title: Wing wheel system for flying machines, Inventors: Louis Dubin, Filing date: 1910-03-26)
- Patent FR-1910-421192 (English title: Airplane, Inventors: Paul Dherbès, Filing date: 1910-04-25)
- Patent FR-1910-415730 (English title: Apparatus applicables to all varieties of airships, in the attainment of forward motion or ascension, Inventors: Friedrich Meyer Zur Capellen, Filing date: 1910-05-09)
- Patent FR-1910-415884 (English title: Aircraft, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-12)
- Patent HU-1910-53730 (English title: Aircraft, actually helicopter, Inventors: Thomas Augustus Dring, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-12556, Filing date: 1910-05-15)
- Patent FR-1910-416267 (English title: Airplane system, essentially using box kites in the furtherance of ascension, Inventors: Nicolas de Benois, Filing date: 1910-05-23)
- Patent GB-1911-13290 (English title: Heavier-than-air aerial machines, Inventors: Frederick Henry Varley, Filing date: 1910-06-01)
- Patent US-1912-1027590 (English title: Dirigible Airship, Inventors: Ernst Bucher, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-227246, Filing date: 1910-06-03)
- Patent US-1910-1002093 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Herman Thaden, Filing date: 1910-06-17)
- Patent FR-1910-417781 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: James Madison Keller • Confert Hechgee Compere, Filing date: 1910-06-18)
- Patent FR-1910-418535 (English title: Aerial propeller toy, Inventors: Édouard Gaillard, Filing date: 1910-07-23)
- Patent AR-1910-7639 (Inventors: Nicolas de Benois, Filing date: 1910-10-24)
- Patent FR-1910-435166 (English title: Gyrostat for lift, static vertical ascent and horizontal propulsion, Inventors: Léon-Frédéric Granier, Filing date: 1910-12-17)
- Patent GB-1911-2904 (English title: Gyroscopic stabilizing propellers to facilitate the ascent and landing of flying machines, Inventors: Gustav Mees, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-02-15 Gustav Mees, Filing date: 1911-02-04)
- Patent US-1911-1108891 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Leonard H. Dyer, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1905-04-28 Leonard H. Dyer, Filing date: 1911-02-10)
- Patent FR-1911-429313 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Antoine Coulhon, Filing date: 1911-02-16)
- Patent FR-1911-424569.13858 (English title: Orthopteran airplane system rising directly, without launching on land, or on a pylon, Inventors: Charles-Paul Maire, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-424569, Filing date: 1911-02-21)
- Patent US-1911-1036044 (English title: Rotatable plane, Inventors: Roy Desmond Wheeler • Bertrand Leonard Wheeler, Filing date: 1911-02-25)
- Patent FR-1911-430455 (English title: Blade-turbine propulsive and lifting, Inventors: Louis-Marie Le Dantec, Filing date: 1911-03-22)
- Patent FR-1911-429898 (English title: Airplane-parachute-stabilizer, Inventors: Henri Huet, Filing date: 1911-05-13)
- Patent FR-1911-430602 (English title: Movable-wing aeroplane with two horizontal four-blade propellers oscillating in their hubs along the longitudinal axis, Inventors: Charles-François Gillot, Filing date: 1911-06-03)
- Patent FR-1911-430455.15656 (English title: Blade-turbine propulsive and lifting, Inventors: Louis-Marie Le Dantec, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-430455, Filing date: 1911-06-09)
- Patent FR-1911-432760 (English title: Improvements in propellers, Inventors: Heinrich Hildebrand, Filing date: 1911-07-29)
- Patent FR-1911-435166.16545 (English title: Gyrostat for lift, static vertical ascent and horizontal propulsion, Inventors: Léon-Frédéric Granier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-435166, Filing date: 1911-12-15)
- Patent US-1911-1103188 (English title: Driving and sustaining surfaces applicable to navigation in air and water, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Filing date: 1912-06-24)
- Patent FR-1912-439343 (English title: Improvements to hydro-aeroplanes and similar devices, VTOL as well, helicopter, hybrid, Inventors: Gustav Mees, Filing date: 1912-01-24)
- Patent FR-1912-439470 (English title: Airplane with vertical takeoff, Inventors: Kurt Schultze, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1912-67896, Filing date: 1912-01-29)
- Patent FR-1912-439989 (English title: Improvements to the means for mounting propellers, and more specifically ascending propellers with variable pitch, on aircraft, Inventors: Gustav Mees, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1911-04-03 Gustav Mees • Patent FR-1910-410140.12658 • Patent FR-1910-410140.13073, Filing date: 1912-02-10)
- Patent FR-1912-441038 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Georg Wienke, Filing date: 1912-03-06)
- Patent FR-1912-441057 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Jacob Christian Hansen-Ellehammer • Niels Waltersen Aasen, Filing date: 1912-03-07)
- Patent FR-1912-434663.15762 (English title: Stabilizer device with automatic and imperative operation, Inventors: Paul Huguet, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-434663, Filing date: 1912-04-12)
- Patent US-1912-1059247 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Ulysses G. White, Filing date: 1912-05-15)
- Patent CH-1912-59990 (English title: Carburetor regulator for motor vehicles in variable pressure, especially aircraft, Filing date: 1912-05-23)
- Patent CH-1912-59557 (English title: Superimposed propellers rotating in opposite directions, avoiding uneven strain, suitable (directly) for lift as well as propulsion, Inventors: Karl Pollacsek, Filing date: 1912-07-20)
- Patent FR-1912-448096 (English title: Method and means in causing an aeroplane to climb vertically or obliquely and move it forward at will, Inventors: Albert Ruurd Kuipers, Filing date: 1912-09-09)
- Patent FR-1912-435166.17806 (English title: Gyrostat for lift, static vertical ascent and horizontal propulsion, Inventors: Léon-Frédéric Granier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-435166, Filing date: 1912-09-13)
- Patent US-1912-1071697 (English title: Lifting-propeller for aeroplanes, Inventors: Bruno von Bültzingslöwen, Filing date: 1912-09-20)
- Patent US-1912-1163718 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Bruno von Bültzingslöwen, Filing date: 1912-09-20)
- Patents FR-1912-450239 (English title: Mechanical airship system, actually HTA, Inventors: Elmire Badoux • Émilie Halot • Leona Paternoster, Filing date: 1912-09-26)
- Patent GB-1912-21952 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines, Inventors: Elmire Badoux • Émilie Halot • Léona Paternoster, Filing date: 1912-09-26)
- Patent FR-1912-451090 (English title: Improved propeller plane, Inventors: Élie-Joseph-Marie-Raymond Decazes, Filing date: 1912-10-01)
- Patent BE-1912-250406 (English title: Autoglider “Aéra” with propellers of ascension, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Filing date: 1912-10-28)
- Patent BE-1912-250457 (English title: Ascension propeller “Aéra”, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Filing date: 1912-10-29)
- Patent FR-1914-464462 (English title: Radial tail for ascension propellers, Inventors: Camille Lacoste, Filing date: 1913-01-13)
- Patent FR-1914-464461 (English title: Aerial lift blades with shell, Inventors: Camille Lacoste, Filing date: 1913-01-13)
- Patent BE-1913-250457.252822 (English title: Ascension propeller “Aéra”, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1912-250457, Filing date: 1913-01-16)
- Patent BE-1913-250406.252841 (English title: Autoglider “Aéra” with propellers of ascension, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1912-250406, Filing date: 1913-01-17)
- Patent FR-1913-430455.17114 (English title: Blade-turbine propulsive and lifting, Inventors: Louis-Marie Le Dantec, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-430455, Filing date: 1913-01-18)
- Patent FR-1914-464794 (English title: Single-propeller helicopter, Inventors: Camille Lacoste, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1914-464461, Filing date: 1913-01-21)
- Patent US-1913-1109889 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Ralph N. Whitcomb, Filing date: 1913-02-07)
- Patent US-1913-1113741 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: James H. Benscoter, Filing date: 1913-04-04)
- Patent DE-1913-270303 (English title: Timed balloon vent, Filing date: 1913-04-06, Applicant firm: Gummiwarenfabrik S. Saul)
- Patent FR-1913-459186 (English title: Flying machine with airfoils and propulsion and lifting propellers, Inventors: Leo Schreck, Filing date: 1913-06-13)
- Patent GB-1913-16499 (English title: Airship gas bag compartments, Inventors: George Sutherland Dodman, Filing date: 1913-07-18)
- Patent GB-1913-16621 (English title: Superimposed propellers rotating in opposite directions, avoiding uneven strain, suitable (directly) for lift as well as propulsion, Inventors: Karl Pollacsek, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1912-59557, Filing date: 1913-07-19)
- Patent FR-1913-463010 (English title: Aeroplane with a movable weight, aiding in stability, particularly during landing and take-off, Inventors: Boleslaw Jeziowski, Filing date: 1913-09-26)
- Patent FR-1913-463968 (English title: Propeller-driven autoglider, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1912-250406 • Patent BE-1912-250457 • Patent BE-1913-250457.252822 • Patent BE-1913-250406.252841 • Patent BE-1913-02-12 Alfred E. Wunderlich, Filing date: 1913-10-24, Applicant firm: Société Anonyme L'Aéra)
- Patent FR-1913-474215 (English title: System of high-yield aerial lifting and propelling wings, Inventors: Charles Philippart • Trajan Vuia, Filing date: 1913-11-07)
- Patent FR-1913-465598 (English title: Kinematic depression column, Inventors: Henry Gorra, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1913-461008, Filing date: 1913-12-02)
- Patent HU-1914-68447 (English title: Helicoplane, Inventors: Kálmán Fekete)
- Patent BE-1907-197626.202144 (English title: Aeroplane with dynamic rarefaction, known as: “Autoplane”, Inventors: Alfred E. Wunderlich, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1907-197626, Filing date: 1907-08-06)
- Patent BE-1913-259683 (English title: Dual-propelled, climb-propelled airplane with combined rudders, Inventors: E. Amichaud, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-259683, Filing date: 1913-08-25)
- Patent BE-1914-259683.263508 (English title: Dual-propelled, climb-propelled airplane with combined rudders, Inventors: E. Amichaud, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-259683, Filing date: 1914-01-02)
- Patent BE-1914-266541 (English title: Apparatus for indicating the ascent and descent of balloons, Inventors: H. Apelt, Filing date: 1914-04-09)
- Patent BE-1914-266656 (English title: Airplane with flapping wings, Inventors: P. Bernard, Filing date: 1914-04-15)
- Patent FR-1915-476969 (English title: lifting and landing airplanes in place, Inventors: Lucien David, Filing date: 1914-05-16)
- Patent BE-1914-268143 (English title: Apparatus for propelling airplanes and airships, Inventors: H. Monnier, Filing date: 1914-06-05)
- Patent FR-1915-476069 (English title: Improvements to airplanes, Inventors: Charles-Alphonse Vallot, Filing date: 1914-08-20)
- Patent FR-1914-476681 (English title: Airplane of multiple levels(or wings) in which each level(or set of wings) works independently, Inventors: Alexandre Bezobrazoff, Filing date: 1914-09-22)
- Patent GB-1914-4543 (English title: Improvements in and relating to Aerial Machines and Aerial Driven Watercraft, actually an elaborately pivoting propeller, Inventors: Isaac Bell, Filing date: 1914-11-11)
- Patent IT-1914-144686 (English title: Improvements to airships and the like, Inventors: George Sutherland Dodman, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1913-16499, Filing date: 1914-07-16)
- Patent FR-1915-525800 (English title: Aircraft capable of rising vertically and hovering in the air, Inventors: Maurice-Achille Lécuyer, Filing date: 1915-02-24)
- Patent FR-1915-491188 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: René-Joseph-Ghislain Straunard, Filing date: 1915-06-16)
- Patent FR-1915-502520 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines with Revolving Wings, Inventors: Alexis Beurrier • Édouard-Jean Bigourdan • Louis Lacoin, Filing date: 1915-11-06)
- Patent FR-1915-481332 (English title: Helicopter-Plane (?), Inventors: Lyoubomir Boïovitch, Filing date: 1915-11-29)
- Patent GB-1915-102154 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines with Revolving Wings, Inventors: Alexis Beurrier • Édouard-Jean Bigourdan • Louis Lacoin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1915-502520, Filing date: 1916-11-06)
- Patent GB-1916-104708 (English title: Improvements in Flying Machines, Inventors: James Jesse Jackson, Filing date: 1916-03-10)
- Patent FR-1916-491807 (English title: Flying machine with spiral cut propellers, Inventors: James Jesse Jackson, Filing date: 1916-04-19)
- Patent FR-1916-491840 (English title: Device for controlling the elevation rudder of airplanes and other aerial devices, Inventors: Gaston Madeira, Filing date: 1916-05-03)
- Patent FR-1916-521764 (English title: Improvements to aircraft which are heavier-than-air, actually an airplane-helicopter hybrid, Filing date: 1916-06-17)
- Patent FR-1916-502520.22245 (English title: Rotary wing aircraft, Inventors: Alexis Beurrier • Édouard-Jean Bigourdan • Louis Lacoin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1915-502520, Filing date: 1916-11-02)
- Patent FR-1917-525800.23452 (English title: Aircraft capable of rising vertically and hovering in the air, Inventors: Maurice-Achille Lécuyer, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1915-525800, Filing date: 1917-02-23)
- Patent AT-1917-79539 (English title: screw captive aircraft, Inventors: Oszkár Asbóth, Filing date: 1917-04-30)
- Patent HU-1917-76184 (English title: Aircraft propeller or screw plane, Inventors: Oszkár Asbóth, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1917-79539, Filing date: 1917-06-04)
- Patent FR-1917-495383 (English title: Improvements in aviation apparatus (that is, propellers of ascension and propulsion), Inventors: Lyoubomir Boïovitch, Filing date: 1917-08-02)
- Patent DE-1917-375592 (English title: Device for reducing control work on aircraft and watercraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Filing date: 1917-09-22)
- Patent US-1917-1275710 (English title: Captive-Balloon Controller and Conveyer;, Inventors: James N. Lewis, Filing date: 1917-11-03)
- Patent US-1917-1328211 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Ira L. Sloan, Filing date: 1917-12-28)
- Patent DE-1918-383744 (English title: Aircraft with rotating wings or lifting surface, Inventors: Konrad R. Ritter, Filing date: 1918-03-19)
- Patent FR-1918-503185 (English title: Aerial apparatus having the ability to fly without a motor, Inventors: Henri Liurette, Filing date: 1918-12-18)
- Patent GB-1920-148293 (English title: Auxiliary steering gear for aircraft, Inventors: Anton Flettner, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1917-375592, Filing date: 1920-07-09)
- Patent BE-1926-338559 (English title: Helicopter with two lift propellers, Inventors: Nicolas Florine, Filing date: 1926-03-03)
- Patent US-1930-1836663 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Joseph Herbeck, Filing date: 1930-06-26)
Publications referring to Ascension
- Jahrbuch des Deutschen Luftfahrer-Verbandes (Simple title: Jahrbuch des Deutschen Luftfahrer-Verbandes)
- Verdier, Ascension et mort de Mlle, élève de Lartet, à Mont-de-Marsan (Simple title: Ascension and death of Miss, pupil of Lartet, in Mont-de-Marsan)
- Publication 10152, 1784, Rapport fait à l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon, sur l'expérience de l'aérostat (Simple title: Report made to the Academy of Sciences, Belles-Lettres and Arts of Lyon, on the experiment of the aerostat made January 19, 1784, which was joined a dissertation of some academicians, on the fluid principle of the ascension of aerostatic machines, developed by the action of fire)
- Blanchard, 1785, Relation de la quatorzième ascension de Blanchard, faite à Lille, le 26 août 1785. Avec la carte et la developpement de ce voyage aérien (Simple title: Relationship of the fourteenth ascension of Blanchard, made in Lille, August 26, 1785. With the map and the development of this air trip, Journal: Journal de Bruxelles)
- Blanchard, 1786, Relation de la 20e ascension de M. Blanchard, qui à eu lieu à Hambourg, le 23 août 1786 (Simple title: Relation of the 20th ascension of M. Blanchard, which took place in Hamburg, August 23, 1786)
- Blanchard, 1793, Journal of my forty-fifth ascension, being the first performed in America, on the ninth of January 1793 (Simple title: Journal of my forty-fifth ascension, being the first performed in America, on the ninth of January 1793)
- Blanchard, 1800, Relation de la cinquante-unième et dernière ascension de l'aéronaute Blanchard (Simple title: Relation of the fifty-first and last ascent of the aeronaut Blanchard)
- Blanchard, 1812, Quarantesima quinta ascensione della signora Blanchard (Simple title: Forty-fifth ascension of Mrs. Blanchard)
- Munro, 1836, Mode of preserving the gas of balloons. Carbonic acid for ballast (Simple title: Mode of preserving the gas of balloons. Carbonic acid for ballast, Journal: Mech. Mag. Mus. Reg. Journ.)
- Publication 1869, 1850, Voyage aéronautique de MM. Bixio et Barral (Simple title: Aeronautical travel of Bixio and Barral, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Dupuis-Delcourt, 1850, Nouveau manuel complet d'aérostation ou guide pour servir à l'histoire ou à la pratique des ballons (Simple title: New full aerostation manual or guide to serve the history or practice of balloons, Journal: Encyclopedie Roret)
- Leras, 1851, Ascension aérostatique du 21 août 1851 (Simple title: Aerostatic ascent of August 21, 1851)
- Delaville-Dedreux, 1863, Navigation aérienne en chine (Simple title: La navigation aérienne en Chine)
- Delaville-Dedreux, 1863, Navigation aérienne en chine (Simple title: La navigation aérienne en Chine)
- Fonvielle, 1871, Programme d'une ascension aérostatique, pour observer les étoiles filantes de novembre 1871 (Simple title: Program of an aerostatic ascent, to observe the shooting stars of November 1871, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Publication 870, 1873, Ascension scientifique exécutée par MM. J. Crocé-Spinelli, Jobert, A. Pénaud, le docteur Petard et Sivel le 26 avril 1873 (Simple title: Scientific ascension performed by MM. J. Crocé-Spinelli, Jobert, A. Pénaud, Dr. Petard and Sivel April 26, 1873, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Fonvielle, 1874, Sur des observations spectroscopiques, faites dans l'ascension de 24 septembre 1874, pour étudier les variations d'étendue des couleurs du spectre (Simple title: On spectroscopic observations, made in the ascent of September 24, 1874, to study the variations of range of colors of the spectrum, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Fonvielle, 1874, Note sur des observations spectroscopiques, faites dans l'ascension du 24 septembre 1874, pour étudier les variations d'étendue des couleurs du spectre (Simple title: Note on spectroscopic observations, made in the ascension of September 24, 1874, to study the variations of range of the colors of the spectrum, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Fonvielle, 1874, Sur une ascension du ballon le Jules-Favre, en Russie (Simple title: On an ascent of the balloon Jules-Favre, in Russia, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Janssen, 1874, Ascension scientifique à grande bauteur exécutée le 22 mars 1874 (Simple title: High Beam Scientific Ascension Performed March 22, 1874, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Crocé-Spinelli and Sivel, 1874, Ascension scientifique à grande hauteur exécutée le 22 mars 1874 (Simple title: Scientific high-altitude climb carried out on March 22, 1874, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Fonvielle, 1875, Note sur une ascension aérostatique (Simple title: Note on an aerostatic ascent, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Sivel, Crocé-Spinelli, Tissandier, Jobert, and Tissandier, 1875, Ascension scientifique de longue durée des 23-24 mars 1875 (Simple title: Long-term Scientific Ascension of March 23-24, 1875, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Sivel, Crocé-Spinelli, Tissandier, and Jobert, 1875, Ascension scientifique de longue durée (Simple title: Scientific ascension of long duration, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Vinson, 1875, Ascension du 'Saturne.' Rapport sur le voyage aérostatique du 29 mars 1875 (Simple title: Ascension of 'Saturn' Report on the aerostatic journey of March 29, 1875)
- Caron, 1875, L'ascension du 15 avril 1875 (Simple title: The ascent of April 15, 1875, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Tridon, 1878, Note sur l'ascension scientifique en ballon du 31 octobre (Simple title: Note on the scientific ascension in balloon of October 31st, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Fonvielle, 1879, L'ascension des fêtes de Nancy (Simple title: The rise of Nancy's festivities, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Fonvielle, 1879, Ascension du Gayant de Douai (9 juillet 1879), dédié à la municipalité douaisienne (Simple title: Ascension of Gayant de Douai (9 July 1879), dedicated to the municipality of Douai, Journal: L'Electricite)
- Lachambre, 1879, L'ascension de Péronne (Simple title: The ascent of Péronne, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Gauthier, 1880, Ascension à Étampes le 12 octobre 1879 (Simple title: Ascension to Etampes October 12, 1879, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Desmarets, 1881, Ascension de Rouen (Simple title: Ascent of Rouen, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Fonvielle, 1882, Ascensions, les grandes maritimes (Simple title: Ascents, the great maritime)
- Fonvielle, 1882, Les grandes ascensions maritimes. Traversée de la Manche (Simple title: Great sea climbs. Crossing the English Channel)
- Fonvielle, 1883, Une ascension involontaire en ballon (Simple title: An involuntary balloon climb, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Silberer, 1883, Im Ballon. Eine Schilderung der Fahrten des Wiener Luftballons Vindobona' im Jahre 1882, sowie der früheren Wiener Luftfahrte (1791-1881). M. Aufzählung aller jener Luftfahrten, bei denen Menschenleben zum Opfer gefallen sind (Simple title: Balloon. A description of the voyages of the Viennese balloon Vindobona in 1882, as well as previous Vienna air travel (1791-1881). M. List of all those air rides in which human lives have fallen victim)
- Lachambre, 1885, Ascension du 'Talisman' le 2 novembre 1885 (Simple title: Ascension of 'Talisman' on November 2, 1885, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Longueville, 1886, Ascension du ballon l'Astrolabe (Simple title: Ascent of the Astrolabe balloon, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marest, 1887, L'ascension du ballon 'l'Arago' 13 nov. 1887 (Simple title: The ascent of the balloon 'l'Arago' 13 Nov. 1887, Journal: L'Aérostat)
- Publication 6302, 1887, Huit ascensions au dessus de la Méditerranée (Simple title: Eight ascensions over the Mediterranean, Journal: L'Aérostat)
- Fonvielle, 1888, L'ascension du ballon Le Talisman à l'usine à gaz de Clichy (Simple title: The ascent of the balloon Le Talisman at the Clichy gas plant, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Gross, 1888, Temperatur und Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Luft während einer Ballonfahrt am 21 Januar 1888 (Simple title: Temperature and moisture content of the air during a balloon ride on 21 January 1888, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Montmorency, 1888, L'Hoste et Mangot. (Ascension de l'Aragot.) (Simple title: The Hoste and Mangot. (Ascension of the Aragot.), Journal: L'Aérostat)
- Publication 848, 1888, L'ascension du 'Horla.' (Simple title: The ascent of 'Horla', Journal: La Rev. Aér.)
- Publication 849, 1888, Ascension du 4 novembre 1888, à bord d'un ballon de 800 metrès cubes (Simple title: Ascension of November 4, 1888, aboard a balloon of 800 cubic meters, Journal: L'Aérostat)
- Lucy, 1890, Ascension de 'l'Aurore.' Aerostat de 1000 m.c. (Simple title: Ascension of "Aurore" ("dawn"), an aerostat of 1000 m.c., Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Sibillot, 1890, Gay-Lussac Aéronaute (Simple title: Gay-Lussac Aéronaute)
- Sibillot, 1890, Gay-Lussac Aéronaute (Simple title: Gay-Lussac Aéronaute)
- Lachambre, 1891, Ascension de 'l'Admiral Courbet' (Simple title: Ascension of 'Admiral Courbet', Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Publication 847, 1891, Ascension du ballon le 'Jules Verne' (Monte par MM. Gravis, Legendre, Gourdin et Lecocq le lundi 20 oct. 1890) (Simple title: Ascent of the balloon Jules Verne by Mr Gravis, Legendre, Gourdin and Lecocq on Monday, October 20th, 1890, Journal: La France Aérienne)
- Zobel and Voyer, 1891, Ascension militaire libre en pays de montagnes (Simple title: Free military ascension in mountain country, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Fonvielle, 1892, Observations sur l'ascension du ballon Les Inventions Nouvelles (Simple title: Observations on the ascent of the balloon The Inventions News, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Hermite, 1893, L'exploration de la haute atmosphère. Préparatifs d'une nouvelle ascension de l'aérophile (Simple title: The exploration of the upper atmosphere. Preparations of an aerophile for a new ascent, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite, 1893, L'exploration de la haute atmosphère. Deuxième ascension du ballon l'Aérophile (Simple title: The exploration of the upper atmosphere. Second ascent of the balloon Aerophile, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Andrée, 1893, Ascension du ballon 'Svea' à Stockholm (Simple title: Ascension of the balloon Svea at Stockholm, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Besançon and Hermite, 1894, Ascension à bord du ballon 'Archiméde' (Simple title: Ascension aboard the balloon 'Archimede', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Fonvielle, 1894, Rapport sur l'ascension du ballon le 'Général Uhrich,' pendant la siège de Paris, le 19 novembre 1870 (Simple title: Report on the ascent of the balloon 'General Uhrich,' during the siege of Paris, November 19, 1870, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Besançon and Hermite, 1895, Sur une double ascension nocturne exécutée le 4 septembre (Simple title: On a double night ascent on 4 September, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Besançon and Hermite, 1895, Sur une double ascension nocturne exécutée le 4 septembre 1895 (Simple title: On a double night ascent on 4 September 1895, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Hermite and Besançon, 1895, Sur une double ascension nocturne exécuté le 4 septembre (Simple title: On a double night climb performed on September 4th, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Picard, 1895, Une ascension (Simple title: A climb, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 2435, 1895, Aerial navigation (Simple title: Aerial navigation, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Archdeacon, 1895, Ascension du 'Pionnier' (24 mars 1895), de Paris à Mézières en deux heures (Simple title: Ascension of the 'Pionnier' (March 24, 1895), from Paris to Mézières in two hours, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Gaillard, 1896, Trois heures en l'air. Ma première ascension (Simple title: Three hours in the air. My first ascent, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite and Besançon, 1896, Sur l'ascension du ballon-sonde de Paris (Simple title: On the ascent of the Paris probe balloon, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Hermite, 1896, L'exploration de la haute atmosphère. Troisième ascension du ballon l'Aérophile (Simple title: The exploration of the upper atmosphere. Third ascent of the balloon Aerophile, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Cadelli, 1896, Delle ascensioni aerostatiche a grande altezza (Simple title: Of high-altitude aerostatic ascensions, Journal: L'Aeronauta)
- Hermite, 1897, Observations sur la septième ascension de l'Aérophile (Simple title: Observations on the seventh ascent of the Aérophile, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite and Besançon, 1897, Deuxième ascension internationale de l'Aérophile (Simple title: Second international ascent of Aérophile, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite and Besançon, 1897, Deuxième ascension internationale de l'Aérophile (Simple title: Second international ascent of Aérophile, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Besançon, 1898, L'ascension du Balaschoff (Simple title: The ascent of Balaschoff, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite, 1898, L'ascension de 'l'Alliance' (Simple title: The rise of 'the Alliance', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite, 1898, Exploration de la haute atmosphère. Ascension de l'Aérophile No. 4, le 23 août 1898 (Simple title: Exploration of the upper atmosphere. Ascension of Aerophile No. 4, August 23, 1898, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Bartalot, 1898, Impressions de voyages aériens. Ascension du ballon l'Aurore (Simple title: Impressions of air travel. Ascension of the ball Aurora, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Cabalzar, 1898, L'ascension de l'Alliance (Simple title: The rise of the Alliance, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Besançon, 1899, L'ascension du Balaschoff (Simple title: The ascent of Balaschoff, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Besançon, 1899, Les ascensions aérostatiques en Allemagne (Simple title: Aerostatic climbs in Germany, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Hermite, 1899, Ascension du ballon-sonde Aérophile No. 4 (Simple title: Ascension of the Aerophile No. 4 balloon, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Klumpke, 1899, Ascension du Centaure (Simple title: Ascension of the Centaur, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Riedinger, 1899, Der Drachenballon der Jubiläumsausstellung in Wien (Simple title: The kite balloon of the Jubilee Exhibition in Vienna, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Riedinger, 1899, Der Drachenballon der Jubiläumsausstellung in Wien (Simple title: The kite balloon of the Jubilee Exhibition in Vienna, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bans, 1899, Ballons pour rire (Simple title: Balloons for laughs, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Capazza, 1899, Traversée de la Méditerranée en ballon (Simple title: Balloon crossing of the Mediterranean)
- Genty, 1900, Sur une ascension aérostatique effectuée le 17 juin 1900 (Simple title: On an aerostatic ascent carried out on June 17, 1900, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Genty, 1900, Sur une ascension aérostatique (Simple title: On an aerostatic ascent, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 843, 1900, Use ascension à bord de l'Aéro-Club (Simple title: An ascension with the Aero-Club, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- La Vaulx, 1900, De France en Russie en ballon. Conference (1) du comte Henry de La Vaulx (Simple title: From France to Russia in a balloon. Conference (1) of Count Henry La Vaulx, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- La Vaulx, 1900, De France en Russie en ballon. Conference (1) du comte Henry de La Vaulx (Simple title: From France to Russia in a balloon. Conference (1) of Count Henry La Vaulx, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Vernanchet, 1900, Ascension du 'Champagne Mercier' (Simple title: Ascension of 'Champagne Mercier', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Vernanchet, 1900, Ascension du 'Champagne Mercier' (Simple title: Ascension of 'Champagne Mercier', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Ancelle, 1900, Une ascension de Xavier de Maistre (Simple title: An ascent of Xavier de Maistre, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Faure, 1900, Faure's balloon voyage across the channel (Simple title: Faure's balloon voyage across the channel, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Estifeeff, 1900, La plus longue ascension executée en Russie (Simple title: The longest climb completed in Russia, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 4566, 1901, First ascent of the Aero Club (Simple title: First ascent of the Aero Club, Journal: Flying)
- Dietel, 1901, Zeppelins zweiter und dritter Aufstieg (Simple title: Zeppelins second and third ascent, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 11670, 1901, Suter's new airship on Lake Constance (Simple title: Suter's new airship on Lake Constance, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Spencer, 1901, Notable British balloon ascents (Simple title: Notable British balloon ascents, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Amiel, 1902, Ascension du ballon le 'Rêve bleu' au Parc de Rueil 7 sept. 1902 (Simple title: Ascent of the balloon 'Blue Dream' at Parc de Rueil Sept. 7, 1902, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Butler, 1902, Balloon ascent from Paris in a snowstorm (Simple title: Balloon ascent from Paris in a snowstorm, Journal: Flying)
- Caspard, 1902, Ascension tragique (Simple title: Tragic ascension, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Damé, 1902, Ascension du ballon 'Le progrès' à Lyon, le 25 mai 1902 (Simple title: Ascension balloon 'Progress' in Lyon, May 25, 1902, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Publication 6634, 1903, Journal de bord de l'ascension du 'Djinn' (Simple title: Diary of the ascent of 'Djinn', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 9431, 1903, Over ocean balloon voyages (Simple title: Over ocean balloon voyages, Journal: Aer. World)
- Hermite, 1905, Les ballons et la Montagne. Une ascension au pays d'Henri IV. La coupe des Pyrenées (Simple title: Balloons and the Mountain. An ascent to the land of Henri IV. The Pyrenean Cup, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 854, 1905, Ascensioni del Capitano Frassinetti a Milano (Simple title: Ascension of Captain Frassinetti in Milan, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Kindelán, 1905, Las ascensiones libres en la compañia de aerostación (Simple title: Free balloon ascensions by the Compañia de Aerostación)
- Burgatti, 1905, L'ascensione meteorologica del 30 agosto 1905 durante l'eclisse (Simple title: The meteorological ascension of 30 August 1905 during the eclipse, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Jaubert, 1906, Ascension scientifique internationale du 7 décembre 1905 (Simple title: International Scientific Ascension of December 7, 1905, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 10190, 1906, Record di durata di un' ascensione meteorologica (Simple title: Duration record of a meteorological ascension, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 12023, 1906, La tragica ascensione del Regina Elena (Simple title: The tragic ascension of Regina Elena, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Bassus, 1906, Ueber die Abbildung von Gewässern in Wolkendecken (Simple title: On the mapping of waters in cloud cover, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Fonvielle, 1907, Sur une observation faite par M. Janssen, dans son ascension du 2 décembre 1870 (Simple title: On an observation made by Mr. Janssen in his ascent of December 2, 1870, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Hirschauer, 1907, Ascension de la 'Libellule' à la fête de l'Aéronautique-Club de France du 23 septembre 1906 (Simple title: Ascension of the 'Libellule' at the Aeronautics-Club de France party of 23 September 1906, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Ludlow Hammer Post, 1907, Navigating the air; a scientific statement of the progress of aeronautical science (Simple title: Navigating the air; a scientific statement of the progress of aeronautical science up to the present time)
- Publication 1321, 1907, Balloon logs of the Gordon-Bennett race (Simple title: Balloon logs of the Gordon-Bennett race, Journal: American Aeronaut)
- Publication 3691, 1907, La disceasa in mare del 'Fides IV', Ascensione del 12 dicembre (Simple title: The disceasa at sea of 'Fides IV', Ascension of 12 December, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Teisserenc de Bort and Rotch, 1907, Necessité d'étendre le réseau des stations d'ascensions internationales en limitant au besoin le nombre des ascensions (Simple title: Need to extend the network of international climbing stations by limiting the number of climbs, Journal: Proc. Ver. Seances et Mem. Cinq. Conf. Comm. Int. Aer. Scien.)
- Usuelli, 1907, Ascensione del 23 Dicembre 1906 a 7000 metri (Simple title: Ascension of December 23, 1906 to 7000 meters, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Kremser, 1907, Physics of the atmosphere (Simple title: Physics of the atmosphere, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Degoul, 1907, Un ascension monstre (Simple title: A monster climb, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Usuelli, 1907, Ascensione del 24 Novembre 1907, pallone Milano 2000 mc (Simple title: Ascension November 24th 1907, Milan 2000 mc balloon, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 851, 1907, L'ascensione del 'Principessa Laetitia' a Torino il 16 febbraio (Simple title: The ascent of the 'Principessa Laetitia' in Turin on February 16th, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Mina, 1908, La prima ascensione libera eseguita in Italia (Simple title: The first free ascension performed in Italy, Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Mina, 1908, Ascensione del pallone 'Pegaso' del 15 novembre (Simple title: Ascension of the 'Pegasus' balloon on November 15th, Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 12860, 1908, What the aeronaut can do for meteorology. Government ascension blanks for aeronauts (Simple title: What the aeronaut can do for meteorology. Government ascension blanks for aeronauts, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 7863, 1908, École des pilotes de l'Aéro-Club de Belgique. Deuxième ascension (8 juin 1908) (Simple title: School of pilots of the Aero-Club of Belgium. Second ascent (June 8, 1908), Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Sherrick, 1908, How it feels to be up in a balloon (Simple title: How it feels to be up in a balloon, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Tannehill, 1908, First ascension by a woman in Canton (Simple title: First ascension by a woman in Canton, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Von Abercron, 1908, Allein über die Alpen. ('Gersthofen.') (Simple title: Alone over the Alps, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Wegener and Rambaldo, 1908, Le second voyage du 'Ziegler' d'Allemagne en Angleterre (Simple title: The second trip of 'Ziegler' from Germany to England, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Dines, Petavel, Hakwood, Thrift, 1908, The international balloon ascents, July 22-27, 1907 (Simple title: The international balloon ascents, July 22-27, 1907, Journal: Quart. Journ. Roy. Meteor. Soc.)
- Erminio, 1908, L'ascensione del pallone 'Verdi' dell 25 Marzo e 12 Aprile (Simple title: The ascent of the 'Verdi' football of March 25th and April 12th, Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Erminio, 1908, Un ascensione notturna del Pegasco (Simple title: A nocturnal ascension of the Pegasque, Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Erminio, 1908, Simpatica dimostrazione della città di Biella per l'ascensione del Verdi del 28 maggio p. p. (Simple title: Nice demonstration of the city of Biella for the ascension of Verdi on 28 May p. p., Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Erminio, 1908, Un' ascensione del 'Verdi' in Alba il 6 settembre 1908 (Simple title: An ascent of the 'Verdi' in Alba on 6 September 1908, Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 3488, 1908, Vom Deutschen Armeeballon (Simple title: From the German army balloon, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Wittenberg, 1908, Die Zeppelinschen Fahrten. Erfolge und Misserfolge. Fahrten von 6 3/4 - 12 Stunden (Simple title: The Zeppelin rides. Successes and failures. Rides from 6 3/4 - 12 hours, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Kimball, 1908, The Kimball helicopter (Simple title: The Kimball helicopter, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Myers, 1909, Hydrogen gas ballooning (Simple title: Hydrogen gas ballooning, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Publication 12024, 1909, Tragique ascension. Le ballon Gay-Lussac (Simple title: Tragic ascension. The Gay-Lussac balloon, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Grand-Carteret and Delteil, 1910, La Conquête de l'air vue par l'Image (1495–1909) (Simple title: La Conquête de l'air vue par l'Image (1495–1909))
- Publication B2p1424e22, 1911, Williams man makes ascension (Simple title: Williams man makes ascension, Journal: Aero)
- Reber, 1912, An outline of the theory of ballooning (Simple title: An outline of the theory of ballooning, Journal: Journ. Frankl. Inst.)
- Publication B2p1023e12, 1913, Pennsylvania I makes its first ascension of the year (Simple title: Pennsylvania I makes its first ascension of the year, Journal: Fly)
- Barlatier, 1915, En ballon dans l'hiver canadien (Simple title: Ballooning in the Canadian winter, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Vissering, 1922, Zeppelin (Simple title: Zeppelin)
- Putnam, 1930, Andrée (Simple title: Andrée)
- Putnam, 1930, Andrée (Simple title: Andrée)
Enclosing categories | Propulsion |
Subcategories | |
Keywords | Lift, Sustentation, Traction, Helicopter |
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