Patent BE-1914-266656

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Patent BE-1914-266656

« Un vilebrequin est commandé au moyen d’engrenages par l’arbre du moteur ; ce vilebrequin actionne simultanément, d’une part, un arbre central arrière et, d’autre part, deux arbres latéraux ; ces arbres, par leur mouvement de va-et-vient, s’articulent à des leviers lesquels sont combinés de façon à transmettre aux ailes un mouvement alternatif. »

“A crankshaft is driven by means of gears by the motor shaft; this crankshaft simultaneously drives a central rear shaft on the one hand and two side shafts, on the other; these shafts, by their movement back and forth, are articulated to levers which are combined in such a way as to transmit to the wings an alternating movement.”


  • RdBdI Tome 62, 1914, January-August
  • Inventor location:
  • Patent agent location: Brussels

Year filed 1914
Year granted
Office BE
Patent number 266656
Inventors P. Bernard
Inventor country BE
Applicant person P. Bernard
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Aéroplane à ailes battantes
English title Airplane with flapping wings
Tech fields airplane, wings, flapping, design, motors, propulsion, ascension, levers, crankshaft
Filing date 1914/04/15
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date
Granted? Yes
Publication date
Supplementary to patent
Related to aircraft? Yes
Serial number
Patent agent Borghans-von Kilch et Cie
Assigned to
National tech categories BE K
Family year 1914
First filing? Yes
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims