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Patents in category texture
- Patent FR-1873-100696 (English title: Flight control of aerostats, dirigible, rigid, aluminium, having alleged effect on later Von Zeppelin activity, Inventors: Joseph Spiess)
- Patent FR-1881-142882 (English title: improvements in the manufacture of threads for balloons and other uses, Inventors: Ledru)
- Patent FR-1888-194184 (English title: Metallic dirigible airship, Inventors: J. J. Gloton)
- Patent FR-1894-241339 (English title: silk tissue proper especially to aerostat construction, Inventors: Blondel)
- Patent FR-1907-369937.8219 (English title: Improvements in a lift surface applicable to craft having the ability to lift, sustain, and direct themselves in the air, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-369937, Filing date: 1907-09-21)
- Patent FR-1856-29581 (English title: system of rubber aerostat, Inventors: Jouffre, Filing date: 1856-10-25)
- Patent FR-1858-35591 (English title: manufacturing process for casing called aerial, Inventors: Revillon, Filing date: 1858-02-25)
- Patent US-1876-181186 (English title: Improvement in flying-machines, Inventors: François X. Lamboley, Filing date: 1876-07-19)
- Patent FR-1888-194842 (English title: Aerial steamship designed to resolve the problem of aerial navigation without balloon, Inventors: E. J. Delaurier)
- Patent US-1888-398984 (English title: Human-powered flapping wings with balloon, Inventors: Reuben Jasper Spalding, Filing date: 1888-09-01)
- Patent FR-1895-245166 (English title: Model dirigible with (propeller) blades, in aluminum, Inventors: Baronnet, Filing date: 1895-02-16)
- Patent DK-1901-4873 (English title: Kite, Inventors: Viktor Tarczal • Edmund Roheim • Josef Simkó, Supplementary to patent: Patent HU-1901-24148, Filing date: 1901-09-04)
- Patent US-1901-706832 (English title: Covering for aeroplanes, Inventors: Israel Lancaster, Filing date: 1901-11-26)
- Patent FR-1902-320073 (English title: new aerostat called: Aerial Pichou, Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1883-, Filing date: 1902-03-29)
- Patent FR-1902-320091 (English title: Dirigible, Inventors: Gibon, Filing date: 1902-04-01)
- Patent FR-1902-323137.997 (English title: a dirigible of compressed air and based on the principle of the heavier than air, Inventors: Émile Charlier, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-323137, Filing date: 1902-06-05)
- Patent FR-1902-320073.739 (English title: new aerostat called: Aerial Pichou, Inventors: Alfred-Eugène Pichou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-320073, Filing date: 1902-08-05)
- Patent FR-1903-329662 (English title: Aviateur, Inventors: Paul Larrigaudière, Filing date: 1903-02-27)
- Patent FR-1903-330344 (English title: Projectile aeroplane with automatic equilibrium, Inventors: Albert-Constantin-Louis Bazin, Filing date: 1903-03-20)
- Patent GB-1903-12149 (English title: Improvements in aerial machines, Inventors: Henry Shepley Booth, Filing date: 1903-05-28)
- Patent FR-1904-342794 (English title: Improvements to flying machines, Inventors: Joseph Gachet, Filing date: 1904-04-30)
- Patent US-1904-785740 (English title: Covering for aeroplanes, Inventors: Israel Lancaster, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1901-706832, Filing date: 1904-07-12)
- Patent US-1905-856910 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: William Phillips, Filing date: 1905-08-01)
- Patent FR-1906-357980 (English title: Application of metallic paints to air-ships, Inventors: Louis Godard • Henri André, Filing date: 1905-09-23)
- Patent US-1905-851895 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Matthew Nial, Filing date: 1905-10-14)
- Patent US-1906-852221 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: Bartholomew Connolly, Filing date: 1906-04-13)
- Patent FR-1906-369937 (English title: Improvements to an ascension surface applicable to machines designed to have the ability to lift themselves, sustain themselves, and to navigate in the air, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326727, Filing date: 1906-09-22)
- Patent US-1906-884432 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Melvin Vaniman, Filing date: 1906-11-27)
- Patent GB-1907-7491 (English title: Improvements in the Manufacture of Artificial Feathers, Inventors: Frederick William Hutchinson Hutchinson, Filing date: 1907-03-28)
- Patent FR-1908-386179 (English title: High-speed dirigible, Inventors: Marius-Jules Roffy, Filing date: 1907-04-06)
- Patent IT-1907-91329 (English title: Improvements to an ascension surface applicable to machines designed to have the ability to lift themselves, sustain themselves, and to navigate in the air, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1902-65889 • Patent FR-1902-326727, Filing date: 1907-09-14)
- Patent CH-1907-41856 (English title: Propeller to raise or sustain apparatus in the air, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1906-369937, Filing date: 1907-09-19)
- Patent US-1908-888618 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Fred I. Judson, Filing date: 1908-01-03)
- Patent FR-1908-394477 (English title: non-flammable glue for rubber, Inventors: Hippolyte Pichon • Théodore Truchelut, Filing date: 1908-09-19)
- Patent IT-1908-98096 (English title: Improvements to an ascension surface applicable to machines designed to have the ability to lift themselves, sustain themselves, and to navigate in the air, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1902-326727 • Patent IT-1907-91329 • Patent IT-1902-65889, Filing date: 1908-09-28)
- Patent US-1908-936680 (English title: Balloon (Improvements in Balloons), Inventors: Joseph Allison Steinmetz, Filing date: 1908-12-03)
- Patent FR-1908-397368 (English title: Improvements to carrying surfaces of airplanes, hydroplanes, and related structures and devices, Inventors: René Arnoux, Filing date: 1908-12-12)
- Patent FR-1909-399741 (English title: Device of selvedge to both flexible and rigid for balloons ("selvedge" having to do with "self-finishing" of fabric edges), Inventors: Maurice Mallet, Filing date: 1909-01-30)
- Patent FR-1909-400167 (English title: Monoplane helicopter with variable surface, Inventors: Michel Laplace, Filing date: 1909-01-30)
- Patent GB-1909-9241 (English title: Improvements in Aerial Machines, Inventors: Rudolf Wagner • Carl Edler von Radinger, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-02-16 von Radinger und Wagner, Filing date: 1909-04-19)
- Patent GB-1909-12814 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Airships, Inventors: Johann Schütte, Filing date: 1909-06-01)
- Patent FR-1909-414155 (English title: Process of making balloon casing inpenetrable, Filing date: 1909-06-11, Applicant firm: Société Michelin et Cie)
- Patent US-1910-958009 (English title: Gliding surface for operating in air or water, Inventors: Hans Reissner, Filing date: 1909-10-26)
- Patent US-1910-957744 (English title: Flying-machine, Inventors: William Whitney Christmas, Filing date: 1909-10-30)
- Patent FR-1910-410205 (English title: Process of insulated shell fabrication, impermeable to gas, for the construction of aeronautic vehicles, dirigibles, motorized airplanes, diverse systems of flying machines and balloon shells, Inventors: Max Mueller, Filing date: 1909-12-10)
- Patent FR-1909-409920.13283 (English title: Flying machine, actually a manner of variably positioning surfaces in the furtherance of both cooling and lift, Inventors: Édouard Vedovelli, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-409920, Filing date: 1909-12-22)
- Patent FR-1910-414270 (English title: Application of reinforced or unreinforced cellulose to the construction of all aerial vehicles, as well as for their parts, parts or any organs, Inventors: Anatole Pasquier, Filing date: 1910-01-12)
- Patent FR-1910-419490 (English title: metallic aerostat, Inventors: Konstantin Tziolkovski, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1909-29150, Filing date: 1910-01-31)
- Patent US-1910-965491 (English title: Flying-machine supporting-plane, Inventors: John G. Stites • Frank Stites, Filing date: 1910-03-24)
- Patent GB-1911-10453 (English title: Improvements in processes of and machines for manufacturing rubber-balloons or the like, Inventors: Albert Engelke • Maurice Ganz, Filing date: 1910-04-28)
- Patent GB-1910-10947 (English title: Improvements in flying machines, Inventors: Jules Raclot • Camille Enderlin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-402649, Filing date: 1910-05-03)
- Patent FR-1910-415695 (English title: Improvements to kite and other flying machines, Inventors: Robert Day Andrews, Filing date: 1910-05-07)
- Patent GB-1911-11332 (Inventors: Robert Day Andrews, Filing date: 1910-05-07)
- Patent GB-1910-12092 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Flying Machines, Inventors: Haydn Gough-Turner, Filing date: 1910-05-17)
- Patent GB-1910-12306 (English title: Improvements in or connected with Aeroplanes, Inventors: Horace Leonard Short • Albert Eustace Short • Hugh Oswald Short, Filing date: 1910-05-19)
- Patent GB-1910-12514 (English title: Improvements in or relating to aeroplanes, Inventors: George Crosland Taylor, Filing date: 1910-05-23)
- Patent FR-1910-427818 (English title: Varnish enabling the avoidance of gas loss by diffusion through balloon shells permettant d'éviter les pertes de gaz par diffusion à travers les enveloppes de ballons, Filing date: 1910-06-03, Applicant firm: Société française des tissus biaisés)
- Patent FR-1910-409920.14003 (English title: Flying machine, a manner of surface construction allowing said surfaces to aid in aircraft cooling, Inventors: Édouard Vedovelli, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-409920, Filing date: 1910-06-14)
- Patent GB-1910-14460 (English title: material for balloon envelopes, Inventors: Julius Rund, Filing date: 1910-06-15)
- Patent GB-1910-14688 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Adam Roenne, Filing date: 1910-06-17)
- Patent FR-1910-427818.14044 (English title: varnish allowing the avoidance of gas loss by diffusion through balloon envelopes, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-427818, Filing date: 1910-06-18, Applicant firm: Société française des tissus biaisés)
- Patent FR-1910-417325 (English title: Shock absorber for airplanes, Inventors: Jacques-Jules Sloan, Filing date: 1910-06-21)
- Patent FR-1910-427818.14115 (English title: Varnish allowing the avoidance of gas loss by diffusion through balloon envelopes, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-427818, Filing date: 1910-07-06, Applicant firm: Société française des tissus biaisés)
- Patent GB-1910-19550 (English title: Supporting or Steering Surfaces, as well as for Screw Propellers of Aeroplanes, Kites and Air Ships, Inventors: Paul Zens, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1909-218585, Filing date: 1910-08-20)
- Patent US-1912-1024315 (English title: Automatically-stabilized supporting plane for aeroplanes, Inventors: Pierre-Octave Détable, Filing date: 1910-08-23)
- Patent GB-1910-19946 (English title: Improvement in flying machines, Inventors: William Swart Romme, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1041876, Filing date: 1910-08-26)
- Patent GB-1910-20145 (English title: Improved Flying Machine, Inventors: Norman Harold Eustace Williams, Filing date: 1910-08-29)
- Patent FR-1910-409920.14549 (English title: Flying machine, that is, an addition in which the carrying surfaces of the aircraft are designed to aid in cooling, Inventors: Édouard Vedovelli, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-409920, Filing date: 1910-10-21)
- Patent GB-1910-28783 (English title: Wooden Propellers with an electrically deposited metal coating for aeroplanes, Inventors: Horatio Claude Barber, Filing date: 1910-12-10)
- Patent AT-1911-56925 (English title: Balloon fabrics, Inventors: Heinrich Dittmar, Filing date: 1911-01-21)
- Patent FR-1911-428887 (English title: Combat aircraft with condensed air(with condenser, wings of both lift and ascension, condenser propellers, with encased and mobile motors and propellers, balloon platform, war pod, landing shoe with movable stop, and movable tail), Inventors: Ferdinand-Corinthe Dandois, Filing date: 1911-04-25)
- Patent HU-1911-56179 (English title: Process for the production of wrapping paper, Inventors: Oskar Körner • William Denso, Filing date: 1911-05-23)
- Patent FR-1911-431521 (English title: Arrangement of sliding surfaces on airplanes, Inventors: Erich Krähe, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-241765, Filing date: 1911-06-23)
- Patent FR-1911-431719 (English title: Metal linings for wooden propellers, Inventors: Horatio Claude Barber, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1910-28783, Filing date: 1911-06-28)
- Patent FR-1911-442995 (English title: apparatus for the metallic coating of various substances, by way of vaporized metal powder, Filing date: 1911-07-03, Applicant firm: Société de Métallisation)
- Patent FR-1912-434150 (English title: Manner of attaching canvas on airplane wings, Inventors: Robert Esnault-Pelterie, Filing date: 1911-09-12)
- Patent GB-1911-25825 (English title: Improvements in balloons, Inventors: Francis Alexander Barton, Filing date: 1911-11-20)
- Patent FR-1911-449601 (English title: fabric/material for aerostat shell, Filing date: 1911-12-27, Applicant firm: Société anonyme des Établissements Hutchinson)
- Patent FR-1911-438579 (English title: Suspension System for air-ships allowing net interlining, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Filing date: 1911-12-30)
- Patent FR-1912-436374.15443 (English title: pilot rescue apparatus, Inventors: Frédéric Bonnet, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1911-436374, Filing date: 1912-02-09)
- Patent FR-1912-441365 (English title: Improvements to flying machines, Inventors: Auguste Vicherat, Filing date: 1912-03-15)
- Patent FR-1912-442628.17047 (English title: Improvements to propulsion and lift surfaces applicable to aerial and marine navigation, Inventors: Antoine-Padoue Filippi, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1912-442628, Filing date: 1912-03-20)
- Patent US-1912-1072514 (English title: Dirigible balloon, Inventors: Johann Schütte, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1911-258741, Filing date: 1912-05-01)
- Patent FR-1912-443686 (English title: process for the fabrication of balloon covers, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1911-06-17 Siemens-Schuckert Werke GmbH, Filing date: 1912-05-11, Applicant firm: Siemens-Schuckert Werke GmbH)
- Patent FR-1912-444046 (English title: refinements to aeroplanes, Inventors: Amédée-Henri Colin, Filing date: 1912-05-20)
- Patent FR-1912-444657 (English title: System of mobile surfaces for flapping wings, for paddle wheels and other applications, Inventors: Emile Bertaut, Filing date: 1912-06-05)
- Patent AT-1912-64067 (English title: Process for the preparation of an impregnating agent for balloon fabrics, Inventors: Heinrich Dittmar, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1911-08-14 Heinrich Dittmar, Filing date: 1912-08-14)
- Patent DE-1912-279343 (English title: Apparatus inclusive of elastic canvas aiding in the safe landing or berthing of airships, Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Filing date: 1912-08-14)
- Patent US-1912-1081794 (English title: Balloon, Inventors: Melvin Vaniman, Filing date: 1913-11-07)
- Patent FR-1913-453330 (English title: Wing with metallic structure for aircraft, Inventors: César-Augusto de Condé y Mora, Filing date: 1913-01-20)
- Patent AT-1913-67118 (English title: Building material (raw dried leather) for balloon shells, wings, propeller wings (blades) and other parts of aircraft, Inventors: Wilhelm Jungbecker, Filing date: 1913-05-23)
- Patent FR-1913-458334 (English title: Employment of raw skins dried as independent construction element for balloon shell and other aviation apparatus, Inventors: Wilhelm Jungbecker, Filing date: 1913-05-24)
- Patent HU-1913-63099 (English title: Procedure for the production of balloon casings or structural parts of flying machines from animal skin, Inventors: Wilhelm Jungbecker, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1913-67118, Filing date: 1913-05-24)
- Patent FR-1913-458559 (English title: Airship parking apparatus inclusive of the safety provided by the elasticity of the canvas "bed", Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-279343, Filing date: 1913-05-29)
- Patent GB-1913-12572 (English title: Improvements relating to the Landing or Berthing of Airships, Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-279343, Filing date: 1913-05-29)
- Patent HU-1913-62677 (English title: Equipment for the safety of airships, for the safe berthing of airships, Inventors: Hans Freiherr von Schleinitz, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-279343, Filing date: 1913-05-29)
- Patent DE-1913-06-26 Franz Schneider (English title: Process for the Production of Bodies and Supporting Planes for Aeroplanes and of Floats and Boat Bodies for Hydroplanes, Inventors: Franz Schneider, Filing date: 1913-06-26)
- Patent FR-1913-472958 (English title: Support surface with automatic stability for aircraft, Inventors: Pierre-Octave Détable, Filing date: 1913-08-27)
- Patent AT-1913-75486 (English title: Beating wing for aircraft, with shutters, Inventors: Ferdinand Klepsch, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-265142, Filing date: 1913-09-17)
- Patent HU-1913-66300 (English title: Fabric track, in particular for aircraft and process for its production, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1913-01-10 Aktiengesellschaft Metzeler & Co., Filing date: 1913-09-18, Applicant firm: Aktiengesellschaft Metzeler & Co.)
- Patent FR-1913-465537.19366 (English title: Shielded airplane fuselage, Inventors: Jacques-Jules Sloan, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1913-468159 Jacques-Jules Sloan purported • Patent FR-1913-465537, Filing date: 1913-09-20)
- Patent HU-1913-66701 (English title: Balloon cover, Inventors: Max Martin Bock, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-12-31 Max M. Bock, Filing date: 1913-09-24)
- Patent GB-1913-21737 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Coverings for Balloons and the like, Inventors: Max Martin Bock, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1912-12-31 Max M. Bock, Filing date: 1913-09-26)
- Patent GB-1913-22557 (English title: Improvements in Aerial Propellers, Inventors: Arthur Alexander Dashwood Lang, Filing date: 1913-10-07)
- Patent US-1913-1105569 (English title: Pneumatic suit for aviators, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Filing date: 1913-11-04)
- Patent FR-1914-467845 (English title: Manner of aerostat shell construction, Inventors: Enrique Sanchis, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1913-253298, Filing date: 1914-01-29)
- Patent FR-1915-475396 (English title: Fabric that resists tearing for balloons and dirigibles, Filing date: 1914-02-18, Applicant firm: Société Barbet Massin)
- Patent FR-1914-471762 (English title: Aerostat, Inventors: Heinrich Voss, Filing date: 1914-05-04)
- Patent FR-1914-475059 (English title: Manufacturing of hulls and sustenator surfaces for aeroplanes and floats and hulls for hydroaeroplanes, Inventors: Franz Schneider, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1913-06-26 Franz Schneider, Filing date: 1914-06-16)
- Patent GB-1914-14774 (English title: Process for the Production of Bodies and Supporting Planes for Aeroplanes and of Floats and Boat Bodies for Hydroplanes, Inventors: Franz Schneider, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1913-06-26 Franz Schneider, Filing date: 1914-06-19)
- Patent BE-1914-268726 (English title: Improved parachute, Inventors: E. Pion, Filing date: 1914-06-25)
- Patent FR-1914-474892 (English title: Improvements to apparatus for aiding and holding a protective tissue on a support, Inventors: Thomas Sloper, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1913-08-22 • Patent GB-1914-01-19 • Patent GB-1914-02-06, Filing date: 1914-07-08)
- Patent GB-1914-17394 (English title: Pneumatic Safety Wear of the use of Aviators and others, Inventors: Nazaire Lacrotte, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1913-7071, Filing date: 1914-07-22)
- Patent AT-1915-74323 (English title: Hose, Inventors: Heinrich Bier, Filing date: 1915-06-15)
- Patent HU-1915-74852 (English title: Procedure for the production of glued wood construction elements for aircraft, Filing date: 1915-08-04, Applicant firm: Magyar Lloyd Repülőgép- és Mótorgyár-Részvénytársaság)
- Patent HU-1915-70484 (English title: Colored balloon fabric, Filing date: 1915-10-27, Applicant firm: Vereinigte Gummiwaaren-Fabriken Harburg-Wien vormals Manier J. N. Reithoffer • Vereinigte Gummiwaaren-Fabriken Harburg-Wien)
- Patent HU-1916-75563 (English title: Fabric hanger for soft-body airships, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1915-03-24 Luft Fahrzeug G.m.b.H., Filing date: 1916-04-07, Applicant firm: Luft Fahrzeug G.m.b.H.)
- Patent HU-1916-76153 (English title: Leather coupling for power transmissions, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1915-05-04 Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft m. b. H., Filing date: 1916-04-22, Applicant firm: Luft-Fahrzeug-Gesellschaft M. B. H.)
- Patent AT-1916-77982 (English title: Wing with stiff covering for aircraft, Inventors: Heinrich Bier, Filing date: 1916-04-27)
- Patent HU-1917-76924 (English title: Variable curved lift surface for aeroplanes, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1916-03-21 Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft, Filing date: 1917-02-10, Applicant firm: Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft)
- Patent GB-1917-115968 (English title: Aerofoils for aeronautical machines, Inventors: Horatio Phillips, Filing date: 1917-07-26)
- Patent HU-1917-81736 (English title: Balloon material with or without intestinal products, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1914-12-24 Ballonhüllen Gesellschaft m.b.H., Filing date: 1917-08-27, Applicant firm: Ballonhüllen Gesellschaft m.b.H.)
- Patent HU-1917-79787 (English title: Shelling on aircraft bodies, Inventors: Reinhold Richter, Filing date: 1917-08-29)
- Patent HU-1917-75837 (English title: Interior conductors for fairways of knitted airships, Filing date: 1917-12-18, Applicant firm: Luft Fahrzeug G.m.b.H.)
- Patent US-1920-1332930 (English title: Aircraft construction, Inventors: Joseph Allison Steinmetz, Filing date: 1918-01-08)
- Patent GB-1918-124093 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Aeroplane Structural Elements, Filing date: 1918-04-24, Applicant firm: American Rubber Company)
- Patent GB-1918-125261 (English title: Attaching fabric panels to aircraft, Inventors: William Morton, Filing date: 1918-05-11)
- Patent DE-1918-325133 (English title: Aircraft wing-plane with light metal alloy covering, Filing date: 1918-08-01, Applicant firm: Rumpler-Werke • Rumpler-Werke A.-G. in Berlin-Johannisthal)
- Patent FR-1920-509773 (English title: Balloon fabric, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1916-03-04 Ballonhüllen Gesellschaft m.b.H. mit Beschränkter Haftung • Patent DE-1917-09-23 Ballonhüllen Gesellschaft m.b.H. mit Beschränkter Haftung, Filing date: 1920-02-10, Applicant firm: Ballonhüllen Gesellschaft m.b.H. mit Beschränkter Haftung)
- Patent GR-1930-3096 (English title: Airplane frame treated with metallic coating, Inventors: Henry Potez, Filing date: 1930-01-27)
Enclosing categories | Simple tech terms |
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Keywords | Fabric, Silk, Rubber, Aerodynamics, Leather |
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