Some pioneers of aerial photography:[1]
In the eighties, balloon photography was solely employed for military purposes in England and Germany; and in this connection the names of Elsdale and Templer may be mentioned, as well as those of Tschudi, Hagen, and Sigsfeld. In Austria, the first attempts at photographic work were made by Viktor Silberer, who interested himself in this as in every other aspect of ballooning.[1]
Aerial photography dramatically increased the speed and precision of mapping.[2]
There were some peculiarities for aerial photography due to the way different colors of light can travel at long distances through the atmosphere:
The blue rays are more largely absorbed by the air than the others, and therefore all bright objects appear redder and consequently darker on the plate. An effect of absorption and reflection is that all the bright colours are, as it were, displaced toward the red end of the spectrum and the darker colours appear bluer.[3]
Different kinds of plates were being prepared to compensate for this shift.
In terms of our publication data, Émile Wenz factors in greatly, as an author on aerial photography. We are not sure whether he filed patents. He was among the pioneers in this field as well. See Émile Wenz on French Wikipedia.
Archival examples

- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships Past and Present, pp. 284–289.
- ↑ Gervais, 2001.
- ↑ Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships Past and Present, pp. 299–300.
- Wikipedia: Aerial photography,
- Commons: Photographs by Eduard Spelterini
Pertinent publications
Publications referring to photography
- Laussedat, 0, Historique de l'application de la photographie au lever des plans (Simple title: History of the application of photography at the end of the plans, Journal: C. R. l'Afas)
- Fonvielle, 1880, La photographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Spect. Mil.)
- Desmarets, 1880, La photographie en ballon libre (Simple title: Free balloon photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marey, 1882, Emploi de la photographie instantée pour l'analyse des mouvements chez les oiseaux (Simple title: Use of instant photography for motion analysis in birds, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Janssen, 1882, La reproduction par la photographie des diverses phases du vol des oiseaux (Simple title: Reproduction by photography of the various phases of flight of birds, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marey, 1883, Analyse des mouvements du vol des oiseaux par la photographie (Simple title: Analysis of bird flight movements by photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marey, 1884, Développement de la méthode graphique par l'emploi de la photographie (Simple title: Development of the graphic method by the use of photography)
- Krüger, 1884, Handbuch d. Photographie d. Neuzeit m. bes. Berücksicht. d. Bromsilb.-Gelatine-Emulsions-Verfahrens (Simple title: Manual d. Photograph d. Modern times m. special consideration. d. Bromsilb.-gelatin emulsion process)
- Publication 8297, 1887, Mécanisme du vol des oiseaux, étudié par la photographie (Simple title: Mechanism of bird flight, studied by photography, Journal: La Nature)
- Liesegang, 1887, Handb. d. praktisch. Photographen (Simple title: Handb. D. practically. Photographers)
- Hagen, 1887, Herr Premier-Lieutenant Freiherr vom Hagen (Simple title: Mr. Lieutenant Freiherr vom Hagen, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Hagen, 1887, Photographiren v. Ballon aus (Simple title: Photographing from the Balloon, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Eder, 1887, Analeit. z. herstellung v. moment-photographien (Simple title: Analeit. z. production of moment-photographies)
- Meyer-Heine, 1889, La photographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Annales Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers)
- Fonvielle, 1889, L'aéronautique à l'exposition de 1889 (Simple title: Aeronautics at the 1889 exhibition, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Wenz, 1891, Sur la photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: On aerial photography by kite, Journal: Bulletin de la Société Française de Photographie)
- Publication 3035, 1892, Conférence publiques sur la photographie organisés en 1891-1892 (Simple title: Public lectures on photography organized in 1891-1892)
- Liesegang, 1894, Photographische Chemie für Anfänger (Simple title: Photographic chemistry for beginners)
- Bouttieaux, 1894, La téléphotographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon telephotography, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Janssen, 1894, L'application de la photographie à la météorologie (Simple title: The application of photography to meteorology, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Miethe, 1895, Lehrbuch d. praktischen Photographie (Simple title: Textbook of practical photography)
- Kassner, 1895, Zur Ballonphotographie (Simple title: Regarding balloon photography, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Fonvielle, 1895, L'observatoire photographique des aérostats (Simple title: The photographic observatory of aerostats, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Angot, 1896, Cloud photography (Simple title: Cloud photography, Journal: Publication 10307, 1896, Report of the International Meteorological Congress, held at Chicago, Ill., August 21-24, 1893)
- Abbe, 1896, Simultaneous balloon ascensions (Simple title: Simultaneous balloon ascensions, Journal: Monthly Weather Review)
- Abbe, 1896, Simultaneous balloon ascensions (Simple title: Simultaneous balloon ascensions, Journal: Monthly Weather Review)
- Wenz, 1897, Notes sur la photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Notes on aerial photography by kite, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Eddy, 1897, Photographing from kites (Simple title: Photographing from kites, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Publication 2479, 1898, Cailletet's photographischer Registrirapparat zur Kontrole von Barometer-Höhenmessungen in Luftballons (Simple title: Cailletet's photographic registrar for the control of barometric altitude measurements in balloons, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Liesegang, 1898, Die Fernphotographie (Simple title: The remote photography)
- Mandl, 1898, Verwerthung von photographischen Aufnahmen aus dem Luftballon (Simple title: Use of photographic images from the balloon, Journal: Mitt. Gegens. Art. Geniew.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 383, 1900, L'aérostation. (La photographie en ballon, la Colombophile à l'éxposition universelle de 1900.) (Simple title: The ballooning. (Balloon photography, the Colombophile at the Universal Exhibition of 1900.), Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Bacon, 1900, Cloud photography from balloons (Simple title: Cloud photography from balloons, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Ministère de la Guerre, 1900, Génie. Aérostation militaire. Concours d'objectifs à long foyer pour la photographie en ballon (Simple title: Genius. Aerostation military. Long focus lens competition for balloon photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Cranz, 1901, Anwendung der elektrischen Momentphotographie auf die Untersuchung von Schusswaffen (Simple title: Application of electrical instantaneous photography to the investigation of firearms)
- Spencer, 1901, Balloon photography at great altitudes (Simple title: Balloon photography at great altitudes, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Lehmann, 1902, Die Buttenstedt'sche Schwebefluth-Hypothese und die Anschutz'schen Augenblicks-Photographien (Simple title: The Buttenstedt Floating Hypothesis and Anschutz's Instant Photographs, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bacon, 1902, Photography from a balloon (Simple title: Photography from a balloon, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Lecornu, 1902, Les cerfs-volants (Simple title: Les cerfs-volants)
- Wenz, 1902, La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Aerial photography by kite, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Laussedat, 1903, Sur un moyen rapide d'obtenir le plan d'un terrain en pays de plaines, d'après une vue photographique prise en ballon (Simple title: On a fast way to get the plan of a land in lowlands, from a photographic view taken in a balloon, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Publication 7790, 1905, Luftschiffahrt und Ballonphotographie (Simple title: Aerial shipping and balloon photography, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 7407, 1905, Lehrreiche Aeronautische Photographien (2) (Simple title: Educational Aeronautical Photographs (2), Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 7406, 1905, Lehrreiche Aeronautische Photographien (1) (Simple title: Educational Aeronautical Photographs (1), Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- K. v. B., 1905, Aëronautische Photographie. Nähere Bestimmungen für den aëro- nautischmeteorologischen photographischen Wettbewerb (Simple title: Aerial Photography. More details for the Aeronautical Meteorological Photographic Competition Milan 1906. Réglement spécial des Concours photographiques, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Chavoutier, 1906, La photographie par cerfs-volants (Simple title: Kite photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Bois, 1906, Les cerfs-volants et leurs applications militaires (Simple title: Kites and their military applications)
- Wenz, 1906, Délesteur automatique E. Wenz (Simple title: Automatic shearer E. Wenz, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Degoul, 1906, La photographie terrestre et aérienne à longue distance (Simple title: Long-distance terrestrial and aerial photography, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Dienstbach, 1906, Die erste aëronautische Ausstellung in Amerika (Simple title: The first aëronautic exhibition in America, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Mittag, 1906, Ballonphotographie (Simple title: balloon photography, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Mittag, 1906, Ballonphotographie (Simple title: balloon photography, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Spencer, 1907, Photography from balloons (Simple title: Photography from balloons, Journal: Ballooning and Aeronautics)
- Rudaux, 1907, La photographie des phénomènes météorologiques (Simple title: Photography of weather phenomena, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Brewer, 1907, Brewer, Griffith. Photographs by automatic camera from a captive balloon (Simple title: Photographs by automatic camera from a captive balloon, Journal: American Aeronaut and Aerostatist)
- Wenz, 1907, La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Aerial photography by kite, Journal: La Conq. L'Air)
- Miethe, 1907, Balloon photography (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Publication 10189, 1907, Reconnaissances photographiques militaires à terre, en mer et en ballon (Simple title: Military photographic recognition on land, at sea and in balloon, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Kutta, 1907, Photographic surveying from balloons (Simple title: Photographic surveying from balloons, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Aero Club of America, 1907, Third annual exhibition (Simple title: Third annual exhibition, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Assmann, 1907, Aus dem Kgl. Aëronautischen Observatorium Lindenberg (Simple title: From the Royal Aeronautical Observatory Lindenberg, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Fonvielle, 1908, La photographie en ballon et en cerf-volant (Simple title: Balloon and kite photography, Journal: Cosmos)
- Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships past and present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connecttion with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon (Simple title: Airships past and present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connecttion with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon)
- Publication 132, 1908, Aero Club of France (Simple title: Aero Club of France, Journal: American Aeronaut)
- Wenz, 1908, La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Aerial photography by kite, Journal: La Conq. L'Air)
- Boltzmann, 1908, Photometrie im Ballon. ('Helios.') (Simple title: Balloon photometry. ('Helios.'), Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- D'Air, 1909, Photographie et ballons (1) (Simple title: Photography and balloons, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- D'Air, 1909, Photographie et ballons (2) (Simple title: Photography and balloons, Journal: L'Aéro)
- D'Air, 1909, Revue aéro-photo (Simple title: Aero-photo review, Journal: L'Aéro)
- D'Air, 1909, La photographie aéronautique (Simple title: Aeronautical photography, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Jennings, 1909, Balloon photography (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Fly)
- Publication B2p1036e11, 1910, Aerial photography (Simple title: Aerial photography, Journal: Biblioteka Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Eden, 1910, Apparatus for the visual and photographic study of the distribution of the flow round plates and models in a current of water (Simple title: Apparatus for the visual and photographic study of the distribution of the flow round plates and models in a current of water, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Publication B2p1037e06, 1910, Photography of the aerial currents of a screw-propeller (Simple title: Photography of the aerial currents of a screw-propeller, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Tarvido, 1911, Manuale di forografia, telefotografia e topofotografia dal pallone (Simple title: Manual of phorography, telephoto and topophotography from the balloon)
- Publication B2p1094e16, 1911, Effects of radiation in photography and telegraphy (Simple title: Effects of radiation in photography and telegraphy, Journal: Engineering)
- La Vaulx, 1911, Le triomphe de la navigation aérienne (Simple title: Le triomphe de la navigation aérienne)
- Publication B2p1036e22, 1912, La photographie aérienne (Simple title: Aerial photography, Journal: L'Av. Ind. Comm.)
- Krebs, 1914, Sonnentätigkeit und Witterung (Simple title: Sun activity and weather, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Publication B2p0331e20, 1914, Aeronautical Society gets out data sheets (Simple title: Aeronautical Society gets out data sheets, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Dewey, 1916, Spying out the land - photography aiming big guns (Simple title: Spying out the land - photography aiming big guns, Journal: Nation)
- Haferkorn, 1918, Aerial Photography (Simple title: Aerial Photography)
- Sewell, 1957, Fifty Years of Aerial Photography (Simple title: Fifty Years of Aerial Photography, Journal: Photogrammetric Engineering)
- Theodor Scheimpflug Festschrift, 1956 (Simple title: Theodor Scheimpflug Festschrift)
- L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
Related patents
This wiki has 32 patents in category "Photography". Other techtypes related to Photography: Captive, CPC G03B, CPC G03B15/00, CPC G03B17/00, CPC G03B17/425, CPC G03C3/02, DE 42, FR 17.3, Instrument, IPC G03B9/28, Map, USPC 396/7
Patents in category Photography
- Patent FR-1862-56038 (English title: System of aerial photography called instantaneous aerial photography, Inventors: Johann Ernst Friedrich Ludeke, Filing date: 1862-10-23)
- Patent FR-1858-38509 (English title: Aerial photography, Inventors: Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (aka Nadar), Filing date: 1858-10-23)
- Patent GB-1863-2028 (English title: Suspending cameras from balloons, Inventors: Johann Ernst Friedrich Lüdecke)
- Patent US-1886-367610 (English title: Aerial Photography, Inventors: James Fairman, Filing date: 1886-03-31)
- Patent GB-1891-12669 (English title: Birds-eye photography, Inventors: Ludwig Rahrmann • Ludwig Kohrmann, Filing date: 1891-07-25)
- Patent US-1893-510758 (English title: Method of Photogrammetry, Inventors: Cornele Berrien Adams, Filing date: 1893-02-09)
- Patent US-1895-648544 (English title: Kite-like aeroplane, Inventors: Gilbert Totten Woglom, Filing date: 1895-11-20)
- Patent US-1897-578980 (English title: Aerial photographic apparatus, Inventors: William A. Eddy, Filing date: 1896-11-24)
- Patent US-1898-605596 (English title: Kite, Inventors: Henry Helm Clayton, Filing date: 1897-04-19)
- Patent GB-1897-12146 (English title: Kite, Inventors: Henry Helm Clayton, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1898-605596, Filing date: 1897-05-17)
- Patent GB-1904-12772 (English title: Apparatus for Taking Photographs from a Great Height, Inventors: Alfred Maul, Filing date: 1903-06-06)
- Patent FR-1903-333109 (English title: Rocket apparatus for photography, Inventors: Alfred Maul, Filing date: 1903-06-16)
- Patent US-1903-757825 (English title: Rocket apparatus for taking photographs, Inventors: Alfred Maul, Filing date: 1903-06-20)
- Patent AT-1903-31973 (English title: Procedure for producing accurate layer-maps: maps and military plans of the ground from kite or balloon photographs, as well as artificial photographics from aboard a ship, Inventors: Theodor Scheimpflug, Filing date: 1903-10-23)
- Patent AT-1903-20467 (English title: Apparatus for activating a mechanism held aloft by kite or captive balloon, Inventors: Theodor Scheimpflug, Filing date: 1903-11-12)
- Patent US-1905-824616 (English title: Tailless kite which can be taken to pieces, Inventors: Alfred-Jacques Bergeron, Filing date: 1905-10-13)
- Patent US-1906-847198 (English title: Rocket apparatus, Inventors: Alfred Maul, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1903-757825, Filing date: 1906-02-15)
- Patent GB-1906-10757 (English title: A Device for Holding a Photographic Camera in a Set Position, Inventors: Alfred Maul, Filing date: 1906-05-08)
- Patent US-1906-863035 (English title: Device for maintaining instruments in adjusted positions, Inventors: Alfred Maul, Filing date: 1906-05-17)
- Patent CH-1907-42902 (English title: Medium-sized wind kite, aeroplan, balloon or the like to lift up equipment to keep the photographic cameras worn by it floating, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Filing date: 1907-10-15)
- Patent ES-1907-41781 (English title: Improvements in aerial photographic devices, Inventors: George Raymond Lawrence, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1907-42902, Filing date: 1907-11-16)
- Patent DE-1908-222386 (English title: Procedure for producing accurate layer-maps from photographs, Inventors: Theodor Scheimpflug, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1903-31973, Filing date: 1908-01-30)
- Patent US-1909-923181 (English title: Kite-parachute, Inventors: Frank Ernest Jackson, Filing date: 1908-07-02)
- Patent US-1909-1002897 (English title: Aerial photographic apparatus, Inventors: Nat Elmer Brown, Filing date: 1909-07-17)
- Patent GB-1910-23759 (English title: Navigable Balloon, Inventors: Reinhold Bullmann, Filing date: 1910-10-13)
- Patent FR-1912-442633 (English title: Panoramic photography apparatus, Inventors: Auguste-Blaise Baron • Paul-Eugène Mesplès, Filing date: 1912-04-17)
- Patent GB-1912-10432 (English title: Improvements in apparatus for aerial photography, Inventors: John Samuel Parker, Filing date: 1912-05-02)
- Patent AT-1912-82411 (English title: Device for panoramic shots, Inventors: Auguste-Blaise Baron • Charles-Marie-Arthur Guinard, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1911-08-04 Auguste-Blaise Baron and possibly Guinard, Filing date: 1912-08-01)
- Patent GB-1912-18026 (English title: Panoramic Photographic Apparatus, Inventors: Auguste-Blaise Baron, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1911-08-04 Baron, Filing date: 1912-08-03)
- Patent FR-1912-449074 (English title: Automatic device for aerial photography, Inventors: Auguste-Blaise Baron • Charles-Marie-Arthur Guinard, Filing date: 1912-10-05)
- Patent US-1912-1212884 (English title: AUTOMATIC APPARATUS FOR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, Inventors: Auguste-Blaise Baron • Charles-Marie-Arthur Guinard, Filing date: 1912-12-03)
- Patent FR-1919-524175 (English title: Device for creating cadastral plans using aerial photography, Inventors: Paul-Marie-Joseph Borel, Filing date: 1919-09-18)
Publications referring to Photography
- Laussedat, 0, Historique de l'application de la photographie au lever des plans (Simple title: History of the application of photography at the end of the plans, Journal: C. R. l'Afas)
- Fonvielle, 1880, La photographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Spect. Mil.)
- Desmarets, 1880, La photographie en ballon libre (Simple title: Free balloon photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marey, 1882, Emploi de la photographie instantée pour l'analyse des mouvements chez les oiseaux (Simple title: Use of instant photography for motion analysis in birds, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Janssen, 1882, La reproduction par la photographie des diverses phases du vol des oiseaux (Simple title: Reproduction by photography of the various phases of flight of birds, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marey, 1883, Analyse des mouvements du vol des oiseaux par la photographie (Simple title: Analysis of bird flight movements by photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Marey, 1884, Développement de la méthode graphique par l'emploi de la photographie (Simple title: Development of the graphic method by the use of photography)
- Krüger, 1884, Handbuch d. Photographie d. Neuzeit m. bes. Berücksicht. d. Bromsilb.-Gelatine-Emulsions-Verfahrens (Simple title: Manual d. Photograph d. Modern times m. special consideration. d. Bromsilb.-gelatin emulsion process)
- Publication 8297, 1887, Mécanisme du vol des oiseaux, étudié par la photographie (Simple title: Mechanism of bird flight, studied by photography, Journal: La Nature)
- Liesegang, 1887, Handb. d. praktisch. Photographen (Simple title: Handb. D. practically. Photographers)
- Hagen, 1887, Herr Premier-Lieutenant Freiherr vom Hagen (Simple title: Mr. Lieutenant Freiherr vom Hagen, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Hagen, 1887, Photographiren v. Ballon aus (Simple title: Photographing from the Balloon, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Eder, 1887, Analeit. z. herstellung v. moment-photographien (Simple title: Analeit. z. production of moment-photographies)
- Meyer-Heine, 1889, La photographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Annales Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers)
- Fonvielle, 1889, L'aéronautique à l'exposition de 1889 (Simple title: Aeronautics at the 1889 exhibition, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Wenz, 1891, Sur la photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: On aerial photography by kite, Journal: Bulletin de la Société Française de Photographie)
- Publication 3035, 1892, Conférence publiques sur la photographie organisés en 1891-1892 (Simple title: Public lectures on photography organized in 1891-1892)
- Liesegang, 1894, Photographische Chemie für Anfänger (Simple title: Photographic chemistry for beginners)
- Bouttieaux, 1894, La téléphotographie en ballon (Simple title: Balloon telephotography, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Janssen, 1894, L'application de la photographie à la météorologie (Simple title: The application of photography to meteorology, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Miethe, 1895, Lehrbuch d. praktischen Photographie (Simple title: Textbook of practical photography)
- Kassner, 1895, Zur Ballonphotographie (Simple title: Regarding balloon photography, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Fonvielle, 1895, L'observatoire photographique des aérostats (Simple title: The photographic observatory of aerostats, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Angot, 1896, Cloud photography (Simple title: Cloud photography, Journal: Publication 10307, 1896, Report of the International Meteorological Congress, held at Chicago, Ill., August 21-24, 1893)
- Abbe, 1896, Simultaneous balloon ascensions (Simple title: Simultaneous balloon ascensions, Journal: Monthly Weather Review)
- Abbe, 1896, Simultaneous balloon ascensions (Simple title: Simultaneous balloon ascensions, Journal: Monthly Weather Review)
- Wenz, 1897, Notes sur la photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Notes on aerial photography by kite, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Eddy, 1897, Photographing from kites (Simple title: Photographing from kites, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Publication 2479, 1898, Cailletet's photographischer Registrirapparat zur Kontrole von Barometer-Höhenmessungen in Luftballons (Simple title: Cailletet's photographic registrar for the control of barometric altitude measurements in balloons, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Liesegang, 1898, Die Fernphotographie (Simple title: The remote photography)
- Mandl, 1898, Verwerthung von photographischen Aufnahmen aus dem Luftballon (Simple title: Use of photographic images from the balloon, Journal: Mitt. Gegens. Art. Geniew.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Finsterwalder, 1899, Ortsbestimmungen im Ballon (Simple title: Position reckoning in the balloon, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 383, 1900, L'aérostation. (La photographie en ballon, la Colombophile à l'éxposition universelle de 1900.) (Simple title: The ballooning. (Balloon photography, the Colombophile at the Universal Exhibition of 1900.), Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Bacon, 1900, Cloud photography from balloons (Simple title: Cloud photography from balloons, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Ministère de la Guerre, 1900, Génie. Aérostation militaire. Concours d'objectifs à long foyer pour la photographie en ballon (Simple title: Genius. Aerostation military. Long focus lens competition for balloon photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Cranz, 1901, Anwendung der elektrischen Momentphotographie auf die Untersuchung von Schusswaffen (Simple title: Application of electrical instantaneous photography to the investigation of firearms)
- Spencer, 1901, Balloon photography at great altitudes (Simple title: Balloon photography at great altitudes, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Lehmann, 1902, Die Buttenstedt'sche Schwebefluth-Hypothese und die Anschutz'schen Augenblicks-Photographien (Simple title: The Buttenstedt Floating Hypothesis and Anschutz's Instant Photographs, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bacon, 1902, Photography from a balloon (Simple title: Photography from a balloon, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Lecornu, 1902, Les cerfs-volants (Simple title: Les cerfs-volants)
- Wenz, 1902, La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Aerial photography by kite, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Laussedat, 1903, Sur un moyen rapide d'obtenir le plan d'un terrain en pays de plaines, d'après une vue photographique prise en ballon (Simple title: On a fast way to get the plan of a land in lowlands, from a photographic view taken in a balloon, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Publication 7790, 1905, Luftschiffahrt und Ballonphotographie (Simple title: Aerial shipping and balloon photography, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication 7407, 1905, Lehrreiche Aeronautische Photographien (2) (Simple title: Educational Aeronautical Photographs (2), Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 7406, 1905, Lehrreiche Aeronautische Photographien (1) (Simple title: Educational Aeronautical Photographs (1), Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- K. v. B., 1905, Aëronautische Photographie. Nähere Bestimmungen für den aëro- nautischmeteorologischen photographischen Wettbewerb (Simple title: Aerial Photography. More details for the Aeronautical Meteorological Photographic Competition Milan 1906. Réglement spécial des Concours photographiques, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Chavoutier, 1906, La photographie par cerfs-volants (Simple title: Kite photography, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Bois, 1906, Les cerfs-volants et leurs applications militaires (Simple title: Kites and their military applications)
- Wenz, 1906, Délesteur automatique E. Wenz (Simple title: Automatic shearer E. Wenz, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Degoul, 1906, La photographie terrestre et aérienne à longue distance (Simple title: Long-distance terrestrial and aerial photography, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Dienstbach, 1906, Die erste aëronautische Ausstellung in Amerika (Simple title: The first aëronautic exhibition in America, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Mittag, 1906, Ballonphotographie (Simple title: balloon photography, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Mittag, 1906, Ballonphotographie (Simple title: balloon photography, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Spencer, 1907, Photography from balloons (Simple title: Photography from balloons, Journal: Ballooning and Aeronautics)
- Rudaux, 1907, La photographie des phénomènes météorologiques (Simple title: Photography of weather phenomena, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Brewer, 1907, Brewer, Griffith. Photographs by automatic camera from a captive balloon (Simple title: Photographs by automatic camera from a captive balloon, Journal: American Aeronaut and Aerostatist)
- Wenz, 1907, La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Aerial photography by kite, Journal: La Conq. L'Air)
- Miethe, 1907, Balloon photography (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Publication 10189, 1907, Reconnaissances photographiques militaires à terre, en mer et en ballon (Simple title: Military photographic recognition on land, at sea and in balloon, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Kutta, 1907, Photographic surveying from balloons (Simple title: Photographic surveying from balloons, Journal: Pocket Book of Aeronautics)
- Aero Club of America, 1907, Third annual exhibition (Simple title: Third annual exhibition, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Assmann, 1907, Aus dem Kgl. Aëronautischen Observatorium Lindenberg (Simple title: From the Royal Aeronautical Observatory Lindenberg, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Fonvielle, 1908, La photographie en ballon et en cerf-volant (Simple title: Balloon and kite photography, Journal: Cosmos)
- Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships past and present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connecttion with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon (Simple title: Airships past and present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connecttion with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon)
- Publication 132, 1908, Aero Club of France (Simple title: Aero Club of France, Journal: American Aeronaut)
- Wenz, 1908, La photographie aérienne par cerf-volant (Simple title: Aerial photography by kite, Journal: La Conq. L'Air)
- Boltzmann, 1908, Photometrie im Ballon. ('Helios.') (Simple title: Balloon photometry. ('Helios.'), Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- D'Air, 1909, Photographie et ballons (1) (Simple title: Photography and balloons, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- D'Air, 1909, Photographie et ballons (2) (Simple title: Photography and balloons, Journal: L'Aéro)
- D'Air, 1909, Revue aéro-photo (Simple title: Aero-photo review, Journal: L'Aéro)
- D'Air, 1909, La photographie aéronautique (Simple title: Aeronautical photography, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Jennings, 1909, Balloon photography (Simple title: Balloon photography, Journal: Fly)
- Publication B2p1036e11, 1910, Aerial photography (Simple title: Aerial photography, Journal: Biblioteka Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Eden, 1910, Apparatus for the visual and photographic study of the distribution of the flow round plates and models in a current of water (Simple title: Apparatus for the visual and photographic study of the distribution of the flow round plates and models in a current of water, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Publication B2p1037e06, 1910, Photography of the aerial currents of a screw-propeller (Simple title: Photography of the aerial currents of a screw-propeller, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Tarvido, 1911, Manuale di forografia, telefotografia e topofotografia dal pallone (Simple title: Manual of phorography, telephoto and topophotography from the balloon)
- Publication B2p1094e16, 1911, Effects of radiation in photography and telegraphy (Simple title: Effects of radiation in photography and telegraphy, Journal: Engineering)
- La Vaulx, 1911, Le triomphe de la navigation aérienne (Simple title: Le triomphe de la navigation aérienne)
- Publication B2p1036e22, 1912, La photographie aérienne (Simple title: Aerial photography, Journal: L'Av. Ind. Comm.)
- Krebs, 1914, Sonnentätigkeit und Witterung (Simple title: Sun activity and weather, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Publication B2p0331e20, 1914, Aeronautical Society gets out data sheets (Simple title: Aeronautical Society gets out data sheets, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Dewey, 1916, Spying out the land - photography aiming big guns (Simple title: Spying out the land - photography aiming big guns, Journal: Nation)
- Haferkorn, 1918, Aerial Photography (Simple title: Aerial Photography)
- Sewell, 1957, Fifty Years of Aerial Photography (Simple title: Fifty Years of Aerial Photography, Journal: Photogrammetric Engineering)
- Theodor Scheimpflug Festschrift, 1956 (Simple title: Theodor Scheimpflug Festschrift)
- L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- L'Aéronautique (Simple title: L'Aéronautique, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
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