Aeroplane is used in this database primarily to refer to the wings or airfoils sustaining an airplane, which latter Americanization is used to refer to the whole vessel. Note that the non-Americanized "aeroplane" comes up within all sorts of both American and British data, a shift in usage being distinct from the Americanization.
First used in 1871 when Francis Herbert Wenham coined in term in reference to beetle wings.[1] (In Wenham, 1905, Some remarks on aerial flight, Wenham suggests that he introduced the term in 1866 with Wenham, 1866, On aerial locomotion and the laws by which heavy bodies impelled through the air are sustained, his paper given at the inception of the Aëronautical Society of Great Britain. Does the exact term appears in this paper? It does appear elsewhere, in conjunction with Wenham, in the minutes from the first Annual Report of the Aëronautical Society of Great Britain.
English aeroplane and French aéroplane came to refer to the entire aircraft. This must be borne in mind with reference to publications, for one thing, and is also reflected in corporate names and so forth throughout all data. This does not change the earliest usage. The Americanization, treated as referring to the whole vehicle, serves greatly in terms of disambiguation. Outside of the Anglophone world, the word took on a dynamic of its own, the French aéroplane perhaps having the greatest influence on the appropriative use found in countries to the east, and almost always as a name for the entire vehicle equivalent to our modern and Americanized airplane.
The Hungarian Aeroplán of Patent HU-1911-59053 seems to approximate most closely the French aéroplane and to refer to the entire vehicle, likewise the äroplán of Patent HU-1915-76876, along with “Aëroplan” and “Aäroplan” of Patent HU-1909-47682. The "aëroplánokon"("on airplanes") found on the original of Patent HU-1909-48013 is even more odd, being a Hungarian plural and semi-prepositional compound treatment of a certainly Western-influenced noun, with the "ë" reflecting neither French nor German nor Hungarian usage, but illustrative of the inter-linguistic flux at play at the time. The "Helicoplan" in the original Hungarian-magyar of Patent HU-1914-68447 also stands out as French-based, treating what we would call the helicopter and what we would call the airplane as elements composing one hybrid. See glossary and its subpages for more on relatively native usages within particular usages.
Russian аәропланъ is more rare, appearing thus far only with reference to one publication.[2] See glossary and its subpages for more on relatively native usages within particular usages.
All of ties into other phenomena of evolving usage, notably that revolving around hydroplane and hydro-aeroplane. We note distinctions, and strive for standardization, though, regarding evolutions of actual usage, we see that in many cases, the "aero" in "aeroplane" became assumed, and extended compounds took shorter forms.
Patent US-1910-999068, of inventor Hans von der Oelsnitz, is an interesting case of a heavier-than-air vehicle, which uses "aeroplanes" in the interest of guidance and equilibrium. That is, in this case, "aeroplane" cannot be translated as "airplane", and it furthermore cannot be simply covered by "wings" or "airfoil".
Enclosing categories | Airplane |
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Keywords | Wings, Airfoil |
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This wiki has 33 patents in category "Aeroplane".
Other techtypes related to Aeroplane: CPC B64C, CPC B64D37/06, CPC E04B1/3441, USPC 244/12.1, USPC 244/12.2, USPC 244/12.5, USPC 244/12.6
Patents in category Aeroplane
- Patent GB-1856-2993 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Godwin Meade Pratt Swift, Viscount of Carlingford, Filing date: 1856)
- Patent GB-1867-2115 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: James William Butler • Edmund Edwards)
- Patent RU-1880-103 (English title: Aeronautical equipment, Inventors: Alexandr Fedorovich Mozhaiskii, Filing date: 1880-06-04)
- Patent DE-1894-77897 (English title: Winged vehicle whose wings hold a gas tank, Inventors: Andreas Ożegowski, Filing date: 1894-01-20)
- Patent GB-1897-15221 (English title: Means and appliances for effecting Aerial Navigation, Inventors: Octave Chanute • Augustus Moore Herring, Filing date: 1897-06-25)
- Patent FR-1904-348617 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Frédéric Chaplet • Max Johannet • André Fauchon-Villeplée, Filing date: 1904-02-15)
- Patent GB-1905-23235 (English title: Improvements to kites and similar apparatus for aerial flight, Inventors: Reginald Mansfield Balston, Filing date: 1905-11-11)
- Patent GB-1906-23872 (English title: Improvements to kites and similar apparatus for aerial flight, Inventors: Reginald Mansfield Balston, Filing date: 1906-10-30)
- Patent BE-1907-197359 (English title: Aeroplane (actually the planar surface), device that also allows spherical and other balloons to be used and thus makes them dirigible, Inventors: V. Hoppe, Filing date: 1907-01-10)
- Patent GB-1908-21469 (English title: Improvements in motor-operated aerial machines, Inventors: Charles Arthur Chappell, Filing date: 1908-10-10)
- Patent MX-1909-9635 (English title: A flying machine, called the 'Propatria Airplane', Inventors: Luis T. Navarro • Joaquín Mucel Acereto)
- Patent GB-1909-771 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: Todd Churchill Woodworth, Filing date: 1909-01-12)
- Patent GB-1909-2572 (English title: Improvements in kites and aeroplanes, Inventors: Thomas Frederick Robinson, Filing date: 1909-02-03)
- Patent US-1909-1010374 (English title: Aerodrome, Inventors: Hugo Kardos, Filing date: 1909-12-27)
- Patent RU-1910-22701 (English title: Airplane support surface, Inventors: William Swart Romme, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1910-1041876)
- Patent US-1910-1004558 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Charles H. Duncan, Filing date: 1910-02-17)
- Patent US-1910-999068 (English title: Gas-aeroplane motor-airship, Inventors: Hans von der Oelsnitz, Filing date: 1910-05-05)
- Patent GB-1910-24795 (English title: Improvements in Flying-machines, Inventors: Georg Albert Rohde, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1909-244106, Filing date: 1910-10-25)
- Patent CA-1910-130716 (English title: Airship, Inventors: Bernard Joseph Donohue • Thomas Mortimer Crepar, Filing date: 1910-11-30)
- Patent DE-1911-05-Bomhard (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Karl Bomhard, Filing date: 1911-05-21)
- Patent FR-1911-437780 (English title: Rotating sustentation surface with aeroplane wings, Inventors: Jacob Christian Hansen-Ellehammer • Niels Waltersen Aasen, Filing date: 1911-12-18)
- Patent FR-1912-442798 (English title: Improvements to aeroplanes, Inventors: Spencer MacDougal Brown, Filing date: 1912-04-22)
- Patent FR-1912-443056 (English title: Pefinements brought to flying machines, Inventors: Newton Booth Converse, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-04-27-Converse, Filing date: 1912-04-26)
- Patent FR-1912-443330 (English title: Automatically stabilized aeroplane, Inventors: Georges de Bothezat, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1911-05-15 Georges de Bothezat, Filing date: 1912-05-02)
- Patent FR-1912-443352 (English title: refinements to aeroplanes, Inventors: John Wesley Boughton, Filing date: 1912-05-03)
- Patent FR-1912-444009 (English title: two balancer-stabilizers and two adjustable or collapsible ailerons cut into the wings to stabilize and direct aeroplanes and airships, Inventors: Pierre Triboux, Filing date: 1912-05-13)
- Patent GB-1912-11594 (English title: Improvements in the tails of aeroplanes, Inventors: Louis Bastier, Filing date: 1912-05-15)
- Patent US-1912-1048835 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Benjamin Talbot Babbitt Hyde • Andrew Gaul, Jr., Filing date: 1912-05-17)
- Patent FR-1912-444665 (English title: System of cover-setting and bracing wire within aeroplane fuselage, Inventors: Louis Joly, Filing date: 1912-05-31)
- Patent FR-1912-444552 (English title: Removable cap for aeroplanes, Inventors: Henri-Hubert Pagny, Filing date: 1912-06-03, Applicant firm: Société anonyme des appareils d'aviation Hanriot)
- Patent GB-1912-13855 (English title: Improvements in an aeroplane with automatic longitudinal balancing, Inventors: Emile Ande Dandrieux, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1911-06-14 Émile-Andre Dandrieux, Filing date: 1912-06-13)
- Patent ES-1913-54825 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, Inventors: Alexander Albert Holle, Filing date: 1913-04-01)
- Patent US-1930-1836663 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Joseph Herbeck, Filing date: 1930-06-26)
Publications referring to Aeroplane
- Publication 323, 0, Aeroplano Chanute all 'Esposizione di S. Louis (Simple title: Chanute airplane at the St. Louis Exposition, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 11714, 1885, Tatin's aeroplane (Simple title: Tatin's aeroplane, Journal: Engl. Mech. World Sci.)
- Louvrié, 1890, Mode d'action des fluides contre un plan lois de leurs mouvements et de leurs pressions--la normale (Simple title: Mode of action of fluids against a plane laws of their movements and their pressures - the normal, Journal: Rev. Aér.)
- Publication 11814, 1890, Thayer's aeroplane (Drachen an Stelle des Ballons) (Simple title: Thayer's aeroplane (Drachen an Stelle des Ballons), Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Knockaert, 1891, L'aéroplane Maxim et son moteur (Simple title: Maxim's aeroplane and motor, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication 280, 1891, Aeroplane et moteur trouvé à inflammation électrique pour la navigation aérienne (Knallgasmotor) (Simple title: Airplane and engine electrically ignite for aerial navigation (Knallgasmotor), Journal: Rev. Ind.)
- Maxim, 1892, The aeroplane (Simple title: The aeroplane, Journal: Cosmopolitan Mag.)
- Stringfellow, 1892, A few remarks on what has been done with screw-propelled aeroplone machines, from 1808 to 1892 (Simple title: A few remarks on what has been done with screw-propelled aeroplone machines, from 1808 to 1892)
- Ader, 1893, L'Aéroplane 'Éole' (Simple title: L'Aéroplane 'Éole', Journal: Rev. Aer.)
- Ader, 1893, L'Aéroplane 'Éole' (Simple title: L'Aéroplane 'Éole', Journal: Rev. Aer.)
- Colas, 1894, Le brevet de l'aéroplane de M. Hiram Maxim (Simple title: The airplane patent of Mr. Hiram Maxim, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Eddy, 1894, A soaring aeroplane kite (Simple title: A soaring aeroplane kite, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 7202, 1896, L'aéroplane de M. Samuel Pierpont Langley (Simple title: Samuel Pierpont Langley's aeroplane, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Decazes, 1897, Equation de l'aéroplane (Simple title: Equation of the airplane, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Decazes, 1897, Calculs relatifs à l'équation de l'aéroplane (Simple title: Calculations relating to the equation of the airplane, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Decazes, 1897, Specialisation de l'équation de l'aéroplane (Simple title: Specialization of the equation of the airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Decazes, 1897, Sur l'équation de l'aéroplane (Simple title: On the equation of the airplane, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Publication 294, 1898, An aeroplane propeller (Simple title: An aeroplane propeller, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Zimmerman, 1898, A new form of kite or aeroplane (Simple title: A new form of kite or aeroplane, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 278, 1899, Aéroplane Don Simoni (Simple title: The Don Simoni airplane. A platform of aluminum tubes, wrapped in silk filled with hydrogen, the volume of which is such that the difference between its weight and the weight of an equal volume of air is equal to the whole weight of the apparatus., Journal: La Vie Scient.)
- Zimmerman, 1899, Ein neuer Drache 'Aëroplane' (Simple title: A new dragon 'Aëroplane', Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 6926, 1901, The Kress aeroplane (Simple title: The Kress aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 754, 1904, Archdeacon's aeroplane (Simple title: Archdeacon's aeroplane, Journal: Autom. Journ.)
- Waters, 1904, Flying up to date. The rivalry between balloon and aeroplane (Simple title: Flying up to date. The rivalry between balloon and aeroplane, Journal: Everybody's Mag.)
- Alvarez, 1904, Aéroplane (Simple title: Airplane, Journal: Autom. Journ.)
- Williams and Bryan, 1904, The longitudinal stability of aeroplane gliders (Simple title: The longitudinal stability of aeroplane gliders, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Hayward, 1905, The Gillespie aeroplane (Simple title: The Gillespie aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Hermite, 1905, Un accident d'aéroplane (Simple title: An airplane accident, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Ludlow, 1905, A new aeroplane (Simple title: A new aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 4235, 1905, Experiments with Señor Alvarez's aeroplane (Simple title: Experiments with Señor Alvarez's aeroplane, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Grey, 1906, The 'White Flyer' -- The motor driven aeroplane of the Brothers Wright (Simple title: The 'White Flyer' -- The motor driven aeroplane of the Brothers Wright, Journal: Autom. Journ.)
- Publication 2789a, 1906, The Clarke aeroplane (Simple title: The Clarke aeroplane, Journal: Autom. Journ.)
- Publication 332, 1906, Aeroplano Druet (Simple title: Druet airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 331, 1906, Aeroplano del conte Giulio di Groppello (Simple title: Count Giulio di Groppello's airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 350, 1906, Aeroplano 'Santos Dumont' (Simple title: Santos-Dumont airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 355, 1906, Aeroplano Vuia (Simple title: Vuia aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 353, 1906, Aeroplano Vuia (Simple title: Vuia aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 336, 1906, Aeroplano Ellehammer (Simple title: Ellehammer airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 317, 1906, Aeroplano Blériot (Simple title: Aeroplane Blériot, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 354, 1906, Aeroplano Vuia (Simple title: Vuia aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 316, 1906, Aeroplano Barlatier & Blanc (Simple title: Aeroplane Barlatier and Blanc, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 324, 1906, Aeroplano Clout (Simple title: Clout's airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 321, 1906, Aeroplano Calvin T. Fried (Simple title: Calvin T. Fried's airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 345, 1906, Aeroplano Jansen (Simple title: Jansen airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 327, 1906, Aeroplano del signori Etrick & F. K. Wels (Simple title: The airplane of Etrich & Wels, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 349, 1906, Aeroplano Pompeïen-Piraud (Simple title: Pompeïen-Piraud airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 344, 1906, L'aeroplano Holland (Simple title: Holland airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Wrights, 1906, The Wright Brothers' flying machine and what it has accomplished - a communication from Orville and Wilbur Wright to the ACA, a letter to the Aero Society, and an account of Santos-Dumont's helicoptere (Simple title: The Wright Brothers' flying machine and what it has accomplished. (A communication from Messrs. Orville and Wilbur Wright to the Aero Club of America, giving details of the development of their motor-driven aeroplane. Also a letter to the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain and a short account of , Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication 340, 1906, Aeroplano Filiasi (Simple title: Filiasi airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 340, 1906, Aeroplano Filiasi (Simple title: Filiasi airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 348, 1906, Aeroplano ortoptero Florencie (Simple title: Orthopter Florencie, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 322, 1906, Aeroplano Capone (Simple title: Capone's airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 2939, 1906, Comando radiotelegrafico di aeroplani e dirigibili (Simple title: Radiotelegraphic control of airplanes and airships, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Degoul, 1906, L'aéroplane Santos-Dumont (Simple title: The Santos-Dumont Airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Degoul, 1906, L'aéroplane Barlatier et Blanc (Simple title: The airplane Barlatier and White, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Garnier, 1907, L'aéroplane de Pischof (Simple title: The plane of Pischof, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Lesh, 1907, The development of an aeroplane (Simple title: The development of an aeroplane, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Ludlow, 1907, Experimental flights with a man-carrying aeroplane (Simple title: Experimental flights with a man-carrying aeroplane, Journal: Nav. the Air, Aero Club of Amer.)
- Northcliffe, 1907, The coming of the aeroplane (Simple title: The coming of the aeroplane, Journal: Ballooning and Aeronautics)
- Publication 10812, 1907, New Santos-Dumont aeroplane. No. 19 (Simple title: New Santos-Dumont aeroplane. No. 19, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Publication 10831, 1907, Santos-Dumont's new aeroplane (Simple title: Santos-Dumont's new aeroplane, Journal: Ballooning and Aeronautics)
- Publication 12046a, 1907, The trials of the Delagrange aëroplane (Simple title: The trials of the Delagrange aëroplane, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 292, 1907, Aeroplane model trials at the Alexandra Palace, April 15, 1907 (Simple title: Aeroplane model trials at the Alexandra Palace, April 15, 1907, Journal: Autom. Journ.)
- Publication 314, 1907, L'Aeroplano 'Antoinette' (Simple title: The airplane Antoinette, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 281, 1907, Aeroplane experiments (Simple title: Aeroplane experiments, Journal: Suppl. Knowl. Illus. Scient. News)
- Publication 318, 1907, L'Aeroplano Blériot (Simple title: Aeroplane Blériot, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 320, 1907, Aeroplano Blériot n. 16 (Simple title: Aeroplane Blériot n. 16, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 351, 1907, Aeroplano Santos-Dumont n. 19 (Simple title: Santos-Dumont no. 19 aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 358, 1907, Aeroplano Zatho (Simple title: Aeroplane Zatho, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 356, 1907, L'aeroplano Vuia (Simple title: Vuia aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 337, 1907, L'aeroplano Esnault-Pelterie (Simple title: Esnault-Pelterie airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 329, 1907, L'Aeroplano de La Vaulx (Simple title: De la Vaulx's airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 342, 1907, L'aeroplano 'Henry Farman' (Simple title: Henry Farman airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 352, 1907, L'Aeroplano Vinet (Simple title: Vinet aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 330, 1907, Aeroplano 'De la Vaulx' (Simple title: De la Vaulx's airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 359, 1907, L'aeroplano Zens (Simple title: The Zens airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 328, 1907, Aeroplano 'Delagrange-Archdeacon' (Simple title: Delagrange-Archdeacon airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 42, 1907, The accident to M. Santos Dumont's new aëroplane (Simple title: The accident to M. Santos Dumont's new aëroplane, Journal: Aer. Journ.)
- Publication 325, 1907, L'Aeroplano de Dion e il nuovo motors de Dion-Bouton per Areonautica (Simple title: The airplane of Dion and the new motors of Dion-Bouton for aeronautics, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 333, 1907, L'aeroplano Edmond Seux (Simple title: The airplane of Edmond Seux, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 334, 1907, L'aeroplano Edmond Seux (Simple title: The airplane of Edmond Seux, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 343, 1907, Aeroplano 'Henry Kapferer-Paulhan' (Simple title: Henry Kapferer-Paulhan airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 7922, 1907, Malecot airship aeroplane (Simple title: Malecot airship aeroplane, Journal: Amer. Mag. Aeronautics)
- Publication 534, 1907, Altre esperienze dell' areoplano Delagrange (Simple title: Other experiences of the Delagrange aeroplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 326, 1907, L'Aeroplano del fratelli Dufaux (Simple title: The airplane of the Dufaux brothers, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Blériot, 1907, II nuovo aeroplane Blériot (Simple title: The new Blériot airplanes, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Bruce, 1907, The aeroplane experiments of M. Santos-Dumont (Simple title: The aeroplane experiments of M. Santos-Dumont, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Cléry, 1907, Machines volantes d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Le nouvel aéroplane Santos-Dumont (Simple title: Flying machines of today and tomorrow. The new Santos-Dumont Airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Delaie, 1907, L'aéroplane antoinette ler (Simple title: The Antoinette aeroplane, Journal: La Rev. Aviat.)
- Deixler, 1907, A project for an aeroplane (Simple title: A project for an aeroplane, Journal: Ballooning and Aeronautics)
- Ferber, 1907, Aeroplane experiments of Louis Bleriot (Simple title: Aeroplane experiments of Louis Blériot, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Ferber, 1908, Quel espace faut-il à un aéroplane pour s'envoler du sol en roulant (Simple title: What space does it take for an airplane to fly off the ground while driving?, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Ferber, 1908, Aéroplane et cerf-volant (Simple title: Airplane and kite, Journal: La Rev. Aviat.)
- Garnier, 1908, L'aéroplane Koechlin-Pischof (Simple title: The Koechlin-Pischof airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Kress, 1908, The future of the aeroplane (Simple title: The future of the aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Latour, 1908, L'aéroplane Farman (Simple title: The Farman airplane, Journal: Cosmos)
- Luyties, 1908, Advantages of the helicopter over the aeroplane (Simple title: Advantages of the helicopter over the aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Masfrand, 1908, Une théorie mathématique de l'aéroplane (Simple title: A mathematical theory of the airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 10174, 1908, Recent aeroplane prizes and the conditions under which they may be competed for (Simple title: Recent aeroplane prizes and the conditions under which they may be competed for, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication 12045, 1908, Trials of Dufour motorless aeroplane (Simple title: Trials of Dufour motorless aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 12116, 1908, Two remarkable aeroplane flights (Simple title: Two remarkable aeroplane flights, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Publication 12996, 1908, Wright Brothers' aeroplane in France and the United States (Simple title: Wright Brothers' aeroplane in France and the United States, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 12934, 1908, Wins American aeroplane trophy (Simple title: Wins American aeroplane trophy, Journal: Pop. Mech.)
- Publication 13006, 1908, Mr. Orville Wright and the aeroplane at Fort Myer, Virginia (Simple title: Mr. Orville Wright and the aeroplane at Fort Myer, Virginia, Journal: World's Work)
- Publication 13049, 1908, L'aéroplane Wright (Simple title: The Wright aircraft, Journal: La Rev. Aviat.)
- Publication 12933, 1908, The winning flight of the 'June Bug' aeroplane for the Scientific American trophy (Simple title: The winning flight of the 'June Bug' aeroplane for the Scientific American trophy, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 284, 1908, L'Aéroplane Gastambide-Mengin (Simple title: The Gastambide-Mengin airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 283, 1908, L'Aéroplane Farman (Simple title: The Farman airplane, Journal: Aéroplane)
- Publication 291, 1908, Aeroplane military scout (Simple title: Aeroplane military scout, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 319, 1908, Aeroplano Blériot (Simple title: Aeroplane Blériot, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 341, 1908, Aeroplano Gastambide-Mengin (Simple title: Gastambide-Mengin airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 339, 1908, Aeroplano Farman n. 1 e 2 (Simple title: Aeroplanes Farman n. 1 and 2, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 279, 1908, The Aeroplane Ellehammer (Simple title: The Aeroplane Ellehammer, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 357, 1908, L'aeroplano Wright. Cronaca Scientifica (Simple title: The Wright airplane. Scientific Chronicle, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 4014, 1908, Elicoptero ed aeroplano (Simple title: Helicopter and airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 346, 1908, Aeroplano Kapférer II (Simple title: Kapférer II airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 6030, 1908, The Herring government aeroplane nearing completion (Simple title: The Herring government aeroplane nearing completion, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 6655, 1908, June aeroplane flights in Europe (1) (Simple title: June aeroplane flights in Europe (1), Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 6656, 1908, June aeroplane flights in Europe (2) (Simple title: June aeroplane flights in Europe (2), Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 7245, 1908, Latest revelations concerning the Wright aeroplane (Simple title: Latest revelations concerning the Wright aeroplane, Journal: Current Literature)
- Publication 809, 1908, The Army aeroplane (Simple title: The Army aeroplane, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Publication 8247, 1908, May aeroplane flights in Europe (Simple title: May aeroplane flights in Europe, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 8437, 1908, Mile flight of the Pelterie aeroplane (Simple title: Mile flight of the Pelterie aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Publication 808, 1908, Army aeronautics for September. The Wright aeroplane. Dirigible No. 1 (Simple title: Army aeronautics for September. The Wright aeroplane. Dirigible No. 1, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Riabouchinsky, 1908, Note sur l'autorotation de plaques symétriques dans un courant aérien ou un courant d'eau (1) (Simple title: Note on the autorotation of symmetrical plates in an air current or a water current (1), Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Roe, 1908, Some model aeroplane experiences and details of man-carrying 'Avroplane' (Simple title: A study of model gliders, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Wenham, 1908, On the construction of detailed parts of aeroplane flying machines (Simple title: On the construction of detailed parts of aeroplane flying machines, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Wenham, 1908, Stability of aëroplane support for flying machines (Simple title: Stability of aëroplane support for flying machines, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Zahm, 1908, La velocità d'un aeroplano (Simple title: The speed of an airplane, Journal: Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Wright, 1908, Another remarkable aeroplane flight (Simple title: Another remarkable airplane flight, Journal: Nature)
- Zahm, 1908, The speed of an aeroplane. How it may be determined (Simple title: The speed of an aeroplane. How it may be determined, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Ancelle, 1908, L'aéroplane 'Red Wing.' Premières envolées (Simple title: First flights of the airplane 'Red Wing', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Ancelle, 1908, L'aéroplane 'Ferber IX' (Simple title: The Ferber IX airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Bell, 1908, The words 'Aerodrome' and 'Aeroplane' (Simple title: The words 'Aerodrome' and 'Aeroplane', Journal: Bulletins of the Aerial Experiment Association)
- Clarke, 1908, A model aëroplane (Simple title: A model aëroplane, Journal: Aër. Journ.)
- Cléry, 1908, L'aéroplane Auffm-Ordt (Simple title: The Auffm-Ordt airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Cléry, 1908, L'aéroplane Goupy (Simple title: The Goupy airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Dufaux and Dufaux, 1908, L'aéroplane Dufaux (Simple title: The Dufaux airplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Dufaux and Dufaux, 1908, L'aéroplane et le moteur d'aviation Dufaux (Simple title: The airplane and the Dufaux aviation engine, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Cléry, 1908, L'aéroplane Gasnier s'envole (Simple title: The Gasnier airplane is flying, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- LeBlanc, 1909, De l'aéroplane à l'Espéranto (Simple title: From the aeroplane to Esperanto, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Maxim, 1909, The evolution of the modern aeroplane (Simple title: The evolution of the modern aeroplane, Journal: Travel and Exploration)
- Publication 10157, 1909, The Ravaud aero-hydroplane. A new type of aeroplane adapted to rise from water (Simple title: The Ravaud aero-hydroplane. A new type of airplane adapted to rise from water, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication 12938, 1909, Wire gauze for aeroplane surfaces--a suggestion (Simple title: Wire gauze for aeroplane surfaces--a suggestion, Journal: Flight)
- Publication 276, 1909, Aeroplane design and construction (Simple title: Aeroplane design and construction, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication 275, 1909, Aeroplane design and construction (Simple title: Aeroplane design and construction, Journal: Flight)
- Publication 295, 1909, Aeroplane propellers (Simple title: Aeroplane propellers, Journal: Flight)
- Publication 289, 1909, L'Aéroplane 'Maurice Farman-Neubauer' (Simple title: The Maurice Farman-Neubauer airplane, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 347, 1909, Aeroplano Obre (Simple title: Airplane Obre, Journal: Riv. Techn. Aer. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication 46, 1909, Activity in aviation all over United States. Herzog Biplane, Downer's quintoplane, Aeroplane in Richmond, etc. (Simple title: Activity in aviation all over United States. Herzog Biplane, Downer's quintoplane, Aeroplane in Richmond, etc., Journal: Aeronautics)
- Wright, 1909, The fun of flying. The aeroplane from the aspect of sport. Aerial pleasures we may all enjoy very soon (Simple title: The fun of flying. The aeroplane from the aspect of sport. Aerial pleasures we may all enjoy very soon, Journal: Life)
- Beach, 1909, How an aeroplane is built (Simple title: How an aeroplane is built, Journal: Review of Reviews)
- Publication B2p0943e07, 1909, A naval aeroplane (Simple title: A naval aeroplane, Journal: Aero)
- Baden-Powell, 1909, Practical aerodynamics and the theory of the aeroplane (Simple title: Practical aerodynamics and the theory of the aeroplane)
- Cléry, 1909, L'aéroplane 'Antoinette V' (Simple title: The airplane 'Antoinette V', Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Curtiss, 1909, Sporting aeroplane (Simple title: Sporting aeroplane, Journal: Country Life in America)
- D'Air, 1909, Les ichtyophages aéroplaneurs (Simple title: The ichthyophagous aeroplaners, Journal: L'Aéro)
- Bell, 1909, Outlook on aviation, many topics (Simple title: Outlook on aviation. Wright Steering device, Cortland Field Bishop, French Aeronautic Congress, London Aeronautic Congress, The Hudson-Fulton Celebration, Orville Wright, Aviation at Annapolis, The Aero-Club of St. Louis, Aeroplane Race at Monte Carlo, An Aero Club at Washington, E. P. Newman, inven, Journal: Bulletin of the Aerial Experiment Association)
- Publication 1038, 1909, Aviazione (Simple title: Aviation. Airplanes Calderara-Goupy, Maurice Farman, Biplane Herring, Construction details of the Blériot XI monoplane, airplane 'Graham Bell,' etc., Journal: Riv. Techn. Aer. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Neilson, 1910, Aeroplane Patents (Simple title: Aeroplane Patents)
- Adams, 1910, Aeroplane engines (Simple title: Aeroplane engines, Journal: Flight)
- Bierbaum, 1910, Im Aëroplan über die Alpen. Geo. Chavez' Simplonflug (Simple title: In the Aeroplane over the Alps. Geo. Chavez's Simplon flight, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Elieson, 1910, Aeroplane v. dirigible (Simple title: Aeroplane v. dirigible, Journal: Flight)
- G.A., 1910, Aeroplane constructional details. The Cody biplane. Farman joints and parts. The Weiss monoplane (Simple title: Aeroplane constructional details. The Cody biplane. Farman joints and parts. The Weiss monoplane, Journal: Aero)
- Greene, 1910, Dr. William Greene's aeroplane at Morris Park (Simple title: Dr. William Greene's aeroplane at Morris Park, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Häntzschel, 1910, Modell eines Aëroplanes der Brüder Wright (Simple title: Model of an Aëroplan by the Wright brothers, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Miller, 1910, Chas. W. Miller's aeroplane, built by Wittemann (Simple title: Chas. W. Miller's aeroplane, built by Wittemann, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Müller-Bohn, 1910, Vom Ballon zum Aëroplan (Simple title: From balloon to aëroplan, Journal: Wien. Luftsch. Zeit.)
- Publication B2p1037e01, 1910, Photographing from an aeroplane. Pictures taken from Latham's Antoinette (Simple title: Photographing from an aeroplane. Pictures taken from Latham's Antoinette, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Publication B2p1015e01, 1910, Photograph of Paulhan in his aeroplane, Beachy in his dirigible, and Ferris in his spherical (Simple title: Photograph of Paulhan in his aeroplane, Beachy in his dirigible, and Ferris in his spherical, Journal: Aircraft)
- Wieczorek, 1910, Wireless on aeroplane with a note by Capt. Geo. A. Wieczorek, U. S. A (Simple title: Wireless on aeroplane with a note by Capt. Geo. A. Wieczorek, U. S. A, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Wilcox, 1910, Wireless telegraphy and the aeroplane (Simple title: Wireless telegraphy and the aeroplane, Journal: Air-Scout)
- Baden-Powell, 1910, The effect of wind on an aeroplane (Simple title: The effect of wind on an aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Aston, 1911, Aeroplane constructional details (Simple title: Aeroplane constructional details, Journal: Aero)
- Black, 1911, Flying machine dynamics and the use of a speed indicator for making an aero-plane safe (Simple title: Flying machine dynamics and the use of a speed indicator for making an aero-plane safe, Journal: Aircraft)
- Conneau, 1911, The aeroplane in naval service (Simple title: The aeroplane in naval service, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Dey, 1911, How fast and how high may an aeroplane go? (Simple title: How fast and how high may an aeroplane go?, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Grahame-White, 1911, The story of the aeroplane (Simple title: The story of the aeroplane, Journal: Fly Magazine)
- Aston, 1911, The effect of competitions on the aeroplane. How they may encourage the fittest type (Simple title: The effect of competitions on the aeroplane. How they may encourage the fittest type, Journal: Aero)
- Loening, 1911, Progress in aerodynamics. Studying the aeroplane in the laboratory (Simple title: Progress in aerodynamics. Studying the aeroplane in the laboratory, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- R. A., 1911, Aeroplanes in war (Simple title: Aeroplanes in war, Journal: Flight)
- Wittenbauer, 1911, Collection of problems on aeronautics. Aerostat, aeroplane and propeller (Simple title: Collection of problems on aeronautics. Aerostat, aeroplane and propeller)
- Lahm, 1911, Airship and aeroplane in war. The relative merits of the dirigible balloon and the aeroplane (Simple title: Airship and aeroplane in war. The relative merits of the dirigible balloon and the aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Armstrong, 1912, How to design a modern aeroplane (Simple title: How to design a modern aeroplane, Journal: Aero)
- Ecob, 1912, Soaring flight. A study of bird flight in its relation to the aeroplane (Simple title: Soaring flight. A study of bird flight in its relation to the aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Gheury, 1912, The evolution of an aeroplane (Simple title: The evolution of an aeroplane, Journal: Nature)
- Graham, 1912, Hike and the aeroplane (Simple title: Hike and the aeroplane, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Ludlow, 1912, Recent improvements in the aeroplane (Simple title: Recent improvements in the aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Merrill, 1912, A simple way to turn an aeroplane in flight. A novel method of using ailerons (Simple title: A simple way to turn an aeroplane in flight. A novel method of using ailerons, Journal: Fly)
- Martin, 1912, Across the Atlantic by aeroplane. The problem and suggestions for its solution (Simple title: Across the Atlantic by aeroplane. The problem and suggestions for its solution, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Lewkowicz, 1912, Aeroplane safety for one dollar (Simple title: Aeroplane safety for one dollar, Journal: Aircraft)
- Petroczy, 1912, Wertung der Aeroplanunfälle (Simple title: Evaluation of aeroplan accidents, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Ludlow, 1912, The aeroplane and the motion picture camera (Simple title: The aeroplane and the motion picture camera, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication B2p1432e24, 1912, A flying machine that folds its wings. Ingenious method of reducing the spread of an aeroplane (Simple title: A flying machine that folds its wings. Ingenious method of reducing the spread of an aeroplane, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- R. A., 1912, The military aeroplane (Simple title: The military aeroplane, Journal: Flight)
- Silverston, 1912, Aeroplane (Simple title: Aeroplane, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Shriver, 1912, Tod Shriver an aeroplane victim (Simple title: Tod Shriver an aeroplane victim, Journal: Fly)
- Woodhouse, 1912, The trail of the aeroplane (Simple title: The trail of the aeroplane, Journal: Flying)
- Zahm, 1912, Torque in aeroplane propellers. Theory and practical determination (Simple title: Torque in aeroplane propellers. Theory and practical determination, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Barton, 1912, The first British dirigible and aeroplane (Simple title: The first British dirigible and aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Adrianople, 1913, The part the aeroplane played in bringing about the fall of Adrianople. How it saved life and money (Simple title: The part the aeroplane played in bringing about the fall of Adrianople. How it saved life and money, Journal: Flying)
- Bellak, 1913, Brennbarkeit der Aeroplanstoffe (Simple title: Flammability of the aeroplan substances, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeits.)
- Breeze, 1913, The dreamed aeroplane (Simple title: The dreamed aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Green, 1913, Some automatic stability aeroplane patents (Simple title: Some automatic stability aeroplane patents, Journal: Flight)
- Huntington, 1913, A simple formula for computing gyroscopic forces in an aero-plane (Simple title: A simple formula for computing gyroscopic forces in an aero-plane, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Rebernigg, 1913, Der Aeroplan als Waffe (Simple title: The Aeroplan as a weapon, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeit.)
- Richardson, 1913, The behavior of an aeroplane in a steady wind (Simple title: The behavior of an aeroplane in a steady wind, Journal: Flying)
- Sellers, 1913, The fluid deflector of M. Constantin and its application to the aeroplane (Simple title: The fluid deflector of M. Constantin and its application to the aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Sykes, 1913, Aeroplane to speed up warfare (Simple title: Aeroplane to speed up warfare, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Woodhouse, 1913, Air targets for artillery and rifle practice. How experiments have shown that the aeroplane is practically immune from terrestrial fire, there being no gun as yet that can be trained upon it (Simple title: Air targets for artillery and rifle practice. How experiments have shown that the aeroplane is practically immune from terrestrial fire, Journal: Flying)
- Bazillac, 1914, The aeroplane of to-morrow. Variable surface, camber, and incidence, and their effect on sustentation, speed, and safety (Simple title: The aeroplane of to-morrow. Variable surface, camber, and incidence, and their effect on sustentation, speed, and safety, Journal: Flight)
- Delaunay, 1914, New experiments of M. Eiffel. Further light on aeroplane problems (Simple title: New experiments of M. Eiffel. Further light on aeroplane problems, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Glazebrook, 1914, T. The development of the aeroplane. What experiment and scientific research have done for the advancement of aviation (Simple title: The development of the aeroplane. What experiment and scientific research have done for the advancement of aviation, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Marvin, 1914, The aeroplane and weather forecasting (Simple title: The aeroplane and weather forecasting, Journal: Flying)
- Parmelin, 1914, Over Mount Blanc by aeroplane (Simple title: Over Mount Blanc by aeroplane, Journal: Flying)
- Publication B2p0300e17, 1914, Aeroplane and gyrostat control (Simple title: Aeroplane and gyrostat control, Journal: Sci. Amer.)
- Publication B2p0888e23, 1914, One aeroplane equal to whole cavalry division (Simple title: One aeroplane equal to whole cavalry division, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Publication B2p1379e22, 1914, A fighting aeroplane (Simple title: A fighting aeroplane, Journal: Navy)
- Walker, 1914, Two years' development of aeroplane and dirigible (Simple title: Two years' development of aeroplane and dirigible, Journal: Review of Reviews)
- Upson, 1914, The fallacy of the combined aeroplane and dirigible balloon (Simple title: The fallacy of the combined aeroplane and dirigible balloon, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- Von Muffling, 1914, Aeroplane and war (Simple title: Aeroplane and war, Journal: Lippincott's Monthly Magazine)
- Garnier, 1914, The variable speed aeroplane (Simple title: The variable speed aeroplane, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Béjeuhr, 1914, How the scientists are studying the aeroplane. Institutes of aerial engineering and their work (Simple title: How the scientists are studying the aeroplane. Institutes of aerial engineering and their work, Journal: Scient. Amer.)
- A. B. C., 1915, The A. B. C. aeroplane coming (Simple title: The A. B. C. aeroplane coming, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Adams, 1915, The problem of a suitable brake for an aeroplane (Simple title: The problem of a suitable brake for an aeroplane, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Berriman, 1915, The arrival of the aeroplane (Simple title: The arrival of the aeroplane, Journal: Flight)
- Brancker, 1915, S. Der Aeroplan im Kriege (Simple title: The aeroplane in war, Journal: Öst. Flug-Zeits.)
- Gallaudet, 1915, Aeroplane (Simple title: Aeroplane, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Guidoni, 1915, Early experiments at launching torpedoes from an aeroplane (Simple title: Early experiments at launching torpedoes from an aeroplane, Journal: Flying)
- Lake, 1915, A new type of aeroplane. An "even keel" flyer embodying many original features (Simple title: A new type of aeroplane. An "even keel" flyer embodying many original features, Journal: Scient. Amer. Suppl.)
- Lake, 1915, Fishing for submarines from an aeroplane (Simple title: Fishing for submarines from an aeroplane, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Kloneck, 1915, Aeroplane (Simple title: Aeroplane, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Palmer, 1915, Materials of construction. Aeroplane assembling materials. Screws, bolts, nails, wire, etc (Simple title: Materials of construction. Aeroplane assembling materials. Screws, bolts, nails, wire, etc, Journal: Aircraft)
- Palmer, 1915, What every one should know about the aeroplane (Simple title: What every one should know about the aeroplane, Journal: St. Nicholas)
- Palmer, 1915, The aeroplane and the Government Life-saving service (Simple title: The aeroplane and the Government Life-saving service, Journal: Aircraft)
- Publication B2p0829e19, 1915, The Post Office and the aeroplane (Simple title: The Post Office and the aeroplane, Journal: Flying)
- Publication B2p1174e22, 1915, Aeroplane that's safe (Simple title: Aeroplane that's safe, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Smith, 1915, Aeroplane (Simple title: Aeroplane, Journal: Aerial Age)
- Publication B2p0626e05, 1915, Heinrich Aeroplane Co., Inc. The aeroplane in peace and war (Simple title: Heinrich Aeroplane Co., Inc. The aeroplane in peace and war)
- Gommerstein, 1916, The aeroplane (Simple title: The aeroplane, Journal: Journal of the Society of Automobile Engineers)
- Bazillac, 1916, The aeroplane of to-morrow (Simple title: The aeroplane of to-morrow, Journal: Flight)
- Kaempffert, 1916, Aeroplane of to-day (Simple title: Aeroplane of to-day, Journal: Review of Reviews)
- Publication B2p0847e09, 1916, Massachusetts to be presented with aeroplane (Simple title: Massachusetts to be presented with aeroplane, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Wilson, 1916, Theory of an aeroplane encountering gusts. (Longitudinal stability.) (Simple title: Theory of an aeroplane encountering gusts; longitudinal stability, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Post, 1917, Aeroplane vs. captive balloon (Simple title: Aeroplane vs. captive balloon, Journal: Flying)