Armstrong, 1912, How to design a modern aeroplane

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Original title How to design a modern aeroplane
Simple title How to design a modern aeroplane
Authors E. R. Armstrong
Date 1912
Countries US
Languages en
Keywords how, design, new, aeroplane
Journal Aero
Related to aircraft? 1
Page count
Word count
Wikidata id


  • Brockett (1921), page 78, entry 18: Armstrong, E. R. How to design a modern aeroplane. Aero, Vol. 3, Nos. 15-20 (Jan. l3-Feb. 20, 1912), St. Louis, pp. 297-298, 305, 317-319, 337-339, 357-358, 377-378, 397-398, ill. (B2p0078e18)