
Explosive dropped from aircraft.
First bombing by balloon: siege of Venice, 1849[1]
Patent US-1863-37771 and Patent US-1885-315712 both describe unmanned aircraft designed for bombing.
Fullerton, 1893, Some Remarks on Aerial Warfare said "As regards the projectiles the long cylindrical type will be adopted, heavily weighted with powerful explosives".
First recorded bombing by airplane: 11 October 1911 in Italo-Turkish War.
Spaight, 1914, Aircraft in War, pp. 8–9:
Bomb-dropping or immediately destructive work of other kinds will also certainly be part of their duties, on account not only of the material damage caused but also of the moral effect of such a method of attack.
For the present a secondary rôle, bombarding seems bound to become in time as usual and important a part of the duties of the military airman as reconnaissance is to-day. Already the German Zeppelins can carry a ton and a half of explosives, and the carrying capacity of aeroplanes is being increased daily. Ingold's tanks held 136 gallons of petrol in his great flight of 1,300 miles, and an entrant for the trans-Atlantic aerial journey even proposes to carry 400 gallons. Soon one will see in existence aeroplanes able to lift and to discharge with safety weights of explosives which could destroy a Dreadnought.
- ↑ Brett Holman, "The first air bomb: Venice, 15 July 1849", Airminded, 22 August 2009.
See also
This wiki has 24 patents in category "Bomb". Other techtypes related to Bomb: USPC 89/28.05
Patents in category Bomb
- Patent US-1863-37771 (Inventors: Charles Perley, Filing date: 1862-01-24)
- Patent US-1857-16819 (English title: Bomb for killing whales, Inventors: Nathan Scholfield • W. W. Wight, Filing date: 1857-03-10)
- Patent GB-1884-2879 (English title: Captive war balloons, Inventors: Robert Low Duff, Filing date: 1884-02-07)
- Patent US-1885-315712 (English title: Aerial drop for explosives, Inventors: Moses L. S. Buckner, Filing date: 1884-09-17)
- Patent GB-1889-18952 (English title: War balloons, Inventors: William Howson, Filing date: 1889-11-26)
- Patent GB-1896-9142 (English title: Aeronautical Ships, Inventors: Edward Joel Pennington, Filing date: 1896-04-30)
- Patent GB-1909-19874 (English title: Instrument for Launching Projectiles, Inventors: Haydn Arnold Sanders, Filing date: 1909-02-25)
- Patent US-1911-1028502 (English title: Airplane sighting devices, Inventors: Frank Lee Slack, Filing date: 1911-02-07)
- Patent GB-1911-25642 (English title: Bombs for Aerial Purposes, Inventors: Francis Alexander Barton, Filing date: 1911-05-04)
- Patent FR-1911-432316 (English title: Sighting apparatus for airplanes, Inventors: Frank Lee Slack, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-1028502, Filing date: 1911-07-18)
- Patent GB-1911-16545 (English title: A Sighting Device for use on Aeroplanes or Dirigible Balloons, Inventors: Frank Lee Slack, Supplementary to patent: Patent US-1911-1028502, Filing date: 1911-07-18)
- Patent DE-1912-262073 (English title: Drop bomb for aircraft with detonating charge held away from the explosive charge until it is dropped, Filing date: 1912-03-24, Applicant firm: Vickers Limited)
- Patent RU-1913-27778 (English title: Self-propelled bomb driven by compressed air, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1913-454487, Filing date: 1913-06-06, Applicant firm: Société des Moteurs Salmson • Societe des Moteurs Salmson (Systeme Canton & Unne) • Общество Двигателей Сальмсона (системы Кантона и Юнне))
- Patent DE-1914-281087 (English title: Bombing-throwing apparatus for airplanes, Inventors: Johan Schütte, Filing date: 1913-07-22)
- Patent IT-1915-147017 (English title: Comprehensive aiming apparatus for launching bombs from aircraft, Inventors: Arturo Mosconi, Filing date: 1915-01-08)
- Patent DE-1915-304015 (English title: Bomb with parachute for aircraft, Inventors: Ludwig Meyer, Filing date: 1915-02-17)
- Patent DE-1915-303442 (English title: Bomb-dropping mechanism, Inventors: Paul de Gruyter, Filing date: 1915-07-31)
- Patent DE-1915-308314 (English title: Bomb release mechanism, Filing date: 1915-10-01, Applicant firm: M. &. R. Popp)
- Patent DE-1916-333105 (English title: Bomb-dropping apparatus, Inventors: Oscar Wilcke, Filing date: 1916-09-12, Applicant firm: Luftschiffbau Zeppelin G. m. b. H.)
- Patent HU-1916-72267 (English title: Automatic bomb-launcher, Inventors: Lajos Vigh • Károly Konta, Filing date: 1916-12-06)
- Patent FR-1917-484532 (English title: Mobile nacelle for airplanes, Inventors: Libérat Dubuisson, Supplementary to patent: Patent BE-1916-276115, Filing date: 1916-11-06)
- Patent FR-1917-503812 (English title: Bomb launchers for airplanes and airships, Inventors: Paul Schmitt, Filing date: 1917-10-24)
- Patent FR-1917-495792 (English title: Aerial bombardment apparatus , Inventors: Roberto Joppert Martin, Filing date: 1917-11-02)
- Patent US-1918-1315065 (English title: Aerial-Navigation Instrument, Inventors: Harry Egerton Wimperis, Filing date: 1918-12-26)
Publications referring to Bomb
- Hauvel, 1886, Étude d'un hélicoptère monté pour l'aéronautique militaire (Simple title: Study of a helicopter raised for military aeronautics, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- Maxim, 1891, Aerial navigation, The power required (Simple title: Aerial navigation, The power required, Journal: Century Mag.)
- Springer, 1908, Flying machines in warfare (Simple title: Flying machines in warfare, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Maxim, 1909, High explosives in aerial warfare as a source of energy (Simple title: High explosives in aerial warfare as a source of energy, Journal: Aeronautics (US)
- Renard, 1910, Les aéronefs de guerre (Simple title: The airships of war, Journal: La Revue Aérienne)
- Maxim, 1910, Aerial warfare (Simple title: Aerial warfare, Journal: Aircraft)
- R. A., 1912, Bomb dropping (Simple title: Bomb dropping, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p1158e11, 1914, Brilliant work of R. F. C. astonishes Allies (Simple title: Brilliant work of R. F. C. astonishes Allies, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Talbot, 1915, Aëroplanes and dirigibles of war (Simple title: Aëroplanes and dirigibles of war)
- Regnault, 1915, À propos des escadres d'avions (Simple title: About aircraft squadrons, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Balfour, 1915, Truth about air raids (Simple title: Truth about air raids, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Bronson, 1916, Lieuts. Bronson and Welsh, U. S. N., killed testing bomb (Simple title: Lieuts. Bronson and Welsh, U. S. N., killed testing bomb, Journal: Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering)
- Publication B2p1484e01, 1916, A Zeppelin bomb on Holland (Simple title: A Zeppelin bomb on Holland, Journal: Flight)
- Lebedev, 2014, First Airfields of Saint Petersburg (Simple title: First Airfields of Saint Petersburg, Journal: 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences)
- Langham, 2016 (Simple title: Bloody Paralyser: the Giant Handley Page Bombers of the First World War)
Enclosing categories | Military |
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Keywords | USPC 89, Projectile |
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