Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié

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Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié, sometimes listed simply as Louis Balestrie was an aero inventor working with elaborate precision within the heavier-than-air field. We have him as “Louis Balestrie” and located at Bouches-du-Rhône; France.[1] We have him as “Louis Balestrie” and located at rue Monge, 46, Paris, Seine; France.[2] We have him as “Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié” and using that same address.[3] That repeated address across both name variations served as perhaps our final proof that the two name forms referred to the same inventor. We have him as “Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié” and situated at avenue du Maine, 178, Paris, Seine; France.[4]

The simply-titled “Machine volante” of Patent FR-1908-395696 was actually an aircraft designed decoratively to actually resemble a bird. It combined wings of the flapping variety with a central propeller, the latter used exclusively in the interests of forward propulsion.

This person had 0 publications and 3 patents in this database.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié


Names Louis Balestrie; Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrie; Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié
Countries FR
Locations Bouches-du-Rhône, France, rue Monge, 46, Paris, Seine, France, avenue du Maine, 178, Paris, Seine, France
Tech areas Heavier-than-air, Wings, Flapping, Propellers, Propulsion, Design, Aerodynamics, Ascension, Lift, Landing, Sustentation
Family name
Birth date
Death date
Wikidata id