Patent FR-1913-410528.18241

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This is the second addition to Patent FR-1909-410528, which was filed 1909-12-24. The first addition to said patent, that is, Patent FR-1910-410528.12630, is also enumerated on this original document. It seems quite possible that this Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié is the same as the Louis Balestrie elsewhere in our data.


Year filed 1913
Year granted 1913
Office FR
Patent number 18241
Inventors Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié
Inventor country FR
Inventor location Paris, Seine
Applicant person Louis-Pierre-Guilhaume Balestrié
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? Yes
Original title Hélice ondulée à ailettes
English title Corrugated propeller
Tech fields Propellers, Propulsion, Design
Filing date 1913/08/23
Full specification filed date
Application number 18241D
Grant date 1913/12/20
Granted? Yes
Publication date 1914/02/28
Supplementary to patent Patent FR-1909-410528
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent
Assigned to
National tech categories FR 6.2
IPCs IPC B64C11/16
CPCs CPC B64C11/16
Family year 1909
First filing? No
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID 18729325
INPADOC family ID 5197543
Number of text pages 1
Number of diagram pages 1
Number of figures 5
Number of claims 1