CPC B64D27/00
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Arrangements of power plant in aircraft.[1][2]
- ↑ CPC B64D27/00 element at Espacenet web site
- ↑ CPC B64D27/00 element listed at USPTO
This wiki has 40 patents in category "CPC B64D27/00". Other techtypes related to CPC B64D27/00: CPC B64D2700/62763
Patents in category CPC B64D27/00
- Patent US-1914-1118205 (English title: Transmission-drive for dirigible airships, Inventors: Sarkis Jelalian, Filing date: 1914-06-11)
- Patent FR-1903-336955.3471 (English title: New dirigible blade for balloons, Inventors: George Seibert, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1903-336955, Filing date: 1903-07-13)
- Patent FR-1904-342223 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for air, sea, or land vehicles, Inventors: Hermann Hoernes, Filing date: 1904-04-12)
- Patent DE-1904-173595 (English title: Propulsion apparatus for air- and water-craft, and for other transport-vehicles, Inventors: Hermann Hoernes, Filing date: 1904-12-01)
- Patent FR-1907-417818 (English title: Device to facilitate the launch of aeroplanes and to regulate their flight., Inventors: Paul-Nicolas Lucas-Girardville, Filing date: 1907-12-31)
- Patent FR-1908-393413 (English title: Improvements brought to airplanes, Inventors: Albert Bonnet-Labranche, Filing date: 1908-07-29)
- Patent GB-1909-6038 (English title: Improvements in the Driving Mechanism of Aeroplanes, Inventors: Arthur John Rowledge, Filing date: 1909-03-13, Applicant firm: Wolseley Tool and Motor Car)
- Patent FR-1909-400903 (English title: Transmission system for dirigible balloons and boats, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Filing date: 1909-03-16)
- Patent US-1911-1006734 (Inventors: Thomas F. Dunn, Filing date: 1909-04-21)
- Patent FR-1909-418313 (English title: System for regulating propulsion of aircraft while maintaining direction, Inventors: Émile-Jean-Jules Salmson • Pierre-Emmanuel Aimé, Filing date: 1909-09-23)
- Patent GB-1910-22124 (English title: Improvements in or relating to aerial vessels, Inventors: Hildago Moya, Filing date: 1909-09-28)
- Patent GB-1909-22475 (English title: Improvements in Propelling Mechanism of Vessels or Machines for Aerial Navigation, Inventors: William John Potter, Filing date: 1909-10-02)
- Patent FR-1909-408644.11929 (English title: Atmospheric propeller for aviation and aerostation, Inventors: Pierre Le Goaziou, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-408644, Filing date: 1909-12-17)
- Patent DE-1910-232736 (English title: Device for automatic activation of the auxiliary motor in power systems with primary and secondary motor, Inventors: Adolf Havel, Filing date: 1910-01-11)
- Patent DE-1910-232736 (English title: Device for automatic activation of the auxiliary motor in power systems with primary and secondary motor, Inventors: Adolf Havel, Filing date: 1910-01-11)
- Patent GB-1910-3506 (English title: Improvements in Aeroplanes, Inventors: Boris Loutzky, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-412531, Filing date: 1910-02-12)
- Patent GB-1910-5473 (Inventors: Thomas Christopher Murphy • James Murray Bett, Filing date: 1910-03-04)
- Patent GB-1910-14755 (English title: Improvements to vehicle propulsion, Inventors: Gebruder Seltzer, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1906-28040, Filing date: 1910-06-18)
- Patent US-1911-992410 (English title: Aerodrome, Inventors: Edward J. Elsas, Filing date: 1910-10-05)
- Patent GB-1910-500 (English title: Improvement in or relating to Aeroplanes, Inventors: Joseph von Korwin, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1909-408197, Filing date: 1910-10-20)
- Patent GB-1911-466 (English title: Safety Moto-propelling Device with Change of Speed for Aeroplanes, Inventors: Vigilio Baldo, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT-1909-12-31 Vigilio Baldo, Filing date: 1911-01-07)
- Patent GB-1911-8398 (English title: Improvements in or connected with Aerial Machines, Inventors: William Edward Joseph Vavasour, Filing date: 1911-04-04)
- Patent GB-1911-27161 (English title: Mounting of Aerial Propellers, Inventors: Rupert John Isaacson, Supplementary to patent: Patent GB-1911-27160, Filing date: 1911-12-04)
- Patent FR-1912-444074 (English title: Control system for aviation motors blades, Filing date: 1912-05-21, Applicant firm: Établissements de Dion-Bouton)
- Patent FR-1913-468076 (English title: Implement of transmission linking up at will motors and the servomotor of a dirigible, between them and otherwise serving, Inventors: Adolphe Clément-Bayard, Filing date: 1913-04-13)
- Patent FR-1913-462881 (English title: Control system for two propellers coupled to two motors, Inventors: Jules-Louis Didier, Filing date: 1913-09-23)
- Patent GB-1914-8862 (English title: Improved Form of Construction for Aeroplanes and Hydro-aeroplanes, Inventors: Stanley William Hiscocks • Sydney James Waters, Filing date: 1914-04-08)
- Patent US-1914-1160021 (English title: Propelling mechanism, Inventors: Edville Adelus Watson, Filing date: 1914-12-22)
- Patent FR-1915-498337 (English title: Improvements brought to airplanes, Inventors: Gianni Caproni, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1914-02-11, Filing date: 1915-02-08)
- Patent FR-1916-478724 (English title: System of blade mounting, concentrically to the axis and around the fuselage of aeroplanes, Inventors: Armand Dufaux, Filing date: 1915-04-06)
- Patent GB-1915-2204 (English title: Improvements in or relating to Flying Machines, Inventors: Gianni Caproni, Supplementary to patent: Patent IT-1914-02-11-Caproni, Filing date: 1915-07-08)
- Patent FR-1915-502554 (English title: Propeller control apparatus for twin-engine airplanes, Inventors: Louis Renault, Filing date: 1915-11-24)
- Patent FR-1915-502674 (English title: Manner and means of fixing a airplane propeller control mechanism to the fuselage, Inventors: Louis Renault, Filing date: 1915-12-27)
- Patent FR-1916-502873 (English title: Improvements in airplanes, Inventors: Antoine Cazanave, Filing date: 1916-03-30)
- Patent US-1917-1364731 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Gustave Delage, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1916-502680, Filing date: 1917-08-07, Applicant firm: Société Anonyme des Établissements Nieuport)
- Patent US-1918-1276778 (English title: Aeroplane, Inventors: Paul Loveczky, Filing date: 1918-03-13)
- Patent GB-1918-131044 (English title: Improvements in Aeroplane Flying Machines having Multiple or Twin Engines, Inventors: Hugh Oswald Short, Filing date: 1918-04-03)
- Patent DE-1918-353525 (English title: Engine arrangement for aircraft, Inventors: Henrik Bier, Supplementary to patent: Patent AT 1918-03-12 • Patent AT-1918-03-29, Filing date: 1918-04-24)
- Patent US-1921-1435236 (English title: Flying machine, Inventors: William S. Hull, Filing date: 1921-04-04)
- Patent GB-1927-298181 (English title: Improvements in or relating to driving gear for aircraft propellers, Inventors: Sydney James Waters, Filing date: 1927-07-05, Applicant firm: Gloster Aircraft Company, Limited)
Enclosing categories | CPC B64D |
Subcategories | CPC B64D27/02 |
Keywords | CPC B64D2700/62763 |
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