Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company, Inc.

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We have the Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company or the Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company, Inc. as situated in New York, NY, and as a Corporation of New York.[1] That is, Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company, Inc. is to be differentiated from the Sperry Gyroscope Company, founded by Lawrence's father Elmer Ambrose Sperry, though Lawrence's collaboration with the older firm was to continue.

The work between these firms and individuals is always to been seen as interrelated. It may be that this newer firm put a slightly increased emphasis on the gyroscope's application to instruments, rather than to stability. The newer firm's name naturally suggests orientation towards aircraft more generally.

Patents associated with organization named Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company, Inc.

Names Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company, Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Company, Inc.
Country US
Locations Brooklyn, New York City, New York City, Kings county, NY, New York
Keywords Gyroscope, Airplane, Biplane, Design, Instrument, Propellers, Wings, Traction, Aerodynamics
Started aero 1917
Ended aero
Key people Lawrence Burst Sperry
Wikidata id
  1. Patent US-1917-1339006 The corporate location puts the emphasis on New York, as a city, whereas most of our location data on the Sperry Gyroscope Company and on Lawrence's personal address puts the emphasis on "Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and the State of New York", with no emphasis on "New York City", per se. We don't know whether Lawrence's newer firm was situated in Manhattan, for instance, or the precise degree to which Brooklyn may have been considered as relatively provincial. We do have Lawrence Burst Sperry still personally addressed at 1505 Albemarle road, Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and the State of New York though appearing as the assignor to the Sperry Gyroscope Company.ref>Patent US-1918-1309489