Gesellschaft für Ausführung freitragender Dachkonstrukcionen in Holz System Stephan G. m. b. H.

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We know of this firm's being located in Dusseldorf [1]. This is one instance, rare though not unique, of a firm's being established primarily in the interest of the organized production and otherwise implementation of one invention, or “system”. The corporate name translates literally as “Company for the execution of self-supporting roof constructions in wood system “Stephan” G. m. B. H.” This all has to do with hangars for airships. More on any pertinent individual “Stephan” would of course be of interest.

Patents associated with organization named Gesellschaft für Ausführung freitragender Dachkonstrukcionen in Holz System Stephan G. m. b. H.


Organization names Gesellschaft für Ausführung freitragender Dachkonstrukcionen in Holz System “Stephan” G. m. b. H.
Entity type
Country Germany
City Dusseldorf
Affiliated with
Started aero
Ended aero
Keywords LTA, Airship, Hangars, Infrastructure, Construction, Design, Wood
Key people
Wikidata id