Edmond-Émile Marchand

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Edmond-Émile Marchand was an aero inventor, filing from avenue de Vaucelles, 13, Chaton, département Seine-et-Oise, France.[1]

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Edmond-Émile Marchand

  • Patent FR-1910-411227 (English title: Parachute airplane with special propeller that can also be applied to dirigible balloons, Filing date: 1910-01-03)
  • Patent FR-1910-411227.13506 (English title: Parachute airplane with special propeller that can also be applied to dirigible balloons, Supplementary to patent: Patent FR-1910-411227, Filing date: 1910-12-05)
  • Patent FR-1912-452285 (English title: Sinusoidal self-stability wings for aircraft, Filing date: 1912-12-23)


Names Edmond-Émile Marchand
Birth date
Death date
Countries FR
Locations avenue de Vaucelles, 13, Chaton, département Seine-et-Oise, France
Tech areas Wings, Airplane, Stability, Aerodynamics, Design, Equilibrium, Control, Steering, Parachutes, Propellers, Descent
Wikidata id