Cristòfol Juandó i Rafecas

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Cristòfol Juandó i Rafecas was an aero pioneer in Catalonia along with his son Salvador Juandó i Rovirosa. His family name is Juandó, and Rafecas was his mother's family name.[1]

Sources identify the author variously:

  • Catalan: Cristòfol Juandó i Rafecas
  • Spanish: Cristòfol Juandó y Rafecas
  • English: Cristòfol Juandó

His most native name is the Catalan one, and this work was published using the Spanish one.

His parents were Salvador Juandó i Casas and Rosa Rafecas i Puig. "Father was a merchant and had been a councilor of the Villanueva City Council. Mother, Geltrunenca, was the sister of one of the founding partners of the Xoriguer factory."[2]

Cristòfol was born in "Plaça de les Neus in Vilanova i la Geltrú". "He married Bonaventura Rovirosa."[2]

He became a business person, associated with railroads, the Banco de Vilanova, the manager of a newspaper, and a stock market investor.[2]

  • "In 1864 Monturiol had constituted La Navegación Submarine to finance the development of its submarine apparatus, a society similar to the one that Juandó would later create"[2]
  • Monturiol found success . . . "when [he] mounted a gun for warlike purposes. Juandó never dismissed that option and proclaimed: 'my flying machine can become an implacable killing machine.' Soon, the first war world would confirm it.[2]
  • CJ "founded the company El Genio Mecánico in Calle Modolell de Sant Gervasi, a factory of artistic objects and pond toys." (translation uncertain)
  • "In 1869 Juandó gathered data around the flight of the albatrosses."[2]
  • "Juandó lived for a while in Cuba . . . he soon moved to Barcelona."[2]
  • At age 33, Juandó became one of the founders/partners "of the railway company from Barcelona to Vilanova i la Geltrú and Valls and [of] the Banco de Vilanova."
  • 1881: "The Ramon Poch newspaper, bellman of San Antonio, brings us some details of the generosity of Juandó coinciding with the inauguration of the railway December 1881: '(...) Notables were mainly Houses such as Casa de la Vila, Casa de Bank, House of D. Juan Torrent and Cristofol Juandó (...)'"
  • "Juandó shared with Verne those ideas, but also the hobby of the stock market, poetry, Esperanto, and a romantic and rebellious spirit. Juandó had occupied the direction of the Barcelona newspaper Las Noticias, fundado en 1896 como Diario Ilustrado de Avisos, Noticias, Anuncios y Telegrams That newspaper served as a privileged tribune to publicize them his theories and projects."
  • Uh oh! "Clement Ader, considered the father of aviation . . ."[2]

From Tubau, needing cleanup and unpacking:

In 1885 at age 37 Juandó fell body and soul into the project, causing decline and erosion of his financial assets. the step from the Juandó financial to the inventor Juandó.

In April 1900 he published a first synthesis of his theories and projects, a brochure of about eight pages published in Barcelona under the title "La Navegación aerial Aviation. It included this statement: "The mechanism for my invention is a wing rotary mechanism without which aviation is not possible, just as terrestrial or marine locomotion was not practical without the wheel".

Juandó demonstrated that a device at a calculated real speed of 360 Kilometers per hour could be around the world in just under five days. In May 1900 Juandó opened a popular subscription with the issue of 20,000 Heels of 100 pesetas as a financing formula of what was already known as "The Juandó Aviator":

"Given the special nature of the invention the inventor does not believe a practical exploitation will be a business base until the solution is an undeniable reality. . . ."

His son Salvador Juandó i Rovirosa acted as administrator of the company . . .

The statutes and regulations of the Universal Company of Air Navigation, Aviation, a public limited company domiciled in Barcelona i written in 1901.

In the patent chapter we have a patent application for invention of March of 1901 under the heading "Appareil propulsion for aviation" taken by his son Salvador Juandó and Rovirosa through the house "Brevets d'Invention H. Josse" of Paris. The French government granted a patent for fifteen years. Previously it had been Managed another patent in Germany.

The newspaper La Renaixensa , in its edition of October 10, 1902, wrote of the Juando's craft in the exhibition of the flying apparatus on the street of Rivadeneyra.

A quote suggests that in an exhibition in the September of 1902 in the Plaza de Cataluña Juando's craft was seen by 1551 people who paid 1 Peseta to enter.

In this role of opponent Fierce stood out the astronomer Josep Comas i Solà, president, as has already been said, of the Association of Aerial Locomotion. I had written to La Vanguardia opinions like those that follow: "they leave almost to discovery by day of machines flying (...) There and there aviators are built by unfamiliar people of the most basic principles of mechanics. "And despite the knowledge and the His scientific condition added: "air navigation will never be over maritime navigation, much less to ground locomotion in the field essentially practical, neither in driving, nor in safety, nor in speed, nor in comfort (...) The air navigation tests will never be more than failures or mere sports curiosities ".

Josep Comas i Solà

The vilanoví Ferrer Parera havia fet referència to the polèmiques that enfrontaven He jumped from El Diluvio i a Comas des de La Vanguardia tot affirming that: "the cartoons and satires appeared caustic and biting in the press as a result of each conferéncia or public writing of our man ". v The crossing of the desert w The little or no acceptance of the seus projectes dugueren Juandó at the highest level inst instncies of the country. On March 26, 1902, he directed a first missatge to the president of the Consell de Ministres Práxedes Mateo Sagasta. The arguments are reiteratius: "having discovered, after many years and sacrifices, the principle or law natural flight of the birds, and having made it practical through mechanic, has the satisfaction of taking for granted the transcendental problem of air navigation by means of devices that can be controlled at will, which may lead to board all the necessary personnel of war, who will dominate and cross the space with unknown speeds in locomotion. " Tampoc estalviava arguments patriòtics: "presuming, without a doubt, that the first nation that solves the problem will obtain the preeminence and dominance in the world; It seems providential, HE, Mr. our beloved Spain, so crushed by its recent misfortunes, the first get, not only the scepter and glory in this universal scientific struggle, but amazement of humanity. " The request of Juandó fou ignored in first instance and denied later. The 20 de gener de 1903 feia un salt qualitatiu i s'adreçava per escrit al monarca Alfons XIII in aquests termes: "Fighting painfully with the disbelief of the vulgar and with the suspicious doubt of some men of study, I have achieved, after many labors and sufferings, bring to the conscience of many the conviction of having discovered the formula of apply a mechanical procedure the principle or natural law of the flight of birds, Serenely solving the problem of air navigation by aviation (...) These words must seem like the delirium of an enlightened poor man, who came to the world to leave the impression that science too has its victims; and without However, Sir, my studies are available to all to justify that the illusions of a vain ignorance are not what dictate my words. " A missatge of solitude and impotence that would lead to timid threats of pose to the servei d'altres estats: "It is of God that I have to entrust to my alone forces the painful task of clearing the

intelligences of my fellow citizens to allow them to see, if not understand, the series untold benefits that for humanity in general, and for our Homeland especially, they would be born from the reality of my discovery (...) A mysterious attraction calls me to other towns where the struggles of intelligence seem to reality more frequent than in ours ". It would not be the end of the 13th of 1911 that Juandó would take the cap d'estat. No hi ha novetats significatives: "After 25 years of constant studies, sleepless nights, sacrifices and managed to reach the ingrained and serene conviction of having completely solved the problem of the avegation, with the characteristic of supporting my apparatuses orthogonally in the air and not tangentially as the present ones do airplanes, cause of their instability. " Finalment, ens fem ressò of the letter that l'11 de maig de 1913 addressed to the president del govern, Álvaro de Figueroa, the Count of Romanones. S'exhaurien les darreres oportunitats i ell ho wise: "with a particular character and not officially because the matter that motivates it must have quick solution and otherwise it would be late and annoying. " v Theory and little practice w Apassionat detractor dels globus aerostàtics i similars, Juandó acusava els seus promoters to delay the desenvolupament de l'aviació. Els primés només contribute to deviate l'atenció del veritable objectiu: aixecar aparells pesats. The premise of the time also contributed to diffuse the seus principis teòrics: "the fonament scientfic del aparell d'en Juandó that does not matter more than copy the medis de volar dels animals, is not altra que'ls dos principis de Mecànica següents: the weight that s'alsa is in direct rahó of the cuadrat de la velocitat, and, the forsa s'emplea per al travall is on the reverse side of the pes que s'alsa. Altre principi completes the rational basis of the aviator, principle that sees esser a synthesis dels You study about Senyor Juandó about animal aviation. According to the principle that dit senyor s'en atribueix the primitivitat diu that: per endure a pes qualsevol in l'ayre does not need to get a point of equal or higher support, but a point of support of such value that multiplied by the velocitat dongui'l pes of the cos alsat ". The inventor hi contributed to a writing of June 1903 parlant dels detalls del propeller, main element of the project: "Our propeller consists of a kind of rotating wing, equipped with blades that open and close at the appropriate times, which applied in number convenient to an air vehicle heavier than air, it will produce the advance, the elevation, the recoil of it, thanks to the resistance that the air will present to its more or less rapid movement of rotation and according to the moments in which open or close their shovels ".

Another important element to make the project viable was the engine. In September of 1901 Juandó received the plans of a model four-cylinder Buchet engine and 24 horses manufactured in Paris. That same year he had presented his works to the Aereo Club of the French capital and was named a member of that society. In Vilanova i la Geltrú the news did not go unnoticed and the local newspaper in did a regular follow-up Thus, on July 19, 1901 he announced a first one Flight test for the month of August: "being his first trip, as is known, to this one villa. "And he added:" provided that the Juandó Aviator stands up for its own Effort ten meters from the ground, it does not matter that it falls shattered. " Neither that nor any other proof would be possible without the money needed to build the device. A detailed budget prepared in May 1903 encrypted the construction "of an aircraft with six rotating wings, four of which of support and two propulsion for two or more passengers or conductors "in  30,107 pesetas, of which 10,000 corresponded to the engine and the accessories. The own Salvador Samà i Torrents, Marquess of Marianao, acted as mediator between the inventor and the ministry of war. In relation to the technical details of the project, it is necessary to consider the participation of Ricard Munné i Soler, another villain. The news of this collaboration was given by the bookseller and writer Joan Rius i Villa in an article in the Diario de Vilanova in 1955 and through the correspondence that In those years I stayed with Munné, resident in Argentina. Munné had born in 1878 in the Plaza del Carros and had worked as a mechanic in different cities of France. In Barcelona I agreed with Juandó that involved him in the project. In a letter addressed to Rios and Vila on April 23, 1954, Munné relates: "In the year 1902 I assembled and installed a 4-cylinder French brand Buchet engine and 24 Horsepower on a machine to fly, while building the whole machinery for the operation of the wings, the inventor who was called Cristobal Juandó and Rafecas, also from Villanueva, after working one year, for lack capital could not continue, then I returned to France later I knew the inventor died in helplessness. " In 1955 Munné continued in Argentina, enjoying grandchildren and other family and writing his memoirs. It was then that he sent to the Víctor Library-Museum Balaguer plans the flying apparatus that, he said, had saved for 53 years. v Aviation 1904 w In 1904 Juandó gave another decisive step in his desire to make known his investigations He goes on to criticize the aerostats in criticizing current aviation:

"currently they are only concerned and concerned about it in the nations that march to the head of progress; but I have to point out to you that the vast majority of them they start from the false base of testing their devices, pulling themselves from a flying height from top to bottom; when the true flight consists of rising from below above" That one edits a llibret that appoints bona part of the seves teories i explicacions. L'encapçala a quote from José Echegaray: "The atmosphere has not surrendered to floating balloon ?. For he will have to surrender to metal and fire. "The text recull the transcription of a public debate to Barcelona on the inventor was interpellated about them Seves investigacions. The local climate was not favorable, as it was interpreted by the introduction of the moderator: "I will try to fulfill my role with the most loyal and impartial impartiality, without stopping telling them that I have the full conviction that air navigation by aviation is a utopia, and especially if it tries to solve it is a person that no scientific title possesses ". The explanations d'en Juandó anaven in the direcció de semper: "the propeller is finished and well concluded and is the result of my efforts and of thousands of hours of vigil and I do not know how much phosphorus exhausted brain I have consumed; leaving aside the non-negligible disbursements that I made in my own private practice in my long studies and very patience tests ". In finalitzar the conclusions, the president asked: - Tell me V. Mr. Inventor, Is it V. engineer ?. - No sir, something witty Mr. President. The room I answered amb la lògica incredulitat that Juandó goes to rebatre: "but you will see it when they see my flying device in all directions on this cultured, beautiful and enterprising city, on my native town, Villanueva and Geltrú and on the whole world from the same North Pole to the Pole Sud itself ". In an altre moment de debat is digué: "And what speed has V. fixed for your device?": - "The one of the swifts, 100 meters per second, 360 kilometers per hour. "- But do you see that this speed it's a barbarity? Per Juandó, seu aparell afavoriria the political and peaceful unitat of the món, l'accés als economic and natural resources i, in contradiction evident, esdevindria a powerful weapon of war. Atacava els aerostats amb ironia: "I think that if Montgolfier's wife had not ironing her petticoats and I would not have placed them on top of the stove, where he heated his plates to dry up sooner, Humanity did not He would have gone astray to solve this big problem. " Exposava com a exemple les pedres que llencen els nens: "the body that has to break through the air, must gather two indispensable conditions, weigh a lot and have little volume. "Òbviament, els globus eren la negació d'ambdós principis. eleven

11 v The time ends w From time to time, Juandó received the timid recognition of his surroundings. In March of 1910 had the opportunity to publicly show a model of the device on the occasion of the exhibition organized by the Aerea Locomotion Association in Barcelona. There it They presented all those news related to the world of aviation and one collection of models: "the pinyol of the exhibition was the device of dimensions natural of the engineer Brunet, and also another large-scale model and projected built by Dr. Verdaguer and a model of Juandó, "the precursor". This Last adjective is significant enough. Juandó also had edited a postcard with reproduction or scale model of what he called the "Multíptero or Flugilarillo Sistema Juandó", accompanied He added: "Air navigation is heavier than air." It is interesting the etymology of those names: "I call it Multipiper derived from the Greek that means many wings and Fluguilarilo derived from the Universal Esperanto language that distorted the word starting at the end such what should be means "or" termination, "il" instrument, machine or device, "ar" meeting or set, "il" instrument, "Flugu" radical of the verb fly, and together Machine composed of several instruments or wings to fly. " On March 4, 1911, the Technical Board of the Aerostatic Service of Guadalajara presided over by equal colonel Pedro Vives issues the unfavorable opinion to the request for support made by Juandó. A resolution that it rebuked Hard point by point two months later through a letter of twenty-three. The conclusion of the technical commission made reference that:  "the reading of the mentioned ones documents makes the scarcity understand of technical knowledge of the author that as it is logical he has not succeeded in substituting them with the products of your imagination " Among "the most bulky errors of the sustained by the author "were les main convictions of Juandó: la generalization of more device flights heavy that the air, the uselessness of the helix,  the little importance of the weight of the engine, the possibility to travel from Barcelona to the North Pole in 14 hours and 40 minutes or talk of speeds of 360 kilometers per hour. At the discretion of the evaluation committee They were: "elements of judgment that are sufficient reason so that it should not be taken in consideration ". Juandó contemplated it in terms of "palabrería" and "ignorancia". I compared the disbelief that woke up with electricity. A facet that occupied thousands of 12 12 people "and nobody still knows what it is." For Juandó, the advances in the field of electricity was conclusive "to not make fun of anything in this young world and not to try ignorants to be silly and crazy ".

On WorldCat as a book

  • 1908: "In Catalonia, the Air Locomotion Association was formed on December 20 of 1908 on the initiative of Josep Comas i Solà, its first president. Juandó was a member of the Aero-Club de France, a pioneer society full of noblemen."[2]
  • "About a year and a half later a Blériot machine driven by the French Laforestier rose to the beach of Sitges to Tarragona to fall short then at the height of Els Colls."[2]
  • 1910: "In 1910 aviation was inaugurated in Catalonia with the flight of Frenchman Lucien Mamet a the old racecourse of Can Tunis."[2]
  • April 1913: a technical report was issued by the Association of Engineers Industrias de la Agrupación de Barcelona and the Foment del Treball where they recognized Juandó's design for ingenuity but expresed the need for more details and measurements.
  • 1913-1917: In his last years Juandó tried to get support for more aeronautic work but didn't get it.

Tubau cites these works of Juando which are said to be clear:[2]

  • Cristòfol Juandó. "Air navigation. Aviation", Imp. by Josep Cunill, Barcelona, ​​1900.
  • Cristòfol Juandó "Air navigation. Aviation, rather, aviation", Imp. López Robert, Barcelona, ​​1904.

and cites these sources we otherwise haven't seen so far:[2]

  • "Josep Canudas, the historian of Catalan aviation," -- see Canudas, 1983
  • Josep COMAS; "Something about air navigation." To the "Scientific Notes" of La Vanguard of May 3, 1902
  • Ramon Ferrer. "A Villanovan, precursor of aviation. The inventor of the avocation. "BLUE, 1947
  • Antoni MUNNÉ; "About Cristòfol Juandó". Diario de Vilanova of January 9 of


  • Luis SANTALÓ; "History of the Aeronautics", Ed. Espasa-Calpe, Buenos Aires, 1946

Publications by or about Cristòfol Juandó i Rafecas or Cristòfol Juandó y Rafecas or Cristòfol Juandó


  1. this source at which spells his first name Cristóbal
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Albert Tubau i García. 2002. Retrat (portrait) No. 20: Cristòfol Juandó i Rafecas. Discovered online at web site. Has bibliography; seems reliable. On WorldCat as a book

Names Cristòfol Juandó i Rafecas; Cristòfol Juandó y Rafecas; Cristòfol Juandó
Birth date January 28, 1848
Death date February, 1917
Countries ES
Locations Barcelona?; Vilanova i la Geltrú
Tech areas Propulsion
Wikidata id