Patent FR-1911-435977
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As with much of this inventor's work with automatic airplane stability, this patent orientates towards that end by way of the compression and direction of compressed air, responsive to flight conditions, via pipes, or piping, or tubes, towards the surfaces of lift and aerodynamic control.
- Original patent document and bibliography entry on espacenet
- Patent FR435977A on google patents
- Inventor location: Seine-Inférieure; France
Year filed | 1911 |
Year granted | 1912 |
Office | FR |
Patent number | 435977 |
Inventors | Jules Sandret |
Inventor country | FR |
Inventor location | |
Applicant person | Jules Sandret |
Applicant firm | |
Applicant type | INDIV |
Applicant is inventor? | Yes |
Original title | Appareil stabilisateur équilibreur automatique pour aéroplanes et planeurs |
English title | Self-balancing stabilizer for airplanes and gliders |
Tech fields | airplane, gliders, stability, equilibrium, control, aerodynamics, subsystem, wings, pistons, automatic stability |
Filing date | 1911/11/04 |
Full specification filed date | |
Application number | 435977D |
Grant date | 1912/01/10 |
Granted? | Yes |
Publication date | 1912/03/14 |
Supplementary to patent | |
Related to aircraft? | Yes |
Serial number | |
Patent agent | E. Blétry |
Assigned to | |
National tech categories | FR 6.4 |
IPCs | IPC B64C1/00, IPC B64C17/00 |
CPCs | CPC B64C2700/6218, CPC B64C17/00 |
Family year | 1911 |
First filing? | Yes |
Cites these patents | |
Citations from after 1930 | |
Application ID | 19254531 |
INPADOC family ID | 5325919 |
Number of text pages | 3 |
Number of diagram pages | 1 |
Number of figures | 1 |
Number of claims | 1 |