Patent BE-1914-265367

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Patent BE-1914-265367

This patent entry is designated “inv.”(invention), rather than “imp.”(importation), though it makes reference to an American patent filed 14-01-1914, that is, to Patent US-1914-1169695. The American patent was granted, later, in 1916.

« Des séries be tambours d’enroulement reliés aux plans d’équilibre de l’aéroplane peuvent être réunis temporairement avec un arbre tournant constamment. »

“Series be winding drums connected to the planes of balance of the airplane can be temporarily united with a constantly rotating shaft.”

The Belgian title includes this: "..., faisant l’objet d’une première demande de brevet américain, non encore accordée, déposée le 14 janvier 1914, sous le bénéfice de la convention internationale du 20 mars 1883", meaning ", the subject of a first American patent application, not yet granted, filed on January 14, 1914, under the benefit of the international convention of March 20, 1883"

  • Inventor location: Norwood Palace, Pittsburg, USA
  • Patent agent location: Brussels

This source gives “THAW (A.-W.)” as the name of the inventor. This is clearly Alexander Blair Thaw, though the “-W.” is of interest in that we have a pilot-author William Thaw as well.

Patent family descending from Patent US-1914-1169695


  • RdBdI Tome 62, 1914, January-August

Year filed 1914
Year granted 1914
Office BE
Patent number 265367
Inventors Alexander Blair Thaw
Inventor country US
Applicant person Alexander Blair Thaw
Applicant firm
Applicant type INDIV
Applicant is inventor? 1
Original title Perfectionnements aux stabilisateurs pour aéroplanes
English title Improvements to stabilizers for aeroplanes
Tech fields airplane, stability, design, equilibrium
Filing date 1914/03/05
Full specification filed date
Application number
Grant date
Granted? 1
Publication date
Supplementary to patent Patent US-1914-1169695
Related to aircraft? 1
Serial number
Patent agent Raclot
Assigned to
National tech categories BE K
Family year 1914
First filing? 0
Cites these patents
Citations from after 1930
Application ID
Number of text pages
Number of diagram pages
Number of figures
Number of claims