Aerial law
Aerial law governed what people could do with aircraft once built. It includes domestic laws and international agreements; civil and military purposes.
A key concept is airspace (air-space), referring to the air extending upward from an area of ground. The question is to what extent does ownership of the ground extend to ownership of the air.
Early aircraft law was influenced by a body of precedents already governing airspace. In England these precedents extend back to two cases, in 1598 and 1610, in which courts ruled that landowners could not build structures overhanging their neighbor's property in the air, even if they didn't touch the ground beyond the property line. Similar cases occurred in England and in the US through the nineteenth century, extending to smaller trespasses of airspace, including tree branches. "Land hath also, in its legal signification, an indefinite extent, upwards as well as downwards"—opinion of William Blackstone in the 1760s—was the guiding doctrine.[1]
See also
- International Law Association, Commission on Aerial Law
- Lin, 1932, Aeronautical Law in Time of War
- Hazeltine, 1911, The Law of the Air
- ↑ Banner, 2008, pp. 16–20.
Publications referring to aerial law
- Publication 471, 1903, Airship problems and universal free trade (Simple title: Airship problems and universal free trade, Journal: Aer. World)
- Meerson, 1909, Codification of the law in the air (Simple title: Codification of the law in the air, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Baden-Powell, 1909, Law in the air; a momentous problem for legislators (Simple title: Law in the air; a momentous problem for legislators, Journal: Living Age)
- Baden-Powell, 1909, Flight and the right to fly (Simple title: Flight and the right to fly, Journal: Flight)
- Howell, 1910, A layman's view of aerial law (Simple title: A layman's view of aerial law, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Sirch, 1910, A newly discovered right of way (Simple title: A newly discovered right of way, Journal: Aeronautics (US))
- Myers, 1910, Law and the air (Simple title: Law and the air, Journal: Aircraft)
- De Valles, 1910, El espacio aéreo y su propiedad (Simple title: The aerial space and its ownership, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Imbrecq, 1910, Jurisprudencia de aeronáutica (Simple title: Jurisprudence of aeronautics, Journal: Revista de Locomoción Aérea)
- Hubbard, 1911, Aspects of aerial legislation (Simple title: Aspects of aerial legislation, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Myers, 1912, The advance toward aerial law (Simple title: The advance toward aerial law, Journal: Aircraft)
Publications referring to law
- Dujeux, J.C.B, Ministère de l'Intérieur, 1842, Catalogue des brevets d'invention délivrés en Belgique, du 1er novembre 1830 au 31 décembre 1841 (Simple title: Catalogue of the invention patents delivered in Belgium, from the 1st of November 1830 to the 31st of December 1841)
- Dujeux, J.C.B., publié d'après les documents mis en ordre par-, 1846, Recueil des lois et des règlements en vigueur sur les brevets d'invention, chez les différents peuples, précédés des rapports qui ont déterminé la législation française (Simple title: Assemblage of laws and regulations in force over invention patents, preceded by relations or comparisons which have determined French legislation)
- Anoul, Auguste, 1854, Brevets d'invention : Commentaire de la loi du 24 mai 1854, suivie d'un résumé des principales législations étrangères (Simple title: Invention patents: Commentary on the law of 24 May 1854, followed by a summary principle pieces of foreign legislation)
- Publication 7856, 1859, Loi pour la direction des aérostats (Simple title: Law for the direction of aerostats)
- Morin, 1869, Observations sur la loi du mouvement d'ascension et sur les variations de densité de l'air (Simple title: Observations on the law of the ascent movement and on the variations of the density of the air, Journal: C. R. Acad. Sci.)
- Picard, Edmond, Picard, Émile, 1883, Deuxième tirage, Code général des brevets d'invention contenant le texte de toutes les lois et de tous les règlements actuellement en vigueur dans les divers pays du globe (Simple title: General code of invention patents containing the text of all the laws and all the regulations in force in the diverse countries of the globe, Second edition)
- Means, 1896, Senate Bill, No. 302, A bill to secure aerial navigation (Simple title: Senate Bill, No. 302, A bill to secure aerial navigation, Journal: Aeronautical Annual)
- Means, 1897, Une loi proposée au Sénat des Etats-Unis. Bill du Sénat n° 302 (Simple title: A proposed law in the United States Senate. Senate Bill No. 302, Journal: L'Aéronaute)
- André, Louis, 1899, Traité des brevets d'invention et de la contrefaçon industrielle : Commentaire comparé de la législation belge de la législation française et de la convention internationale de 1883 (Simple title: Treatise on invention patents and the piracy of intellectual (or "industrial") property : Commentary comparing Belgian legislation, French legislation and the international convention of 1883)
- Calmels, Ed., 1900, Du projet de loi relatif aux brevets d'invention présenté au corps législatif (Simple title: On the project of law relative to invention patents presented to the legislatif body)
- Janets, 1902, Le domaine aérien et le régime juridique des aérostats (Simple title: The aerial domain and the legal regime of aerostats, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Raclot, H., 1904, 4e éd., Brevets d'invention : Résumés du texte complet des lois régissant la propriété industrielle dans toute l'Europe et dans les principaux pays industriels des autres continents précédé d'un aperçu de droit comparé (Simple title: Invention patents: Summaries of the complete text of the laws governing the industrial (intellectual) property in all Europe and in the principle industrial countries of the other continents preceded by an overview of comparative law, 4th edition, updated)
- Zahm, 1907, The law of atmospheric resistance of wires and rods (Simple title: The law of atmospheric resistance of wires and rods, Journal: Nav. the Air)
- Publication 4564, 1908, First airship law (Simple title: First airship law, Journal: Aeronautics)
- Publication 6660, 1908, Das Juryurteil im Kölner Ausscheidungsverfahren für den Gordon-Bennett Wettbewerb (Simple title: The jury verdict in the Cologne elimination process for the Gordon-Bennett competition, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Bossard, 1909, Law and aerial navigation (Simple title: Law and aerial navigation, Journal: Fly)
- Gill, 1910, One law for the aviateur and another for mere man? (Simple title: One law for the aviateur and another for mere man?, Journal: Aero)
- Ruzer, 1911, Aeronautical law. First congress of the International Juridical Committee of Aerial Navigation (Simple title: Aeronautical law. First congress of the International Juridical Committee of Aerial Navigation, Journal: Vestnik Vozdukhoplavaniya)
- Lycklama à Nijeholt, 1911, Prescriptions légales concernant l'obligation de tolérer des conduites électriques aériennes (Simple title: Legal requirements concerning the obligation to tolerate overhead power lines, Journal: Revue Juridique Internationale de la Locomotion Aérienne)
- Publication B2p0012e19, 1912, The Aerial navigation act (Simple title: The Aerial navigation act, Journal: Aeronautics (UK))
- Flight, 1912, Is the Wright patent antedated? (Simple title: Is the Wright patent antedated?, Journal: Flight)
- Publication B2p0467e20, 1913, Federal aero bill ordered printed (Simple title: Federal aero bill ordered printed, Journal: Aero and Hydro)
- Publication B2p0847e03, 1913, Massachusetts air-craft act (Simple title: Massachusetts air-craft act, Journal: Flying)
- Fisher, Smart, & Lynch, 1913, Canadian Patent Law and Practice (Simple title: Canadian Patent Law and Practice)
- Publication B2p0622e03, 1914, Act creating substantial U. S. Army aviation organization (Simple title: Act creating substantial U. S. Army aviation organization, Journal: Flying)
- Galvez-Behar, 2019 (Simple title: The Patent System during the French Industrial Revolution)