Alphonse-Louis-Prosper Bouchet

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Alphonse-Louis-Prosper Bouchet was an aero inventor, whom French patent data locates within département Seine-et-Oise, France.[1]

He was quite possibly related to Maurice Bouchet, a near contemporary, and just conceivably connected to Bouchet-Doumenq, an aero-innovator, woking with propulsion a generation earlier. (This hyphenated surname, Bouchet-Doumenq, comes up in French searches, in association with a botanist and a painter. We presently lack further information.)

This person had 0 publications and 2 patents in this database.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Alphonse-Louis-Prosper Bouchet


Names Alphonse-Louis-Prosper Bouchet
Countries FR
Locations Seine-et-Oise
Tech areas Airplane, Design
Family name
Birth date
Death date
Wikidata id